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Re: Seatlle doctors

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Have you tried the thyroid top doc directory on thyroid.about.com?? Well I

copied and pasted the Seattle dr's for you - hopefully this helps.


Dr Wynsome ND, Water's Edge Natural Health Services, 150 Nickerson

Street, Suite 211, Seattle WA 98109 Phone: 206-283-1383. A reader writes:

" She is on Broda Barne's foundation referral list too. What I like about her

is that she really listens, and both she and her whole staff have treated me

with the utmost respect and courtesy. She is a licensed naturopath, and

prescribes natural hormones such as Armour. Each patient is treated like an

individual, and a unique plan is devised, based on your lab tests, physical

examination and what you report. I live in MN, and even though I have to

travel to WA for exams, I would recommend Dr Wynsome.


Mindy L. Blaski, M.D., Family Practice, 3216 NE 45th PL, Suite 106, Seattle,

WA 98105-4028, (206) 526-0210. " I have had temporary thyroiditis in the past

with sub-clinical hypothryroid in the past, and I went to a new doctor. Her

approach was to do what was the " industry standard " and when my TSH level

came back as normal, all I recieved was a " I hope you are feeling better "

letter in the mail. I went to Doctor Blaski on a recommendation from a

friend and she listened, did more tests, including antibodies and low and

behold I was right and there is something wrong, my TPO antibody test was at

nearly 20! She even encouraged me before we got the test results back that

even if they all came back as " normal " she would find out what was wrong.

Now she has referred me to Dr. Murray (also on this list) for more tests. I

really liked her because she took the time to listen and talk to me as a

peer rather than talking down to me, and she doesn't treat her patients like

lab values. "


Dr. Murray, Polyclinic on Broadway.

http://www.polyclinic.com/op_name.htm. A reader writes: " He is excellent and

'saved' my life!!!! "

Another fan of Dr. Murray:

“I had 2 normal TSH tests in 6 years - and all the classic hypo symptoms. He

listened, gave me a TRH and antibody test and diagnosed me. When I had brain

fog on T4 - he prescribed T3 (before I knew to ask for it). When I had a

super-sensitive reaction to too much T4, he was skeptical but tested my

blood levels a week apart and admitted I was right, I’d shot past the normal

range, and he revised my meds accordingly. When I told him I had to lower T4

before my period he just said - it’s illogical, but if it works - do it. He

treats symptoms - using all available treatments - and he listens to the

patient not just test results.”

Another patient writes:

“I learned of Dr. Murray from this site -- thanks! I'd had a goiter for 8

years but consistently received ”normal” thyroid reports from other

physicians. I'd learned a bit from this site before seeing him, and was

impressed and comforted that he addressed all issues I felt were important.

He takes the time to explain, and always whips out a pad and draws diagrams

and makes notes for me to take home -- continuing education! He truly

listens and takes my comments and complaints seriously, and I know I'm in

good hands. I've recommended him to a co-worker who has been seeing another

physician for years, and she is also very impressed. I can't recommend him

highly enough.”

More praise for Dr. Murray:

“Going to Dr. Murray,” shares one reader, “has changed my life dramatically.

Although I'd been taking T4 (Synthroid) for years, I had serious problems

with brain fog. My memory was getting bad and I couldn't make decisions

about anything. So I went to Dr. Murray, who prescribed T3 and lowered my T4

a little. He really listened to my symptoms (which no doctor ever had done

before). Now I'm able to remember better, make decisions, and feel much more

alive and aware. I've recommended Dr. Murray to a friend, who also had good


Another patient writes:

" Dr Murray listened to me when I came into his office. I was tired and

frustrated. I had heard that maybe I had depression because my thryroid

wasn't " that low. " He turned to me and said, " Don't worry, we're going to

fix this. You are going to feel better! " He did the appropriate tests and

prescribed Synthroid. When he felt appropriate he prescribed Cytomel. He is

always attentive to what I say and how I feel. If I have a complaint about

something he listens. He saved my life. Before him I couldn't concentrate, I

was so tired, and I thought I was going to feel that way forever. He is a

great doctor. I'm a nurse, I should know! "

Another fan:

" Dr. Murray believes in treating patients, not lab values. In his practice,

he's found that patients whose lab work is in the " normal " range, but who

still don't feel well, do very well with the addition of Cytomel. He

generally aims for TSH of 1.0 or below, but also runs free T3 and Free T4,

tweaking medication where needed. Visits aand assessment are 3X a year,

rather than yearly, so he's really able to keep track of his patients. He is

an open-minded breath of fresh air in the stodgy and inflexible endo

community of the Pac. Northwest. "


A reader writes: " I had my thyroid checked for years through regular

MD's...lab values were always on the lowest side of normal...so no doctor

would treat my hypothyroid symptoms...despite the fact that two other family

members, my father and brother, both need thyroid supplementation. I finally

found a doctor in Edmonds, Wa, who puts stock in clinical evaluations as

well as lab values...and had me perform the underarm basal body temperature

test. Based on the outcome...plus all of the other symptoms he treated me

with 1 grain Armour thyroid supplements. He is a top doc...Dean Neary, N.D.,

working with Dr. Stern in Edmonds, Wa, just north of Seattle/Tacoma

and not a far trip. Phone: 425-775-3717 "

Dr. Neary writes in to tell us:

I will be opening a second office in late November or early December 2000 in

Snohomish, WA with a new phone number 360-568-2686 (I would love to see it

added to the information posted on my current practice). I see at least one

new individual a day who complains of symptoms that are possibly due to an

inadequate functioning thyroid. I thoroughly enjoy helping the people to

regain control of the life and sense of well being. As I said initially, I

have received numerous referrals from your site, thank you, and look forward

to continuing to assist your sites visitors with their search for answers.

Dean E. Neary Jr., N.D., Licensed Naturopathic Physician, Lynnwood, WA

425-775-3717 Fax 425-775-7880 Snohomish, WA 360-568-2686.


A reader writes: " I saw your request for top docs in the Anchorage area and

am sorry to report that I don't think there is enough thyroid cancer cases

in Alaska for much help from specialists. So i have no one to recommend for

endos or oncologists. The ENT's up here all subscribe to the " cut it out

then burn it " philosophy. So I had my surgery done in Seattle. Excellent

surgeon Dr. . So I want to recommend my GP. Dr. Mattison White

in Anchorage. He diagnosed me originally during a routine physical and

probably saved my life. " What is that lump on your neck? " I said " What

lump? " I couldn't see it and didn't even know I had it myself. Later since I

had a lobectomy and wanted to hold off on the complete thyroidectomy and

monitor it instead. He is helping me with this. I have blood tests and RAI

imaging. I gradually went on Synthroid (actually about 12 months after my

surgery) and am taking .2 now which gives me a negligible TSH. I think this

will make my remaining thyroid atrophy. Dr. White has excellent

communication manner. You can go in a talk to him about everything. I highly

recommend him(in lieu of an endo). "


A reader writes: " I saw the note requesting a Doctor in the Seattle, WA

area. I found a great endocrinologist, his name is Fredlund located at

Virginia Mason Clinic, North Pavilion 2nd floor, 1100 9th Ave, Seattle, WA

98101, phone number 206-223-6623. It can be hard to get into see him as he's

so busy but he's worth the wait. There's still a debate as to if I have a

thyroid problem (my TSH count is low) but Dr Fredlund did figure out I have

fibromyalgia and I'm now seeing a rheumatologist (he's also great if anyone

needs one in Seattle). It's refreshing to find a Doctor who keeps up on

what's new in his field and has an open mind on other possibilities. Dr.

Fredlund does not hesitate to send you to another specialist if he's not

sure. I hope this helps the person who is looking for a good Doctor. " (NOTE

FROM MARY SHOMON, 11/2000:According to patients, Dr. Fredlund is almost

impossible to get in to see, but Dr. Gross and Dr. Benson are

in the same practice, and may be available.)


Dr. Gross, endocrinologist, Virginia Mason Hospital 1-206-223-6600.

A reader shares, “He truly listens and he agreed with my belief that the

..3-7.2 normal range is far too broad. He leans more toward .3 to 3.0 as a

range for normal. He is compassionate and able to see past the emotional

moments a thyroid patient suffers through. What is more, the doctors at

Virginia Mason identified that I went into sudden menopause following I-131

treatment, a diagnosis which escaped both my general practitioner and

then-endocrinologist for nine miserable months. I appreciate Dr. Gross and

recommend him to everyone I meet with a thyroid imbalance.”


Dr. Enzmann, Endocrinology (specialty diabetes), Nordstrom Medical

Towers, 1229 Madison, Suite 1500, Seattle, WA 98104, (206) 386-9500 for

appt. " I was referred to Dr. Enzmann while being checked for thyroid cancer.

He was very professional, wears a bow tie! He drew several diagrams

indicating where the problem area was, and explained fully what was to be

done. Answered questions and gave me a history of thyroid cancer and the

different types. When I had the FNA test, it barely hurt at all. He was very

gentle and even though there were 5 or 6 samples taken, I had hardly any

pain. A minor anesthetic was injected under the skin to make the test more

comfortable. I have been with Dr. Enzmann since May of 2000, going back for

follow ups and blood tests to check the levels of thyroid hormone. My lump

did turn out to be thyroid cancer and I was then referred to a head and neck

specialist who performed the surgery. Dr. Enzmann saw me through the follow

ups and preparation for radioactive iodine therapy and my 1 year test in

June of 2001 (which was negative!). I am very happy with Dr. Enzmann and

would recommend him to anyone with a thyroid problem. He is also very busy

and sometimes it takes a while to get in to see him, but he is worth it. He

also has an office in Bellevue near Overlake Hospital which he sees patients

at one day a week (call for details). In addition to Dr. Enzmann being

wonderful, his nurse/medical assistant, , is terrific. The first time I

was there, I was very upset and crying, she came right in and hugged me. She

has since hugged me on every visit. Dr. Enzmann has an associate in the

practice, Dr. Frances Broyles. One of my friends goes to her and likes her a

lot. Even though Dr. Enzmann's specialty is diabetes, he handles a lot of

thyroid cancer patients. My medication has needed regulating a few times,

and he always gets me on track. Please consider him if you live in or near

the Seattle area, and tell him I heartily recommended him! "

----Original Message Follows----

From: Rahne <sararahne@...>



Subject: Re: physician, outrage

Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 12:41:16 -0700 (PDT)



I live in WA.. live in Snohomish and work in Seattle..

I say this cause I'm in search of a endo. I don't

have insurance so it will all come out of my pocket,

which is fine. It gives me a chance to pick and

choose. I have no idea how to find any. Have you had

any luck in this area?



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