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Colon Cancer

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From: Dusan Stojkovic <dusan@...>

I found this very nice story on the web:


God's Way to Ultimate Health

By Rev. H. Malkmus

The year was 1976. I was 42 years old and I was told I had colon cancer.

A tumor about the size of a baseball had been found underneath my left rib

cage where the transverse and

descending colon come together. I was devastated! I asked, " Why me Lord? " I

didn't understand!

It was because of this - what appeared to be a tragic event in my life, and

the research and personal

experiences that followed - that I was taught GOD'S WAY TO ULTIMATE HEALTH.

Let me elaborate a little more on how it all happened. In 1976 I was the

pastor of a Baptist Church, near

Glens Falls, New York, a church I founded in 1970. It was a very successful

ministry. Membership in this

church grew from nothing to over 600 members. In addition to the church, we

had a Christian School, grades

K through 12, along with a Bible Institute, both of which I also founded.

Five large busses brought people to

the services, while my radio broadcast, America Needs Christ, was heard on

many radio stations each

week. Over a dozen young people from our church and school were in college

preparing for full-time

ministry. Trul y, this seemed to be the high point of my ministry and God

was certainly blessing.

Just prior to all this, I had watched my mother die of colon cancer. Mom

was a registered nurse, and she

believed her doctors when they told her that chemotherapy, radiation and

surgery were her only hope of

surviving. Mom submitted to these treatments and died a horrible death! At

the time of her death, I felt it was

the treatments she received at the hands of the medical doctors that

ultimately caused her death rather than

the cancer itself.

What was I to do? Should I submit my body to the same medical treatments

mom had? What I had seen my

mother go through was so horrible! Also, as a pastor for 20 years, I had

sat at the bed-side of so many

people and watched the devastating effects of chemotherapy, radiation and

surgery experienced by others in

the treatment of their cancers, I had also conducted the funerals for many

of them.

Another thing that bothered me was that in so many cases prayer didn't seem

to make any difference. I had

seen some of the most dedicated Christians, even after great faith,

personal prayer as well as collective

prayer, get sicker and sicker and often die after going the medical route.

What should I do? I had a family

and a church that needed me. Many people told me I should go the medical

route and some were putting

pressure on me to do just that.

It was during this time of uncertainty that I turned to an Evangelist

friend in Texas by the name of Lestor

Roloff for help. Brother Roloff was one of those " health-nuts. " We often

affectionately referred to him as

" Carrot Juice Roloff. " I was really in a dilemma as to what I should do for

my cancer when I called Brother

Roloff. His advice to me sounded strange. He advised me not to go the

medical route of chemotherapy,

radiation and surgery, as mom had gone... BUT TO SIMPLY CHANGE MY DIET TO



Wow! That sounded too simplistic! But it sure sounded better than the

medical route which I had pretty well

decided not to pursue. So, overnight I changed from a meat-centered, cooked

and processed food diet with

plenty of sugar desserts, to an all-raw diet with lots of carrot juice. I

stayed on this total raw diet for

approximately one year. I didn't eat any cooked food during that year ...

just raw fruits, raw vegetables and

one to two quarts a day of freshly extracted, raw carrot juice.

The results were spectacular! Almost immediately I started to get well! In

less than one year, my tumor...

Read the rest here:


Dusan Stojkovic



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