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Re: Imuran, Vaccinations

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I have just came back from Mayo and I have started 160 mg of Imuran for a

month and if I don't get sick I will start decreasing the prednisone 2 1/2 mg

per month until I hit -0-.

I also asked Dr Czaja and he said he wanted me to get the flu shot but I

didn't need any other at this time.



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I've been where you are...hang in there. Get fresh air and sunshine, a

brisk walk if you're able is good. Take vitamins...a good multi will do.

Also, if you're taking prednisone, be sure to take a calcium supplement as

the steroid leaches calcium from your body. Definitely get the pneumovax

and flu shot...even though the AZT hampers it a bit, it still will work. Be

fastidious about germs - washing your hands, staying away from people with

colds & flu, public pay phones, and the like. It doesn't have to be a

phobia, but, any public health official will tell you there are some scary

germs out there. A little common sense goes a long way. Actigall reduces

fat in the liver... a good thing. A low protein diet gives your liver a

break. I'm almost a vegetarian at this point. Besides, it's better for

your all around health. If you're a person of faith, exercise it regularly

- if you're not, give it some thought. God will help you daily through some

difficult times. God Bless and take care, A.R.

From: " emily simpson " <esimpson7@...>

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Subject: [ ] Imuran, Vaccinations

Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 16:47:57 PDT

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Hi everyone,

I have two questions; the first to do with Imuran. I'm currently on 12.5mg

Pred, and 50mg Imuran. Since my labs have not gone below 50 yet (and seem

to be petering) my doctor has decided to increase the imuran to 100mg per

day in the hopes of getting me off pred. Has anyone else done this? Are

there side effects? I'm a little apprehensive because of the increased risk

of bone marrow suppression.

My second question is to do with vaccinations. My intern and doctor have

both agreed it's a good idea for me to get a flu and pneumonia vaccine.

They say there's no risk involved, except that they may not work as well due

to the drugs I'm on. I'm afraid (regardless) that this may trigger a

relapse. Has anyone else experienced negative consequences from getting

these vaccinations? I just want to make sure they don't outweigh the risks

of getting the flu or pneumonia!

Thanks for any insight anyone can give me!



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, I know that everone reacts differently to different things, but when

I was pre ~transplant in end~stage liver disease from AIH I recieved the

Hib Titer and the pneumonia vaccine, the flu vaccine and also the series of

Hepatitis b vaccinations and i had no ill effect from any of them. I think

the benefits of the shots outweigh the risks of not having them. Good Luck

on your decision.

Lori Cummins AIH Transplanted 3~11~97

[ ] Imuran, Vaccinations

>From: " emily simpson " <esimpson7@...>


>Hi everyone,


>I have two questions; the first to do with Imuran. I'm currently on 12.5mg

>Pred, and 50mg Imuran. Since my labs have not gone below 50 yet (and seem

>to be petering) my doctor has decided to increase the imuran to 100mg per

>day in the hopes of getting me off pred. Has anyone else done this? Are

>there side effects? I'm a little apprehensive because of the increased


>of bone marrow suppression.


>My second question is to do with vaccinations. My intern and doctor have

>both agreed it's a good idea for me to get a flu and pneumonia vaccine.

>They say there's no risk involved, except that they may not work as well


>to the drugs I'm on. I'm afraid (regardless) that this may trigger a

>relapse. Has anyone else experienced negative consequences from getting

>these vaccinations? I just want to make sure they don't outweigh the risks

>of getting the flu or pneumonia!


>Thanks for any insight anyone can give me!


> :)


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I also have AIH My no. were not going down either my Dr then

increased my immurin from 50 to 100mg. it has been working my nos. have

been normal now for several months and she just reduced my pred. to 2.5

mg. daily and still 100mg. immurin I had no problems with the increased

immurin I just yestreday got a pneomia vac. so far so good In 2 weeks

I will get a flu shot. I always got a flu shot even before my AIH


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Dear Alan,

Thank you for your thoughtful response! I'm currently doing many of the

things you've suggested (ie.mulit-vitamin, exercise, calcium etc.). No one

has said anything to me about the Actigall, so I will definitely look into

that! As far as the protein goes, I see a Dietician at the hospital every

two months, and she has done the opposite for me and actually increased my

protein intake to three servings a day. She says protein helps the liver

heal itself! Isn't it crazy how all our specialists say different

things?!?! Anyways, I'm definitely going to take your advice about the flu

and pneumonia shots, and I will be extra careful about germs. Thanks

again..I was worried, but now I feel better...


>From: " alan smith " <araysmith@...>

>Reply- onelist

> onelist

>Subject: Re: [ ] Imuran, Vaccinations

>Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 06:25:33 PDT




>I've been where you are...hang in there. Get fresh air and sunshine, a

>brisk walk if you're able is good. Take vitamins...a good multi will do.

>Also, if you're taking prednisone, be sure to take a calcium supplement as

>the steroid leaches calcium from your body. Definitely get the pneumovax

>and flu shot...even though the AZT hampers it a bit, it still will work.


>fastidious about germs - washing your hands, staying away from people with

>colds & flu, public pay phones, and the like. It doesn't have to be a

>phobia, but, any public health official will tell you there are some scary

>germs out there. A little common sense goes a long way. Actigall reduces

>fat in the liver... a good thing. A low protein diet gives your liver a

>break. I'm almost a vegetarian at this point. Besides, it's better for

>your all around health. If you're a person of faith, exercise it regularly

>- if you're not, give it some thought. God will help you daily through


>difficult times. God Bless and take care, A.R.



>From: " emily simpson " <esimpson7@...>

>Reply- onelist

> onelist

>Subject: [ ] Imuran, Vaccinations

>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 16:47:57 PDT

>MIME-Version: 1.0

>From errors-165537-7234-araysmith Wed Oct 06 16:48:15 1999

>Received: from [] by hotmail.com (3.1) with ESMTP id

>MHotMailB9C52AB90053D820F3A5D1CFA49F15150; Wed Oct 06 16:48:15 1999

>Received: (qmail 5069 invoked by alias); 6 Oct 1999 23:47:39 -0000

>Received: (qmail 5046 invoked from network); 6 Oct 1999 23:47:38 -0000

>Received: from unknown ( by pop.onelist.com with QMQP; 6


>1999 23:47:38 -0000

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>mta2.onelist.com with SMTP; 6 Oct 1999 23:53:23 -0000

>Received: (qmail 18520 invoked by uid 0); 6 Oct 1999 23:47:59 -0000

>Message-ID: <19991006234759.18519.qmail@...>

>Received: from by www.hotmail.com with HTTP; Wed, 06 Oct 1999

>16:47:57 PDT

>X-Originating-IP: []

>Mailing-List: list onelist; contact

> -owneronelist

>Delivered-mailing list onelist

>Precedence: bulk

>List-Unsubscribe: <mailto: -unsubscribeONElist>


>Hi everyone,


>I have two questions; the first to do with Imuran. I'm currently on 12.5mg

>Pred, and 50mg Imuran. Since my labs have not gone below 50 yet (and seem

>to be petering) my doctor has decided to increase the imuran to 100mg per

>day in the hopes of getting me off pred. Has anyone else done this? Are

>there side effects? I'm a little apprehensive because of the increased


>of bone marrow suppression.


>My second question is to do with vaccinations. My intern and doctor have

>both agreed it's a good idea for me to get a flu and pneumonia vaccine.

>They say there's no risk involved, except that they may not work as well


>to the drugs I'm on. I'm afraid (regardless) that this may trigger a

>relapse. Has anyone else experienced negative consequences from getting

>these vaccinations? I just want to make sure they don't outweigh the risks

>of getting the flu or pneumonia!


>Thanks for any insight anyone can give me!


> :)



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I too had success in getting off prednisone by increasing the Imuran

from 75 mg to 100 mg first. Now that I am off prednisone, my doctor has

me back to taking 75 mg of Imuran. By reducing the Imuran, my white

blood cell counts should go up. I won't know how well this works for

some time as the Imuran is slow acting and I am not due for a blood test

for another month. So far though I feel fine.

The first time my doctor had me reduce the prednisone, he did not

increase the Imuran and I started to relapse before the prednisone was

totally withdrawn. So it was back to 20 mg of prednisone for a time. I

delayed in starting to go off the prednisone for another 6 months and

will never know whether the increase in Imuran was necessary or not.

As for vaccinations, I am definitely an advocate. Both my local GI and

Cleveland Clinic approved having the flu and pneumonia vaccines. I got

them at separate times so in case I had a reaction, the doctors would be

able to separate the cause. The pneumonia vaccination I got lasts for 7


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I am on 12mg of Pred and 100mg of Imuran (just increased Imuran from 75mg to

100mg Sept. 7) So far I have not had any adverse side effects. My doctor wants

me to get a flu shot and I have an appt. scheduled for 11/2. Will let you know

what happens.

I am just getting better from a virus, and believe me, if the flu is anything

like what I just went through, I will take the shot gladly. It is three weeks

now and I am still not 100%.


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Mayo went fine. Really had good tests and I am now on 150 mg of Imuran for a

month and if tolerated I get to start decreasing my prednisone by 2.5 per

month until done. I also am also getting a new antidepressant pill. Have to

taper off the one I am on for two weeks and then for 2-3 days I start my new

medicine. I hope that it works.

My trip the week before to Montana was more fun. My sister and

brother-in-law showed me a great time. Montana is really pretty and the town

she lives in is right on Flat Head Lake. Beatiful country.



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I only visited the Cleveland Clinic once for a transplant evaulation but

the experience was great. They lived up to their reputation as far as I

was concerned. The hepatologist I saw was Dr. Carey at

216-444-6885. He is the head of the hepatology Department. He wanted me

to come back for periodic visits which I have not done.

I live in Columbus and go to Dr. Victor Jochem. He had my biopsy slides

sent to Mayo for evaluation by the pathologist there. He wanted a second

opinion and sent me for the transplant evaluation. My insurance at the

time used centers of excellence for such procedures and the closest was

the Cleveland Clinic.

Also in the Columbus is Dr. Levin who is highly regarded for his

treatment of liver disease.

> From: Cheryl722@...


> hello barbara


> who do you see at the cleveland clinic?


> Cheryl and Randy

> West Virginia


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ok dont write me again

Re: [ ] Imuran, Vaccinations

>From: Cheryl722@...


>hello barbara



>who do you see at the cleveland clinic?


>Cheryl and Randy

>West Virginia


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Hi Sue!

Good to hear from you! How have you been? I hope you're able to decrease

the prednisone. That drug, as beneficial as it is, can also cause side

effects that are pretty tough to deal with. That's amazing that you see

Dr.Czaza. The best, most informative articles I've read are one's he's


I too have now had the flu shot, but no one keeps the pneumonia vaccine on

hand - not even the emergency room at the hospital! I guess I'll keep

looking..I was waiting to increase my Imuran to 100mg because I wanted to

get the vaccines out of the way first, but I guess that's not going to


Take care of yourself!

Em :)

>From: Roselle50@...

>Reply- onelist

> onelist

>Subject: Re: [ ] Imuran, Vaccinations

>Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 20:29:01 EDT




>I have just came back from Mayo and I have started 160 mg of Imuran for a

>month and if I don't get sick I will start decreasing the prednisone 2 1/2


>per month until I hit -0-.


>I also asked Dr Czaja and he said he wanted me to get the flu shot but I

>didn't need any other at this time.


>Sue AIH




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I was watching the news tonight and our town and areas around us have not

received the flu shot vaccine yet. I guess I better call and get me doctor

set up with one with they come in so I can get one right away.

Dr Czaja is such a wonderful person. I love going to him and I am not nervous

with all the tests and things they want to do with me because I know that the

Mayo try their hardest to make the patient at ease when they are there. I

have been having problems with the changing of the drugs but it isn't enough

yet to get a call out to him. I know the body has to adjust to the changes.

Take care and keep in touch



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