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Re: reply - anger is stressful

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Barbara Ann:

I agree with you. I do worship dust bunnies. Have have black hairy ones in

my home from 's black lab, Libby.

All kidding aside, I think that this is for the support of each other and we

don't have to drag people down because of their believes are. I was a good

church person until I got sick and I still pray at night before I go to bed

for the people in the group and people I know that need it. Each person has

their own ideas and groups they belong to.



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Thank you Barbara


>From: barbara ann <barbara99ann@...>

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>Subject: [ ] reply - anger is stressful

>Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 08:42:14 -0700 (PDT)

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>From: barbara ann <barbara99ann@...>


>I thought the purpose of this group was to discuss AIH

>and Liver Disease. I personally don't care what an

>individual's religious beliefs are. If you want to

>worship dust bunnies, that's fine with me. However,

>this is not the forum for that type of discussion.

>'MDGiver' it seems that you feel expression of

>opinions are fine only as long as they agree with

>yours. Who died and left you boss? Ever hear the

>expression, " If you can't say something nice, don't

>say anything at all. " ? No one benefits from displays

>of anger and childish aggression. I begin to wonder

>about a persons level of intelligence who has to

>resort to name calling, as well as the intelligence of

>those who agree with such displays.

>Barbara Ann

>AIH Transplant Recipient

>P.S. What is a baBtist?


>--- MDGiver@... wrote:

> > From: MDGiver@...

> >

> > Joan,

> > Don't let one holy roller push her views on you.

> > I stand behind you 100%.

> > I am like you, a pagan, and an ex babtist. Dont'

> > let the idiots in this

> > world push you away from the support you need. I

> > told this person off, but

> > good....






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I agree. I am a " strong in my faith " Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Lutheran, but that is not what this group is about. We are all people that

have AIH, or have had it and are post- tx and are here to support and be

there for one another. There are newsgroups for one to go and discuss and

hash over religion, because everyone has their own beliefs and that should

be respected. There are few of us that at one time or another say that we

keep each other in our prayers and that type of thing, and that is great,

but to slam someone for their beliefs is wrong. Joan posted the address of

her web~site and if someone goes there and was offended by her talk of

dabbling in witchcraft, then you should leave the site, and not worry about

it. I believe that Joan is and upbeat person from what she has posted, and I

do hope you stay on Joan, there are alot of supportive people here, and also

a wealth of information. I will pray that everyone can get along and not

start a big squabble over this. I am on the transplant support group on~line

and I and one other person posted some supportive prayers and this jerk

really went off on us and even resorted to name ~calling, which was very

unnecessary. If the prayers offended him, then he should have just passed

them over and not woried about it.

Thank you for letting me speak my peace!!

Remember, " No one should go through this alone "

TTFN Lori Cummins AIH Liver tx 3~11~97

Re: [ ] reply - anger is stressful

>From: Roselle50@...


>Barbara Ann:


>I agree with you. I do worship dust bunnies. Have have black hairy ones


>my home from 's black lab, Libby.


>All kidding aside, I think that this is for the support of each other and


>don't have to drag people down because of their believes are. I was a good

>church person until I got sick and I still pray at night before I go to bed

>for the people in the group and people I know that need it. Each person


>their own ideas and groups they belong to.


>Sue AIH




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barbara ann wrote:

> 'MDGiver' it seems that you feel expression of

> opinions are fine only as long as they agree with

> yours. Who died and left you boss? Ever hear the

> expression, " If you can't say something nice, don't

> say anything at all. " ? No one benefits from displays

> of anger and childish aggression. I begin to wonder

> about a persons level of intelligence who has to

> resort to name calling, as well as the intelligence of

> those who agree with such displays.

> Barbara Ann

> AIH Transplant Recipient

Lighten up, people! Barbara, aren't you doing exactly what you are

accusing MDGiver of doing? Good grief! I came here for support, not to

watch people ridicule one another.

> P.S. What is a baBtist?

I rest my case.


PBC in Texas

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Hi Mark,

Congratulations...that is geat news....Keep up the good work...Have a good

day, and remember...Laughter is the music of a happy heart, love is it's

sustenance. Sooooo...laugh a lot, it is healing.

Joan, AIH, Cirrhosis, HBP


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To all and sundry........ Hear Hear Barbara Ann.

Can we stay focussed in this group please. Got todays postings and over 50%

are about arguments between Christianity and Witchcraft !!

We all have our own beliefs. I am also a Christian. Whilst these issues are

worthy of much debate and very important for us all, lets debate them

outside of this group. This group exists for encouragement, support,

information and where people can share experiences with others suffering

from this awful disease. That why I like being a member.

So no more ok ?

Well I had my specialist appointment yesterday and my numbers are back to

normal except GGPT which is 205. That is great as they were slightly up in

June from my last bloodwork and I was worried that the doc would increase

the pred. I'm delighted that their back to normal again yipeeee !!! So no

dose change and the doc. wants to see me in 6 six months not every three as

I have had for the last 2.5 years. I'm real pleased.

Regard to all

Mark Gray

Lets keep the chin's up (thats an order)

[ ] reply - anger is stressful

> From: barbara ann <barbara99ann@...>


> I thought the purpose of this group was to discuss AIH

> and Liver Disease. I personally don't care what an

> individual's religious beliefs are. If you want to

> worship dust bunnies, that's fine with me. However,

> this is not the forum for that type of discussion.

> 'MDGiver' it seems that you feel expression of

> opinions are fine only as long as they agree with

> yours. Who died and left you boss? Ever hear the

> expression, " If you can't say something nice, don't

> say anything at all. " ? No one benefits from displays

> of anger and childish aggression. I begin to wonder

> about a persons level of intelligence who has to

> resort to name calling, as well as the intelligence of

> those who agree with such displays.

> Barbara Ann

> AIH Transplant Recipient

> P.S. What is a baBtist?


> --- MDGiver@... wrote:

> > From: MDGiver@...

> >

> > Joan,

> > Don't let one holy roller push her views on you.

> > I stand behind you 100%.

> > I am like you, a pagan, and an ex babtist. Dont'

> > let the idiots in this

> > world push you away from the support you need. I

> > told this person off, but

> > good....




> __________________________________________________


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Good goin Mark. Lynn

Mark Gray wrote:

> From: " Mark Gray " <mcgray@...>


> To all and sundry........ Hear Hear Barbara Ann.


> Can we stay focussed in this group please. Got todays postings and over 50%

> are about arguments between Christianity and Witchcraft !!


> We all have our own beliefs. I am also a Christian. Whilst these issues are

> worthy of much debate and very important for us all, lets debate them

> outside of this group. This group exists for encouragement, support,

> information and where people can share experiences with others suffering

> from this awful disease. That why I like being a member.


> So no more ok ?


> Well I had my specialist appointment yesterday and my numbers are back to

> normal except GGPT which is 205. That is great as they were slightly up in

> June from my last bloodwork and I was worried that the doc would increase

> the pred. I'm delighted that their back to normal again yipeeee !!! So no

> dose change and the doc. wants to see me in 6 six months not every three as

> I have had for the last 2.5 years. I'm real pleased.


> Regard to all


> Mark Gray


> Lets keep the chin's up (thats an order)


> [ ] reply - anger is stressful


> > From: barbara ann <barbara99ann@...>

> >

> > I thought the purpose of this group was to discuss AIH

> > and Liver Disease. I personally don't care what an

> > individual's religious beliefs are. If you want to

> > worship dust bunnies, that's fine with me. However,

> > this is not the forum for that type of discussion.

> > 'MDGiver' it seems that you feel expression of

> > opinions are fine only as long as they agree with

> > yours. Who died and left you boss? Ever hear the

> > expression, " If you can't say something nice, don't

> > say anything at all. " ? No one benefits from displays

> > of anger and childish aggression. I begin to wonder

> > about a persons level of intelligence who has to

> > resort to name calling, as well as the intelligence of

> > those who agree with such displays.

> > Barbara Ann

> > AIH Transplant Recipient

> > P.S. What is a baBtist?

> >

> > --- MDGiver@... wrote:

> > > From: MDGiver@...

> > >

> > > Joan,

> > > Don't let one holy roller push her views on you.

> > > I stand behind you 100%.

> > > I am like you, a pagan, and an ex babtist. Dont'

> > > let the idiots in this

> > > world push you away from the support you need. I

> > > told this person off, but

> > > good....

> >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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How many more people are going to repeat this thought??

And why so serious about ? I am a Budist, Moslem, Chatholic,Protestant,

I believe in Yoga, humanism, science and astrology and fortune telling.

And I should not leave out Faith Healing.

But certainly we all know that " Witches should be seen and not heard "

This is Albert from Perth, the capitol of the world.

At 10:32 4/09/99 +0930, you wrote:

>From: " Mark Gray " <mcgray@...>


>To all and sundry........ Hear Hear Barbara Ann.


>Can we stay focussed in this group please. Got todays postings and over 50%

>are about arguments between Christianity and Witchcraft !!


> We all have our own beliefs. I am also a Christian. Whilst these issues are

>worthy of much debate and very important for us all, lets debate them

>outside of this group. This group exists for encouragement, support,

>information and where people can share experiences with others suffering

>from this awful disease. That why I like being a member.


>So no more ok ?





> [ ] reply - anger is stressful


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I really believe it was stress. My business partnership was splitting up in

June and it was quite stressfull. I'm so glad it is over and i am now in a

new partnership which is much better. I'm a firm believer that stress plays

a important role in our health especially with AIH. So we need to be aware

of it and eliminate it from our lives. Life is too short to be stressful,

don't you think?

Also I'm sure everyone in this group will agree, I know when my labs are

going to be elevated just by the way i feel and am aware of the bodies

various responses. I get lower leg itching and spots on my elbow joints

(funny isn't it) and don't feel right when my labs are abnormal. I'm getting

to the stage of telling the specialist when their up and when their ok !

before i get the results.



Re: [ ] reply - anger is stressful

> From: CREE8V1@...


> mark,


> do you have any theories on why your numbers were up for June and now



> roxanne


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