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Re: Is this candida?

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All the symptoms you have are symptoms of candidaLee

All the symptoms you have are also that of gluten intolerance! Ha! I have both. I know! Hee hee. Seriously though, my doctor, as well as naturopath, dietician and womans health advisor (4 people) explained to me that there is still much research to be done on both candida symptoms, as well as those of coeliac disease. In many cases of CD, candida is present. They aren't sure which comes first. Not that EVERY patient will have both. Just very common with coeliacs to also have candida overgrowths.

Why not ask your doc for Immunoglobulin tests? They are called IgA and IgG - testing for gliaden (protien of gluten - which is in wheat, barley, rye and oats). Also, I wouldn't hesitate to ask for the IgE test too. Mine is sky high. I know that I have a bad allergy to grasses, but there are food allergies too. Next test I would like to have done is that of the stool, where they test for food and chemicals. Then I'll know what percentages are grasses and what percentages are food allergies. Put them all together and get organised with a diet. A candida diet, mixed with gluten free, milk free, and whatever else free. I know this is a long, tedious, lonesome journey, but it will be worth it. I am convinced of it. Also, candida can lower your iron levels, so it's worth having your iron checked too.

Press on,


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I'm not a doctor, but I have had those symptoms in the past and I have

candida. Candida's a sneaky thing, as it can affect most bodily symptoms,

but your tests (like mine) could come up normal. While your symptoms could

be just about anything (I'm suspecting candida, though) it may help you to

try the candida diet for awhile, as well as a bodily cleanse. Even if it

isn't candida, cleanses help most health problems...and, the candida diet,

while it's a headache, is healthier than the mainstream American diet.

Sugar really isn't good for anyone, nor is wheat gluten. In other words,

while it may or may not be candida, it can only help you if you try an

anticandida diet and a cleanse. It can help even healthy people to try

garlic and other immune system helpers, for instance. My feeling is if a

naturopath says you have candida, it's worth taking that opinion seriously

and trying the diet, appropriate herbs, and cleanses. It couldn't hurt.

Best of luck.


Barb Lien

>From: magalyf@...



>Subject: Is this candida?

>Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 23:17:40 -0000


>I was wondering if those who are knowledgeable in candida can help

>me. I have my heart beating hard but not fast. I feel tired alot too.

>I was told by a nutrionist that i had candida in the gut and vagina.

>But are these symptoms above candida? I was tested many times for

>everything by various doctors and the tests came back either normal

>or negative. I also have gas/bloating, burping, extreme fatigue.

>Dizzy when i get up from bending over, like black-out feeling. I am

>currently taking provera hormone for perimenopause and to slough my

>uterus lining out that was found to be built-up too much. (unopposed

>estrogen)Thanks for any response......



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In a message dated 08/16/2000 7:20:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

magalyf@... writes:

<< I have my heart beating hard but not fast. I feel tired alot too.

I was told by a nutrionist that i had candida in the gut and vagina.

But are these symptoms above candida? I was tested many times for

everything by various doctors and the tests came back either normal

or negative. I also have gas/bloating, burping, extreme fatigue.

Dizzy when i get up from bending over, like black-out feeling. >>

I had those symptoms and got my Doc to test me for hyperthyroidism - you

might want to have your TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) checked. for more

info, please visit:

<A HREF= " http://the-thyroid-society.org/ " >The Thyroid Society</A>


Hope this helps you, and since my hyperthyroid diagnosis and upon starting

thyroid meds, my life has been improved so much.



2000/08/16 9:07:42 pm EST

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Magaly, i was having so many heart palpatations my Dr. gave me Lorazapan to

help me relax during my die-offs. before the medications you could hear the

heart beating fast but after the pill it is a lot more quieter. i still take

it nightly at 1/2 mg. The pharmacist said it was not habit forming at such a

low dose. i had a parasite or SOMETHING go thru my heart muscle about 3

years ago & i was put on heart medication, it took me a year to convince the

Dr. my heart was Ok after having this one insident (sp) Mogadore

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All the symptoms you have are symptoms of candida


magalyf@... wrote:

> I was wondering if those who are knowledgeable in candida can help

> me. I have my heart beating hard but not fast. I feel tired alot too.

> I was told by a nutrionist that i had candida in the gut and vagina.

> But are these symptoms above candida? I was tested many times for

> everything by various doctors and the tests came back either normal

> or negative. I also have gas/bloating, burping, extreme fatigue.

> Dizzy when i get up from bending over, like black-out feeling. I am

> currently taking provera hormone for perimenopause and to slough my

> uterus lining out that was found to be built-up too much. (unopposed

> estrogen)Thanks for any response......




> Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to



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For the past 4-5 yrs, I have been using the initials CD - to be Crohn's Disease, but now I see it's also used for Coeliac disease. How can we differentiate between the two. I know crohns is not spoken about here, but when I see CD, I automatically think of crohns.

Still having a migraine attack.. it's getting ridiculous and I'm not combating anything well now.

Being a crohns sufferer, I always have IgA and IgG testing.

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