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Controversy of Oats

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Greetings,I want to share my opinion, what I've learned and some logic in regard to the oat/gluten controversy. If you were to buy Rolled Oats, Oat Flour or Steel Cut Oats you are likely guaranteed to be affected by gluten cross contamination from harvesting & processing, as mentioned in the previous post. However, if you purchase whole oat groats, there are logical ways to eliminate gluten contamination that the oats may have come in contact with during harvesting & processing. First off, we know that gluten can be airborne and has the ability to adhere itself in a sticky manner to surfaces, other foods, etc... Here's what you do: take whole oat groats and rinse them thoroughly with a fruit & vegetable wash (like the stuff they sell at TJ'S) you will rinse off the gluten, it is no more adhesive then wax or pesticide residue. Once they are rinsed you can cook them in their whole grain form OR if you have a dehydrator you can spread on dehydrator sheets to dry. Once dry you can roll into oats or grind into flour. Granted it takes work on your part, but I'd much rather do this than pay an arm & leg for "NON ORGANIC" Certified Gluten Free Oats. I originally went to buy the certified gluten free oat groats online, but more than the high cost was the fact that they are not organic! I'd much rather do the extra work and pay less. Our family has been GF for 7 years now and several of us are extremely sensitive when gluten contamination occurs-not a single one of us has had any issue with oats when prepared in the ways mentioned above. Plus my 3 boys love helping roll the oats! In regard to the person who mentioned being very sensitive and having had a reaction to even GF oats, you may consider that you are one of the people out there who are sensitive to more than just gliadin gluten. Original published research by Dr. Sidney Valentine Haas, "The Management of Celiac Disease" found that the "gluten in many grains" (not just wheat, rye, barley-not specifically gliadin) was what people where reacting to. This research was Dr. Haas life work and it was well studied, researched, and documented with 670 references. It was a group of 6 doctors with a small test group of 10 children that contradicted this lifelong research with little to no evidence, claiming that it was specifically "gliadin". Gluten free may work for some, but for others it may not be the complete picture. My children have been on both the SCD & GF diet, but what has healed them most was healing the candida that most of us have an overgrowth of and reestablishing a healthy gut ecology. We did this with the BED and now we can tolerate many foods we previously reacted to. Anyhow, just my .8 cents worth:) Be Well, Azalyne Azalyne Rae SkyeOlson~*~Natural Birth Resource Specialist/Lactation Consultant, SCD/GF/CF/BED Nutritional Coach, Nourishing Natural Foods Chef & Goddess of Foodgasmic Bliss, Wild Mushroom Identification & Herbalist~*~http://gaiatreeearthschool.blogspot.com/"Carefully watch your THOUGHTS, for they become your WORDS. Manage and watch your WORDS, for they will become your ACTIONS. Consider and judge your ACTIONS, for they have become your HABITS. Acknowledge and watch your HABITS, for they shall become your VALUES. Understand and embrace your VALUES, for they become YOUR DESTINY."—Mahatma Gandhi On Aug 13, 2008, at 4:29 AM, wrote:celiacBayareaMessages In This Digest (8 Messages)1a.Re: Kinninnick doughnuts From: squirt24761b.Re: Kinninnick doughnuts From: Christi OConnell1c.Re: Kinninnick doughnuts From: Wallace2a.Clan 's Mini-List From: 3.Re Clan 's lists, CSA's lists, or anybody's lists or GF prod From: j. hogle4a.Oats question From: Kristy Lund4b.Re: Oats question From: Lillyth Denaghy Keogh-Quillan4c.Re: Oats question From: flatcat9@...View All Topics | Create New TopicMessages1a.Re: Kinninnick doughnutsPosted by: "squirt2476" kerihourigan@... squirt2476Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:20 am (PDT)My local Safeway store (Antioch) is also now carrying many Kinnikinnick products, including chocolate doughnuts, bagels, pizza crusts, and some breads. We were so excited to see them. We had been to Harvest House the day before stocking up on things but still bought 3 things from Safeway just to show them that there is a demand for it.Keri>>> From: Colleen McGuire <colleen.mcguire@ gmail.com<mailto:colleen.mcguire%40gmail.com> >>> Subject: [ ] Kinninnick doughnuts>> <mailto: %40> >> Date: Monday, August 11, 2008, 7:56 AM>>> I live in San and was wondering if anyone knows where>> to buy the>> Kinninnick doughnuts (preferably chocolate-dipped) on the>> Peninsula.>> Thanks!>> Colleen>> -- Joe http://sanbeiji. com/ <http://sanbeiji.com/> Back to topReply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (7)2a.Clan 's Mini-ListPosted by: " " clanthompsonscott@... clanthompsonscottTue Aug 12, 2008 10:59 am (PDT)Clan ¢s Mini-ListVerified Information on Gluten Content(Thisarticle may be copied and distributed freely as long as it isreproduced in its entirety, including this notice. Clan ¢sMini-List is copyright 2008 Clan LLC)Manufacturersof the following products reported them to be GLUTEN FREE in the USAwhen we called them in July. The Celiac Drug SmartList containsverified gluten info on approximately 2,677 products. For more info, orto download a FREE DEMO, visit our CeliacSite at www.clanthompson.comGlide FlossMetamucil Psyllium Fiber for Regularity Smooth Texture - Orange PowderPin XTiger Bites Children's Multi - ChewableACT Anti-cavity fluoride rinse (cinnamon flavor)Viactiv Soft Calcium ChewsGerber Tooth and Gum Cleanser (Infant and Toddler)Pepcid AC 10 mg tabletsTheraFlu Cough and Cold Hot Liquid FormulaAlavert Easy to Swallow TabletsKonsyl Fiber CapletsAlavert Quick Dissolving Tablets - mintPermaGrip Denture Adhesive and mint waxed flossZolpidem Tartrate from CaracoBuSpar tablets from Bristol Myers SquibbPrevacid capsules from TAPAdvair spray inhaler from Glaxo KlineAralen from SanofiHydrocodone w/APAP tablets from MallinckrdtClan's Celiac SmartLists are a series of programs which make iteasy to find gluten information on thousands of items. Our SmartListsare the ONLY software that contains VERIFIED information, and a"Comments" field is included to provide even more information. Downloada FREE DEMO, at http://www.clanthompson.com/Inaddition, you may always subscribe online to our free email Newsletterwhich includes new Gluten Free food lists, The Cook's Corner, Ask Clan and more.Back to topReply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (13)3.Re Clan 's lists, CSA's lists, or anybody's lists or GF prodPosted by: "j. hogle" jjhogle@... jjhogleTue Aug 12, 2008 5:45 pm (PDT)I appreciate the work Clan (CT) and other organizations such as the Celiac Sprue Association (CSA) have done in researching, aggregating, and publishing information on gluten-free (GF) products, BUT, as a librarian who is very concerned about quality of information and as someone who is married to someone who has been severely affected by her CD, I feel the need for more information.For example, we had to determine if the Dawn hand dishwashing soap was GF. * Now, the Soaps, Cosmetics, Personal Care Items, etc." page under the "Free Info Lists" page (http://www.clanthompson.com/res_info_lists.php) at the Clan 's Celiac Site says the following: "Dawn Dishwashing Detergent: Manufactured by Procter & Gamble. Gluten free: Yes. Vegetarian: Yes. Verified: 10/10/07" * But, we also called Proctor & Gamble (P & G) customer service, and the customer service repsaid that while P & G does not specifically incorporate gluten-bearing materials into its products, the company does not have information on whether many of thesourced materials for a lot of P & G's non-food products are GF. * Result: We are going to stop using Dawn for now.* Question: How can CT say that Dawn is "verified" as being GF when Proctor & Gamble is not willing to commit to that? Does CT have another source that has analyzed Dawn and come to that conclusion? If so, CT, please provide the source of your information and do the same for all products you identify as GF.The truth is that, in any GF claim, we all know that we should be looking for attribution to the product manufacturer or very credible, highly reputable not-for-profit,scientific/medical, or government agency, sources who provide clear documentation. My family is doingit because we are finding that we can't be sure that some products that are claimed (by an organization or individual) to be GF are absolutely GF. It is possible that, despite not going out to eat (except PF Chang and Outback), reading CSA and CT and other listings, looking at Web sites and lists such as Celiac Bay Area, and dumping everything identified as having gluten, there must be still traces that have resulted in my wife's IGA not declining as fast as it should be. This has, unfortunately, resulted in four transfusions in since January 2008 because of villi damage-induced anemia.So, please, please, please, everyone, including Clan , CSA, and every other organization and individual providing information on GF products, please provide the exact source of that information. It can only help all of us. HogleFreelance academic librarianInstructor, online researchEmail: jjhogle Web: www.blueroom.comReality ain't what you think it isArt Graphics & Photographs[http://www.blueroom.com/realityaint.htm]----- Original Message ----From: <clanthompsonscott >gilbride100gmailSent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 10:59:15 AMSubject: [ ] Clan 's Mini-ListClan ¢s Mini-ListVerified Information on Gluten Content(Thisarticle may be copied and distributed freely as long as it isreproduced in its entirety, including this notice. Clan ¢sMini-List is copyright 2008 Clan LLC)Manufacturersof the following products reported them to be GLUTEN FREE in the USAwhen we called them in July. The Celiac Drug SmartList containsverified gluten info on approximately 2,677 products. For more info, orto download a FREE DEMO, visit our CeliacSite at www.clanthompson. comGlide FlossMetamucil Psyllium Fiber for Regularity Smooth Texture - Orange PowderPin XTiger Bites Children's Multi - ChewableACT Anti-cavity fluoride rinse (cinnamon flavor)Viactiv Soft Calcium ChewsGerber Tooth and Gum Cleanser (Infant and Toddler)Pepcid AC 10 mg tabletsTheraFlu Cough and Cold Hot Liquid FormulaAlavert Easy to Swallow TabletsKonsyl Fiber CapletsAlavert Quick Dissolving Tablets - mintPermaGrip Denture Adhesive and mint waxed flossZolpidem Tartrate from CaracoBuSpar tablets from Bristol Myers SquibbPrevacid capsules from TAPAdvair spray inhaler from Glaxo KlineAralen from SanofiHydrocodone w/APAP tablets from MallinckrdtClan's Celiac SmartLists are a series of programs which make iteasy to find gluten information on thousands of items. Our SmartListsare the ONLY software that contains VERIFIED information, and a"Comments" field is included to provide even more information. Downloada FREE DEMO, at http://www.clanthom pson.com/Inaddition, you may always subscribe online to our free email Newsletterwhich includes new Gluten Free food lists, The Cook's Corner, Ask Clan and more. Back to topReply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1)4a.Oats questionPosted by: "Kristy Lund" kristy.lund@... kristy_lundTue Aug 12, 2008 10:50 pm (PDT)Hi all,I'm fairly new to this group, it's been nice reading everyone's posts.My two year old cannot do gluten, but since he's only two, it's hard to knowwhether or not he has a reaction.My question: What's up with Oats? I know they used to be on the "no" list,and now are OK, or maybe?My husband bought a cereal today, Annie's Cinna Bunnies. Ingredients:corn flour, evap cane juice, whole oat flour, rice flour...and naturalflavor. Would that be a no?Thanks!Kristy-- Kristy LundFreelance Writer, Reiki Practitioner and Mother of two energetic boysVisit my website and blog at www.kristylund.comBack to topReply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3)4b.Re: Oats questionPosted by: "Lillyth Denaghy Keogh-Quillan"lillythdenaghykeogh@... laurenkelley_55Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:43 pm (PDT)Virtually ALL of the oats raised in the US are cross-contaminated withwheat, due to current farming practices. There are only two companies youcan obtain GF oats from (via internet).SO, unless the Cinna Bunnies say GLUTEN-FREE whole oat flour, then yes, thatwould be a no.*Side note* 20% of the celiac population cannot tolerate even GF oats, andhave a celiac-like reaction to them, so a lot of celiacs, myself included,just don't think it's worth the risk to even try the GF kind. My reactionis so devastating when I get glutened that I don't even want to chance it atall._____ From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of Kristy LundSent: Monday, August 11, 2008 10:41 PM Subject: [ ] Oats questionHi all,I'm fairly new to this group, it's been nice reading everyone's posts.My two year old cannot do gluten, but since he's only two, it's hard to knowwhether or not he has a reaction.My question: What's up with Oats? I know they used to be on the "no" list,and now are OK, or maybe?My husband bought a cereal today, Annie's Cinna Bunnies. Ingredients:corn flour, evap cane juice, whole oat flour, rice flour...and naturalflavor. Would that be a no?Thanks!Kristy-- Kristy LundFreelance Writer, Reiki Practitioner and Mother of two energetic boysVisit my website and blog at www.kristylund. <http://www.kristylund.com> comBack to topReply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3)4c.Re: Oats questionPosted by: "flatcat9@..." flatcat9@... autonomous2Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:08 am (PDT)Bob's Red Mill, in supermarkets, produces GF steel-cut oats. In the autumn the line is to incude GF rolled oats. Read the label, make sure you're getting the GF Bob's oats; they also have many versions of non-GF oats.H.In a message dated 8/12/08 11:43:40 PM, lillythdenaghykeoghcomcast (DOT) net writes:> There are only two companies you can obtain GF oats from (via internet).> **************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos.(http://autos.aol.com/cars-BMW-128-2008/expert-review?ncid=aolaut00050000000017 )Back to topReply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (3)RECENT ACTIVITY5New MembersVisit Your Group HealthAchy Joint?Common arthritismyths debunked.Meditation andLovingkindnessA Groupto share and learn.Y! Groups blogthe best sourcefor the latestscoop on Groups.Need to Reply?Click one of the "Reply" links to respond to a specific message in the Daily Digest.Create New Topic | Visit Your Group on the WebMessages | Files | Photos | Links | Database | Polls | Members | Calendar Change settings via the Web ( ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Individual | Switch format to Traditional Visit Your Group | Terms of Use | Unsubscribe

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