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Re: New Celiac needs help

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I've not heard that there is a particular length of time for healing. Also, that business about "sticking it out" sounds unlikely, or at least very odd. This doesn't fit anything I've run into.

You say you're feeling terrible. Do you mean that you're having GI symptoms? You may have become more sensitive to gluten and be still getting some accidental exposure, perhaps through medications or cross contamination.

Do you have a particular nutritional deficiency caused by CD, such as anemia or lack of potassium or vitamins? If so, you could be given supplements to make that problem go away faster.

Or, you could have some other medical problem. It IS possible to have two illnesses at once! To "stick it out" until you feel better just doesn't seem right.

Keep in mind that CD is an autoimmune disorder. Those of us with one AD have an increased risk of developing another.

What does your GP have to say about all this?


Hello I recently got diagnosed with Celiac back in June of this year.

I was feeling much better, but now am feeling terrible! I am sticking

to my gluten free diet, but even then am feeling sick still. My gastro

DR. says it takes 6 months to heal and there is not much to do but

stick it out. is this true? Any help/suggestions/advise? Thanks in


-----Original Message-----

From: socorrogonzalez24 <cutiess56@...>

Sent: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 11:16 pm

Subject: [ ] New Celiac needs help

Hello I recently got diagnosed with Celiac back in June of this year.

I was feeling much better, but now am feeling terrible! I am sticking

to my gluten free diet, but even then am feeling sick still. My gastro

DR. says it takes 6 months to heal and there is not much to do but

stick it out. is this true? Any help/suggestions/advise? Thanks in


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I wrote to someone else recently on this. I had a similar experience.

I felt better, much much better within weeks. Then about six months

later started to feel bad again. I thought I had mastered the GF diet

but I didn't realize that some people can become hyper-sensitized and

that cross-contamination and hidden gluten was affecting me. So, I

researched more, cut gluten out of my house and voila got better again,

quickly. Six months later, the same thing happened again - I have found

that I have to be ultra-vigilant - my non-celiac 4.5 year old now

doesn't eat gluten outside the house, because he kisses me on the lips

and that makes me sick. I don't eat out very often, as that also makes

me sick. The GI dr that I saw when I was diagnosed said that some

people become really hyper-sensitized and that the hyper-sensitivity

might or might not diminish. The same thing has happened to one of my

sons, tho even then I would say he is not as sensitive as me.

I really thought I had cracked the GF diet, so please don't be insulted

when I suggest you question all of your diet - every single thing - are

the plates washed with plates that used gluten, are you using a

non-stick frying pan and did you know that non-stick frying pans are

particularly hard to get free of gluten and so on and so on. I am

super-disicplined and I still have some errors - a latte from Starbucks

which is labeled as my drink, but is a flavored drink when I taste it.

Just my two cents.


-----Original Message-----


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of socorrogonzalez24

Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 11:17 PM

Subject: [ ] New Celiac needs help

Hello I recently got diagnosed with Celiac back in June of this year.

I was feeling much better, but now am feeling terrible! I am sticking

to my gluten free diet, but even then am feeling sick still. My gastro

DR. says it takes 6 months to heal and there is not much to do but

stick it out. is this true? Any help/suggestions/advise? Thanks in



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I feel your pain!! I had the same experience. Ialmost wept with joy when I felt better immediatelyafter going gf then I got so sick a few months later. After a year, I just now feel like I've got a handleon it. But if I get the smallest amount of gluten,even from crumbs in a toaster or on a plateI'm sick for days and it's much worse thanI've ever felt. Hopefully this will subside for you!On Sep 19, 2008, at 11:16 PM, "socorrogonzalez24" <cutiess56@...> wrote:

Hello I recently got diagnosed with Celiac back in June of this year.

I was feeling much better, but now am feeling terrible! I am sticking

to my gluten free diet, but even then am feeling sick still. My gastro

DR. says it takes 6 months to heal and there is not much to do but

stick it out. is this true? Any help/suggestions/advise? Thanks in


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Those are all very helpful tips! I'm glad you mentioned them. I was

pretty sure that most Starbucks flavorings and beverages are

gluten-free... with the exception of any containing malt powder, java

chips, or vanilla bean powder. A few frappucinos can contain gluten,

so I just avoid those. However, the sugar syrups usually added to

lattes etc. should be gluten-free...


I am

> super-disicplined and I still have some errors - a latte from Starbucks

> which is labeled as my drink, but is a flavored drink when I taste it.


> Just my two cents.


> b

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I had a similar thing happen to me. I found it was not all food that

was my issue but also my beauty products. Alot of shampoo, conditiner,

hair styling products (like hairspray), hair dye, lipstick, chapstick,

etc.. have wheat or wheat germ oil in them. Once I got rid of thoose

that helped. But also alot of celiacs have more than one food

allergy/sensativity and sometimes it takes a little detective work to

figure out what else can be making you sick. I was tested (ige/igg and

elimination diet)and found nuts, brown rice,eggs,flax,diary, Also made

me really sick to. I felt better going of the gluten free and my body

would recover and then because I was eating more rice to replace it I

would get sick. Good Luck KC

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Based on the labels, most regular (not sugar-free) syrups at Starbucks are GF -

mint, almond, raspberry I know I've checked on and found by label to be safe. No

reactions from this household to those flavors.


> From: seamaiden399 <seamaiden399@...>

> Subject: [ ] Re: New Celiac needs help


> Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 6:06 PM

> Those are all very helpful tips! I'm glad you mentioned

> them. I was

> pretty sure that most Starbucks flavorings and beverages

> are

> gluten-free... with the exception of any containing malt

> powder, java

> chips, or vanilla bean powder. A few frappucinos can

> contain gluten,

> so I just avoid those. However, the sugar syrups usually

> added to

> lattes etc. should be gluten-free...


> -



> I am

> > super-disicplined and I still have some errors - a

> latte from Starbucks

> > which is labeled as my drink, but is a flavored drink

> when I taste it.

> >

> > Just my two cents.

> >

> > b

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