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Re: eye problems......

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Eye problems are nothing to mess around with. Most are not serious, but the few that are can progress rapidly, so waiting is the wrong thing to do. Go to the ER and make sure it is nothing serious.


Terradon Unlimited


"People who ask me how we can still have such a positive attitude after all we’ve been through, have it all wrong…We’ve been able to get through all that we have BECAUSE we have a positive attitude". Don Hanson 8/2000

-----Original Message-----From: Mike Claffey [mailto:mclaffey@...]Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 7:30 AM egroupsSubject: [ ] eye problems......Good morning,Friday morning I woke up with a very red(pink colored) eye. Wellyesterday it looked like it had gotten worse Well this morning I seemto have broken blood vessels all over my left eye. It looks like abloody mess. I have a phone call into an eye doc. but he has yet tocall me back. Anyone know of eye problems with AIH or 6mp. I wonder if I should go tothe emergency rm. Of course things always happen on a weekend.

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Hi Patty

No my eye feels very normal. Nothing at all different. I didn't even

know I looked like this until someone pointed it out to me.

My cousin is a nurse and will come over to take a look at me. If she

thinks I should be looked at I will call and ask someone to come sit

with my children and go to the ER.

But as I have said no burn or itch. The doc. this morning said it could

have been from lifting something heavy or a big sneeze and it would

break blood vessels. I just dread wearing glasses. Have a nice day

Joan Claffey


" Patty O, AYH, So. Calif. " wrote:


> Mike,


> I had a red/pink eye with broken blood vessels just as you

> described in late September. Do you wake up with goopy-gunk

> secretions on that eye too? Mine turned out to be conjunctivitus

> that is easily treated with antiobiotics. And it is contagious so it

> can spread to your other eye and other family members who share

> towels, eye drops, etc. But then, yours maybe something all together

> different?


> The only way you'll have piece of mind will be to go to ER for

> Dx and treatment. Even if you described your symptoms to a GP over

> the phone and he treated you for conjunctivitus, you'll worry without

> an exam by a knowledgeable Doctor. At least, I would. Good luck and

> I hope your cure is as simple as mine.


> Patty O


> PS. I haven't had conjunctivitis (pink eye) in 38 years. I wonder if

> AIH and reduced immune systems make us more susceptible to it?



> > Good morning,

> > Friday morning I woke up with a very red(pink colored) eye. Well

> > yesterday it looked like it had gotten worse Well this morning I

> seem

> > to have broken blood vessels all over my left eye. It looks like a

> > bloody mess. I have a phone call into an eye doc. but he has yet to

> > call me back.

> > Anyone know of eye problems with AIH or 6mp. I wonder if I should

> go to

> > the emergency rm. Of course things always happen on a weekend.




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I had a red/pink eye with broken blood vessels just as you

described in late September. Do you wake up with goopy-gunk

secretions on that eye too? Mine turned out to be conjunctivitus

that is easily treated with antiobiotics. And it is contagious so it

can spread to your other eye and other family members who share

towels, eye drops, etc. But then, yours maybe something all together


The only way you'll have piece of mind will be to go to ER for

Dx and treatment. Even if you described your symptoms to a GP over

the phone and he treated you for conjunctivitus, you'll worry without

an exam by a knowledgeable Doctor. At least, I would. Good luck and

I hope your cure is as simple as mine.

Patty O

PS. I haven't had conjunctivitis (pink eye) in 38 years. I wonder if

AIH and reduced immune systems make us more susceptible to it?

> Good morning,

> Friday morning I woke up with a very red(pink colored) eye. Well

> yesterday it looked like it had gotten worse Well this morning I


> to have broken blood vessels all over my left eye. It looks like a

> bloody mess. I have a phone call into an eye doc. but he has yet to

> call me back.

> Anyone know of eye problems with AIH or 6mp. I wonder if I should

go to

> the emergency rm. Of course things always happen on a weekend.

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I have had many problems over several years with my eyes and vision. Ulcers

on the pupil(herpes),conjunctivitis, detached retina and tears, cataracts

removed and implants in both all prior to being diagnosed with AIH. Since

being diagnosed with AIH I have glaucoma in one eye and Dr has me using drops

in both. I have eye irritation most days especially when I read and use the

computer. I cannot say that the medication (prednisone and azathioprine) has

made a difference except maybe the glaucoma. I have not had an ulcer and only

one case of conjuctivitis since being diagnosed with AIH in Mar 97. The

sooner you are diagnosed with conjunctivitis and start antibiotics the

quicker it will clear up. The detached retina and retina tears were thought

to be from being very nearsighted. The pupil ulcers, being a herpes virus,

make me wonder if that might be related to my developing AIH, but there are a

lot of years between. This is a lengthy message in response to your question,

but hope it helps.

Leona M

AIH and hypothyorid

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