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Re: Portal Inflamation

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Hi , I'm not sure if portal inflammation is the same thing as periportal

fibrosis, but that is what I have. I looked it up in my medical dictionary,

and from what I gather it means " around the port " duh. I think what they are

talking about is the hepatic ducts (where stuff goes in and out, and passes

to other organs, and into the bloodstream). Like I say, I'm not sure but it

sounds good anyway! I was just diagnosed with AIH, and my ANA is also 1:80.

I'll be seeing a new GI soon, and hope to have more answers then.

Take care,


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the symptoms of the varices if severe are: Sudden drop in blood pressure,

nausea and vomitting( blood will be bright red or the clolor of coffee) a

pale appereance. shock.

These I think are the bad symptoms. I had varices and all I had was the

nausea and the occasional dark stools. I had my varices banded 7 months

before transplant and I had 5 bands put on. I was fortunate, that mine were

small bleeds. The varices are like varicose veins in the espophagus because

there is a backflow of blood when it cannot go through the liver because of

scarring or cirrhosis. Hope this helps.

Lori C. AIH Liver Tx 3~11~97

Re: [ ] Portal Inflamation

>>Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 09:39:35 -0700 (PDT)

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>>From: Elena P <brit71@...>


>>Hi ,

>>Thats what my biopsy said. No scarring, fibrosis, just

>>mild inflammation in the portal tracts. Apparently,

>>thats where inflammation starts with AIH. Mine was

>>more specific saying that it was in the triads, which

>>I guess is in the portal tracts. Anyone, correct me if

>>im wrong. My ANA is 1:320 and smooth muscle 1:160

>>whats your smooth muscle and symptoms, if any?



>>--- <cartersq@...> wrote:

>> > From: <cartersq@...>

>> >

>> > Hi all I am new and hope you can help me with a

>> > question. I just got

>> > results of a liver biopsy. It said I had portal

>> > inflamation. The Dr.

>> > will explain at my next visit. Can anyone shed some

>> > light?

>> >

>> > Is this a symptom of autoimmune hep? I have a

>> > positive ana of 1:80.

>> >

>> > I have been dealing with this for a year now. Any

>> > information would be

>> > helpful.

>> >

>> >

>> > Thank you so much!

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > ---------------------------

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