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Candida Questionnaire

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Inside some information from Renew Life was a candida Questionnaire &


Sheet to determine if one has a candida problem.

I am simplifying it. You can get the test by calling 1-800-830-4778.




1. Have you taken tetracyclines for 1 month or longer 50

2. Have you taken broad spectrum antibiotics for

2 months or

longer 50

3. Have you taken broad spectrum antibiotics for




4. Have you ever been bothered by persistent vaginitis

of other problems affecting your reproductive organs 25

5. Have you been pregnant 2 or more times 5

" " 1

time 3

6. Have you taken birth control pills for more than 2 years 15

" " " more than 6

months 8

7. Have you taken prednisone for more than 2 weeks 15

8. Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, or other

chemicals provoke moderate to severe symptoms 20

9. Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days

or in moldy

places? 20

10. Have you had athlete's foot, ringworm or chronic

fungus infections of the skin or nails?

Severe 20

Mild 10

11. Do you crave

sugar 10

12. Do you crave

bread 10

13. Do you crave alcoholic

beverages 10

14. Does tobacco smoke REALLY bother you 10


Enter the appropriate number beside each major symptom that you have.

Occasional or Mild 3 points

Frequent or moderately severe 6 points

Severe or disabling 9 points

1. Fatigue or lethargy

2. Feeling of being " drained " .

3. Poor memory

4. Feeling " spacey " or " unreal "

5. Inability to make decisions

6. Numbness, burning, or tingling

7. Insomnia

8. Muscle aches

9. Muscle weakness or paralysis

10. Pain and/or swelling in joints

11. Abdominal pain

12. Constipation

13. Diarrhea

14. Bloating, belching or intestinal gas

15. Vaginal burning, itching, or discharge

16. Prostatitis

17. Impotence

18. Loss of sexual desire or feeling

19. Endometriosis or infertility

20. Cramps and/or the menstrual irregularities

21. PMS

22. Attacks or anxiety or crying

23. Cold hands or feet and/or chilliness

24. Shaking or irritable when hungry

25. Drowsiness

26. Irritability or jitterness

27. Incoordination

28. Inability to concentrate

29. Frequent mood swings

30. Headaches

31. Dizziness/loss of balance

32. Pressure above ears..feeling of head swelling

33. Tendency to bruise easily

34. Chronic rashes or itching

35. Psoriasis or recurrent hives

36. Indigestion or heartburn

37. Food sinsitivity or intolerance

38. Mucus in stools

39. Rectal itching

40. Dry mouth or throat

41. Rash or blisters in mouth

42. Bad breath

43. Foot, hair or body odor not removed by washing

44. Nasal congestion ro post nasal drip.

45. Nasal itching

46. Sore throat

47. Laryngitis or loss of voice

48. Cough or recurrent bronchitis

49. Pain or tightness in chest

50. Wheezing or shortness of breath

51. Urinary frequency, urgency or incontinence

52. Burning on urination

53. Spots in front of eyes or erratic vision

54. Burning or tearing of eyes

55. Recurrent infections or fluid in ears

56. Ear pain or deafness.

Add up the scores. Yeast connected health problems are almost certainly

present in women with scores over 180 and men in scores over 140.

My score was 340 so I definitely have a yeast problem. Of course, I


this already and have been trying to get rid of it for 3 years.

This is why I'm excited about these renew products and hope that

they will help me.

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  • 3 months later...

Jim & Delaine Lowry wrote:

> Jim & Delaine Lowry wrote:


> > Inside some information from Renew Life was a candida Questionnaire &

> > Score

> > Sheet to determine if one has a candida problem.

> >

> > I am simplifying it. You can get the test by calling 1-800-830-4778.

> >


> >

> > Question

> > Points

> >

> > 1. Have you taken tetracyclines for 1 month or longer 50

> > 2. Have you taken broad spectrum antibiotics for

> > 2 months or

> > longer 50

> > 3. Have you taken broad spectrum antibiotics for

> > one

> > period?

> > 6

> > 4. Have you ever been bothered by persistent vaginitis

> > of other problems affecting your reproductive organs 25

> > 5. Have you been pregnant 2 or more times 5

> > " " 1

> > time 3

> > 6. Have you taken birth control pills for more than 2 years 15

> > " " " more than 6

> > months 8

> > 7. Have you taken prednisone for more than 2 weeks 15

> > 8. Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, or other

> > chemicals provoke moderate to severe symptoms 20

> > 9. Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days

> > or in moldy

> > places? 20

> > 10. Have you had athlete's foot, ringworm or chronic

> > fungus infections of the skin or nails?

> > Severe 20

> >

> > Mild 10

> > 11. Do you crave

> > sugar 10

> > 12. Do you crave

> > bread 10

> > 13. Do you crave alcoholic

> > beverages 10

> > 14. Does tobacco smoke REALLY bother you 10

> >


> >

> > Enter the appropriate number beside each major symptom that you have.

> > Occasional or Mild 3 points

> > Frequent or moderately severe 6 points

> > Severe or disabling 9 points

> >

> > 1. Fatigue or lethargy

> > 2. Feeling of being " drained " .

> > 3. Poor memory

> > 4. Feeling " spacey " or " unreal "

> > 5. Inability to make decisions

> > 6. Numbness, burning, or tingling

> > 7. Insomnia

> > 8. Muscle aches

> > 9. Muscle weakness or paralysis

> > 10. Pain and/or swelling in joints

> > 11. Abdominal pain

> > 12. Constipation

> > 13. Diarrhea

> > 14. Bloating, belching or intestinal gas

> > 15. Vaginal burning, itching, or discharge

> > 16. Prostatitis

> > 17. Impotence

> > 18. Loss of sexual desire or feeling

> > 19. Endometriosis or infertility

> > 20. Cramps and/or the menstrual irregularities

> > 21. PMS

> > 22. Attacks or anxiety or crying

> > 23. Cold hands or feet and/or chilliness

> > 24. Shaking or irritable when hungry

> > 25. Drowsiness

> > 26. Irritability or jitterness

> > 27. Incoordination

> > 28. Inability to concentrate

> > 29. Frequent mood swings

> > 30. Headaches

> > 31. Dizziness/loss of balance

> > 32. Pressure above ears..feeling of head swelling

> > 33. Tendency to bruise easily

> > 34. Chronic rashes or itching

> > 35. Psoriasis or recurrent hives

> > 36. Indigestion or heartburn

> > 37. Food sinsitivity or intolerance

> > 38. Mucus in stools

> > 39. Rectal itching

> > 40. Dry mouth or throat

> > 41. Rash or blisters in mouth

> > 42. Bad breath

> > 43. Foot, hair or body odor not removed by washing

> > 44. Nasal congestion ro post nasal drip.

> > 45. Nasal itching

> > 46. Sore throat

> > 47. Laryngitis or loss of voice

> > 48. Cough or recurrent bronchitis

> > 49. Pain or tightness in chest

> > 50. Wheezing or shortness of breath

> > 51. Urinary frequency, urgency or incontinence

> > 52. Burning on urination

> > 53. Spots in front of eyes or erratic vision

> > 54. Burning or tearing of eyes

> > 55. Recurrent infections or fluid in ears

> > 56. Ear pain or deafness.

> >

> > Add up the scores. Yeast connected health problems are almost certainly

> >

> > present in women with scores over 180 and men in scores over 140.

> >

> > My score was 340 so I definitely have a yeast problem. Of course, I

> > knew

> > this already and have been trying to get rid of it for 3 years.

> >

> > This is why I'm excited about these renew products and hope that

> > they will help me.

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  • 6 years later...

No idea where it vanished. However, I have added this to the Files now Gill. Let us know how you score.

Luv - Sheila

Re: candida questionnaire

Ive been having a look at the files - can anyone tell me where to find the candida questionnaire referred to in some of the documents?



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