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revision and fibromyalgia

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I still feel great 18 months out from revision surgery but I seem to be having a relapse of my fibromyalgia. I think it may be the trauma of the surgery which can trigger fibro. My back is painfree in regards to the surgery but my arms, neck, shoulders, upper back, and legs ache from the fibro. I also can't seem to get enough sleep. Has anyone else experienced an increase in fibro following surgery? I don't know how many there are of us that have both.

My hubby has been out of work since July so I started looking for a 3rd part-time job at the end of October. Fortunately one of my current jobs bumped me from 10 to 20 hours which put me at 36 hours a week for my 2 jobs. But I'm going to have to cut back because I'm missing every other Monday due to the fibro and needing to stay in bed an extra day. If I sleep til noon on Saturdays and Mondays, I can get through working 8 hour days Tuesday - Friday.

This is why I have been absent from the group. There just aren't enough hours in the day to keep up email, message boards, and moderating the NOF board. I come home and vegetate with the TV and Facebook. I'm glad the extra hours started well after Arlene's surgery though. goes back to work the 5th and I can go back to Mondays off. Things will settle down and I can get back into some kind of routine on my own.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and have a Happy New Year!


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