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Re: shampoo and various symptoms

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I, a dairy addict discovered I could tolerate no dairy whatsoever

before I also discovered I couldn't handle any gluten either. Dairy

makes me nauseous, with acid reflux almost immediately. Before

getting both out of my diet I just wanted someone to put me out of my

misery. I went from 132 to 111 lbs. in a couple of months. I think I

was actually vitamin D and calcium deficient even before all this

because my body wasn't absorbing nutrients even though I was ingesting

plenty of them. I just didn't have the overt severe digestive

problems that started in 2003.

I suggest you make sure all your vitamin and mineral blood levels are

checked. I have had terrible muscle pains all over for over 4 years

and realize there were more subtle things happening before that. I

finally requested a vitamin and mineral check with the reasoning that

I have been gluten, dairy, and nut free for four years and might be

deficient. My nurse practitioner at Kaiser actually ordered the tests

immediately. My calcium levels are at the borderline of deficient and

my vitamin D is way deficient. I take plenty of calcium but the body

can't use it unless you have sufficient D. I walk an hour 5 days a

week with no sunscreen on but I guess not enough skin is in the sun

for the body to make its own D especially in this colder weather.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause bone pain, muscle pain, depression (it

is a precursor for the body making many of its hormones and without it

your hormones are a mess which causes myriads of other problems) among

other problems. The FDA recommends 400 IU of D a day but the latest

research is saying you should get 800 - 1200 IUs. You won't overdose.

Your body excretes what it doesn't use or store. I am now taking

2400 IUs a day along with trying to get my upper torso in the sun for

30 minutes a day when it isn't too cold. Doctor told me to take

2000-3000 IUs daily. Recommended the little gel 1000 IU caplets from

Trader Joe's. They are gluten, soy, salt, sugar, starch, yeast,

wheat, corn, and shellfish free. I have had no repercussions from

them and my muscles already feel better. I hope my connective tissue

will get better at holding my joints in place and that will be even

less discomfort and pain. I have been diagnosed with osteopenia too

and am hoping this will help my body use all that calcium I am

ingesting to improve this problem as well.


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