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OK list,

Some of this stuff is simply private ranting, so I will

reply to those portions in private, as the purpose of

this list is not to prove who is best with a keyboard.

I will adress the few parts that actually have anything

of substance to them...

> From: BILL HARRIS <enemas4you@...>


>>From: " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>>Subject: <no subject>

>>Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 12:16:52 -0400


<snip> a lot of ridiculous personal attacks

>> YOU, Bill, are the one who gets his panties in a wad just

>> because I post some WELL DOCUMENTED sources of information

>> that are in direct contradiction to your belief system.

<snip> more of the same

> MAKE IT FACTUAL! You source did a lot of incorrect guess work

> so he could sell his books along with his motivational tapes

> at his seminars to enhance his profits.NOW THIS IS WHAT A


> IS.

Well, you obviously haven't read his book, or if you

have, checked into any of the HUNDREDS of documented

sources IN his book. They refer to AMA approved

studies, AMA publications, WHO studies, WHO

publications, Federal Statutes, AMA internal dosuments,

etc etc ad nauseum. (Why do I feel like I am repeating


Comparing what Dr Horowitz has 'made' from selling his

book and tapes to what the medical-pharmaceutical

industrial complex 'makes' in just ONE DAY of selling

their poisons is like comparing what an ant moves in a

day to what an bulldozer can move in a day.

Where is the prestige in being ridiculed and ostracized

in your professional life, or of having your life and

the lives of your family threatened on a weekly basis?

Who has the biggest incentive to do what they are


>> True enough, Bill. You definitely need more education in

>> this area - but try, just once, to learn some things FOR

>> YOURSELF instead of 'learning' them from the AMA's

>> propaganda machine.

> The last time I read the signs on the buildings this morning

> they said The Universtiy of Texas Health Science Center Not

> the University of AMA!

Are you seriously suggesting that the rest of us are

too stupid to understand that the FDA and AMA dictate

what is or is not taught in EVERY medical school in

this country? If so, you are either a much bigger fool

than I thought, or an agent provocateur. Either way,

after this message, your email address gets added to my

'Trash-it' filter.

>>> If people are bombed with negative information they will

>>> believe the negative information and make the wrong

>>> decision concerning their health.

>> On this I couldn't agree more...but the same applies to

>> 'positive' information (whatever those are).

> You do not have the required technical and scientific

> background knowledge to know if the information you are

> reading is correct or incorrect.

More ludicrous allusions to illusions of grandeour.

Bill, just because someone may not understand all of

the technical aspects of any given system or condition

does not mean that they can't understand basic concepts

and principles. The first one being that there has

NEVER, in the history of medicine, been ONE doctor who

ever 'cured' ONE patient of ANYTHING. It is the body

that does the healing. Allopathic medicine's answer to

a problem is to kill it with toxic chemicals, burn it

out with radiation or cut it out with knives. The

Naturopathic way is to simply support/boost the body's

own defense mechanisms to make it better able to heal

itself. We are living with the failure of allopathic

medicine right now (rampant diseases, billions and

billions wasted paying exorbitant fees to 'researchers'

who torture animals and people needlessly, trying to

find toxic chemicals that will allow people to 'have

their cake and eat it too' (continue abusing their

bodies without having to suffer the consequences).


I finally figured out what the CRNA stands for...

'Can't Reason, Need Assistance'

(sorry folks, just couldn't resist)



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>From: Jomma@...

>Reply-bowel cleanseonelist

>bowel cleanseonelist


>Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 19:44:56 EDT


>From: Jomma@...


>Dear Ego Maniac (alias Bill )

>I have listened to the rants and raves of you one time too many.

>Now, granted if I were - I would have ignored your rude, arrogant,

>argumentative, know it all, bitter, rabid balderdash rather than continuing

>to add fuel to your explosive personality.


>It amazes me that when you disagree with someone rather than just posting

>your point of view, you try to destroy another person's opinion. What is

>wrong with you, that you find it enjoyable to scream about like a lunatic


>this group?


>Do you really think the rest of us enjoy sorting thru the posts only to


>your intrusive ramblings broadside us? I dread reading the bowel list,


>I know I will leave wanting to toss a full bedpan at you.


>I don't care what credentials you have, that does not make you GOD.

>I (and am sure many others) have met doctors who couldn't fight their way

>out of a paper sack.


>And I can promise you one thing, shoving your opinions down my throat will

>only make me regurgitate them.


>And just for your info, we do have brains of our own. We are all capable


>making our own decisions without your help. Please do not find it necessary

>to discredit everyone who disagrees with you.


>I feel tremendously better and with that I bid the group good-bye.

>Thank you for your info, best of luck to the rest of you in your endeavors.





Well if you have brains as you claim then why dont

you use them.


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