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Re: Fasting and warning

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You wrote:

Also - without doubt there are several medical conditions that contraindicate such longterm fasts - it would be interesting to hear a md's thoughts on this. I guess people with sugar or anemic disorders - and we are many, also unaware of such problems, should be most careful going into this, probably best avoid it.

Therefore my suggestion: Put a warning note at the end of these contributions.

Your thoughts to this, please?

Best of health to all,


I have been on a long term fast. I never recommended or posted my fast. Someone else did this. I am not advocating anyone to do this. I am an experienced faster. I am also feeling strong, and well, and monitoring my fluid intake carefully. I considered medical supervision, unfortunately my doctor does not support fasting, neither does he support me when I am sick. I had to drive three hours to a doctor to actually look down my throat to find a large mass. I know by my strength that what I am doing is working. I know when I am breaking it. Some people think that fasting is inadequate nutrition. It is not. Carrot and fruit juices along with green drinks, and an occasional protein drink and plenty of water is plenty of healthy, easily digested nutrition. You asked if I should post a warning, I am not advocating this. Just sharing what I know and what I am doing as questions arise. And yes I do warn that breaking a fast improperly is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Fasting is not a diet, that can be broken with a great smelling feast you simply can't resist. So please do be warned.


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Also - without doubt there are several medical conditions that contraindicate such longterm fasts - it would be interesting to hear a md's thoughts on this.

You can find one expert faster's opinion on this who is also an MD--Dr. Fuhrman, who wrote an excellent book on fasting. I have referred to it many times...."Fasting and Eating for Health". He covers many technical aspects of the biology involved in the fasting process with many different diseases, including Hypoglycemia, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Autoimmune Diseases, Obesity and other chronic medical conditions. This is not an expensive book, and not hard to understand. For $14.95, you can find out all you need to know about fasting, nutritional testing during the fast, the need for supervision and more. Anyone who goes on a fast should at least spend this small amount of money, way less than you would spend to see a doctor.

Therefore my suggestion: Put a warning note at the end of these contributions.

Your thoughts to this, please?

The warning note comes with all bowel cleanse messages, as stated below. I don't think any more needs to be said.

Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself.Have a nice day !Patty

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