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Re: Digest Number 757

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Loved the joke from Dawn. Maybe a little more humor like that would cheer us

all up.

Thanks Dawn :-)

To all of you out there. I think if you take life so seriously as to be sure

that you always put one foot in front of the other, when you look up you will

see that you have strayed from your goal. Keep your eyes on the horizon you may

stumble but you'll make

it to your desired goal.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


Haven't posted for a while but saw your post about Cameron having surgery.

I'm praying everything goes well and he's back to himself in not time at all.

I know how stressful any kind of surgery can be. I've missed alot but drop

in occassionaly to see how much I've missed.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} (mom to 14 DS/ASD)

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  • 8 months later...

re clawed feet

hi, i'm new to this list - a disillusioned lovaas/aba

mum of isadora who is nearly 6 and a half.

on the feet - her feet looked to me as if they were

like becoming like that (she didn't crawl, walked at

19 months but was always unsteady- looked like a

tightrope walker rather than a little monkey ! - could

not get up a step over i inch until she was 2 and a

halfish and even now has very weak legs and bad

balance. Anyway i always commented on how curled under

her toes were - it looked as if she would end up

walkingh on the outer edges and it even seemed as if

her toenails grew curved around the line of her toe..

well nearly two years ago i finally tracked down a

lady who did 'brushing ' a technique that supposedly

stimulated uninhibited infantile reflexes - with a

view to removing them. we had to brush along the sole

of her foot very lightly and slowly with a small paint

brush. there were other areas we worked on too. we

worked on her feet for a couple of months and i then

started to massage her feet in the bath - initially

she would nearly jump out as they were so hyper

sensitive ... i have watched her feet slowly uncurl -

she used to be a 'b/c' fitting (english 'normal is 'e'

) she is now ' e/d'

we stopped going in the end because like all of these

things at £50 a consultation the pennies run out. it

all seems a bit hocus pocus however there does seem

to be a body of scientific literature behind the

reflex theory and reflexology has been around for

years - there is interesting stuff about how the

reflexes may cause the hyper reactive and defensive


this may not relate to your daughter, the issue is no

doubt more complex for her but it might be worth

tracking someone down in the states. it is based on

wok by sally goddard and peter blythe, they sell books

through the fernridge press (1927 mcclean blvd,Eugene

0R97405 in the states) or just start trying to see if

you can massage her feet - up from sole along outer

edge and across below toes to the centre - i also rub

my thumb along her instep because a reflexologist said

it was a good line. she likes it and askes me to do it


Any way very best wishes to you all - sometimes its

worth an odd thought if it is orf any help to anyone.

on a further introductory note, is there anyone else

out there in the uk? we have ended up with isadora in

a montessori primary - all at our own expense as we

tried the national curriculum and couldn't see how all

that sitting around discussing could be adapted to

work for her so that she was included (sitting at the

edge of the class doing different work to everyone

else is not inclusion in our eyes . she is an unusual

one - prefers to be around other children, but finds

interacting very very difficult. her speech is coming

along, but she minimalises it unless there is a

crisis. shes no hperlexic or numerate, but is aware

that she is different and occaisionally gets very down

about it and will come out with 'i want to be better'

she needs full time support and a programme is a good

theoretical if she hadn't had such a bad lovaas time

(doesnt like working with an adult now and hates all

those questions... one of her final replies before we

gave up was 'i don't want a prize' and it could be

done within a school context - does anyone else wonder

whether girls social awareness/needs etc are different

from all those young boys on whom these programmes

have been developped. well after that long ramble,

would love to hear from anyone else in a similar

situation and if they are supported in going outside


best regards to all



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  • 4 weeks later...

hi it is shirley and iam glad thath we are all hear and thath i still

have my friends and good pepole hear i miss talking to you all i still

have pain and still get tried and thath we had some snow hera ih ga not

much hpoe every body had a nice holiday and a safe one too ilove you

all its time to get back real life now hope you dpont mind this lond meg

ok sweet dreams to all from shirley

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hi it is shirley and iam glad thath we are all hear and thath i still

have my friends and good pepole hear i miss talking to you all i still

have pain and still get tried and thath we had some snow hera ih ga not

much hpoe every body had a nice holiday and a safe one too ilove you

all its time to get back real life now hope you dpont mind this lond meg

ok sweet dreams to all from shirley

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hi it is shirley and iam glad thath we are all hear and thath i still

have my friends and good pepole hear i miss talking to you all i still

have pain and still get tried and thath we had some snow hera ih ga not

much hpoe every body had a nice holiday and a safe one too ilove you

all its time to get back real life now hope you dpont mind this lond meg

ok sweet dreams to all from shirley

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hi it is shirley and iam glad thath we are all hear and thath i still

have my friends and good pepole hear i miss talking to you all i still

have pain and still get tried and thath we had some snow hera ih ga not

much hpoe every body had a nice holiday and a safe one too ilove you

all its time to get back real life now hope you dpont mind this lond meg

ok sweet dreams to all from shirley

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Dear ,

I can only imagine the shock and grief you are going through right now.

Words cannot express the sympathy I am feeling for you at the moment. My

prayers will be with you and your family. Thank you for sharing with the

DTT_NET list what happened so that I can try to support you in anyway that

you may need. I am so sorry for your loss.

Pamela Prentiss-on

Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire

called conscience.

-- Washington


Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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  • 1 month later...

I am taking a large lupron dose every 4 months

that cost $2600 a shot (my Blue Cross pays it).

I also take casodex 3x a day along with proscar

once a day. (the casodex would cost me another $600 without the ins.)

My last shot will be in march and

I will continue the pills through the 13th month.

Hopefully after that I will only need the one

proscar a day to keep my psa down. After one

month into this my psa went from 50 to 2.9.

5 weeks ago it was the same. I lost most of

my chest and underarm hair and have 2-3 hot

flashes a day and gained about 20 pounds on

this female hormone regimine. Best, JR

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More on my PC. I have been treating this for

4 years. The diagnosis was a very aggressive

type with a Gleason of 8. I had seed implant and radiation and the

cancer came back after

14 months. For the next 2 years I tried Hoxsey,

cesium, etc, etc., without much success. Best,


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

...and let's not compare the whole " al

> queda " thing to christianity....there is a huge difference and if you

> don't know it, maybe you should study the Bible. >

I apologize for jumping into this here, as this is my first posting on this

list, but I have to say something. You are correct--there is a big

difference between al qaida and Christianity. There is also a big difference

between al qaida and Islam. I have been Muslim for almost 10 years and I

feel I have a pretty good clue what I am talking about. The way al qaida and

others like them have interpreted the Quran has been repeatedly refuted by

Islamic scholars--and this was the case long before 9/11 so it is not just

meant as " good PR. " Please don't attack our faith and our scripture based

on information from people who deliberately twist our beliefs to suit their

own purposes--whether it is bin laden or a Christian missionary. And please

also keep in mind that it hurts me to hear my religion attacked just as it

hurts you to hear Christianity attacked. There is no reason to do this.

sorry for such a " blunt " introduction,

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You know, I was really hoping not to get into this...and honestly, I

hope you will take this discussion to the following web site:


my point in my original response to the memo was to say that any

reference to " al queda " or any other " non-Christian " religion in terms

of this poem was really inappropriate...this was clearly a christian

poem. But, being a christian, yes, I do defend Christ and his

teachings...and so, the can of worms has been open, hasn't it?

So, for the rest of you, I apologize, again.... I will not be posting on

this subject again...if wants to discuss this further, I really

encourage her to join an appropriate forum for these discussions. THIS

IS NOT IT. However, since you think that I know nothing about Islam,

let me share a few things I do know....

The internet is polluted with former Islam followers who themselves

state that this is not a religion of love...but one of hate... here is

one such testimony...but, again, there are hundreds.


or this one...comparing Christianity to Islam...showing absolute hatred

for God's chosen people, the Jews (hence everything that has been going

on in the middle east for centuries...) - but again, Islam and

Christianity do not worship the same " God " - do they? So yes, you are

entitled to your beliefs, but, I know more about Islam than you may

think even though I do not practice this religion.

Here's more...again, from a christian perspective...so, I'm sure you

won't agree...but, does show the contrast between Islam and

Christianity. These are just some of the discussions from the above

thread...If you honestly believe so many of us are wrong in our

interpretation, I would really like you to clarify your interpretations

of these same passages from the teachings of Islam.

Defying the God of Israel


Defying the God of Israel

An excellent article from Dave Hunt of Prophesy


Abraham is called " the friend of God " (Jas

2:23), an expression used of no other

person in the Bible. As a result of that

relationship, God made, with His special

friend, an " everlasting covenant " (Gn 17:7, 13,

19; 1 Ch 16:16-18; Ps 105:8-12;

118:9, etc.) that extended for all time to

Abraham's descendants.

This covenant involved (1) the promised land

and (2) the promised Messiah. Only

in the Messiah could God fulfill His pledge to

Abraham, Isaac and : " in thee

[and in thy seed] shall all families [or

nations] of the earth be blessed " (Gn 12:3;

22:18; 26:4; 28:14). As for the land, God's

promise was clear: " For all the land

which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and

to thy seed for ever " (Gn 13:15);

" ...the Lord made a covenant with Abram,...

Unto thy seed have I given this land,

from the river of Egypt unto the great

river...Euphrates " (Gn 15:18); " ...all the

land of Canaan, for an everlasting

possession... " (Gn 17:7-8).

Abraham had several sons: Ishmael through his

wife 's Egyptian maid, Hagar;

Isaac through his wife ; and six others

through Keturah, whom he married

after died (Gn 25:1-2).

was unable to bear children. Neither she

nor Abraham could believe God's

promise that she herself would bear him a son

(Gn 16:1-4). Abraham was satisfied

with Ishmael and begged for God's covenant to

be fulfilled in him (Gn 17:18). But

Ishmael was an illegitimate child, born through

the unbelief of Abraham and ,

and not the son God had promised to them.

Rejecting Abraham's plea, God

emphatically declared, " thy wife shall

bear thee a son...; thou shalt call his

name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant

with him for an everlasting

covenant, and with his seed after him. And as

for Ishmael,...I have blessed

him....But my covenant will I establish with

Isaac, which shall bear unto

thee... " (Gn 17:19-21).

That Isaac, miraculously born to both Abraham

and , was the one through

whom God's promises of the land and of the

Messiah would be fulfilled, and that

Ishmael was not the son whose descendants would

possess the promised land, is

so clearly and repeatedly declared in Scripture

that it cannot be honestly

disputed. Yet the Arabs, who claim to be

descended from Ishmael, lay claim to

the promises given by God to Isaac and through

him to the Jews. Islam's claim

that Ishmael was the son of promise not only

contradicts Scripture but irrationally

gives an illegitimate son priority over his

half-brother, the true heir.

Distinguishing Isaac beyond dispute from the

other sons born to Abraham, God

called Isaac the " only son " of Abraham and

commanded that he be sacrificed on

Mount Moriah (Gn 22:2). It was Isaac who, in

submission to God's command,

willingly allowed his father to bind him upon

the altar, and whom God delivered at

the last moment when He had proved the complete

obedience of both father and

son (Gn 22:1-14). This is the testimony of

Scripture from the God who " cannot

lie " (1 Sm 15:29; Ps 89:35; Ti 1:2, etc.) and

whose " gifts and calling...are without

repentance " (Rom 11:29).

Isaac had twin sons, Esau and . Contrary

to custom of the time, instead of

Esau, the firstborn, God chose , the

younger son, through whom His

promises would be fulfilled. Before these twins

were born, God specifically

revealed to their mother, , the destiny

of their descendants: " Two

nations are in thy womb, and two manner of

people...and the elder shall serve the

younger " (Gn 25:23). The prophecy did not

pertain to and Esau as

individuals (Esau never served in his

lifetime) but to the nations that would

descend from them. The Arabs come from both

Ishmael and Esau because the

latter and his descendants intermarried with

the descendants of Ishmael (Gn


The Jews, in contrast (isolated in Egypt for

400 years and brought as an

identifiable ethnic group into the promised

land), are the descendants of Abraham

through his son Isaac and grandson , whose

name God changed to Israel.

The promise of the land and of the Messiah was

renewed by God to Isaac: " Unto

thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these

countries,...in thy seed shall all the

nations of the earth be blessed... " (Gn

26:3-4). Also, to (Israel) God said,

" ...the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I

give it, and to thy seed;...and in thy

seed shall all the families of the earth be

blessed " (Gn 28:13-14).

Indisputably, the land of Israel ( " from the

river of Egypt unto the great river...

Euphrates " - Gn 15:18-21) was given to the Jews

forever. God declared, " The

land shall not be sold for ever: for the land

is mine... " (Lv 25:23). In blatant

disobedience, Israel's leaders have been

trading land for " peace " with Arafat, who

has sworn to exterminate Israel. Israel has

abandoned the biblical conviction

expressed by her first premier, Ben


Our right to this Land in its entirety is

steadfast, inalienable and eternal....This

right...cannot be forfeited under any

circumstance...[israelis] have neither the

power nor the jurisdiction to negate it for

future generations to come....And until

the coming of the Great Redemption, we shall

never yield this historic right. 1

To further make certain that all mankind

understands that the Jews are God's

chosen people, the word " Israel " dominates the

Bible, appearing 2,565 times in

2,293 verses. In contrast, Arabians are

mentioned only ten times.

Anyone who claims to believe the Bible must

acknowledge that there is only one

nation and one people—the Jews alone— to whom

God ever gave a land and

specific, perpetual promises. The Jews are the

only people still existing as a

nation, though scattered, whose genealogy is

preserved in Holy Scripture and

who are identifiable in the world today. Were

that not the case, there would be

no fulfillment to hundreds of God's promises

and He would be a liar.

We have documented in the past that Jahweh of

the Bible and Allah of the Qur'an

are not the same (see especially the Q & A

section of TBC Reprints for Feb. 2000).

Twelve times Jahweh calls himself, or is

referred to as, " the God of Abraham, of

Isaac, and of . " An overwhelming 203 times

in 201 verses (from Ex 5:1 to Lk

1:68), Jahweh is called " the God of

Israel " —never the God of Ishmael.

In contrast, Islam and Allah express hatred for

Israel and all Jews. That fact alone

is enough to distinguish Jahweh from Allah. The

Qur'an and authoritative Islamic

tradition cited in the hadith vilify the Jews


Because of the wrongdoing of the Jews...We have

prepared for [them] a painful

doom " (Surah 4:160-161); Allah hath cursed them

[the Jews] for their disbelief

(4:46); Allah fighteth against them. How

perverse are they! (9:30); Ignominy shall

be their portion wheresoever they are found...

(3:112); The resurrection of the

dead will not come until the Muslims will war

with the Jews and the Muslims will kill

them;...the trees and rocks will say, O

Muslim...here is a Jew behind me, come

and kill him. 6

Sadly, the Arabs, persisting in the false claim

that Ishmael was the legitimate son

of promise, have rebelled against God's Word.

Their jealous hatred of the

descendants of Isaac (exacerbated by the

teachings and example of Muhammad

and Islam) has left a blot on the history of

mankind unequaled even by that left

by Hitler.

In Muslim lands for 1,300 years, Jews suffered

from inhumane treatment and

periodic bursts of violence. Take only one

country, Morocco, as an example of

what occurred everywhere under Muslim rule.

Jews were forced to live in ghettos

called mellahs. One historian writes that rape,

looting, burning of synagogues,

destruction of Torah scrolls and murder were

" so frequent that it is impossible to

list them. " 2 As only one instance of many, in

Fez, in a.d.1032, about 6,000 Jews

were murdered and many more " robbed of their

women and property. " 3 Such

slaughter continued periodically in Fez and

throughout Morocco (as in other

Muslim countries). Interestingly, the fierce

persecution of 1640 in which women

and children were murdered was called the

al-Khada. Chouraqui (p 39) says that

Jews suffered " such repression, restriction and

humiliation as to exceed anything

in Europe. "

Most Jews today do not believe God's promises

made to Abraham, Isaac and

. Nevertheless, there has always been a

nucleus through the centuries who

did believe His promisesand even recognized and

admitted that the dispersion of

Jews was God's judgment on their sin.

Maimonides, the famous Jewish physician

and philosopher, whose family had fled from

Islamic persecution in Spain to, of all

places, Fez (and who himself had to flee from

Morocco later), wrote in his " Epistle

to Yemen " in 1172:

It is...one of the fundamental articles of the

faith of Israel that the future

redeemer of our people will...gather our

nation, assemble our exiles, redeem us

from our degradation....On account of the vast

number of our sins, God has hurled

us in the midst of this people, the Arabs, who

have persecuted us severely...as

Scripture has forewarned us....Never did a

nation molest, degrade, debase, and

hate us as much as they.... 5

Such persecution has continued against those

few thousand Jews who have not

yet escaped Muslim lands. In a letter dated

July 10, 1974, to then UN Secretary

General Kurt Waldheim, Ramsey declared,

" Jewish people living in Syria today

are subjected to the most pervasive and inhuman

persecution....Young women

and children are harassed in the streets. Old

people are knocked down. Homes are

stoned....They are forbidden to leave in peace

and cannot remain in

dignity....Many have been arrested, detained,

tortured and killed. "

Muslims falsely claim that the animosity toward

Jews is the result of the founding

of the state of Israel. This is so obviously

not the case that this lie ought to be

an embarrassment. The Qur'an's official

religious denunciations of Jews existed

more than 1,200 years before Israel's rebirth.

Joan s, in her invaluable book,

From Time Immemorial (see offering list),

writes (p. 72),

The late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia told Henry

Kissinger [a Jew] that " ...Before

the Jewish state was established, there existed

nothing to harm good relations

between Arabs and Jews.... " Ironically, no Jews

were allowed [since Muhammad

killed or sold them all into slavery] to enter

or live in Saudi Arabia [still true

today]. Jordan's King Hussein stated, " The

relationship that enabled Arabs and

Jews to live together for centuries as

neighbors and friends has been destroyed

by Zionist ideas and actions. " Yet the

Jordanian Nationality Law states that " a

Jew " cannot become a citizen of Jordan.

Jordan annexed to itself most of that part of

" Palestine " which UN Resolution 181

had assigned to the " Palestinians " in November

1947, destroyed every Jewish

house of worship and expelled all Jews months

before the state of Israel was


The hatred against Jews by Muslims in obedience

to Muhammad, and the wicked

support thereof by much of the world (which we

have documented more fully

elsewhere), continues to this day in the

satanic determination to wipe out the

state of Israel. This hatred provides the key

to Middle East problems, which would

be solved if the Muslims and the world would

accept and obey the clear language

of the Bible.

Of course the secular world in its gross

immorality and selfish pursuit of the " lust

of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the

pride of life " (1 Jn 2:16)

demonstrates continuously its rebellion against

God. Even the ungodly know, too

(Rom 1:32), that all who engage in these things

will be held accountable by " the

judge of all the earth " (Gn 18:25; Jn 5:22; Rv

20:12-15). There is another grave

disobedience to God, however, amounting to open

defiance, in which almost the

entire world is united: the support of

Ishmael's descendants to establish a

" Palestinian State " within Israel.

The willful persistence in this illegitimate

claim, and its support by the rest of the

world, constitutes rejection of the clear

testimony of Scripture and rebellion

against God. These twin crimes have created the

Mideast crisis facing us today.

Abba Eban in Personal Witness records that when

President Truman wanted to

recognize Israel, Secretary of State C.

Marshall stated angrily: " They

don't deserve a state, they have stolen that

country. "

The dual fulfillment of biblical prophecies

concerning Israel as chronicled in the

daily news is approaching its foretold climax

in our time—the last of the " last

days. " Our important new video, Israel, Islam

and Armageddon, offers powerful

graphic footage documenting these prophecies'

historical background and the

broad sweep of their modern consummation,

especially through Nazism and its

close partner and now successor in

anti-Semitism and terrorism, Islam.

Today's fulfillment of biblical prophecy in

current events is a topic of great

interest to non-Christians, offers irrefutable

proof of God's existence and that the

Bible is His infallible Word to mankind, and is

a valuable tool in evangelism. We

hope that our readers will take advantage of

the materials we offer for this


The prophesied burden of Israel and Jerusalem

continues to grow heavier until it

threatens to crush the whole world under the

weight of a global conflict.

Tragically, that conflict has already

manifested itself globally in the despicable

scourge of international terrorism. Here, too,

Israel is the scapegoat.

Jahweh claims repeatedly that He is the only

true God: " Is there a God beside me?

yea, there is no God " (Is 44:6,8). Jahweh also

declares, " beside me, there is no

saviour " (Is 43:11; Hos 13:4). Isaiah foretold

that the promised Messiah who

would come to pay the penalty for sin demanded

by His justice would be " The

mighty God, The everlasting Father " (Is 9:6).

Thus Jesus declared, " I and my

Father are one " (Jn 10:30). He warned that all

who denied His identity as Jahweh

the Savior would die in their sins and be

separated from Him and heaven forever

(Jn 8:21-24). We need to make this gospel


Or What about these teachings...AGAIN, THESE ARE NOT MY WORDS BUT THOSE




and I'm not particularly interested in the " cultural " issues (like the

many wives, etc.), but rather in the truly religious issues like love

and hate as shown in your teachings.

Teachings of Islam

Christianity by its nature is not compatible with any other

religion. Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man

cometh unto the Father, but by me " ( 14:6). The Lord didn't say, I

am one way among many.

I would maintain Islam is itself incompatible with Christianity.

Western liberal scholars do their best to promote the idea that Islam

means peace and love, but they can't hide the vengeful and perverted

teachings easily found in Islamic writers. The following is a list of

quotes from the Koran and other Islamic holy books that clearly speak

for themselves.

" They say, 'Accept the Jewish or the Christian faith and you shall

be rightly guided.' Say, 'By no means!

We believe in the faith of Abraham, the upright one. He was no

idolater.' " (Surah 2:135)

" The only true faith in God's sight is Islam. " (Surah 3:19)

" Say, 'Obey Allah and the apostle.' If they give no heed, then

truly, Allah does not love the unbelievers. "

(Surah 3:29)

" If you fear that you cannot treat orphans with fairness, then you

may marry other women that seem good

to you: two, three or four of them. " (Surah 4:1)

" Try as you may, you cannot treat all your wives impartially. "

(Surah 4:3)

" Men take authority over women... As for those who are disobedient,

admonish them and send them to

beds apart and beat them. " (Surah 4:34)

" Believers, do not approach your prayers when you are drunk, but

wait till you can grasp the meaning of

your words... " (Surah 4:43)

" Will they not ponder on the Koran? if it had not come from God,

they could have surely found in it many

contradictions. " (Surah 4:82)

" Seek out your enemies relentlessly. " (Surah 4:104)

" They denied the truth and uttered a monstrous falsehood against

. they declared: 'We have put to

death the Messiah, Jesus the son of , the apostle ofGgod.' they

did not kill him, nor did they crucify

him, but they thought they did...they did not slay him for certain.

God lifted him up to him... " (Surah


" The Jews and Christians say: 'We are the children of God and His

loved ones.' Say: 'Why then does He

punish you for your sins? " (Surah 5:18)

" Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends. "

(Surah 5:51)

" Unbelievers are those who say: 'God is one of three.' There is but

one God. If they do not desist from

so saying, those of them that disbelieve shall be sternly

punished. " (Surah 5:73)

" The God will say: 'Jesus, son of , did you ever say to mankind

'Worship me and my mother as gods

besides God?' 'Glory to You, 'he will answer, 'how could I ever say

that to which I have no right? " (Surah


" If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly

retaliate by breaking off your treaty with

them. " (Surah 9:12)

" Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given

[Jews and Christians]...until they pay

tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued. " (Surah 9:29)

" The Christians say: The Christ is the son of Allah; these are the

words of their mouths; they imitate the

saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them. "

(Sura 9:30)

" Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal

rigorously with them. Hell shall be

their home. " (Surah 9:73)

" And say: All praise is due to Allah, WHO HAS NOT TAKEN A SON and


PARTNER in the kingdom. " (Sura 17.111)

" 'How shall I bear a child,' she [] answered, 'when I am a

virgin...?' 'Such is the will of the Lord,' he

replied. 'That is no difficult thing for Him...God forbid that He

[God[ Himself should beget a son!...Those

who say: 'The Lord of Mercy has begotten a son,' preach a monstrous

falsehood... " (Surah 19:20-21, 29,


" NEVER DID ALLAH TAKE TO HIMSELF A SON, and never was there with

him any (other) god . . . "

(Sura 23:91)

" Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to

the unbelievers but merciful to one

another. " (Surah 48:29)

" The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war

against the Jews and kill them, and

until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree

will say: 'Oh Moslem, oh servant of

Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!' " (Sahih

Bukhari 004.52.176)

So, do you really think this sounds like a religion of love? How else

are we supposed to interpret such " scripture " ?

Bottom line is, you and I will never agree on this, and so we can agree

to disagree and go on from there. I do not hate Islamic PEOPLE, but I

do not agree with their teachings...nor do you, I'm sure agree with

Christianity. If Islam is the religion you choose to follow, that is up

to you...the same way that I follow Christianity. Again, my original

post was simply that no christian poem/motives/teachings should ever

have been compared to " al queda " or Islam because the two are CLEARLY

very different and not in the same ballpark at all.

Again, if you want to discuss this...please, I asked that you take this

to an appropriate forum....I really do not think this is it! I

certainly hope we can at least agree on that! I have said enough on

this subject and will no longer be posting on it. So, if you want to

discuss my beliefs/your beliefs further, please join this message

board http://www.rr-bb.com/ and I'll gladly discuss it further (you can

use an " alias " when you join this board...that way, no one need know who

you are or where you are...)...there are people from all walks of life

there...muslims, christians (primarily), atheists, etc..

Sorry, I'm not a politician who needs to be politically correct.

Jeanne A. Brohart

chi chi wrote:

> ..and let's not compare the whole " al

> > queda " thing to christianity....there is a huge difference and if

> you

> > don't know it, maybe you should study the Bible. >


> I apologize for jumping into this here, as this is my first posting on

> this

> list, but I have to say something. You are correct--there is a big

> difference between al qaida and Christianity. There is also a big

> difference

> between al qaida and Islam. I have been Muslim for almost 10 years and

> I

> feel I have a pretty good clue what I am talking about. The way al

> qaida and

> others like them have interpreted the Quran has been repeatedly

> refuted by

> Islamic scholars--and this was the case long before 9/11 so it is not

> just

> meant as " good PR. " Please don't attack our faith and our scripture

> based

> on information from people who deliberately twist our beliefs to suit

> their

> own purposes--whether it is bin laden or a Christian missionary. And

> please

> also keep in mind that it hurts me to hear my religion attacked just

> as it

> hurts you to hear Christianity attacked. There is no reason to do

> this.


> sorry for such a " blunt " introduction,






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> From: autismhelpforyou

>You know, I was really hoping not to get into this...

>So, for the rest of you, I apologize, again.... I will not be posting on

>this subject again...if wants to discuss this further, I really

>encourage her to join an appropriate forum for these discussions. THIS


You are NOT sincere in your desire to " not get into this " or your apology

to this list, as you included a VERY LONG discussion about religion right

after your apology!

If you want to discuss religion, that is FINE, just do it on an


PLEASE respect the other people on this list, and remember that we are

here to help our CHILDREN and OURSELVES with things associated with the

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (remember that topic?)!


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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 6/11/02 8:12:44 PM,


<< One explanation I have heard for this by some folks who tried to look into

it has to do with vegies. The further North you go, the fewer fruits and

vegies there are to eat. Greece and France have folks who eat a lot of f >>

But what explains the masai tribe in Africa who by all reports eat only

beef, milk and blood -- they believe that plant material is food only for

their cows. They have among the lowest cholesterol levels in the world and no

heart disease. Maybe it isn't just our food.

Namaste, Liz

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At 02:46 AM 6/12/2002 -0400, you wrote:

><< One explanation I have heard for this by some folks who tried to look into

>it has to do with vegies. The further North you go, the fewer fruits and

>vegies there are to eat. Greece and France have folks who eat a lot of f >>


>But what explains the masai tribe in Africa who by all reports eat only

>beef, milk and blood -- they believe that plant material is food only for

>their cows. They have among the lowest cholesterol levels in the world and no

>heart disease. Maybe it isn't just our food.

I'm guessing antioxidants, enzymes, maybe folic acid ... the ones who eat blood

also eat it raw, ditto with the Eskimo. Although I'm not a raw beef eater myself

at this point, cooking an animal DOES change it drastically -- I remember an

experiment a cat food company did that was on the radio. Fed one set of cats all

of cut up raw rabbits. Other set got the same thing, but cooked. The

cooked-rabbit cats got VERY sick. I think Price did a similar experiment also,

on dogs. The cat food people said they had to add lots of vitamins to cat food

to feed the cats cooked meat without the cats getting sick -- but they did it,

and cats do ok on canned food (ok, not as wall as raw food probably, but they

survive and have kittens, which the cooked-rabbit cats didn't).

But most of the " high cholesterol " studies seem to be on modern folks, and

modern folks all cook their food, so whatever vitamins or other substances that

are protective would probably come from vegies or fruits. So by that theory you

should either eat lots of vegies or eat your meat raw (both of which should go

ok in this group!).

Fermented foods probably come in there somewhere too -- some folks are saying

that the heart lesions are associated with a bacteria, and bacteria levels seem

to be kept in check by eating good bacilli (most African tribes would eat some

fermented stuff, I'd think, plus there would be good bacteria in the milk


Plus I have my own biases about wheat gluten and other allergens -- I think they

do more damage than anyone knows at this point (not to demonize them, or

anything ... ). One researcher at a conference lately said that they found a lot

of the kids in one African tribe were malnourished, and they thought the problem

was a parasite or a new disease. It turned out 18% of the kids had celiac. I'd

guess it has something to do with the tribes getting food aid or imports

suddenly (African tribes normally eat millet, not wheat) -- something like that

will throw off the statistics greatly! If your intestinal absorption is

compromised, your diet can be really good and you can still get heart (and

other) problems, so any dietary analysis will not be very accurate.

Heidi Schuppenhauer

Trillium Custom Software Inc.


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On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 00:20:25 -0700 Heidi Schuppenhauer

<heidis@...> writes:

At 02:46 AM 6/12/2002 -0400, you wrote:

><< One explanation I have heard for this by some folks who tried to look


>it has to do with vegies. The further North you go, the fewer fruits and

>vegies there are to eat. Greece and France have folks who eat a lot of f



>But what explains the masai tribe in Africa who by all reports eat only

>beef, milk and blood -- they believe that plant material is food only


>their cows. They have among the lowest cholesterol levels in the world

and no

>heart disease. Maybe it isn't just our food.

I'm guessing antioxidants, enzymes, maybe folic acid ... the ones who eat

blood also eat it raw, ditto with the Eskimo. Although I'm not a raw beef

eater myself at this point, cooking an animal DOES change it drastically

-- I remember an experiment a cat food company did that was on the radio.

Fed one set of cats all of cut up raw rabbits. Other set got the same

thing, but cooked. The cooked-rabbit cats got VERY sick. I think Price

did a similar experiment also, on dogs. The cat food people said they had

to add lots of vitamins to cat food to feed the cats cooked meat without

the cats getting sick -- but they did it, and cats do ok on canned food

(ok, not as wall as raw food probably, but they survive and have kittens,

which the cooked-rabbit cats didn't).

*****On one of these lists (I can't remember since the volume on just

three lists alone is nearly unmanageable) there was quite a debate about

Dr. Francis Pottenger's experiment with cats.

But most of the " high cholesterol " studies seem to be on modern folks,

and modern folks all cook their food, so whatever vitamins or other

substances that are protective would probably come from vegies or fruits.

So by that theory you should either eat lots of vegies or eat your meat

raw (both of which should go ok in this group!).

Fermented foods probably come in there somewhere too -- some folks are

saying that the heart lesions are associated with a bacteria, and

bacteria levels seem to be kept in check by eating good bacilli (most

African tribes would eat some fermented stuff, I'd think, plus there

would be good bacteria in the milk naturally).

Plus I have my own biases about wheat gluten and other allergens -- I

think they do more damage than anyone knows at this point (not to

demonize them, or anything ... ). One researcher at a conference lately

said that they found a lot of the kids in one African tribe were

malnourished, and they thought the problem was a parasite or a new

disease. It turned out 18% of the kids had celiac. I'd guess it has

something to do with the tribes getting food aid or imports suddenly

(African tribes normally eat millet, not wheat) -- something like that

will throw off the statistics greatly! If your intestinal absorption is

compromised, your diet can be really good and you can still get heart

(and other) problems, so any dietary analysis will not be very accurate.

Heidi Schuppenhauer

Trillium Custom Software Inc.


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In a message dated 6/18/02 5:56:45 PM GMT Daylight Time,


> Re: What a day !

Wow, I thought it was just Beth that had these skills of long term memory for

facts, place, people and general knowledge and short term memory problems for

mental maths and spelling. I wonder if there can be a link too???

Liz (Mum to Beth aged 8, CP and verbal challenges)


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  • 1 year later...
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Hi all! I am still tossing around the idea of going to see Dr. Boachie if at

all possible. I am not sure what to do about the insurance problem yet,

which is why I am waiting. I would be greatly interested in hearing, even

privately if you wish, from all who've been to Dr. Boachie. I'd like to know


things as, what tests did he order (both before your first consultation, &

before/at time of surgery), how well does his staff treat you, what the nurses


HSS were like, did he order adequate pain control, if you had to travel, how

did you arrange the stay in NY, etc.

Also, I know I've asked before & gotten various results, but, does anyone

know of a doc of his caliber nearer WV? Thanks.

With Blessings & Love,

Carla Kay

~ Ps. 96:1 O come let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to

the rock of our salvation.

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I am a patient of Dr. Boachie and I highly recommend him. My first 2

surgeries was with another doctor and a different hospital. The surgeon was

competent enough however the hospital was a horror story. Too many things to go


Dr. Boachie did my revision surgery. I was a mess when I went to him. His

staff has to be the nicest I have ever encountered. They treat you like

family. It is 3 years since my revision surgery and I thank God every day that


found him. I am from Long Island so it wasn't too bad on me going into the

city. I also travelled to Miami to another well known surgeon and he even

recommended me to Dr. Boachie.

As far as Hospital for Special Surgery I think they are ranked No. 2 in the

country for orthapedic surgery. The staff is wonderful there. I never had to

ring the bell twice and the nurses were right there. They never made you feel

like you were bothering them. They know just how to handle the patients that

have our kind of surgery. I was told that Dr. Boachie picks his staff

himself that is on that recovery ward. My husband was going to get me round


clock nursing. Dr. Boachie told him to wait and see and if he felt that I

wasn't being taken care of properly. there would be no problem in getting me


the clock nursing. Because of the wonderful people at HSS I never had to hire

one. I was in that hospital almost 2 weeks. Dr. Boachie takes his own

x-rays before the surgery. Once the surgery is scheduled he had me see a


specialist and an internist for testing. They are very thorough.

My husband stayed at the Belaire Hotel right across the street from the

hospital. All I can say is if you can work it out with the insurance, I am sure

you will be very happy with Dr. Boachie. Besides being an excellent surgeon, he

is one of the most caring doctors I have ever met.

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Dear " Khanley40, "

What you said about your surgeon I'd say about mine. All the tests you

mentioned, Dr. Monsey took also. The staff at Fletcher Health

Care in Burlington, VT, though, has a lot to desire. The hospital is

very short staffed, and, that certainly had an effect on my care. When

yours truly was discharged, I'd have to say that the care was

sufficient, just not as kind as one would have liked. Ha! Wouldn't you

know it? This hospital is undergoing a $6.5M renovation and rebuilding

plan and won't pay the nurses a decent salary, which means many nurses

have sought employment somewhere else.












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I'm new here and found this topic mentioned on another list. I'm trying to find more info and if there was a site including the questions in the post below, I should would like it!

My son has been on the Feingold diet since 1976 but he was put on it for behavior, learning, etc. It wasn't until much later that we connected the additives/salicylates it to his continual congestion. As a teen, he had the polyps removed and, of course, they are back. Right after they were removed, his horrible snoring disappeared and now it it is back just as bad. He's an adult now and on his own. He doesn't like to talk about it, says he won't have the surgery again. Any ideas or where I could go for more info on Samters? For this diagnosis, does asthma have to be there. All he has is the congestion, polyps and the snoring. I fear sleep apnea due to obstruction.

Thank you,



I was thinking a layout with simple questions would help newcomers to the samters triad...kind of like...WHAT IS SAMTERS?, WHO GETS SAMTERS?, DIAGNOSING SAMTERS, TREATMENTS FOR SAMTERS, SUPPORT GROUPS, and so on

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Hi Sara,

I like aromatherapy. I use it in my home office or else where around

the house. I have a diffuser. I like the cinnamon and cloves combination,

too. Cinnamon has a warming and stimulating properties. It's an antiseptic

and muscle warmer. Cloves is spicy and warming. can be used as a local

anesthetic. I counters fatigue. Theses scents are also supposed to be


and purifying for a room. I have them in my diffuser now. I use a 1 to 1

ratio (one drop cloves, one drop cinnamon). The diffuser I have turns on

automatically every half hour for 5 minutes. The scent is nice and light, not

over powering.

If you like cinnamon and cardamon, you can also use these essential

oils in a diffuser. Cardamon is a sweet, spicy scent with woody citrus

undertones. It too is warming and stimulating and is sometimes added as an


to perfumes.

With my diffuser the scent generally sticks to one room. If you wanted

a full house effect you could, as someone else suggested, do some baking,

then if you really wanted continued aromatherapy you could use a diffuser, too.


In a message dated 2/2/2006 2:25:09 A.M. Central Standard Time,


Any ideas, tips? I would not be around to attend to the scent-making,

except perhaps once a day.

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