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Re: Digest Number 2577

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I have a question. Been diagnose AIH two years ago (LTF were out of sight) taking Imuran and prednizone. My blood work has been normal. and the doctor is considering taking me off meds pending another biopsy.

I was told that sometimes a person who has a flare up and put back on meds will not respond to the medication again. Also I've heard of no one who has been completly cured of AIH



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I just read some recent studies by a well known AIH researcher that

suggests remission is just as possible for those who flare up after

med withdrawal than those responding the first time. I worried about

this too, because some studies had shown that withdrawing meds too

early would lower the chances of remission. This new study suggests

otherwise, which is good news!

So, people who were put back on meds DID respond, and were just as

successful at getting remission as those who did not flare up after

the first round.

However, I think calling it " remission " is kind of a misnomer. I

also understand that permanent remission is very very unlikely. I

think there are some reported cases, but many doctors believe they

either are rare, or really aren't permanent remissions but perhaps

misdiagnoses (they never really had AIH). I think the goal is to

keep big flare ups from occurring with as little drugs as

possible...everybody is a little different, but being off drugs

permanently isn't that likely. At this point, the best we can hope

for is peroids of time off drugs, going back on as needed. So, I

think you are right that no one has been completely cured of AIH...or

most other autoimmune diseases for that matter. That's my

understanding to date.

The articles I saw are (especially the second one):

" Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis. " by Czaja, A. J.

and Freese, D. K. in Hepatology volume 36 issue 2 pages 479-97 (date


" Sustained remission after corticosteroid therapy for type I

autoimmune hepatitis: a retrospective analysis. " by Czaja A. J.,

Menon, K. V. and H. A. in Hepatology volume 35 issue 4 pages 890-7

(date 2002)

I got these from our University Library.

> Hi,

> I have a question. Been diagnose AIH two years ago (LTF were out

of sight)

> taking Imuran and prednizone. My blood work has been normal. and

the doctor

> is considering taking me off meds pending another biopsy.


> I was told that sometimes a person who has a flare up and put back

on meds

> will not respond to the medication again. Also I've heard of no

one who has

> been completly cured of AIH




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Rose: I was just reading your post where you said autoimmune diaease have to be genetic. I couldn't agree with you more. I had to have my thyroid removed at the age of 11 because of a goiter, autoimmune disease. My mother has ITP, also autoimmune. My daughter has AIH so there is no doubt in my mind and I have been telling the doctors this since we found out Jodi had AIH.

I'm glad to hear someone else knows the facts.

Genny/Jodi's Mom

Living Donor Transplant


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Hi Harper: Hope this finds you doing well. Jodi and I are doing fine, staying very busy.

I read your post about the story on fetal/maternal cell transfer. Would you please send this to me. We think child birth is what triggered the AIH in Jodi. That is when her platelet count became low and the doctor who delivered Colton didn't bother to tell us.

Take care and God bless.

Genny/Jodi's Mom

Living Donor Transplant 5-18-01

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Hi Joanne C: I don't know about where you live but here in Florida Cigna carries dental insurance. I work for a dentist and we have many pts. with this company.

Take care, Genny

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  • 2 years later...

In a message dated 8/30/2005 5:53:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


> How tall is Ashton?


Ashton is now 5'1/2 " . She is happy. She wasn't sure she would grow any more.

How tall is Britt now? How is she feeling now?


Mom to Ashton 12 CVID, Asthma, Dyslexia & Marina 9 Asthma

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In a message dated 8/30/2005 5:53:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


> BTW, have you ever thought about home schooling?


We have thought about home schooling. We are fortunate. We have found an

" inexpensive " private Christian school. There are only 7 children in her 7th

grade, and they combined the 6th grade with them. The 6th has 4 or 5. They are

split most of the time. They have almost priced us out though. With two, it is

hard. Ashton wants to go to school. We keep looking into home school though. We

never know when we may have to do it. It makes me nervous as she gets older.

What curriculum are you using?


Mom to Ashton 12 CVID, Asthma, Dyslexia & Marina 9 Asthma

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In a message dated 8/30/2005 10:47:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

Nanashmar@... writes:

How tall is Britt now? How is she feeling now?

Britt is 5 " 3. She is feeling much better thank you for asking:)

Janet, Mom to Brittany, CVID, age 14

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

On 7/25/2008, bowel cleanse

(bowel cleanse ) wrote:

> Complete list:


Complete list of MSG alter-names? Thats absurd.

whey protein is NOT 'MSG'. Nor are a WHOLE BUNCH of things in that

'complete list'.

So how much credibility should your post be given?

Please, there is enough disinformation put out by the corporate

fascists, no need to add to it with hysterical nonsense.

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