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Autologous Blood Donation

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One of the personnel here at work made a few calls for me (bless their


I now have paperwork to send to Glazer's office to specify his particular


for having me draw my own blood. This seems to be the catch with Blue



At 05:49 PM 3/31/2006, you wrote:


Call your insurance comapny and speak to a supervisor. I too had to


my own blood for surgery and my insurance plan covered it and


to maryland from NJ. I donated 5 pints. Talk to someone at least five


at your insurance company because I was given inaccurate information on


phone calls. after five phone calls I finally had the right answer given


me three times by three people two of them supervisors and it was

covered. I

didn't want to get stuck with a $3,000 bill post op to pay! So it should


covered because although bank blood is 'safe' it still carries other


not just 'aids' such as matching factors or other contaminents in the


Autologous is the safest form of blood donation. My husband works with


FDA on blood banking hiv and Hepatitis unit and the American Red

Cross. If

your insurance company still says they will not pay.. when you speak to


supervisor quote this make sure you get the full spelling of their name


of call time ect. make sure you try about 5 times though. People can


stupid or lazy to look up the right info or assume your policy is the


I have J & J Cigna. Cigna offers 130 variations. So NO they don't know


off the top of their head even when they say they do.. I don't believe


I am right most of the time.

So if the ins. supervisor says you are NOT covered for Autologous


donations you get their name date time phone number and ask that a letter


sent to you saying that they will not cover the autologous blood


Make sure you have the prescription for the blood donation from your


handy in case you need to fax it to them. I had too. then you say to

them "

OK IF you won't cover my self donation of blood (autologous) and I

have any

adverse reaction to banked blood then I will hold you (X) my


carrier liable for all associated costs and outcomes due to your


not to pay for two pints of autologous blood. Then you say " is that


then because you won't cover it therefore i am to use bank blood even


my doctor says to self donate. " Normally at that point that person


pause when they here liability and if they do pause you ask to

speak to

their supervisor or try to get it in writing but at least you have


written notes of whom you spoke with and when. But I would suggest at


five attempts to see if you get to the right person before giving up.


doctor doesn't suggest self donation for the heck of it..he knows it is


safer then risks of reaction to banked blood. Well this is my suggestion


opinion anyway.

wishing you many peaceful moments

TwistedSister in NJ

1982 Scoliosis Harrington fusion, 1998 Revision A/P Surgery for


Syndrome, 1998 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 1999 Degenrative SI


2000 Weight Loss Surgery, 2000 Spinal Hardware Removed, 2001


bulging discs, 2002 Arachnoiditis, 2002 GERD, 2002 Adhesions, 1993


Valve Prolapse, 1996 Fibromyalgia, 2001 Kidney Stones,

2003 Interstitial Cystitis, May 2003 Anterior spine hardware removal


Harrington Rod scoliosis people and other post-op multiple spine


people may interested in the following website dedicated to Flatback

Syndrome and revision/salvage spine surgery... " Salvaged Sisters


Scoliosis " website on Delphi Forums at:


scoliosis veterans * flatback sufferers * revision candidates

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Ugh, I really hate the blood topic, but I know I must face it eventually. My new insurance policy states that it does not cover blood donated for a particular person, and that it does not cover any blood or blood product "if participation in a volunteer program is available".

This is the first I've heard of such a program; does anyone know what it is, and if NEBH participates in one? Even if one were available, how could I participate with all the meds I'm on?


Re: [ ] autologous blood donation

Kathleen,One of the personnel here at work made a few calls for me (bless their souls).I now have paperwork to send to Glazer's office to specify his particular reasonsfor having me draw my own blood. This seems to be the catch with Blue Crossanyway.At 05:49 PM 3/31/2006, you wrote:

-Call your insurance comapny and speak to a supervisor. I too had to donatemy own blood for surgery and my insurance plan covered it and transportingto maryland from NJ. I donated 5 pints. Talk to someone at least five timesat your insurance company because I was given inaccurate information on twophone calls. after five phone calls I finally had the right answer given tome three times by three people two of them supervisors and it was covered. Ididn't want to get stuck with a $3,000 bill post op to pay! So it should becovered because although bank blood is 'safe' it still carries other risknot just 'aids' such as matching factors or other contaminents in the blood.Autologous is the safest form of blood donation. My husband works with theFDA on blood banking hiv and Hepatitis unit and the American Red Cross. Ifyour insurance company still says they will not pay.. when you speak to asupervisor quote this make sure you get the full spelling of their name dateof call time ect. make sure you try about 5 times though. People can bestupid or lazy to look up the right info or assume your policy is the same.I have J & J Cigna. Cigna offers 130 variations. So NO they don't know mineoff the top of their head even when they say they do.. I don't believe them.I am right most of the time.So if the ins. supervisor says you are NOT covered for Autologous blooddonations you get their name date time phone number and ask that a letter besent to you saying that they will not cover the autologous blood donation.Make sure you have the prescription for the blood donation from your doctorhandy in case you need to fax it to them. I had too. then you say to them"OK IF you won't cover my self donation of blood (autologous) and I have anyadverse reaction to banked blood then I will hold you (X) my insurancecarrier liable for all associated costs and outcomes due to your decisionnot to pay for two pints of autologous blood. Then you say "is that correctthen because you won't cover it therefore i am to use bank blood even thoughmy doctor says to self donate." Normally at that point that person willpause when they here liability and if they do pause you ask to speak totheir supervisor or try to get it in writing but at least you have yourwritten notes of whom you spoke with and when. But I would suggest at leastfive attempts to see if you get to the right person before giving up. Yourdoctor doesn't suggest self donation for the heck of it..he knows it is muchsafer then risks of reaction to banked blood. Well this is my suggestion andopinion anyway.wishing you many peaceful momentsTwistedSister in NJ1982 Scoliosis Harrington fusion, 1998 Revision A/P Surgery for FlatbackSyndrome, 1998 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 1999 Degenrative SI Joints,2000 Weight Loss Surgery, 2000 Spinal Hardware Removed, 2001 Cervicalbulging discs, 2002 Arachnoiditis, 2002 GERD, 2002 Adhesions, 1993 MitralValve Prolapse, 1996 Fibromyalgia, 2001 Kidney Stones,2003 Interstitial Cystitis, May 2003 Anterior spine hardware removal** LIFE IS UNCERTAIN.............EAT DESSERT FIRST **Harrington Rod scoliosis people and other post-op multiple spine surgerypeople may interested in the following website dedicated to FlatbackSyndrome and revision/salvage spine surgery... "Salvaged Sisters ofScoliosis" website on Delphi Forums at:http://forums.delphiforums.com/adultscoliosis/messagesscoliosis veterans * flatback sufferers * revision candidates

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  • 1 year later...
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My surgeon doesn't require blood donations, because a person often

needs more blood than what is donated. He uses all banked blood.

So if you're comfortable with it, it may be worth just doing things

that way since your insurance won't cover the costs. Plus you won't

risk being anemic right before your surgery. Does Dr. LaGrone have

a problem with it if you choose not to donate?


> I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood

and an

> additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my

> insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr.

> Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it


> cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be


> donor blood after all. Oh well.


> Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be

> preparing this far out?


> My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me to

> Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss my


> when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use after

I get

> home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son

got me

> a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some


> books for recovery (any suggestions on books).


> Thanks for listening.


> Tami


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I'm not sure if he has a problem with it but I'll soon find out. I

really don't have a problem with it so why should he?

> >

> > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood

> and an

> > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my

> > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr.

> > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it

> will

> > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be

> using

> > donor blood after all. Oh well.

> >

> > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be

> > preparing this far out?

> >

> > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me to

> > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss


> dogs

> > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use after

> I get

> > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son

> got me

> > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some

> new

> > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).

> >

> > Thanks for listening.

> >

> > Tami

> >


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Tami, LaGrone doen't have an issue with using banked blood. Irons, his surgical assistant, said they usually don't need more than 4 units during surgery. Who did you call for prices? I got a better rate through the Red Cross. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I'm going to call my insurance today (BCBS) and see if they cover it. If not, I may just use the blood bank. I'm also very familiar with Amarillo b/c I was born and raised there. Let me know if you have any questions and/or need recommendations for places to eat and stay. Just curious, why posterior only? Was that LaGrone's rec? I have to have A/P. Also, his office mailed me a book about scoliosis surgery (written by someone who had the surgery for the first time; not a revision). It is interesting. I would be happy to mail it to you after I finish it. I'm almost done. I'm excited you made a decision and

happy you choose LaGrone :) Melindatlsun2462 <tamisun@...> wrote: I'm not sure if he has a problem with it but I'll soon find out. I really don't have a problem with it so why should he?> >> > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood > and an > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr. > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it > will > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be > using > > donor blood after all. Oh

well.> > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be > > preparing this far out? > > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me to > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss my > dogs > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use after > I get > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son > got me > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some > new > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).> > > > Thanks for listening.> > > > Tami> >>

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Tami: I was only able to self donate one pint (I was trying for 4, as suggested by Dr. LaGrone), because I became ill after donating the first pint. So I knew it was more important for me to be well and strong for the surgery, so I did not attempt the other pints. Turns out I needed 4 pints, so I got 3 pints of good Texas blood from the blood bank there. My insurance (HMO, so everything was red tape) originally denied paying for the one pint that was shipped to Amarillo, but after I appealed it, they paid it! Good luck with all of this, and take one day at a time. Sincerely, etteMelinda Malone <melmalone@...> wrote: Tami, LaGrone doen't have an issue with using banked blood. Irons, his surgical assistant, said they usually don't need more than 4 units during surgery. Who did you call for prices? I got a better rate through the Red Cross. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I'm going to call my insurance today (BCBS) and see if they cover it. If not, I may just use the blood bank. I'm also very familiar with Amarillo b/c I was born and raised there. Let me know if you have any questions and/or need recommendations for places to eat and stay. Just curious, why posterior only? Was that LaGrone's rec? I have

to have A/P. Also, his office mailed me a book about scoliosis surgery (written by someone who had the surgery for the first time; not a revision). It is interesting. I would be happy to mail it to you after I finish it. I'm almost done. I'm excited you made a decision and happy you choose LaGrone :) Melindatlsun2462 <tamisunhotmail> wrote: I'm not sure if he has a problem with it but I'll soon find out. I really don't have a problem with it so why should he?> >> > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood > and an > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr. > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it > will > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be > using > > donor blood after all. Oh

well.> > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be > > preparing this far out? > > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me to > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss my > dogs > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use after > I get > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son > got me > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some > new > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).> > > > Thanks for listening.> > > > Tami> >> Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us.

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Kathy, LaGrone did suggest A/P for me stating he likes to make the revisions "good and stable." I was already expecting A/P just from reading other posts here and my symptoms. I am currently fused to L4 with a SINGE rod. I lean forward and to the right. The surgical assistant offered the book to me with the explaination that it is about "original" scoliosis surgery. I accepted the offer and they mailed it to me along with my surgery packet. It was written by a guy who had the original surgery as an adult. I left the book in my car, but I will e mail you the title. I guess LaGrone consulted with the auther on the book (?) b/c he has an quote on the back cover as well as who posts on this site. Aren't you having LaGrone do your revision soon? Did he say A/P for you? Melindatxbluebelle <txbluebelle@...>

wrote: Melinda,I find this very interesting! Did LaGrone say why a/p for you? How far down are you fused now? And why the book about first time surgery? What was the name of it?Kathy> > >> > > I just found out that it

will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood > > and an > > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr. > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it > > will > > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be > > using > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.> > > > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be > > > preparing this far out? > > > > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me to > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss > my > > dogs > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use after > > I get > > > home. Another

daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son > > got me > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some > > new > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).> > > > > > Thanks for listening.> > > > > > Tami> > >> >> > > > > > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us.http://us.rd./evt=48516/*http://surveylink./gmrs/_panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel>

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us.

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Hi all, Just got off the phone with my insurance (BCBS) and they pay for autologous blood donation including the shipping!!! Yeah!! MelindaMelinda Malone <melmalone@...> wrote: Kathy, LaGrone did suggest A/P for me stating he likes to make the revisions "good and stable." I was already expecting A/P just from reading other posts here and my symptoms. I am currently fused to L4 with a SINGE rod. I lean forward and to the right. The surgical assistant offered the book to me

with the explaination that it is about "original" scoliosis surgery. I accepted the offer and they mailed it to me along with my surgery packet. It was written by a guy who had the original surgery as an adult. I left the book in my car, but I will e mail you the title. I guess LaGrone consulted with the auther on the book (?) b/c he has an quote on the back cover as well as who posts on this site. Aren't you having LaGrone do your revision soon? Did he say A/P for you? Melindatxbluebelle <txbluebelle > wrote: Melinda,I find this very interesting! Did LaGrone say why a/p for you? How far down are you fused now? And why the book about first time surgery? What was the name of it?Kathy> > >> > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood > > and an > > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr. > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it > > will > > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be > > using > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.> > > > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be > > > preparing this far out? > > > > >

> My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me to > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss > my > > dogs > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use after > > I get > > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son > > got me > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some > > new > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).> > > > > > Thanks for listening.> > > > > > Tami> > >> >> > > > > > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us.http://us.rd./evt=48516/*http://surveylink./gmrs/_panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel> Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. http://us.rd./evt=48516/*http://surveylink./gmrs/_panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Travel.

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No, I am not having surgery. My husband can't take any time off work

and there is no one else to take care of me. For a lot of reasons

this just isn't a good time for me. I have not seen Dr. LaGrone

though he is the closest top doc to me. I hope everything goes well

for you.

Kathy in Houston

> > > >

> > > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of


> > > and an

> > > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out


> > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if


> > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said)


> > > will

> > > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may


> > > using

> > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.

> > > >

> > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should


> > > > preparing this far out?

> > > >

> > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me

> to

> > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will


> > my

> > > dogs

> > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use

> after

> > > I get

> > > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my


> > > got me

> > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy


> > > new

> > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for listening.

> > > >

> > > > Tami

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join

> 's user panel and lay it on



> _panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel

> >






> Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join

's user panel and lay it on


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Hi Kathy, Melinda,

The docs suggest different things for different patients. This is not cookie cutter surgery.


Re: [ ] Re: Autologous Blood Donation

Kathy, LaGrone did suggest A/P for me stating he likes to make the revisions "good and stable." I was already expecting A/P just from reading other posts here and my symptoms. I am currently fused to L4 with a SINGE rod. I lean forward and to the right. The surgical assistant offered the book to me with the explaination that it is about "original" scoliosis surgery. I accepted the offer and they mailed it to me along with my surgery packet. It was written by a guy who had the original surgery as an adult. I left the book in my car, but I will e mail you the title. I guess LaGrone consulted with the auther on the book (?) b/c he has an quote on the back cover as well as who posts on this site.

Aren't you having LaGrone do your revision soon? Did he say A/P for you? Melindatxbluebelle <txbluebelle > wrote:

Melinda,I find this very interesting! Did LaGrone say why a/p for you? How far down are you fused now? And why the book about first time surgery? What was the name of it?Kathy> > >> > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood > > and an > > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr. > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it > > will > > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be > > using > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.> > > > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be > > > preparing this far out? > > > > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me to > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss > my > > dogs > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use after > > I get > > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son > > got me > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some > > new > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).> > > > > > Thanks for listening.> > > > > > Tami> > >> >> > > > > > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us.http://us.rd./evt=48516/*http://surveylink./gmrs/_panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel>

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. http://us.rd./evt=48516/*http://surveylink./gmrs/_panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel

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I fully realize that. I was just wondering why Dr. LaGrone made that

choice for her.


> > > >

> > > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of


> > > and an

> > > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found

out my

> > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that

if Dr.

> > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he

said) it

> > > will

> > > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I

may be

> > > using

> > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.

> > > >

> > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I

should be

> > > > preparing this far out?

> > > >

> > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take

with me

> to

> > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I

will miss

> > my

> > > dogs

> > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to


> after

> > > I get

> > > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and

my son

> > > got me

> > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go

buy some

> > > new

> > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for listening.

> > > >

> > > > Tami

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join

> 's user panel and lay it on



> _panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel

> >





> Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's

user panel and lay it on us.


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I never checked to see if my (new) insurance would cover autologous

blood donation. Besides, Dr. Hu doesn't require it. I'm sure thankful

she doesn't. I still needed a transfusion of 2 units after the first

surgery because I was so anemic. I'm glad I didn't have to do it.

Carol V.


> I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood and


> additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my

> insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr.

> Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it


> cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be


> donor blood after all. Oh well.


> Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be

> preparing this far out?


> My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me to

> Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss my


> when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use after I


> home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son

got me

> a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some new

> books for recovery (any suggestions on books).


> Thanks for listening.


> Tami


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Hi Melinda, I just posted that my surgical date has been moved and

you are now going first with me following right behind you. I'll try

to check on you while I'm waiting for Dr. Lagrone's office to call me

to tell me I can come for my pre-op and I will definitely ask Dr.

Lagrone how it went when I see him (if he'll tell me anything). As

to why posterior only, Dr. Lagrone says that since I need only a

single level fusion at L4/L5 (I'm already fused T6 to L4 and L5 to

S1), he feels that an anterior approach may be more aggressive than

is necessary. He says; " In my opinion, the risk/benefit ratio favors

the posterior only approach with a TLIF procedure for a single level

fusion. Again, if multiple levels were involved, I would definitely

favor an anterior approach. "

I think my trust in him is well placed. At least I pray it is!!

As for the blood, he told me 4 units also. I did call our local Red

Cross and that's who gave me the cost of $275.00/unit & $75.00

shipping for every 3 units. I then called my insurance (BCBS) and

they said it was not covered!

I would love for suggestions on where to stay and eat or at least my

Husband and other family members who may be flying in would sure

appreciate it. I would love to read that book when you finish.

said he was mailing out my papers tomorrow but said nothing

about a book.



> > >

> > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood

> > and an

> > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my

> > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr.

> > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it

> > will

> > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be

> > using

> > > donor blood after all. Oh well.

> > >

> > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be

> > > preparing this far out?

> > >

> > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me


> > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss

> my

> > dogs

> > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use


> > I get

> > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son

> > got me

> > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some

> > new

> > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).

> > >

> > > Thanks for listening.

> > >

> > > Tami

> > >

> >






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's user panel and lay it on


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Hey, no fair! :) I wonder why your BCBS will cover it and not

mine? I wonder if I call and get someone else I'll get a different

answer. Mine is BCBS of Minnesota (work for large corporation) and I

have PPO so I thought it might be covered. I just might give it

another shot.


> > > >

> > > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of


> > > and an

> > > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out


> > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if


> > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said)


> > > will

> > > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may


> > > using

> > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.

> > > >

> > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should


> > > > preparing this far out?

> > > >

> > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me

> to

> > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will


> > my

> > > dogs

> > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use

> after

> > > I get

> > > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my


> > > got me

> > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy


> > > new

> > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for listening.

> > > >

> > > > Tami

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join

> 's user panel and lay it on



> _panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel

> >





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Kathy, Thanks! I will keep you posted. Best wishes for you, Melinda txbluebelle <txbluebelle@...> wrote: No, I am not having surgery. My husband can't take any time off work and there is no one else to take care of me. For a lot of reasons this just isn't a good time for me. I have not seen Dr. LaGrone though he is the closest top doc to me. I hope everything goes well for you.Kathy in Houston> > > >> > > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood > > > and an > > > > additional $75.00 per 3

units for shipping! I also found out my > > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr. > > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it > > > will > > > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be > > > using > > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.> > > > > > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be > > > > preparing this far out? > > > > > > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me > to > > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss > > my > > > dogs > > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use > after > > > I get > > > >

home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son > > > got me > > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some > > > new > > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).> > > > > > > > Thanks for listening.> > > > > > > > Tami> > > >> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join > 's user panel and lay it on > us.http://us.rd./evt=48516/*http://surveylink./gmrs/> _panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel> >> > > > > > Fussy? Opinionated?

Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us.http://us.rd./evt=48516/*http://surveylink./gmrs/_panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel>

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Tami, My BCBS may be different b/c I have "UT Select"- I work for the University of Texas system. I guess it is one of the benefits of being a state employee. I would give it another shot. AND... you can always appeal it if denied. Every little bit of $ helps!! Melindatlsun2462 <tamisun@...> wrote: Hey, no fair! :) I wonder why your BCBS will cover it and not mine? I wonder if I call and get someone else I'll get a different answer. Mine is BCBS of Minnesota (work for

large corporation) and I have PPO so I thought it might be covered. I just might give it another shot. Tami> > > >> > > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood > > > and an > > > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my > > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr. > > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it > > > will > > > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be > > > using > > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.> > > > > > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be > > > > preparing this far out? > > > >

> > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me > to > > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss > > my > > > dogs > > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use > after > > > I get > > > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son > > > got me > > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some > > > new > > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).> > > > > > > > Thanks for listening.> > > > > > > > Tami> > > >> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join > 's user panel

and lay it on > us.http://us.rd./evt=48516/*http://surveylink./gmrs/> _panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel> >> > > > > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us. http://us.rd./evt=48516/*http://surveylink./gmrs/_panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel > > > > > ---------------------------------> Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Travel. > > ---------------------------------> Be a better Heartthrob. Get better

relationship answers from someone who knows.> Answers - Check it out.>

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Tami, So... you are already fused to the sacrum? How many prior surgeries have you had? When was the original? Sorry, I know you have probably told me these things before. I really wish I could have just the posterior, but I do trust LaGrone. DId he say anything about extending your fusion higher? I have some kyphosis, so he wants to go higher to pull my shoulders back. My pre-op is the Thursday before and I might just stay in town until surgery on Monday morning. Places to stay: there is a LaQuinta close to the hospital- I stayed there for my 20th highschool reunion and it was nice- nothing fancy, but clean. I also got a good rate on hotels.com; I think there is an extended stay suites somewhere close by that another one of LaGrone's patients stayed at and said was good. Places to eat: my favorite fast food mexican place is Taco Villa. YUM!! There

is a Luby's close by, and an asian place called Chop Chop- not fancy- order at the counter. I'll think of some more and send them to you. Send me your address and I will mail you the book. I'm almost done. I look forward to meeting you! Melindatlsun2462 <tamisun@...> wrote: Hi Melinda, I just posted that my surgical date has been moved and you are now going first with me following right behind you. I'll try to check on you while I'm waiting for Dr.

Lagrone's office to call me to tell me I can come for my pre-op and I will definitely ask Dr. Lagrone how it went when I see him (if he'll tell me anything). As to why posterior only, Dr. Lagrone says that since I need only a single level fusion at L4/L5 (I'm already fused T6 to L4 and L5 to S1), he feels that an anterior approach may be more aggressive than is necessary. He says; "In my opinion, the risk/benefit ratio favors the posterior only approach with a TLIF procedure for a single level fusion. Again, if multiple levels were involved, I would definitely favor an anterior approach." I think my trust in him is well placed. At least I pray it is!!As for the blood, he told me 4 units also. I did call our local Red Cross and that's who gave me the cost of $275.00/unit & $75.00 shipping for every 3 units. I then called my insurance (BCBS) and they said it was not covered!I would love for

suggestions on where to stay and eat or at least my Husband and other family members who may be flying in would sure appreciate it. I would love to read that book when you finish. said he was mailing out my papers tomorrow but said nothing about a book.Thanks, Tami> > >> > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood > > and an > > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr. > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it > > will > >

> cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be > > using > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.> > > > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be > > > preparing this far out? > > > > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me to > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss > my > > dogs > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use after > > I get > > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son > > got me > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some > > new > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).> > > > > > Thanks for listening.> > > > > >

Tami> > >> >> > > > > > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join 's user panel and lay it on us.http://us.rd./evt=48516/*http://surveylink./gmrs/_panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel> Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

Looking for earth-friendly autos? Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Autos' Green Center.

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Melinda, yep, fused to the sacrum with L4/L5 still unfused and that's

where a lot of my pain comes from. It's amazing to me that area has

carried the load since 1988 when I had L5/S1 fused and the rods

removed. I got a lot of mileage out of the surgery which I had by

Dr. Waldram here in Portland. He is long since retired. I was only

26 then and still thought I was invincible. I think I was out

dancing within a month! There was no such thing as " flatback " back

then. At least I had never heard of it. I guess that's another

thing that will make my surgery easier, the HR is already gone and he

just needs to remove the plates and screws at L5/S1. I have been a

pretty lucky lady considering. Dr. LaGrone said nothing about needing

to extend my fusion higher. I am fused up to T6 now. How high is

your fusion now and how high does he think he'll need to go? Thanks

for the heads up on places to stay and eat. I love Mexican food so

maybe we'll check out Taco Villa on Monday (if I have any

appetite). What is Luby's?


> > > >

> > > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of


> > > and an

> > > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out


> > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if


> > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said)


> > > will

> > > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may


> > > using

> > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.

> > > >

> > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should


> > > > preparing this far out?

> > > >

> > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me

> to

> > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will


> > my

> > > dogs

> > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use

> after

> > > I get

> > > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my


> > > got me

> > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy


> > > new

> > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for listening.

> > > >

> > > > Tami

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join

> 's user panel and lay it on



> _panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel

> >







> ---------------------------------

> Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha!

> Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at



> ---------------------------------

> Looking for earth-friendly autos?

> Browse Top Cars by " Green Rating " at Autos' Green Center.


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ette, Thanks. I will probably just use donor blood since I tend

to become anemic. I used to donate all the time and then I couldn't

do it because I was becoming more anemic. I really don't want to have

to fight with insurance any more than necessary and I really don't

have a problem with donor blood anymore. I did bank my own in 1988

before my last surgery. Thanks again, Tami

> > >

> > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of blood

> > and an

> > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out my

> > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if Dr.

> > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said) it

> > will

> > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may be

> > using

> > > donor blood after all. Oh well.

> > >

> > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should be

> > > preparing this far out?

> > >

> > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me


> > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will miss

> my

> > dogs

> > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use


> > I get

> > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my son

> > got me

> > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy some

> > new

> > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).

> > >

> > > Thanks for listening.

> > >

> > > Tami

> > >

> >





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Melinda, I forgot to include that my original surgery was in 1977.


> > > >

> > > > I just found out that it will cost me $275.00 per unit of


> > > and an

> > > > additional $75.00 per 3 units for shipping! I also found out


> > > > insurance does not cover any part of it. That means that if


> > > > Lagrone wants 4 units of blood (I think that's what he said)


> > > will

> > > > cost me $1,250.00!! Mu insurance will pay none of it. I may


> > > using

> > > > donor blood after all. Oh well.

> > > >

> > > > Other than the blood issue, any ideas on what else I should


> > > > preparing this far out?

> > > >

> > > > My Husband bought me a big fluffy stuffed dog to take with me

> to

> > > > Amarillo for Mother's Day because he knows how much I will


> > my

> > > dogs

> > > > when I'm gone. One daughter bought me a body pillow to use

> after

> > > I get

> > > > home. Another daughter got me a set of silky pajamas and my


> > > got me

> > > > a $50.00 gift card for Border's Book store so I can go buy


> > > new

> > > > books for recovery (any suggestions on books).

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for listening.

> > > >

> > > > Tami

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join

> 's user panel and lay it on



> _panel_invite.asp?a=7 hot CTA = Join 's user panel

> >







> ---------------------------------

> Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha!

> Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at



> ---------------------------------

> Looking for earth-friendly autos?

> Browse Top Cars by " Green Rating " at Autos' Green Center.


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  • 7 months later...

Two quarts down, two to go. When I'm done it'll be two weeks before


He says there's a very small chance he'll use more than 1 quart. They

use a Blood Circulator.

Taking iron and drinking lots of liquids,


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