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Re: Re: RA-Support: Newbie

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Hi Dee, welcome to the group. Sorry you are having so much trouble but we

can all relate I am sure. Glad you decided to post here. Hope we can be of

help and that you stick around. Blessings.


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In a message dated 9/1/00 9:37:01 AM Central Daylight Time,

sheadley@... writes:

<< Flexeril is same base as Elival >>

Flexeril is a muscle relaxare, not sure what Elival is, I've never been on

it. I took Flexeril at night to help me sleep, it worked OK for about 6

months then just kinda stopped (I seem to have this problem with all meds).

I now take Xanax at night and so far it is helping. Tery

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you are a very brave woman. welcome to the group. please tell me where in NH

you live. iam also a born yankee from Montpelier Vermont but also lived in

Lebanon and Enfield NH.

take care,


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Elavil is a antidepressant that is use for FM and for people with sleeping

disorders. i was on if cause i have a sleeping disorder it caused me to dream

alot and in the end cause serious migraines and i still ended up not

sleeping. its a very old antidressant that has way to many side affects but

it has helped some with their FM.

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Hi Dee

If my memory is correct,(and that is debatable with me & FM!) the

Flexeril is same base as Elival. And cause some of same " next day "

hangover symptoms. They gave me the milder dose of Flexeril, and it

knocked me on my butt, just like Elival. I did get off the Elival. I

stumble enough without it... could not risk another fall. Also... when I

would sit down to write or do poetry, I actually could not " find the

words " that I needed to use. Even simple words.

The Flexeril does about the same, only not as severe. It would wear off

a little faster... usually by 2 or 3 in afternoon. And get this... I

only HALVED those tiny little pills of Flexeril! And my reflexes were so

slow, and am so groggy next day. I quit those also.It really seemed like

after taking Flexeril a few days, it really got into me, and the hang

over lasted longer. I even tried taking only every other night.

Someone once told me that I have low tolerance of things like this. And

I do know that I do not drink Alcohol, but a few times I tried over the

years, and ONE DRINK got me " stupid " drunk. So it may just be me can not

take a lot of meds.

No need to take meds that you are " uncomfortable " taking. I know some

meds you need to get " use to " before they level off, but we are smart

people who DO KNOW OUR BODIES... and if We listen to them, then the

Doctor may listen to US, when we have a problem with certain meds.

You mentioned your RA doctor getting frustrated with you. He has been

with you a long time. Maybe he is not frustrated with YOU, but himself

instead. He wants to be able to find something to help you. You sound so

sweet, I can not imagine a Doctor getting frustrated with you.


Beauparlant wrote:



[eGroups] My Groups | Main Page | Start a new



> Hello, My name is and I am new to this type of support group. I

> have

> been 'lurking' for the past several weeks, and have gotten a great

> deal from your group, especially the humor and support topics. I

> thank you

> all for being there as this has been a very difficult time for me.


> I was diagnosed with FM/MPS approximately 13 years ago when there

> wasn't

> much info available. I was fortunate in that my flares were few and

> far

> between and mild, until the last few years. In 1992 I was also

> diagnosed

> with RA and recently with " a Lupus like syndrome " I have been on

> Elavil in

> the past but it left me too sleepy during the day. For the RA I have

> been

> the entire route from basic NSAIDSs, Motrin, then 3000mg of Trillisate

> for

> the past eight years, Plaquenil, Ridaura, Gold Shots and then to

> Methotrexate that caused chemical hepatitis bringing my liver function

> tests

> up over 1000 (normal is in the 24range). The last two years have been

> a

> major struggle with one giant

> flare-up since the hepatitis. I have been using Enbrel, which is

> helping a

> bit with the RA symptoms, but the FM/MPS has been out of control. I

> have

> been taking Codeine from time to time but most recently Vicodin or

> Percocet

> and Xanax. My rheumy just added Flexeril to help withthe sleep issue

> and

> changed the Trillisate to Celebrex, I like many, either over react to

> meds

> or their effectiveness wears off after several weeks. I haven't been

> able

> to work since late April after having a lung infection and then

> experiencing

> severe pain, incredible weakness in my legs and arms, migraines from

> neck

> pain, and some increased Asthma problems. I worked for a national non


> profit agency for 22 years and loved my job, but recently realized I

> was not

> being fair to my job, my family, or myself by not heeding the advice

> of

> either the PCP, a ARNP that has cared for me for the last 13 years,

> and my

> rheumy who appeared to be getting frustrated with me driving myself so

> hard.


> This flare has really scared me as I am walking with a cane, using a

> wheelchair for any outings, and have had to be on home nebulizer

> treatments

> for restrictive airway issues. I have recently filed for LTD through

> my

> employer and also SSDI. The difficulty in making that decision was

> hard

> enough, but the fear of the process is even more stressful. My time

> spent

> reading through all your posts and words of encouragement to one

> another

> have been my lifeline! Thank you all!


> Dee from NH




> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start

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Thanks for the welcome Jeannette, I need all the support I can get at this


Dee in NH

----- Original Message -----

From: <ednettieolson@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 10:28 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: RA-Support: Newbie


> Hi Dee, welcome to the group. Sorry you are having so much trouble but we

> can all relate I am sure. Glad you decided to post here. Hope we can be


> help and that you stick around. Blessings.


> Jeannette


> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start



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Wow its a small world isn't it. no jesse saw Dr. Abramham in

Burlington Vt. but she also spent half a week at Dartmouth but that was about

3 yrs ago so things could change. Its good to have another mom who has

suffered with a child with JRA. Caorl is another mom. Hopefully no more

children will suffer this illness. wait a sec. hope nobody children or adults

have to suffer.

sorry this is short but we have a storm coming in and i need to unplug. last

time lighting hit 2 houses over and burned out my phone lines and fried my

modem and fried 3 of our tvs. so i am off.

hope you are doing well.


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Hi ,

You are the brave one, with all those boys with med problems! God bless

you! I live in Laconia, but travel to Dartmouth Med Ctr. for my Rheumy. My

youngest son, now age 19 has JRA, so I know what a struggle it is with the

schools. He is now in college, and they are wonderful to him! He used to

see Dr. Klein in Hanover, any chance that was who you saw? Keep the

faith and celebrate when they finally graduate from public school!

Dee from NH

----- Original Message -----

From: <12372101@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 1:26 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: RA-Support: Newbie

> Dee,


> you are a very brave woman. welcome to the group. please tell me where in


> you live. iam also a born yankee from Montpelier Vermont but also lived in

> Lebanon and Enfield NH.


> take care,

> shelly


> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start



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Sheesh! I almost feel guilty being here! YOu are all suffering so much

more than I am. I am actually doing splendidly compared. Except for an

occasional flare and a sore joint or two, I am doing well. I still have

to get the cataracts fixed up, as seeing is getting a little difficult,

but other than that...

So sorry to hear all everyone has been through. We all just have to wait

until grows up and finds a cure for this!! GO JESSE! LOL


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Welcome Dee. I'm glad you like our group. We have a great group of people

here. Sorry you've been going through so much. I understand how scared you

are especially after having such terrible side effects. I hope your new

cocktail brings you relief.


----- Original Message -----

From: Beauparlant <dkb@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 10:00 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: RA-Support: Newbie


> Hello, My name is and I am new to this type of support group. I


> been 'lurking' for the past several weeks, and have gotten a great

> deal from your group, especially the humor and support topics. I thank


> all for being there as this has been a very difficult time for me.


> I was diagnosed with FM/MPS approximately 13 years ago when there wasn't

> much info available. I was fortunate in that my flares were few and far

> between and mild, until the last few years. In 1992 I was also diagnosed

> with RA and recently with " a Lupus like syndrome " I have been on Elavil


> the past but it left me too sleepy during the day. For the RA I have been

> the entire route from basic NSAIDSs, Motrin, then 3000mg of Trillisate for

> the past eight years, Plaquenil, Ridaura, Gold Shots and then to

> Methotrexate that caused chemical hepatitis bringing my liver function


> up over 1000 (normal is in the 24range). The last two years have been a

> major struggle with one giant

> flare-up since the hepatitis. I have been using Enbrel, which is helping


> bit with the RA symptoms, but the FM/MPS has been out of control. I have

> been taking Codeine from time to time but most recently Vicodin or


> and Xanax. My rheumy just added Flexeril to help withthe sleep issue and

> changed the Trillisate to Celebrex, I like many, either over react to


> or their effectiveness wears off after several weeks. I haven't been able

> to work since late April after having a lung infection and then


> severe pain, incredible weakness in my legs and arms, migraines from neck

> pain, and some increased Asthma problems. I worked for a national non

> profit agency for 22 years and loved my job, but recently realized I was


> being fair to my job, my family, or myself by not heeding the advice of

> either the PCP, a ARNP that has cared for me for the last 13 years, and my

> rheumy who appeared to be getting frustrated with me driving myself so



> This flare has really scared me as I am walking with a cane, using a

> wheelchair for any outings, and have had to be on home nebulizer


> for restrictive airway issues. I have recently filed for LTD through my

> employer and also SSDI. The difficulty in making that decision was hard

> enough, but the fear of the process is even more stressful. My time spent

> reading through all your posts and words of encouragement to one another

> have been my lifeline! Thank you all!


> Dee from NH




> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start


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Thanks a,

All the welcome responses have been very comforting! My Pain Management

Clinic Psychologist was correct when he predicted I would find a group of

true understanding new friends through this kind of support group.

Dee in NH

----- Original Message -----

From: a <aA@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 10:36 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: RA-Support: Newbie


> Welcome Dee. I'm glad you like our group. We have a great group of


> here. Sorry you've been going through so much. I understand how scared


> are especially after having such terrible side effects. I hope your new

> cocktail brings you relief.


> a


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Beauparlant <dkb@...>

> < egroups>

> Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 10:00 AM

> Subject: [ ] Re: RA-Support: Newbie



> >

> > Hello, My name is and I am new to this type of support group. I

> have

> > been 'lurking' for the past several weeks, and have gotten a great

> > deal from your group, especially the humor and support topics. I thank

> you

> > all for being there as this has been a very difficult time for me.

> >

> > I was diagnosed with FM/MPS approximately 13 years ago when there wasn't

> > much info available. I was fortunate in that my flares were few and far

> > between and mild, until the last few years. In 1992 I was also


> > with RA and recently with " a Lupus like syndrome " I have been on Elavil

> in

> > the past but it left me too sleepy during the day. For the RA I have


> > the entire route from basic NSAIDSs, Motrin, then 3000mg of Trillisate


> > the past eight years, Plaquenil, Ridaura, Gold Shots and then to

> > Methotrexate that caused chemical hepatitis bringing my liver function

> tests

> > up over 1000 (normal is in the 24range). The last two years have been a

> > major struggle with one giant

> > flare-up since the hepatitis. I have been using Enbrel, which is


> a

> > bit with the RA symptoms, but the FM/MPS has been out of control. I


> > been taking Codeine from time to time but most recently Vicodin or

> Percocet

> > and Xanax. My rheumy just added Flexeril to help withthe sleep issue


> > changed the Trillisate to Celebrex, I like many, either over react to

> meds

> > or their effectiveness wears off after several weeks. I haven't been


> > to work since late April after having a lung infection and then

> experiencing

> > severe pain, incredible weakness in my legs and arms, migraines from


> > pain, and some increased Asthma problems. I worked for a national non

> > profit agency for 22 years and loved my job, but recently realized I was

> not

> > being fair to my job, my family, or myself by not heeding the advice of

> > either the PCP, a ARNP that has cared for me for the last 13 years, and


> > rheumy who appeared to be getting frustrated with me driving myself so

> hard.

> >

> > This flare has really scared me as I am walking with a cane, using a

> > wheelchair for any outings, and have had to be on home nebulizer

> treatments

> > for restrictive airway issues. I have recently filed for LTD through my

> > employer and also SSDI. The difficulty in making that decision was hard

> > enough, but the fear of the process is even more stressful. My time


> > reading through all your posts and words of encouragement to one another

> > have been my lifeline! Thank you all!

> >

> > Dee from NH

> >

> >

> >

> > Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> > http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> > Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start

> >



> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start



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I was talking to the head our local hospital support groups, and she said

that many people are stopping going to the hospital support groups and are

reverting to online support. It is definitely better to be able to talk to

someone any time of the day rather than once a week.


----- Original Message -----

From: Beauparlant <dkb@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2000 9:29 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: RA-Support: Newbie


> Thanks a,


> All the welcome responses have been very comforting! My Pain Management

> Clinic Psychologist was correct when he predicted I would find a group of

> true understanding new friends through this kind of support group.


> Dee in NH


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: a <aA@...>

> < egroups>

> Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 10:36 PM

> Subject: Re: [ ] Re: RA-Support: Newbie



> >

> > Welcome Dee. I'm glad you like our group. We have a great group of

> people

> > here. Sorry you've been going through so much. I understand how scared

> you

> > are especially after having such terrible side effects. I hope your


> > cocktail brings you relief.

> >

> > a

> >

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: Beauparlant <dkb@...>

> > < egroups>

> > Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 10:00 AM

> > Subject: [ ] Re: RA-Support: Newbie

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Hello, My name is and I am new to this type of support group. I

> > have

> > > been 'lurking' for the past several weeks, and have gotten a great

> > > deal from your group, especially the humor and support topics. I


> > you

> > > all for being there as this has been a very difficult time for me.

> > >

> > > I was diagnosed with FM/MPS approximately 13 years ago when there


> > > much info available. I was fortunate in that my flares were few and


> > > between and mild, until the last few years. In 1992 I was also

> diagnosed

> > > with RA and recently with " a Lupus like syndrome " I have been on


> > in

> > > the past but it left me too sleepy during the day. For the RA I have

> been

> > > the entire route from basic NSAIDSs, Motrin, then 3000mg of Trillisate

> for

> > > the past eight years, Plaquenil, Ridaura, Gold Shots and then to

> > > Methotrexate that caused chemical hepatitis bringing my liver function

> > tests

> > > up over 1000 (normal is in the 24range). The last two years have been


> > > major struggle with one giant

> > > flare-up since the hepatitis. I have been using Enbrel, which is

> helping

> > a

> > > bit with the RA symptoms, but the FM/MPS has been out of control. I

> have

> > > been taking Codeine from time to time but most recently Vicodin or

> > Percocet

> > > and Xanax. My rheumy just added Flexeril to help withthe sleep issue

> and

> > > changed the Trillisate to Celebrex, I like many, either over react to

> > meds

> > > or their effectiveness wears off after several weeks. I haven't been

> able

> > > to work since late April after having a lung infection and then

> > experiencing

> > > severe pain, incredible weakness in my legs and arms, migraines from

> neck

> > > pain, and some increased Asthma problems. I worked for a national non

> > > profit agency for 22 years and loved my job, but recently realized I


> > not

> > > being fair to my job, my family, or myself by not heeding the advice


> > > either the PCP, a ARNP that has cared for me for the last 13 years,


> my

> > > rheumy who appeared to be getting frustrated with me driving myself so

> > hard.

> > >

> > > This flare has really scared me as I am walking with a cane, using a

> > > wheelchair for any outings, and have had to be on home nebulizer

> > treatments

> > > for restrictive airway issues. I have recently filed for LTD through


> > > employer and also SSDI. The difficulty in making that decision was


> > > enough, but the fear of the process is even more stressful. My time

> spent

> > > reading through all your posts and words of encouragement to one


> > > have been my lifeline! Thank you all!

> > >

> > > Dee from NH

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> > > http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> > > Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start

> > >

> >

> >

> > Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> > http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> > Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start

> >

> >



> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Our chat room: www.delphi.com/RheumatoidArth1/start


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