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2003 CR Conference Registration

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It's time to register for the CR Conference!The registration form for CR II is contained in this message. You can printthe form, fill it out, and mail with the registration fee. We are hopingthat people will register early so that we can get an idea of the number ofpeople attending. Some of the conference arrangements will depend on thesize of our group. You will see that there is an incentive for earlyregistration as well.The Conference dates are June 5-8, 2003. The hotel and dormitory roomblocks will be available for June 4 check-in. While the program continuesto be developed, we are assured a full schedule starting Thursday morning(June 5). So far, several researchers have confirmed. We also will have anumber of CR Society members giving presentations. We will be posting apreliminary program on the web site very soon.The conference hotel is the Best Western Inn on the Park in downtownMadison. We have a block of 40 rooms (20 with 1 bed, 20 with 2 beds)reserved at $99 + 13.5% tax per night single or double. Just call 800279-8811 or 608 257-8811 and identify yourself as part of the "CR SocietyBlock" to make your reservations.http://www.bestwesternwisconsin.com/madison.htmAs a low cost option, we also will offer student dormitory rooms at theTowers Private Residence Hall. The rate for a two bedroom unit will beabout $25/night. These rooms have a shared bathroom and kitchenette withmicrowave and refrigerator but no TV, no telephone, and no daily maidservice (although the rooms will be stocked with towels and sheets). Thedorm is about 6-7 blocks from the Best Western. Information regardingreserving a dorm room will be available in a few weeks. Parking is aproblem near both facilities, so don't forget your rain gear if you choosethis option.Looking forward to seeing you in June! Krikorian Stern------------------------------------Registration FormCR IICaloric Restriction Society Second ConferenceMadison, WisconsinJune 5-8 2003Name: ____________________________________ Gender: Male ____ Female ____Please print your name, as you would like to have it on your conferencebadge:__________________________________________Postal mailing address:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Telephone number(s): ___________________________________Email address: _________________________________________Are you a member of the CR Society Internet list? Yes_____ No_____We may post a list of the names of people who have registered for theconference from time to time. If you would object to having your nameincluded, please check _____.The early registration fee is (US) $125. All those who attend mustregister. Attending spouses may register for $100. Registrations receivedafter April 15, 2003 or on site will be $175.Please print this form, complete it, and send it along with check payable toThe CR Society to: Stern7223 South Route 83Suite 142Willowbrook, Illinois 60527USARegistration Fee: ________Spouse registration: ________Optional donation: ________Receipts in excess of conference expenses will be donated to the CR SocietyTotal amount enclosed: ________

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