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Re: internal parasites

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A Most Excellent Post, Rhonda, thank you!

I believe that you are absolutely correct, in that most conditions can be

reversed with a change in diet, addressing both excesses and deficiencies.

In diet, I include spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

Personally, I have never been a fan of taking concentrated herbal

tablets/formulas. When I need to utilize an herbal remedy, I buy the herbs

and make my own concoctions/decoctions. I've seen way too many people throw

their whole metabolism off with herbal tablet products.

I would be interested to know if in your journey, you'd ever tried 's


Re: internal parasites

> From: Rhonda Maguire <rhonda@...>



> After years of struggle, I have humbly meditated over this pandemic

> and came up with Three rules of thumb, I offer them in the utmost



> 1. if you treat for the nutritional problems, parasites will leave

> your body in a friendly way.


> 2. parasites (including ticks, yeast, worms etc.) hate hot and bitter

> foods and oxygenated bodies.


> 3. Parasites are smart, they know you from the inside out and will

> move out of the intestines to another part of the body (and give you a

> healing crises by dumping bacteria and viruses into your body if you

> use herbs and anything that forces them to leave your body).


> Self treating could leave you in worse health and than before.

> Seeking the advice of a competent physician at least enables them to

> find a way to cure not only you, but learn from your experience and

> cure others with the knowledge gained.



> Three years prior to reading " Cure for All Cancers " , I spent thousands

> of dollars trying to rid myself of parasites. I kept wondering why I

> was tired all the time and was so irritable towards my very sweet

> husband. Within 24 hours of praying to God for help, I found a little

> white parasite myself and began to look for help. I went to three

> physicians, did twelve lab tests from Great Smokies Diagnostics who

> identified that I had an overgrowth candida in my intestines

> (asymptomatic), citrobacter freundii, e. coli, klebsiella pn. and

> other digestive problems, but no parasites. One doctor prescribed

> Vermox, but he left the practice before I could ask any questions

> about it, so I didn't take it.


> I realized my diet had a lot to do with my health problems, because my

> husband was fine and he ran 3 times a week. After a difficult decision

> I decided to use " Experience " (bowel regulizer) " Clear " (vermifuge,

> kills parasites) and " Complete " (plant source vitamins) by Awareness

> Corp. After 1 month on " Experience " , I stopped craving and eating

> sweet foods, and for the first time, I craved grains from the taste

> buds in my tongue, not sweets from my stomach. After one year, I did

> feel better, lost excessive weight (returned to my normal 130lbs) and

> got rid of all complaints of hypothyroidism, dry itchy skin, hair

> falling out and irritability. But my bloated, gassy tummy remained.


> However, after one year of religiously sticking to the regimen, I

> stopped taking the herbs to become pregnant (as it is dangerous to

> take rhubarb root (too strong a laxative), grapefruit seed, cloves,

> green hull of black walnut during pregnancy). I did another Great

> Smokies Diagnostic Test and guess what, the yeast overgrowth was a lot

> worse than one year earlier, and so were all the bad bacterias.


> As long as one keeps using the herbs, sure they may work, but I found

> that I was so full from taking the tablets that I didn't have an room

> or time left in the day to eat a normal meal--all I could think of was

> how to flush it out as soon as I got home. Admittedly, I ate a lot of

> heavy, contrasting foods, when we went out to restaurants, but who

> doesn't. I spent too much on herbs with little to no lasting effect.

> I don't think God intended for us to spend this much money on herbs

> and books or on excessive amounts of sweet and adulterated foods. Good

> health shouldn't be that expensive. We can't " buy " our way to healthy

> eating, we need to learn what foods to eat and what not to eat to

> avoid feeding those critters.


> That's when I decided to see a competent physician trained in

> nutrition to ask for help. It seems that we need to learn how to eat

> and not get our dietary information from the Government or from

> television.


> All the doctors told me that I had no hydrochloric acid in my stomach

> to digest foods. So he told me to take " dandelion root extract " by

> alchemist and barrister at every meal, so that I could taste the

> bitter flavor in my mouth for at least 5 minutes. Second, to eat 1

> protein (cooked fish, chicken, as many eggs as I want, nuts--no tofu

> not to feed the yeast), and 1 starch or carbohydrate (a green

> vegetable except green peas) and if I ate more than 1 carb to add an

> equal amount of a healthy fat (olive oil, organic butter, grapeseed

> oil, but not rancid and not any other vegetable oil) in an amount

> equal to the carborhydrates in excess of 10 grams. No white bread, no

> potatoes, no white rice, no fruits or beans or milk because they would

> all feed the yeast. After two weeks I could add in a fruit or toast as

> long as I ate it with a healthy fat or oil. Well this works!



> There's a very nice book out called, " The Parasite Menace " by Skye

> Weintraub, N.D. What I like about it is that it is very complete in

> explaining what to eat to eliminate specific parasites--often similar

> foods in eat category. I like this book because she suggests eating

> pomegranates or bitter mellon (found in Chinese grocery stores and

> rids intestines of pinworms) to expel some types of worms. In other

> words an inexpensive nutritional remedy one can find at the grocery

> store. Eating fresh pineapple and papaya for the digestive enzymes

> (and for destroying the hard shells of some parasites). Making 50% of

> your daily diet raw foods like cabbage, salad greens, etc. Avoid dairy

> (which is constipating and breaks down into a sugar), and to eat raw

> grated carrots with garlic every day.


> That's simple.


> I hope this helps, sorry to be so long winded,

> but life is already too short to get dragged into expensive solutions

> that won't work unless one makes a healthy lifestyle change.


> sincerely,

> rhonda

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Rhonda - some very helpful info. Is your Dr. in the

NYC area? I am in the same situtation you were before

you got medical treatment. You are so right that self

treatment can make you sick (so can the meds. the

allopathic drs. prescribe to cover symptoms). Where

you on Clear for a year? Did you have any side

effects? Did your dr. say there might be any side

effects from being on herbal anti-parastics for so

long? Did you Dr. say you'd have to take the bitters

the rest of your life?

thanks Matty


> most

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At 01:41 AM 2000/02/20 -0500, you wrote:

>From: Rhonda Maguire <rhonda@...>


>1. if you treat for the nutritional problems, parasites will leave

>your body in a friendly way.

I strongly agree that nutrition is a very important factor to consider. The

average north american doesn't seem to understand this and I urge everyone

to investigate and find ways to improve their health through nutrition. My

diet is geared to lower cholesterol and triglyicerides so no animal

products at all. My levels are slowly declining. The foods for profit on

the grocery store shelves may be hazardous to your health.

>I don't think God intended for us to spend this much money on herbs

>and books or on excessive amounts of sweet and adulterated foods. Good

>health shouldn't be that expensive. We can't " buy " our way to healthy

>eating, we need to learn what foods to eat and what not to eat to

>avoid feeding those critters.

I agree, good health (healthy choice) is not expensive if you become

responsible for yourself, your lifestyle, and the foods that you eat. You

make choices that will not lead to future problems and you direct your

expenditures where they will do best.

Another viewpoint comes from a belief in the law of cause and effect. In

this case it is possible that past behaviour is the cause of a present

condition, either physical or spiritual, positive or negative. God sets the

stage and we play the game of life. We always have the freedom to make our

own choices and we have to deal with the effects of our choices. In this

case the costs are determined by the individual, be they high or low.


The hardships can be regarded in a positive light as there is opportunity

in every negative situation. ie) what have I learned from this experience,

how have I grown?

Of course this is my personal perspective and belief in how things work.


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Dr. Vreeland is in Norwich, Vermont. He runs the Vreeland Clinic. His telephone

number is (802) 649-3122. He has been treating two of my friends so

far with a lot of success.

He is so busy you may have to wait 2 months to see him. He is very

effective in treating a friend of mine who has manic depression. I

have talked to him on the phone at this point because we have to wait

to see him.

hope this is helpful,


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