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FW: Fatty Acids O6 & O3, Grains, Sprouted Foods, Etc.

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Hi Suz and All,

This info is relevant to our CR List, so I'm posting online knowing Suz won't mind. (She knows I sent this.) The fatty acid questions are discussed below -see "Original Message" below this.

Suz wrote:

I've been experimenting with grains, ie how I feel with and without them. No conclusions yet. What is your position on them? For or against? And why? There are several schools of thought.

I've found I'm definitely sensitive to sugar, even sugar in tea/coffee, so any grain w/sugar makes a "double dose" of trouble causing "craving swings". (I didn't realize sugar, honey, agave, or maple, was so bad for my blood/sugar until I switched to Splenda in my tea for a week, so I stopped all sugar desserts too.) I probably will buy a glucose meter to test my carb recipes or cravings vs. blood sugar levels at some point, as I'm sensitive to "swings" causing cravings. In the meantime, this is what works for me. I've reduced my "real carb" intake to about 120-180 grams per day, number is obtained subtracting fiber from carb total, which made a big difference in controlling "craving swings" -also- doing the following too. I think I get into "trouble" if I eat too many carbs in one meal/snack too, so I try to limit total carbs per meal to about 20-50 grams.

I do eat Chana Dal (one of the lowest GI/GL foods containing carbs that I know of) & Anasazi beans (low gas!) one to four meals per week. I water soak beans 24hrs & rinse before pressure cooking in chicken broth w/kombu.

I've found "sprouted grain" bread/tortillas that I use instead of grain bread. You can ask your local health food store to carry these. Several products listed here...

See: http://www.food-for-life.com/index.asp

I make quick tortilla "roll sandwiches" with the Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Tortilla -only 14g carb per tortilla. I eat one of these about every other day.

Ingredients:Ingredients: *Organic Sprouted Wheat, Filtered Water, *Organic Unhulled Sesame Seeds, *Organic Sprouted Soybeans, *Organic Sprouted Barley, *Organic Sprouted Millet, *Organic Sprouted Lentils, *Organic Sprouted Spelt, Sea Salt. *Organically grown and processed in accordance with the California organic foods act of 1990.

The Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Raisin Bread is good too at only 18g carb per slice. I do a simple poached egg on toast w/this once or twice per week...

Ingredients:*Organic Sprouted Wheat, *Organic Raisins, *Organic Sprouted Barley, *Organic Sprouted Millet, Malted Barley, *Organic Sprouted Lentils, *Organic Sprouted Soybeans, *Organic Sprouted Spelt, Filtered Water, Fresh Yeast, Sea Salt, Cinnamon. *Organically grown and processed in accordance with the California organic foods act of 1990.

I eat a 50/50 wild & brown rice I mix again soaking rice in water 24hrs & rinsing before pressure cooking in chicken broth. I'll eat the rice mix 2-4 meals per week.

Whether eating beans/rice or combo, I'll limit the amount to about 1/2 cup (cooked) per serving/meal.

Next, I plan to experiment making some low carb no sugar or Splenda desserts. I've almost perfected a chocolate pudding similar to what Warren makes.

Lastly, for any of you who bake here is a new "healthier" SPROUTED SPELT FLOUR I've found and purchased online. Check it out at:


(BTW, I have no connection with these companies other than I am a satisfied customer.)

I've read that once a grain is sprouted many of the lectins or so called "poisons" are reduced to nil, since it's a sprout & no longer a seed/grain. Also, the carb content should/might be reduced?

If you are a low calorie CR person, perhaps below 1500 calories per day, then you will probably reduce the amount of grains/beans you eat for nutritional reasons. I feel much better changing my diet to almost zero sugar, no dairy (congestion/skin problem), no standard bread/wheat (digestion/congestion), and reducing the amount of carbs I eat per meal & daily.

If you have allergies or low energy, then it's worth it to do an elimination diet to find a possible cause! I think many folks are unknowingly affected by various foods in this way!

CRBest, numicucamonga

Suz wrote: I was new at the time, and don't recall what Greg had against Udo's Oil, but now I'm curious. Unnecessary supplementation of Omega 6, perhaps??? If anyone has any wisdom to impart on this I'd be interested in hearing it.

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003

Subject: Greg's website... O6 & O3

Hi Suz!


(His Group is Optimal_Health_and_Longevity)

BTW, what's in Udo's -the mixture is?

Greg's position (and many others would agree) w/Omega 6 would probably still be that you do not need to supplement -any- O6. Why? Because it's just about impossible to not get enough O6 "RDA" (I put in quotes, as there may be no official RDA yet established -just NIH recommendations.) in the food you eat, even excluding a direct source of fat/oil. In fact, using, in moderation, olive or hazelnut oil (my favorites & best "profile" of FA's) prevents you from getting too much O6, which is the real problem -too much O6 is in most diets. (Canola oil ok too. I just prefer the taste of olive/hazelnut.)

It's the O3 that's difficult to get unless you eat about 2-4 servings of salmon (Alaska wild is best), herring, halibut, sardines -or take fish oil supplements.

On another topic... Do you eat any grains? Do you try to limit total carbs per day -what amount in grams/day?


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