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dear beth i have ra too twenty years dx have your throid checked out it was slugish ifell asleep eating have been taking meds for a year im much better good luck hugs june

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I don’t really know much about this

subject but I was able to find the above link that may be helpful. God bless.

From: Rheumatoid Arthritis [mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of beth

Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006

1:02 PM

Rheumatoid Arthritis



hi my nane is beth. i dont write much but love to read

about things

in the group. i have a ? for the passed week are or so i just go to

sleep all the time. it dont matter whar iam doing. i dont drive no

more cause of this. is there anyone out there that is happens to or

has happen. iam on enbrel and all the other drugs that goes along with

RA....please let me know what going on with me if anyone out there can


thanks beth

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Ardeith writes: Beth, if you are overweight, you might have a problem with

sleep apnea.....that's a condition where you stop breathing for long

minutes, and wake with a jerk. Apnea disturbs the normal sleep

cycles.....you can't get into deep sleep and you find yourself falling

asleep at other times. My son had this problem when he was very overweight,

and went for a sleep study after he fell asleep in his car and almost had an

accident. He did, indeed, have apnea, and was prescribed a thing that he

wore at night so that he did not stop breathing......and, of course, I can't

remember what the thing was called......and I don't know how it

worked....maybe into his mouth to keep his airway open? I dunno......but if

you are overweight, you might want to ask about this.

I have a different problem....I don't get out into the sunlight often enough

to set my internal clock.....so I stay awake and sewing or reading for up to

18 to 20 hours at a stretch, then sleep for 8 to 10 hours. This sleep

pattern throws me out of rhythm with the rest of the world..... but I expect

that will be fixed next week when I go on a five day camping trip and spend

most of every day outdoors. The sunlight resets my clocks and I'm ready to

sleep by midnight and up by eight in the morning......but it won't last.

When I get back home, I'll get back to the old pattern again.

----- Original Message -----

From: " beth " <mayfrog1963@...>

<Rheumatoid Arthritis >

Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 4:02 PM

Subject: help

> hi my nane is beth. i dont write much but love to read about things

> in the group. i have a ? for the passed week are or so i just go to

> sleep all the time. it dont matter whar iam doing. i dont drive no

> more cause of this. is there anyone out there that is happens to or

> has happen. iam on enbrel and all the other drugs that goes along with

> RA....please let me know what going on with me if anyone out there can

> help.....

> thanks beth







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  • 3 weeks later...

HI Beth , how about taking some collage classes or something like that I understand your feeling all to well as I suffer that to this being my second year from work because of RA and other Ill. but I still have not gotten my ssi so I cannot afford either . The work at home thig I've not been able to find anything for me to do or that's anything other than a hoax but I'm sure there's something out there some where . Oh there is ebay if one can find out how to get hook up with others merchindice and just front the store but i'm imtersested to if anyone has anything to reccomend but hope maybe this does help a little .


----- Original Message ----From: beth <mayfrog1963@...>Rheumatoid Arthritis Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 10:34:07 PMSubject: help

hi i would like to know if anyone out there knows anyway i can make some money at home. iam on ssi, have ra, and feel like i need to do something with my life........ ...but i can not work a full time job out of the home...i need help with this for money(i do have a son ) and for my mind..sometimes i feel useless..need to do something with my life..please someone help me if you can...thanks beth

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Hi All, Is it expected that we might leave our full time job because of RA? I mean is this the end for RA patients? I have RA but I work full time job. Thank you, Mostafa.john stratton <kentuckycowboy2@...> wrote: HI Beth , how about taking some collage classes or

something like that I understand your feeling all to well as I suffer that to this being my second year from work because of RA and other Ill. but I still have not gotten my ssi so I cannot afford either . The work at home thig I've not been able to find anything for me to do or that's anything other than a hoax but I'm sure there's something out there some where . Oh there is ebay if one can find out how to get hook up with others merchindice and just front the store but i'm imtersested to if anyone has anything to reccomend but hope maybe this does help a little . john ----- Original Message ----From: beth <mayfrog1963 >Rheumatoid Arthritis Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 10:34:07 PMSubject: help hi

i would like to know if anyone out there knows anyway i can make some money at home. iam on ssi, have ra, and feel like i need to do something with my life........ ...but i can not work a full time job out of the home...i need help with this for money(i do have a son ) and for my mind..sometimes i feel useless..need to do something with my life..please someone help me if you can...thanks beth Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business.

Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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In the United States we have several

different kinds of arrangements for not being able to work and everyone is different.

Many have insurance either through their employer or privately purchases, and

sometimes this includes either short-term disability or long-term disability or

both. What it takes to qualify for benefits varies from one plan to

another, and also they vary by how much they pay and for how long. There

are also complicated government programs and some of them vary from one state

to another. Some people are able to get by fairly well when they can’t

work while others have a hard time even paying for the basics is they can’t

work. All of this is just to explain why there is no set answer to your

question in the United


On the other hand, most people with RA are

able to find adequate treatments to be able to either continue working or to

resume working after leaving work for a while to get their RA under

control. With continual improvements in treatments fewer and fewer people

have to stop work permanently because of RA. I have no idea what

provisions either your employer or your government may have to assist you if

you are unable to work. I hope you can get your RA under control and get

whatever assistance is needed to help you with getting controlled. God


From: Rheumatoid Arthritis [mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of Mostafa Ameen

Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006

8:37 PM

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Subject: Re:


Hi All,

Is it expected that we might leave our full time job because of RA? I

mean is this the end for RA patients? I have RA but I work full time job.

Thank you,


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I work from home. There are MANY different types of legit work from home jobs. Most are customer service telephone type work and research. But there is a very large group of people that work FULLTIME from home!! Many work for companies that they are either independent contractors or employees of the company. There are so many different options now!

There are some rip-offs and hoaxes out there....but I have been working from home now for almost six months and I love it.

Apparently you have not done your homework or searched in the right place. I love working from home. I have complete control over when I work...I also control my work environment.

If you are on Long Term Disability (LTD) you many be entitled or vocational rehab which can help pay to set up your home office. As far as working on SSI...its income driven so I would be careful there. Find out all the rules before venturing into that unknown territory.

Do your research on work from home. Search under Work at home Mom's. There are lots of bulletin board sites devoted to those that work from home. I work for a very reputable company that has been featured on Good Morning America as the new wave of employement.

Good luck


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Hi Mostafa, This is Steph in Virginia. The climate for RA has changed, although not for everyone. When I was diagnosed I was 22 and in my last semester at college, studying to be in English teacher. Everything that I read at the time showed stats that said most severe RA patients are disabled within 7-10 years of onset. Fortunately for me, the rheumy that dx'd me told me about the new TNF inhibitors (which just included Enbrel & Remicade at the time). Fate worked out for me in a way. I chose to give up my dream of being a teacher due to the work hours & germs (in all honesty I never thought that I was permanently giving it up). I moved back home to NYC since I was still under my dad's insurance. My rheumy in NYC confirmed my diagnosis. I begged her to request approval from my insurance for the biologics. She requested approval, but didn't think I would get approved -- but I did. Fast forward to present ... in 2006 I am still working full time and have been on Remicade since April 2000 without a single side effect. With the amazing newer drugs and research currently being conducted, my rheumy & I agree that I should be able to continue working full time for as long as I wish (granted I am only 29 now). Take care, Steph in VirginiaMostafa Ameen <mostafacs@...> wrote: Hi All, Is it

expected that we might leave our full time job because of RA? I mean is this the end for RA patients? I have RA but I work full time job. Thank you, Mostafa.john stratton <kentuckycowboy2 > wrote: HI Beth , how about taking some collage classes or something like that I understand your feeling all to well as I suffer that to this being my second year from work because of RA and other Ill. but I still have not gotten my ssi so I cannot afford either . The work at home thig I've not been able to find anything for me to do or that's anything other than a hoax but I'm sure there's something out there some

where . Oh there is ebay if one can find out how to get hook up with others merchindice and just front the store but i'm imtersested to if anyone has anything to reccomend but hope maybe this does help a little . john ----- Original Message ----From: beth <mayfrog1963 >Rheumatoid Arthritis Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 10:34:07 PMSubject: help hi i would like to know if anyone out there knows anyway i can make some money at home. iam on ssi, have ra, and feel like i need to do something with my life........ ...but i can not work a full time job out of the home...i need help with this for money(i do have a son ) and for my mind..sometimes i feel useless..need to do something with my life..please someone help me if you can...thanks beth Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business. Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.


"Never underestimate the power of a small, dedicated group of people to change the world -- indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." (Margaret Mead)

AmeriCorps Alums -- We're Still Getting Things Done

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Ture I agree I worked several years from 99 to 05 with severe pain and was on remicaid over 1year till the pain and fatige just got too much for me too handle with a very demanding job I did continue it for as long as I could and wish every day I could return . my rhuemy has tried many meds and mixtures of meds and none have been able to get a hold on mine only way I can tell a bit of releife is with a 40 mg daily of predisone but I will not continue to take it only in I think he calls it purges ? 40 , 30 , 20 , 10 , then back to 5 mg for my lungs where the ra has damaged them but I allso have several disc and severe artritis of the spine allso with nerve impingement .But I would still rather be working if I could get

back to where I could stand for any time at all.


----- Original Message ----From: DeNicola- <stephdenicola@...>Rheumatoid Arthritis Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 10:09:29 AMSubject: Re: help

Hi Mostafa,

This is Steph in Virginia. The climate for RA has changed, although not for everyone. When I was diagnosed I was 22 and in my last semester at college, studying to be in English teacher. Everything that I read at the time showed stats that said most severe RA patients are disabled within 7-10 years of onset. Fortunately for me, the rheumy that dx'd me told me about the new TNF inhibitors (which just included Enbrel & Remicade at the time).

Fate worked out for me in a way. I chose to give up my dream of being a teacher due to the work hours & germs (in all honesty I never thought that I was permanently giving it up). I moved back home to NYC since I was still under my dad's insurance. My rheumy in NYC confirmed my diagnosis. I begged her to request approval from my insurance for the biologics. She requested approval, but didn't think I would get approved -- but I did.

Fast forward to present ... in 2006 I am still working full time and have been on Remicade since April 2000 without a single side effect. With the amazing newer drugs and research currently being conducted, my rheumy & I agree that I should be able to continue working full time for as long as I wish (granted I am only 29 now).

Take care,

Steph in VirginiaMostafa Ameen <mostafacs (DOT) com> wrote:

Hi All,

Is it expected that we might leave our full time job because of RA? I mean is this the end for RA patients? I have RA but I work full time job.

Thank you,

Mostafa.john stratton <kentuckycowboy2> wrote:

HI Beth , how about taking some collage classes or something like that I understand your feeling all to well as I suffer that to this being my second year from work because of RA and other Ill. but I still have not gotten my ssi so I cannot afford either . The work at home thig I've not been able to find anything for me to do or that's anything other than a hoax but I'm sure there's something out there some where . Oh there is ebay if one can find out how to get hook up with others merchindice and just front the store but i'm imtersested to if anyone has anything to reccomend but hope maybe this does help a little .


----- Original Message ----From: beth <mayfrog1963>rheumatoid_arthriti sgroups (DOT) comSent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 10:34:07 PMSubject: [rheumatoid_ arthritis] help

hi i would like to know if anyone out there knows anyway i can make some money at home. iam on ssi, have ra, and feel like i need to do something with my life........ ...but i can not work a full time job out of the home...i need help with this for money(i do have a son ) and for my mind..sometimes i feel useless..need to do something with my life..please someone help me if you can...thanks beth

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~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Never underestimate the power of a small, dedicated group of people to change the world -- indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." (Margaret Mead)

AmeriCorps Alums -- We're Still Getting Things Done

Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business.

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Hello Steph, I am on methotrexate. I had RA since 2002 but diagnosed in March 2005. At the beginning, I had up flare and swelling. Now, after 8 months of Methotrexate, I have little pain, except sometimes I get pain, if I eat special food like meat, oranges, etc. How can I know if i am severe patient? Plus, if I am fine now with the medication I take, this means it will be alright later or maybe in the future I might be on a different state? Thank you Steph Mostafa. DeNicola- <stephdenicola@...> wrote: Hi Mostafa, This is Steph in Virginia. The climate for RA has changed, although not for everyone. When I was diagnosed I was 22 and in my last semester at college, studying to be in English teacher. Everything that I read at the time showed stats that said most severe RA patients are disabled within 7-10 years of onset. Fortunately for me, the rheumy that dx'd me told me about the new TNF inhibitors (which just included Enbrel & Remicade at the time). Fate worked out for me in a way. I chose to give up my dream of being a teacher due to the work hours & germs (in all honesty I never thought that I was permanently giving it up). I moved back home to NYC since I was still under my dad's insurance. My rheumy in NYC confirmed my diagnosis. I begged her to request

approval from my insurance for the biologics. She requested approval, but didn't think I would get approved -- but I did. Fast forward to present ... in 2006 I am still working full time and have been on Remicade since April 2000 without a single side effect. With the amazing newer drugs and research currently being conducted, my rheumy & I agree that I should be able to continue working full time for as long as I wish (granted I am only 29 now). Take care, Steph in VirginiaMostafa Ameen <mostafacs > wrote: Hi All, Is it expected that we might leave our full time job because of RA? I mean is this the end for RA patients? I have RA but I work full time job. Thank

you, Mostafa.john stratton <kentuckycowboy2 > wrote: HI Beth , how about taking some collage classes or something like that I understand your feeling all to well as I suffer that to this being my second year from work because of RA and other Ill. but I still have not gotten my ssi so I cannot afford either . The work at home thig I've not been able to find anything for me to do or that's anything other than a hoax but I'm sure there's something out there some where . Oh there is ebay if one can find out how to get hook up with others merchindice and just front the store but i'm imtersested to if anyone has anything to reccomend but

hope maybe this does help a little . john ----- Original Message ----From: beth <mayfrog1963 >To:

Rheumatoid Arthritis Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 10:34:07 PMSubject: help hi i would like to know if anyone out there knows anyway i can make some money at home. iam on ssi, have ra, and feel like i need to do something with my life........ ...but i can not work a full time job out of the home...i need help with this for money(i do have a son ) and for my mind..sometimes i feel useless..need to do something with my life..please someone help me if you can...thanks beth Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business. Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Never underestimate the power of a small, dedicated group of people to change the world -- indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." (Margaret Mead) AmeriCorps Alums -- We're Still Getting Things Done Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi guys.

Anyone can please tell me if I have a little quick annoy pain on the upper left

side of my body, what is that organ and what it might be? Is that from gall

stone pain? I just have no idea what is it and don't want to go to see MD since

it is just happened a couple day ago and it is kind of quick annoy sense and it

stop real quick like a second but after a min, it started again..and it is gone

and maybe an hour, is back, something like that!! Anyone has any idea.. Please

help..or guess..

God bless all.




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Grace Ano <gracey5541782@...> wrote:

Hi guys.

Anyone can please tell me if I have a little quick annoy pain on the upper

left side of my body, what is that organ and what it might be? Is that from

gall stone pain? I just have no idea what is it and don't want to go to see MD

since it is just happened a couple day ago and it is kind of quick annoy sense

and it stop real quick like a second but after a min, it started again..and it

is gone and maybe an hour, is back, something like that!! Anyone has any idea..

Please help..or guess..

God bless all.



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Your gallbladder is in the upper right side of your body just under your



Grace Ano wrote:


> Anyone can please tell me if I have a little quick annoy pain on the

> upper left side of my body, what is that organ and what it might be?

> Is that from gall stone pain?

> Kiki


> __________________________________________________________


> ._,___

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WOW!! thanks so much!! That is a BIG help!! After I did the liver flush

yesterday, today I have no pain yet!! Thanks GOD. Anyway, I guess it is spleen

problem since one of the Chinese doctor used to tell me that I have bad slpeen!!

I guess from eating too much and eating sugary food for such a long time!!

Again, I really appreciated all of you who answer my question, have a great

weekend!! GOD bless. :o) Hi guys.Anyone can please tell me if

I have a little quick annoy pain on the upper left side of my body, what is that

organ and what it might be? Is that from gall stone pain? I just have no idea

what is it and don't want to go to see MD since it is just happened a couple day

ago and it is kind of quick annoy sense and it stop real quick like a second but

after a min, it started again..and it is gone and maybe an hour, is back,

something like that!! Anyone has any idea.. Please help..or guess..God bless

all.Kiki__________________________________________________________Expecting? Get

great news right away with email Auto-Check. Try the

Beta.http://advision.webevents./mailbeta/newmail_tools.html [Non-text

portions of this message have been removed]---------------------------------The

fish are biting.Get more visitors on your site using

Search Marketing.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Maxine,

A PCR is a test that they do to track your progress. It's very

sensitive and can usually measure one leukemic cell in 100,000 cells

but since the test isn't yet standardized, there is considerable

variation on how they're done around the country and around the world.

To keep it simple, a 3 log reduction is a 1000 fold drop in leukemic

cells from a baseline that your lab has predetermined. A thousand

fold drop in any number is when the decimal point moves 3 times to

the left. For example, if the lab's baseline is 10 then a one log

reduction would be 1.0 a two log reduction would be 0.10 and a three

log reduction would be 0.001.

As you probably know, getting to a 3 log reduction is the goal with

treatment but it can take some time to get there. Many patients take

longer than a year to get there and some don't get there at all but

as long as their PCR results are stable and they remain in CCR,

that's the next best thing.

In our files section we have an FAQ and a Glossary that you might

find helpful since you're new to this. You can find them here:


Scroll down to the third and fourth file (CML FAQ and CML Glossary)

and click on them to open.

To understand your blood counts, there are a number of good websites

that explain the different numbers. Here's one:


If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate, someone will

surely be able to help point you in the right direction.

Take care,


dx Jan 2002


> Hi There, Can someone please tell me what log reduction and pcr is?


> am new to all this and don't know alot of things yet. I know about

> wbc,rbc,platelets and thats about it.I have been on gleevec since


> 29 2007. i've been getting cbc's done every week and don't


> everything on the report. here is some of the report......wbc 5.6

> rbc 3.20 hemoglobin 11.1 hemhematocrit 32.9 mcv 103.0 mch 34.7

> mchc 33.7 mpv 5.5 rdw 28.4 lymph %auto 24.4 mono %auto 1.9. It


> me if its high or low, but what does it all mean in regards to the

> leukemia? I have only seen the dr once and that is when he dx me. I

> have no ins. or money!! If someone could help me out I would


> appreciate it....and any thing else I might need to know...Thanks


> much, Maxine



> dx may 25,2007

> started gleevec june 29,2007


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Hi Maxine,

Welcome to the club that nobody really wants to be a member of.

I have one thing to add to Tracey’s excellent explanation. Make sure that

you get a copy of all your test results. This will enable you to compare the

values to see your progress.


Zavie (age 69)

67 Shoreham Avenue

Ottawa, Canada, K2G 3X3

dxd AUG/99

INF OCT/99 to FEB/00, CHF

No meds FEB/00 to JAN/01

Gleevec since MAR/27/01 (400 mg)

CCR SEP/01. #102 in Zero Club

2.8 log reduction Sep/05

3.0 log reduction Jan/06

2.9 log reduction Feb/07

3.2 log reduction Jun/07

e-mail: zmiller@...

Tel: 613-726-1117

Fax: 309-296-0807

Cell: 613-202-0204

ID: zaviem


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: July 26, 2007 12:46 AM

Subject: [ ] Help

Hi There, Can someone please tell me what log reduction and pcr is? I

am new to all this and don't know alot of things yet. I know about

wbc,rbc,platelets and thats about it.I have been on gleevec since june

29 2007. i've been getting cbc's done every week and don't understand

everything on the report. here is some of the report......wbc 5.6

rbc 3.20 hemoglobin 11.1 hemhematocrit 32.9 mcv 103.0 mch 34.7

mchc 33.7 mpv 5.5 rdw 28.4 lymph %auto 24.4 mono %auto 1.9. It tells

me if its high or low, but what does it all mean in regards to the

leukemia? I have only seen the dr once and that is when he dx me. I

have no ins. or money!! If someone could help me out I would greatly

appreciate it....and any thing else I might need to know...Thanks so

much, Maxine

dx may 25,2007

started gleevec june 29,2007

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  • 5 months later...


I am sorry but those numbers you listed are not related to

measurement of the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph+; BCR-ABL). This test

can be part of a work-up and can be useful in other ways but not

really for monitoring CML. They must have given you the wrong page.

These numbers are from an Immunophenotyping analysis of your marrow

(an educated guess since the % are lower than usually seen in the

peripheral blood).

Immunophenoptyping testing involves measuring a sample for the

presence of markers on the cells that are associated with certain

white blood cell types. It can be used to determine if there is an

increase in the numbers of a certain blood cell population. This

test is often used to diagnose and track the response to treatment

for the Acute Leukemias (Lymphocytic and Myelogenous) and Chronic

Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL).

About the numbers. Long ago there were several companies that made

test kits for these markers and they used their own names to identify

them. This just lead to confusion for the lab people using them

since the names often had numbers in them and like kits didn't

match. It was decided that a standardized reference system was

needed to enable everyone to know what they were talking about when

information was shared. The CD stands for Cluster of Differentiation

and it started at " 1 " . Anytime a new reagent is developed, its

checked to see if its reacting with a know marker (CD #) or if it

deserves a new designation. Later its analyzed to figure out what

cell types these markers react with.

What you need to see is either the Cytogenetic analysis report (AKA

Karyotyping) or a FISH test for BCR-ABL (Fluorescence in-situ

Hybridization). These provide a means to check for CML cells.

> Hi there, my name is maxine and I have only posted once or twice


> I was first dx (may-07). I just had a bmb, and when I went and


> to the dr about the results he just looked at the paper and

> said " there was no evidence of a chromosome abnormality within the

> limits of the technology utilized " and all he said was that the

> medicine was working! Well I already didn't like this dr. from the

> begining. I have been stuck with him because I have no ins. I am

> waiting SSI. So when I left I asked for a copy of the report and


> second page has this: viability 87% and then it has some boxes


> this:

> t-cell % intensity

> cd1a normal

> cd2 9 normal

> cd3 8 normal

> cd4 5 normal

> cd5 8 normal



> b-cell % intensity

> cd19 1.7 normal

> cd20 1.3 normal

> cd22 1.3 normal


> then it had myeloid with all the numbers and all normal. I don't


> a clue what all that means, except to think that everything is

> normal. But I know ya'll are always talking about log reduction..So

> could you please tell me what you think..(besides I need another

> dr)...Thank you very much...Maxin

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Wow, , that was a great explanation. I am almost at my 1yr point, 01

March 07, that was one of the best explanations I have read, of course I am

sure I have missed some. All the same, I print several posting from here and

keep to re-read when I have a question.



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Hi Maxine,

Tim has given you an excellent answer. The only thing I would add is

that if you want to know your log reduction, you need to have a PCR

for that.

Take care,



> Hi there, my name is maxine and I have only posted once or twice


> I was first dx (may-07). I just had a bmb, and when I went and


> to the dr about the results he just looked at the paper and

> said " there was no evidence of a chromosome abnormality within the

> limits of the technology utilized " and all he said was that the

> medicine was working! Well I already didn't like this dr. from the

> begining. I have been stuck with him because I have no ins. I am

> waiting SSI. So when I left I asked for a copy of the report and


> second page has this: viability 87% and then it has some boxes


> this:

> t-cell % intensity

> cd1a normal

> cd2 9 normal

> cd3 8 normal

> cd4 5 normal

> cd5 8 normal



> b-cell % intensity

> cd19 1.7 normal

> cd20 1.3 normal

> cd22 1.3 normal


> then it had myeloid with all the numbers and all normal. I don't


> a clue what all that means, except to think that everything is

> normal. But I know ya'll are always talking about log reduction..So

> could you please tell me what you think..(besides I need another

> dr)...Thank you very much...Maxine


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Number 1146 in the Zero Club


Zavie (age 69)

67 Shoreham Avenue

Ottawa, Canada, K2G 3X3

dxd AUG/99

INF OCT/99 to FEB/00, CHF

No meds FEB/00 to JAN/01

Gleevec since MAR/27/01 (400 mg)

CCR SEP/01. #102 in Zero Club

2.8 log reduction Sep/05

3.0 log reduction Jan/06

2.9 log reduction Feb/07

3.2 log reduction Jun/07

3.6 log reduction Sep/07

e-mail: zmiller@...

Tel: 613-726-1117

Fax: 309-296-0807

Cell: 613-202-0204

ID: zaviem


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: January 25, 2008 11:53 PM

Subject: [ ] help

Hi there, my name is maxine and I have only posted once or twice when

I was first dx (may-07). I just had a bmb, and when I went and talked

to the dr about the results he just looked at the paper and

said " there was no evidence of a chromosome abnormality within the

limits of the technology utilized " and all he said was that the

medicine was working! Well I already didn't like this dr. from the

begining. I have been stuck with him because I have no ins. I am

waiting SSI. So when I left I asked for a copy of the report and the

second page has this: viability 87% and then it has some boxes like


t-cell % intensity

cd1a normal

cd2 9 normal

cd3 8 normal

cd4 5 normal

cd5 8 normal

b-cell % intensity

cd19 1.7 normal

cd20 1.3 normal

cd22 1.3 normal

then it had myeloid with all the numbers and all normal. I don't have

a clue what all that means, except to think that everything is

normal. But I know ya'll are always talking about log reduction..So

could you please tell me what you think..(besides I need another

dr)...Thank you very much...Maxine

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Thanks , I'm not sure I understand all that but I am trying to learn.

(you guys have really done your studying) I wish I could just scan these papers

but mine is not working right now. There were some more numbers on the first

page, and again I don't know if this is what I need to know, but here it is....

karyotype 46,xx(20)

46 chromosomes____

45 chromosomes____

46 chromosomes_20

47 chromosomes____

47 chromosomes____

#cells counted 20

#cells analyzed 20

#cells karyotyped 2

band resolution 400

I know it seems like I am really ignorant, but I just don't know... thanks so

much for all the help.. Max

Maxine Branum

dx may 07

gleevec 400 June 07

<timothyfarley16@...> wrote:


I am sorry but those numbers you listed are not related to

measurement of the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph+; BCR-ABL). This test

can be part of a work-up and can be useful in other ways but not

really for monitoring CML. They must have given you the wrong page.

These numbers are from an Immunophenotyping analysis of your marrow

(an educated guess since the % are lower than usually seen in the

peripheral blood).

Immunophenoptyping testing involves measuring a sample for the

presence of markers on the cells that are associated with certain

white blood cell types. It can be used to determine if there is an

increase in the numbers of a certain blood cell population. This

test is often used to diagnose and track the response to treatment

for the Acute Leukemias (Lymphocytic and Myelogenous) and Chronic

Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL).

About the numbers. Long ago there were several companies that made

test kits for these markers and they used their own names to identify

them. This just lead to confusion for the lab people using them

since the names often had numbers in them and like kits didn't

match. It was decided that a standardized reference system was

needed to enable everyone to know what they were talking about when

information was shared. The CD stands for Cluster of Differentiation

and it started at " 1 " . Anytime a new reagent is developed, its

checked to see if its reacting with a know marker (CD #) or if it

deserves a new designation. Later its analyzed to figure out what

cell types these markers react with.

What you need to see is either the Cytogenetic analysis report (AKA

Karyotyping) or a FISH test for BCR-ABL (Fluorescence in-situ

Hybridization). These provide a means to check for CML cells.

> Hi there, my name is maxine and I have only posted once or twice


> I was first dx (may-07). I just had a bmb, and when I went and


> to the dr about the results he just looked at the paper and

> said " there was no evidence of a chromosome abnormality within the

> limits of the technology utilized " and all he said was that the

> medicine was working! Well I already didn't like this dr. from the

> begining. I have been stuck with him because I have no ins. I am

> waiting SSI. So when I left I asked for a copy of the report and


> second page has this: viability 87% and then it has some boxes


> this:

> t-cell % intensity

> cd1a normal

> cd2 9 normal

> cd3 8 normal

> cd4 5 normal

> cd5 8 normal



> b-cell % intensity

> cd19 1.7 normal

> cd20 1.3 normal

> cd22 1.3 normal


> then it had myeloid with all the numbers and all normal. I don't


> a clue what all that means, except to think that everything is

> normal. But I know ya'll are always talking about log reduction..So

> could you please tell me what you think..(besides I need another

> dr)...Thank you very much...Maxin



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Hi Maxine,

This shows that they did a cytogenetic analysis but it doesn't show

the actual results of the analysis. All this shows is that they

analyzed 20 cells and looked at the 46 chromosomes in those cells.

The xx refers to your sex chromosomes which show that you are

female. Males have xy. Other than that, the information about what

they saw in the chromosomes isn't there. Is there another page with

results somewhere? You should have something that says " no evidence

of the Philadelphia chromosome was found in the cells analyzed " or

something like that.


> Maxine,


> I am sorry but those numbers you listed are not related to

> measurement of the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph+; BCR-ABL). This


> can be part of a work-up and can be useful in other ways but not

> really for monitoring CML. They must have given you the wrong page.


> These numbers are from an Immunophenotyping analysis of your marrow

> (an educated guess since the % are lower than usually seen in the

> peripheral blood).


> Immunophenoptyping testing involves measuring a sample for the

> presence of markers on the cells that are associated with certain

> white blood cell types. It can be used to determine if there is an

> increase in the numbers of a certain blood cell population. This

> test is often used to diagnose and track the response to treatment

> for the Acute Leukemias (Lymphocytic and Myelogenous) and Chronic

> Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL).


> About the numbers. Long ago there were several companies that made

> test kits for these markers and they used their own names to


> them. This just lead to confusion for the lab people using them

> since the names often had numbers in them and like kits didn't

> match. It was decided that a standardized reference system was

> needed to enable everyone to know what they were talking about when

> information was shared. The CD stands for Cluster of


> and it started at " 1 " . Anytime a new reagent is developed, its

> checked to see if its reacting with a know marker (CD #) or if it

> deserves a new designation. Later its analyzed to figure out what

> cell types these markers react with.


> What you need to see is either the Cytogenetic analysis report (AKA

> Karyotyping) or a FISH test for BCR-ABL (Fluorescence in-situ

> Hybridization). These provide a means to check for CML cells.


> > Hi there, my name is maxine and I have only posted once or twice

> when

> > I was first dx (may-07). I just had a bmb, and when I went and

> talked

> > to the dr about the results he just looked at the paper and

> > said " there was no evidence of a chromosome abnormality within


> > limits of the technology utilized " and all he said was that the

> > medicine was working! Well I already didn't like this dr. from


> > begining. I have been stuck with him because I have no ins. I am

> > waiting SSI. So when I left I asked for a copy of the report and

> the

> > second page has this: viability 87% and then it has some boxes

> like

> > this:

> > t-cell % intensity

> > cd1a normal

> > cd2 9 normal

> > cd3 8 normal

> > cd4 5 normal

> > cd5 8 normal

> >

> >

> > b-cell % intensity

> > cd19 1.7 normal

> > cd20 1.3 normal

> > cd22 1.3 normal

> >

> > then it had myeloid with all the numbers and all normal. I don't

> have

> > a clue what all that means, except to think that everything is

> > normal. But I know ya'll are always talking about log


> > could you please tell me what you think..(besides I need another

> > dr)...Thank you very much...Maxin









> ---------------------------------

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Hi Donna, I am no expert, but I would kill for that number !! I do believe it

is not all that unusual for the numbers to very a little bit, I have seen many

others have the same thing and not had their dose changed or gone to a different

drug. I'm sure you will get similar responses from the others, it is really not

a big difference. I would certainly have another test done before I did

anything so drastic as to change drugs. Don't freak out girl, and I also don't

think missing 3 doses would do it, could be wrong, but calm down., take a deep

breath, then run outside and scream! you will feel better. Bobby

donnaberry99 <no_reply > wrote: Hey Guys,

My Onc just called with the results of my PCR

Sept 07 I was 0.068

Dec I was 0.027

now I am 0.048

I am freaking out!!!!!!!!!!! he couldn't decide if he wants me to go up

to 600mg on Gleevec (now on 400) or just switch to Sprycel. I have to

say about 7-10 days before my test I had forgotten my Gleevec 3 times

in a weeks period, could this have any effect??? My gut feeling is to

have the PCR test done again. I never imagined things would go pear

shaped this soon??????? My Onc is calling Dr. Cortes (MD ) to

get his recommendation. Can your PCR results go up and down???

Regards Donna

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