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Is this group for me?

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Hi everyone,

My name is Sylvia. A little history first, I was told at age 21 that I had

arthritis in several of my fingers of both hands. That was 28 years ago.

20 yrs ago, I fell down stairs and hit my lower spine on each step. Being 20

years younger I got up, brushed myself off and felt bruised. Never saw a Dr.

My lower back becomes stiff and painful more and more as I get older.

16 years ago all my fingers would swell at the middle joint, become stiff and

painful. This is when I first saw a rheumatologist. He told me I had RA

after evaluating my x-rays. He put me on naprosin and that's when all the

trouble started. I took my first and last pill then. It caused so much

stomach problems such as diarreah for 6 hrs straight. Eventually this led to

inflamation of the duodinal area, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and

inflammation of the stomach.

2 years ago I developed pain and swelling in my right knee. X-rays showed

nothing. At that same time I began feeling severe pain in my collor bone

(joint nearest center of neck) radiating through the left shoulder and

stabbing back into the shoulder blade. X-rays of the shoulder and collar

bone showed nothing, MRI's and CT scan showed minimal bone spurs. A neck

X-ray showed bone spurs in the 5th and 6th vertebrae and the 2nd and 3rd are

fused together. I was told that an injection in the collar bone joint was

too risky because it was too close to the lungs. Surgery was no guarantee

that the spurs wouldn't come back. My RD put me on celebrex in Feb of 99'

and I felt much better in just 2 days. I had to stop the celebrex after 8-9

months because I began feeling a constant gnawing ache in my stomach. Tried

again a month later, but the gnawing ache began again. I have learned to

live with this and don't move my shoulder very much anymore.

To add insult to injury, on April 26th I fell down my stairs (again) when my

left ankle went out from under me causing a sprained ankle as I took a flying

leap off the last 4 steps and landed on ceramic tiled floor with my shoulder.

My ankle swelled (lump size of an egg) and blacker than black & blue up to

the toes. Having just started in a new position, I took several sick days

and then went to work (cane and all). I know now that was not the thing to

do. I should have seen a Dr right away. It took me several weeks to see a

Dr and got it X-ray'd which showed no break or fracture. However, it showed

arthritis in the ball of the foot and the toes. I have been in Physical

therapy for nearly 3 months now. While favoring the left foot, my right knee

began swelling and popped with pain when I got up from a sitting position.

The X-ray showed bone spurs in the knee cap. At this point in time my RD

sent me to an orthopeadist. He could not do anything for my ankle or

shoulder. When I told him that almost every bone in my body feels bruised

when slight pressure is applied, he suggested that my RD run a rheumatoid

profile. I told him I had one done a short time ago and came back within

normal limits. He further suggested that my RD should check for SERONEGATIVE

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. I don't have a clue as to what this is versus RA or

Osteo. I have checked online and found little to no information. Does

anyone know if there is a special blood test that checks for this?

The therapist noticed my shoulder (lack of motion) and ordered an MRI. It

shows the cartiledge is thinning/degenerating between the ball and socket.

Could this mean the start of arthritis? If so, which type?

The therapist was the one who suggested taking an X-ray of the knee, the PT

Dr ordered the shoulder MRI and the ortho Dr ordered the ankle MRI. My RD

put me on Ultram, gave me 16 days samples with pre-printed manufacturer

instructions. He never gave me an Rx to continue them, nor instructed me to

ween off them. Having no more pills after16 days, I began to crash off them

for 3 days without sleep, jumping out of my skin and sensations of needles &


When I next saw him (month later), I asked him if the disability paperwork

was completed and sent in. He angrily told me how extremely busy his office

is and that he had to take the papers home the night before to complete them.

I'm sure billing the insurance for services doesn't wait a month???? He

then informs me that I don't have RA, that it is Osteo. My RD has not

performed to my satisfaction lately and would like to change (lack of) his

services. What can I do right about now since he is the primary physician

for my short term disability claim?

Anyway, I proceeded to inquire why he hadn't informed me about the

addiction/withdrawal from Ultram. Asked him if the therapist had called

requesting a knee X-ray. He just looked at me as though I wasn't there. He

further made matters worse by making a comment that irked me to no end. He

told me to watch my back, that insurance companies sometimes send out

investigators to video tape disability claims. What nerve? This indicated

that he did not believe my injuries were real. I was appalled and insulted

that my own Dr. would say something like that. He should only know ( & feel)

the kind of pain I've been in.

I'm sorry about going on and on. This is the only way for everyone to

understand what I'm going through and be able to give some advice. This is

all new for me and I'm not quite sure if I even have RA. I do know I have a

great deal of pain. Besides finding another RD, what criteria do I need to

know before choosing one? What questions are important to ask? Do people

with RA have bones feeling bruised when slight pressure is applied?? Such as

crossing & uncrossing ankles while laying in bed, sitting on a hard surface

(bathtub) for more than 10 minutes, sleeping in the side position with knees


I would appreciate any and all advice.



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you are in the right group. your story sounds like a few of the other girls

in this group. your dr was right they will send out people to watch you.

wishing you lots of lucky and glad your in this group. everyone can give you

a few ideas and we all understand.


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Sylvia asks:

Do people with RA have bones feeling bruised when slight pressure is

applied?? Such as

crossing & uncrossing ankles while laying in bed, sitting on a hard

surface (bathtub) for more than 10 minutes, sleeping in the side position

with knees together.

***I know I do. It hurts sometimes just to be hugged by my kids. My

skin is so tender everywhere that I feel like I am one giant bruise. I

was under the impression that this was more from the FM than the RA

though. What say the rest of you?


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Welcome, Sylvia!

I am so very sorry that all of the things you describe (and I'm sure there

are even more) have been happening to you for all of these years.

I believe that this is a good group for you. We have people with all sorts

of combinations of diagnoses and others, like myself, who are not yet

diagnosed. There is much to learn here. As importantly, you will find

genuine support here.

As for the question about whether you have RA or osteoarthritis: you were

far too young at the age of 21 (and really still are at 49) to have a

diagnosis of osteoarthritis as your primary diagnosis. It's possible, but

very, very unlikely. You certainly could have osteo in some of your joints,

but, again, that shouldn't be your primary diagnosis.

Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis means clinical symptoms of rheumatoid

arthritis are present, but the rheumatoid factor (RF) blood test is

negative. The RF is not really of much value without clinical indications of

the disease (like the pattern of joint involvement, prolonged morning

stiffness, erosions seen on x-rays, etc.), because it can be positive with

other diseases and conditions, too. Perhaps as many as 25% of RA patients do

not have a positive rheumatoid factor (And that's a lot of people! We have

several seronegative RA sufferers in our group).

This link has a nice explanation of the answers to many common questions

about RA, including what seronegative RA is:


These links are good illustrations of what the rheumatologist considers when

doing a differential diagnosis:



Regarding your shoulder, what you describe could happen as a result of RA,

but a competent rheumatologist needs to evaluate you.

Sorry to swear, but your current rheumatologist is an a**hole. I can't

answer the disability related question, but I hope someone else will. You

really should see a different doctor. Your current rheumy is correct in

saying that people may follow you, but his tone and word choice mean

everything! I can only imagine how horrible the whole encounter was for you.

Couldn't finish the disability paperwork in a month? Too busy? Too busy

doing what? Spending time on more profitable endeavors???? I'm getting

steamed over here!!!!!!

Please don't apologize about the length of your intro. I'm sure it was hard

to condense it to what it is. We all can get a better idea of your situation

if you offer us many details. I hope we can help you.

Remember, you aren't alone. Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens all

the time. Sad but true.

Hang in there, Sylvia!

----- Original Message -----

From: <booper51@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 2:53 PM

Subject: [ ] Is this group for me?

> Hi everyone,

> My name is Sylvia. A little history first, I was told at age 21 that I


> arthritis in several of my fingers of both hands. That was 28 years ago.


> 20 yrs ago, I fell down stairs and hit my lower spine on each step. Being


> years younger I got up, brushed myself off and felt bruised. Never saw a


> My lower back becomes stiff and painful more and more as I get older.


> 16 years ago all my fingers would swell at the middle joint, become stiff


> painful. This is when I first saw a rheumatologist. He told me I had RA

> after evaluating my x-rays. He put me on naprosin and that's when all


> trouble started. I took my first and last pill then. It caused so much

> stomach problems such as diarreah for 6 hrs straight. Eventually this led


> inflamation of the duodinal area, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome


> inflammation of the stomach.


> 2 years ago I developed pain and swelling in my right knee. X-rays showed

> nothing. At that same time I began feeling severe pain in my collor bone

> (joint nearest center of neck) radiating through the left shoulder and

> stabbing back into the shoulder blade. X-rays of the shoulder and collar

> bone showed nothing, MRI's and CT scan showed minimal bone spurs. A neck

> X-ray showed bone spurs in the 5th and 6th vertebrae and the 2nd and 3rd


> fused together. I was told that an injection in the collar bone joint was

> too risky because it was too close to the lungs. Surgery was no guarantee

> that the spurs wouldn't come back. My RD put me on celebrex in Feb of 99'

> and I felt much better in just 2 days. I had to stop the celebrex after


> months because I began feeling a constant gnawing ache in my stomach.


> again a month later, but the gnawing ache began again. I have learned to

> live with this and don't move my shoulder very much anymore.


> To add insult to injury, on April 26th I fell down my stairs (again) when


> left ankle went out from under me causing a sprained ankle as I took a


> leap off the last 4 steps and landed on ceramic tiled floor with my


> My ankle swelled (lump size of an egg) and blacker than black & blue up


> the toes. Having just started in a new position, I took several sick days

> and then went to work (cane and all). I know now that was not the thing


> do. I should have seen a Dr right away. It took me several weeks to see


> Dr and got it X-ray'd which showed no break or fracture. However, it


> arthritis in the ball of the foot and the toes. I have been in Physical

> therapy for nearly 3 months now. While favoring the left foot, my right


> began swelling and popped with pain when I got up from a sitting position.

> The X-ray showed bone spurs in the knee cap. At this point in time my RD

> sent me to an orthopeadist. He could not do anything for my ankle or

> shoulder. When I told him that almost every bone in my body feels bruised

> when slight pressure is applied, he suggested that my RD run a rheumatoid

> profile. I told him I had one done a short time ago and came back within

> normal limits. He further suggested that my RD should check for


> RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. I don't have a clue as to what this is versus RA or

> Osteo. I have checked online and found little to no information. Does

> anyone know if there is a special blood test that checks for this?


> The therapist noticed my shoulder (lack of motion) and ordered an MRI. It

> shows the cartiledge is thinning/degenerating between the ball and socket.

> Could this mean the start of arthritis? If so, which type?


> The therapist was the one who suggested taking an X-ray of the knee, the


> Dr ordered the shoulder MRI and the ortho Dr ordered the ankle MRI. My RD

> put me on Ultram, gave me 16 days samples with pre-printed manufacturer

> instructions. He never gave me an Rx to continue them, nor instructed me


> ween off them. Having no more pills after16 days, I began to crash off


> for 3 days without sleep, jumping out of my skin and sensations of needles


> pins.


> When I next saw him (month later), I asked him if the disability paperwork

> was completed and sent in. He angrily told me how extremely busy his


> is and that he had to take the papers home the night before to complete


> I'm sure billing the insurance for services doesn't wait a month???? He

> then informs me that I don't have RA, that it is Osteo. My RD has not

> performed to my satisfaction lately and would like to change (lack of) his

> services. What can I do right about now since he is the primary physician

> for my short term disability claim?


> Anyway, I proceeded to inquire why he hadn't informed me about the

> addiction/withdrawal from Ultram. Asked him if the therapist had called

> requesting a knee X-ray. He just looked at me as though I wasn't there.


> further made matters worse by making a comment that irked me to no end.


> told me to watch my back, that insurance companies sometimes send out

> investigators to video tape disability claims. What nerve? This


> that he did not believe my injuries were real. I was appalled and


> that my own Dr. would say something like that. He should only know ( &


> the kind of pain I've been in.


> I'm sorry about going on and on. This is the only way for everyone to

> understand what I'm going through and be able to give some advice. This


> all new for me and I'm not quite sure if I even have RA. I do know I have


> great deal of pain. Besides finding another RD, what criteria do I need


> know before choosing one? What questions are important to ask? Do people

> with RA have bones feeling bruised when slight pressure is applied?? Such


> crossing & uncrossing ankles while laying in bed, sitting on a hard


> (bathtub) for more than 10 minutes, sleeping in the side position with


> together.


> I would appreciate any and all advice.

> Regards,

> Sylvia

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Welcome Sylvia. I have seronegative RA. All it means is that I have a

negative rheumatoid factor. I still have inflammation, fatigue, joint

erosion, elevated sed and crp rates. I've been on many meds, and know how

they can affect your stomach. I can relate to your doctor problems. Many

of us had to go to several RD's before finding one that they like. I'm

doctor shopping myself right now. I've been to 2 different ones in the last

few weeks, but haven't had the energy to write about my visits. I've been

in a bad flare and am limiting my time typing.

I've collected many links and put them on a website.

http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/Drugs%20 & %20testing.htm

has a page full of sites that explain lab tests and help you find doctors.

I update the site several times a week, so check back often for new


You will learn a lot about this disease and the treatment options.


----- Original Message -----

From: <booper51@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 3:53 PM

Subject: [ ] Is this group for me?

> Hi everyone,

> My name is Sylvia. A little history first, I was told at age 21 that I


> arthritis in several of my fingers of both hands. That was 28 years ago.


> 20 yrs ago, I fell down stairs and hit my lower spine on each step. Being


> years younger I got up, brushed myself off and felt bruised. Never saw a


> My lower back becomes stiff and painful more and more as I get older.


> 16 years ago all my fingers would swell at the middle joint, become stiff


> painful. This is when I first saw a rheumatologist. He told me I had RA

> after evaluating my x-rays. He put me on naprosin and that's when all


> trouble started. I took my first and last pill then. It caused so much

> stomach problems such as diarreah for 6 hrs straight. Eventually this led


> inflamation of the duodinal area, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome


> inflammation of the stomach.


> 2 years ago I developed pain and swelling in my right knee. X-rays showed

> nothing. At that same time I began feeling severe pain in my collor bone

> (joint nearest center of neck) radiating through the left shoulder and

> stabbing back into the shoulder blade. X-rays of the shoulder and collar

> bone showed nothing, MRI's and CT scan showed minimal bone spurs. A neck

> X-ray showed bone spurs in the 5th and 6th vertebrae and the 2nd and 3rd


> fused together. I was told that an injection in the collar bone joint was

> too risky because it was too close to the lungs. Surgery was no guarantee

> that the spurs wouldn't come back. My RD put me on celebrex in Feb of 99'

> and I felt much better in just 2 days. I had to stop the celebrex after


> months because I began feeling a constant gnawing ache in my stomach.


> again a month later, but the gnawing ache began again. I have learned to

> live with this and don't move my shoulder very much anymore.


> To add insult to injury, on April 26th I fell down my stairs (again) when


> left ankle went out from under me causing a sprained ankle as I took a


> leap off the last 4 steps and landed on ceramic tiled floor with my


> My ankle swelled (lump size of an egg) and blacker than black & blue up


> the toes. Having just started in a new position, I took several sick days

> and then went to work (cane and all). I know now that was not the thing


> do. I should have seen a Dr right away. It took me several weeks to see


> Dr and got it X-ray'd which showed no break or fracture. However, it


> arthritis in the ball of the foot and the toes. I have been in Physical

> therapy for nearly 3 months now. While favoring the left foot, my right


> began swelling and popped with pain when I got up from a sitting position.

> The X-ray showed bone spurs in the knee cap. At this point in time my RD

> sent me to an orthopeadist. He could not do anything for my ankle or

> shoulder. When I told him that almost every bone in my body feels bruised

> when slight pressure is applied, he suggested that my RD run a rheumatoid

> profile. I told him I had one done a short time ago and came back within

> normal limits. He further suggested that my RD should check for


> RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. I don't have a clue as to what this is versus RA or

> Osteo. I have checked online and found little to no information. Does

> anyone know if there is a special blood test that checks for this?


> The therapist noticed my shoulder (lack of motion) and ordered an MRI. It

> shows the cartiledge is thinning/degenerating between the ball and socket.

> Could this mean the start of arthritis? If so, which type?


> The therapist was the one who suggested taking an X-ray of the knee, the


> Dr ordered the shoulder MRI and the ortho Dr ordered the ankle MRI. My RD

> put me on Ultram, gave me 16 days samples with pre-printed manufacturer

> instructions. He never gave me an Rx to continue them, nor instructed me


> ween off them. Having no more pills after16 days, I began to crash off


> for 3 days without sleep, jumping out of my skin and sensations of needles


> pins.


> When I next saw him (month later), I asked him if the disability paperwork

> was completed and sent in. He angrily told me how extremely busy his


> is and that he had to take the papers home the night before to complete


> I'm sure billing the insurance for services doesn't wait a month???? He

> then informs me that I don't have RA, that it is Osteo. My RD has not

> performed to my satisfaction lately and would like to change (lack of) his

> services. What can I do right about now since he is the primary physician

> for my short term disability claim?


> Anyway, I proceeded to inquire why he hadn't informed me about the

> addiction/withdrawal from Ultram. Asked him if the therapist had called

> requesting a knee X-ray. He just looked at me as though I wasn't there.


> further made matters worse by making a comment that irked me to no end.


> told me to watch my back, that insurance companies sometimes send out

> investigators to video tape disability claims. What nerve? This


> that he did not believe my injuries were real. I was appalled and


> that my own Dr. would say something like that. He should only know ( &


> the kind of pain I've been in.


> I'm sorry about going on and on. This is the only way for everyone to

> understand what I'm going through and be able to give some advice. This


> all new for me and I'm not quite sure if I even have RA. I do know I have


> great deal of pain. Besides finding another RD, what criteria do I need


> know before choosing one? What questions are important to ask? Do people

> with RA have bones feeling bruised when slight pressure is applied?? Such


> crossing & uncrossing ankles while laying in bed, sitting on a hard


> (bathtub) for more than 10 minutes, sleeping in the side position with


> together.


> I would appreciate any and all advice.

> Regards,

> Sylvia


> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start


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Welcome Sylvia. I gave a rather short answer last night. This is a great

group here. I think you can benefit from lots of information and support

from these people. I am also seronegative but that is only a number. I am

told 20% of the RA people are seronegative. We suffer in exactly the same

way as the positives do. I hope you can find a dr. and drug that will help

you. Take care and keep us posted.


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Hello Sylvia,

Welcome to the group, you have come to right place. There are many with

similar problems as you have. I am sure you will find answers right here.

First thing I would do is get another doctor. He is not the doctor for

you. May I ask why he told you, you would be video? I ask because it has

happened to me. Are you involved in an insurance claim? Is he your doctor

or a doctor for an insurance company? If he is your doctor lose him.

There are a number of people here who suffered an accident or injury and a

short time later developed RA. Hope you find some answers and comfort

here with this group. Good luck.


> From: booper51@...

> egroups

> Subject: [ ] Is this group for me?

> Date: Thursday, August 31, 2000 3:53 PM



> Hi everyone,

> My name is Sylvia. A little history first, I was told at age 21 that I


> arthritis in several of my fingers of both hands. That was 28 years ago.


> 20 yrs ago, I fell down stairs and hit my lower spine on each step.

Being 20

> years younger I got up, brushed myself off and felt bruised. Never saw a


> My lower back becomes stiff and painful more and more as I get older.


> 16 years ago all my fingers would swell at the middle joint, become stiff


> painful. This is when I first saw a rheumatologist. He told me I had RA

> after evaluating my x-rays. He put me on naprosin and that's when all


> trouble started. I took my first and last pill then. It caused so much

> stomach problems such as diarreah for 6 hrs straight. Eventually this

led to

> inflamation of the duodinal area, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome


> inflammation of the stomach.


> 2 years ago I developed pain and swelling in my right knee. X-rays


> nothing. At that same time I began feeling severe pain in my collor bone

> (joint nearest center of neck) radiating through the left shoulder and

> stabbing back into the shoulder blade. X-rays of the shoulder and collar

> bone showed nothing, MRI's and CT scan showed minimal bone spurs. A


> X-ray showed bone spurs in the 5th and 6th vertebrae and the 2nd and 3rd


> fused together. I was told that an injection in the collar bone joint


> too risky because it was too close to the lungs. Surgery was no


> that the spurs wouldn't come back. My RD put me on celebrex in Feb of


> and I felt much better in just 2 days. I had to stop the celebrex after


> months because I began feeling a constant gnawing ache in my stomach.


> again a month later, but the gnawing ache began again. I have learned to

> live with this and don't move my shoulder very much anymore.


> To add insult to injury, on April 26th I fell down my stairs (again) when


> left ankle went out from under me causing a sprained ankle as I took a


> leap off the last 4 steps and landed on ceramic tiled floor with my


> My ankle swelled (lump size of an egg) and blacker than black & blue up


> the toes. Having just started in a new position, I took several sick


> and then went to work (cane and all). I know now that was not the thing


> do. I should have seen a Dr right away. It took me several weeks to see


> Dr and got it X-ray'd which showed no break or fracture. However, it


> arthritis in the ball of the foot and the toes. I have been in Physical

> therapy for nearly 3 months now. While favoring the left foot, my right


> began swelling and popped with pain when I got up from a sitting


> The X-ray showed bone spurs in the knee cap. At this point in time my


> sent me to an orthopeadist. He could not do anything for my ankle or

> shoulder. When I told him that almost every bone in my body feels


> when slight pressure is applied, he suggested that my RD run a rheumatoid

> profile. I told him I had one done a short time ago and came back within

> normal limits. He further suggested that my RD should check for


> RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. I don't have a clue as to what this is versus RA


> Osteo. I have checked online and found little to no information. Does

> anyone know if there is a special blood test that checks for this?


> The therapist noticed my shoulder (lack of motion) and ordered an MRI.


> shows the cartiledge is thinning/degenerating between the ball and


> Could this mean the start of arthritis? If so, which type?


> The therapist was the one who suggested taking an X-ray of the knee, the


> Dr ordered the shoulder MRI and the ortho Dr ordered the ankle MRI. My


> put me on Ultram, gave me 16 days samples with pre-printed manufacturer

> instructions. He never gave me an Rx to continue them, nor instructed me


> ween off them. Having no more pills after16 days, I began to crash off


> for 3 days without sleep, jumping out of my skin and sensations of

needles &

> pins.


> When I next saw him (month later), I asked him if the disability


> was completed and sent in. He angrily told me how extremely busy his


> is and that he had to take the papers home the night before to complete


> I'm sure billing the insurance for services doesn't wait a month???? He

> then informs me that I don't have RA, that it is Osteo. My RD has not

> performed to my satisfaction lately and would like to change (lack of)


> services. What can I do right about now since he is the primary


> for my short term disability claim?


> Anyway, I proceeded to inquire why he hadn't informed me about the

> addiction/withdrawal from Ultram. Asked him if the therapist had called

> requesting a knee X-ray. He just looked at me as though I wasn't there.


> further made matters worse by making a comment that irked me to no end.


> told me to watch my back, that insurance companies sometimes send out

> investigators to video tape disability claims. What nerve? This


> that he did not believe my injuries were real. I was appalled and


> that my own Dr. would say something like that. He should only know ( &


> the kind of pain I've been in.


> I'm sorry about going on and on. This is the only way for everyone to

> understand what I'm going through and be able to give some advice. This


> all new for me and I'm not quite sure if I even have RA. I do know I

have a

> great deal of pain. Besides finding another RD, what criteria do I need


> know before choosing one? What questions are important to ask? Do


> with RA have bones feeling bruised when slight pressure is applied??

Such as

> crossing & uncrossing ankles while laying in bed, sitting on a hard


> (bathtub) for more than 10 minutes, sleeping in the side position with


> together.


> I would appreciate any and all advice.

> Regards,

> Sylvia


> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start

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As i sit here reading all the post to you and everyone telling you about what

kind of Arthritis they have and when i wrote to you i didn't explain about

us. I do not have arthritis. My 11 year old son has Systemic Onset JRA. the

ra is in his lungs and every joint is affected. His name is jesse and he is a

great kid. I think everyone in this group has kind of adopted jesse.

has improved a great deal since he has started the Enbrel. he is also on many

other meds but when he started that it was an over night change in him or so

it seemed.

When everyone says if you don't feel comfortable with your RA dr then find

another one. For us its alot harder cause there are very few Peds. RA drs.

but we have found a wonderful one in Pensacola FL. we live in mobile alabama.

jesse has had 2 other drs and they weren't as good as the one we have now. as

a matter of fact jesse saw him last week and he was so happy to see how well

jesse is doing. he even said that he was happy to see the scar on his knee

from where he split it wide open and had to have stitches... said it means he

is feeling good enough to get out and do things as like before he couldn't

even walk to the bathroom without me... is having a problem with his

left wrist and may need surgery for pins but its after 6 years of ra

destroying that joint. He isn't in a flare but its the results of the ra. its

a small thing i guess. i would rather have to deal with this then to see my

baby suffer the pain he was suffering before.

we have problems with the school that he is in. actually we have a lawsuit

against them. they won't identify jesse as being disabled. funny he gets SSI

saying in big bold letters DISABLED CHILD. and letters from drs from fl to vt

and some here in mobile too but they still won't give in.now they harass me

with 2 of the other kids(by the way i have 4 other boys besides jesse). i

have to go to the dentation center (juvy) the schools is trying to have me

charge with contributing to the delquintance of a minor for they missing more

then 10 days of school. mind you one boy has bad allergies due to being bit

by a rattle snake 12 yrs ago and his meds knock him out and the other one has

chonic ear infections and had to had tubes put in and hearing test and he

also has seizures so he had to have EEGs before his surgery but iam

contributing to minors.

basicly it comes to this RA is an illness that most people don't understand

or won't understand. for example they think jesse is to young for this and

that his lung diease is not there. I have tried to educate the school here

and i will do it one way or another but we all have to educate the world

around us or the people will never understand. 's dr wants to make him a

poster boy for the Enbrel drug.lol said it will help the world to learn what

this illness is.

ok now iam rambling on. iam not one that talks a whole lot unless i have

something to say or a question. lol. iam hoping you find a good dr and find

the right meds for you real soon. i hate knowing ya''ll are suffering.

take care,

shelly and jesse

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Welcome to the group. Yes, you found us. I agree with the

others, you need a new dr. I found out 4 months ago I have RA when

it got to the point it was too painful to pick up a coffee cup and

decided I should go to my Dr. For years no Dr could figure out why

my hands, wrists, feel etc would swell. Just figured I was getting

older. After my DR and Rheumy put me on Arava and Vioxx it was like

the Tin man in the Wizard of OZ. Everything worked again.

Welcome again,

Ohio - Terry

> Hi everyone,

> My name is Sylvia. A little history first, I was told at age 21

that I had

> arthritis in several of my fingers of both hands. That was 28

years ago.


> 20 yrs ago, I fell down stairs and hit my lower spine on each

step. Being 20

> years younger I got up, brushed myself off and felt bruised. Never

saw a Dr.

> My lower back becomes stiff and painful more and more as I get



> 16 years ago all my fingers would swell at the middle joint, become

stiff and

> painful. This is when I first saw a rheumatologist. He told me I

had RA

> after evaluating my x-rays. He put me on naprosin and that's when

all the

> trouble started. I took my first and last pill then. It caused so


> stomach problems such as diarreah for 6 hrs straight. Eventually

this led to

> inflamation of the duodinal area, acid reflux, irritable bowel

syndrome and

> inflammation of the stomach.


> 2 years ago I developed pain and swelling in my right knee. X-rays


> nothing. At that same time I began feeling severe pain in my

collor bone

> (joint nearest center of neck) radiating through the left shoulder


> stabbing back into the shoulder blade. X-rays of the shoulder and


> bone showed nothing, MRI's and CT scan showed minimal bone spurs.

A neck

> X-ray showed bone spurs in the 5th and 6th vertebrae and the 2nd

and 3rd are

> fused together. I was told that an injection in the collar bone

joint was

> too risky because it was too close to the lungs. Surgery was no


> that the spurs wouldn't come back. My RD put me on celebrex in Feb

of 99'

> and I felt much better in just 2 days. I had to stop the celebrex

after 8-9

> months because I began feeling a constant gnawing ache in my

stomach. Tried

> again a month later, but the gnawing ache began again. I have

learned to

> live with this and don't move my shoulder very much anymore.


> To add insult to injury, on April 26th I fell down my stairs

(again) when my

> left ankle went out from under me causing a sprained ankle as I

took a flying

> leap off the last 4 steps and landed on ceramic tiled floor with my


> My ankle swelled (lump size of an egg) and blacker than black &

blue up to

> the toes. Having just started in a new position, I took several

sick days

> and then went to work (cane and all). I know now that was not the

thing to

> do. I should have seen a Dr right away. It took me several weeks

to see a

> Dr and got it X-ray'd which showed no break or fracture. However,

it showed

> arthritis in the ball of the foot and the toes. I have been in


> therapy for nearly 3 months now. While favoring the left foot, my

right knee

> began swelling and popped with pain when I got up from a sitting


> The X-ray showed bone spurs in the knee cap. At this point in

time my RD

> sent me to an orthopeadist. He could not do anything for my ankle


> shoulder. When I told him that almost every bone in my body feels


> when slight pressure is applied, he suggested that my RD run a


> profile. I told him I had one done a short time ago and came back


> normal limits. He further suggested that my RD should check for


> RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. I don't have a clue as to what this is

versus RA or

> Osteo. I have checked online and found little to no information.


> anyone know if there is a special blood test that checks for this?


> The therapist noticed my shoulder (lack of motion) and ordered an


> shows the cartiledge is thinning/degenerating between the ball and


> Could this mean the start of arthritis? If so, which type?


> The therapist was the one who suggested taking an X-ray of the

knee, the PT

> Dr ordered the shoulder MRI and the ortho Dr ordered the ankle


> put me on Ultram, gave me 16 days samples with pre-printed


> instructions. He never gave me an Rx to continue them, nor

instructed me to

> ween off them. Having no more pills after16 days, I began to crash

off them

> for 3 days without sleep, jumping out of my skin and sensations of

needles &

> pins.


> When I next saw him (month later), I asked him if the disability


> was completed and sent in. He angrily told me how extremely busy

his office

> is and that he had to take the papers home the night before to

complete them.

> I'm sure billing the insurance for services doesn't wait a

month???? He

> then informs me that I don't have RA, that it is Osteo. My RD has


> performed to my satisfaction lately and would like to change (lack

of) his

> services. What can I do right about now since he is the primary


> for my short term disability claim?


> Anyway, I proceeded to inquire why he hadn't informed me about the

> addiction/withdrawal from Ultram. Asked him if the therapist had


> requesting a knee X-ray. He just looked at me as though I wasn't

there. He

> further made matters worse by making a comment that irked me to no

end. He

> told me to watch my back, that insurance companies sometimes send


> investigators to video tape disability claims. What nerve? This


> that he did not believe my injuries were real. I was appalled and


> that my own Dr. would say something like that. He should only know

( & feel)

> the kind of pain I've been in.


> I'm sorry about going on and on. This is the only way for everyone


> understand what I'm going through and be able to give some advice.

This is

> all new for me and I'm not quite sure if I even have RA. I do know

I have a

> great deal of pain. Besides finding another RD, what criteria do

I need to

> know before choosing one? What questions are important to ask? Do


> with RA have bones feeling bruised when slight pressure is

applied?? Such as

> crossing & uncrossing ankles while laying in bed, sitting on a hard


> (bathtub) for more than 10 minutes, sleeping in the side position

with knees

> together.


> I would appreciate any and all advice.

> Regards,

> Sylvia

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