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acid reflux

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I've not been able to read all the gallstone questions lately, but if

someone's having acid reflux, I can admit that this was the first sign of my

gallstone problems. As a matter of fact, that's exactly how my problems started


After about 6 months of having these reflux problems, then one night I had an

attack that was acid reflux plus pain in the upper right area of my abdomen,

which I started then thinking was gallstones. Turns out I was right.

Sometimes acid reflux proceeds a gallstone attack in some people or comes around

shorthly thereafter. I think that if I had known early on enough and that this

was MY first sign of gallstone trouble, then I might still have my gallbladder

because I could have started my cleanses early on.


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>>>... if someone's having acid reflux, I can admit that this was the first sign

of my gallstone problems.<<<

Same here. That, then nausea, then supposedly IBS. None of which I have now. I

suffered with those problems for approximately 13 years before I had my first

attack, which for me wasn't passing a stone from my gallbladder, for some

strange reason I seem to pass them from my gallbladder quite easily, but they

then have a slow trip through my bile duct, sometimes getting stuck for a few

hours causing severe liver pain before I feel them 'pop' through. The pain then

disappears instantaneously. My liver enzymes will be elevated for 7 - 10 days

afterwards. During that time I take extra milk thistle.


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Same with me. I had acid reflux (burping acid up to my throat) for

about a year before my first attack. This preceded my GB attack and

went away with the flushes and other GB care.


> Hello,

>I can admit that this was the first sign of my

> gallstone problems.

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  • 1 year later...
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sounds like we are both pretty much on the same page! I also stopped

eating red meats and the accompanying fats. No animal fats other than

the litle that comes with fowl and fish, but take at least 1 tbsp a day

of pure virgin olive oil; include some acidophilis if and as needed,

DGL, and vegetable enzymes (or eat a half a cup of crushed pineapple

instead of the enzyes) if happen to get a bit of animal fat.

I am doing qite well after several years of shear agony. I also use no

sugar ( or at least minimal)as, I too, use Stevia in anything i want


respectfully, Lee (the old granny)

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,I have diverticula, but not diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is

when infection sets in, and that is very bad... sort of autotoxin or

self poisoning.It is best not to eat food with tiny seeds such as

tomatoes and peppers as wel as other fine seeds that do not digest

well but get caught in the diverticulas. I think if you changed your

eating habits to pretty well conform to Anns agenda, you would find a

great improvement. I am doing very well ow except for RA and have

hard tie typing as ingers wot do what i think they are doing and hav

to spend a lot of time filling in characters! :) forgive the

missingones! incidently, i got a computer program that let me trac my

food and by knowing what i am eatig (read the labels) and eating

about like Ann, I have been loosing abut 1 1/2 lb a week!!! that was

my goal and it is working !! I also exercise 5 days a week for about

45 minutes each, 3 sessions are water exercises due to the RA. at >76

years i can still lay on my back and touch the floor abov my head

with my feet if i choose. It is one of my old yoga exercises and got

my herniated disk relieved.

Lee (the granny one)

-- In health , Reilly

<setlikeflint@y...> wrote:

> That is interesting. I have IBS with diverticulosis, and pain in

my chest where my gall bladder used to be. The " Dr. " thinks it is

acid. I think it is clogged and backed up intestines.


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  • 3 years later...

hello all,i meant to post about this topic months ago, but never got around to it. after i was diagnosed with celiac (about 7 years ago, at the age of 20), i still had persisting symptoms. so about six months after, my doctor ordered a barium test (where they make you drink liquid barium and observe your organs as they become coated with the substance). for anyone who has done this test, you know how unpalatable the liquid barium is, so i almost threw up a few times during the process. the tests showed that i had acid reflux. at the time, i asked the technician who told me about the acid reflux whether the fact that i had been almost throwing up could have showed stomach acid in my esophagus and thus resulted in a false acid reflux diagnosis. he said no, and my doctor prescribed prevacid. i should mention that at the time i had no acid reflux symptoms-

no heart burn, chest pain, etc. i was on 15 mg of prevacid daily for about 5 years. after 5 years i started having severe chest pains and heartburn, and my GI doubled my prevacid dose to 30 mg daily. it had always disturbed me that as someone in their early twenties, who drank no caffeine, didn't eat spicy foods, or lots of fried food, i was taking daily medication. so this summer i decided to start tapering off of the prevacid. the first few days i still had symptoms, but then after about a week, i was fine. now, i know that i may just be bitter towards doctors for my many ridiculous pre and post-celiac interactions with many clueless doctors (like the one celiac specialist who i will not name that accused me of "sneaking" bread when i told him i was still feeling sick after going GF), but through this whole experience i get the feeling that i never had acid reflux, but that i developed a dependence on prevacid after taking it for so long.

anyway, just thought i would share my story. has anyone had similar acid reflux experiences?

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Oh wow, that's awful!! I was on Protonix for acid stomach for about

6 months, but after my first week of a food allergy elimination diet

I no longer felt nauseated if I didn't take it, so stopped and told

my doctor. I never had any issues after that (unless I somehow get

glutened without knowing it--Wellshire Farms!). But I wonder if

that's b/c I was only on it for a short time.

--- In , maya s <mayaglutenfree@...>



> hello all,


> i meant to post about this topic months ago, but never got around

to it. after i was diagnosed with celiac (about 7 years ago, at the

age of 20), i still had persisting symptoms. so about six months

after, my doctor ordered a barium test (where they make you drink

liquid barium and observe your organs as they become coated with the

substance). for anyone who has done this test, you know how

unpalatable the liquid barium is, so i almost threw up a few times

during the process. the tests showed that i had acid reflux. at the

time, i asked the technician who told me about the acid reflux

whether the fact that i had been almost throwing up could have showed

stomach acid in my esophagus and thus resulted in a false acid reflux

diagnosis. he said no, and my doctor prescribed prevacid. i should

mention that at the time i had no acid reflux symptoms- no heart

burn, chest pain, etc. i was on 15 mg of prevacid daily for about 5

years. after 5 years i started

> having severe chest pains and heartburn, and my GI doubled my

prevacid dose to 30 mg daily.


> it had always disturbed me that as someone in their early twenties,

who drank no caffeine, didn't eat spicy foods, or lots of fried food,

i was taking daily medication. so this summer i decided to start

tapering off of the prevacid. the first few days i still had

symptoms, but then after about a week, i was fine. now, i know that i

may just be bitter towards doctors for my many ridiculous pre and

post-celiac interactions with many clueless doctors (like the one

celiac specialist who i will not name that accused me of " sneaking "

bread when i told him i was still feeling sick after going GF), but

through this whole experience i get the feeling that i never had acid

reflux, but that i developed a dependence on prevacid after taking it

for so long.


> anyway, just thought i would share my story. has anyone had similar

acid reflux experiences? 


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