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The cats beat the crap out of the rottweiler's and one cat thinks he is a dog. And the birds beat the crap out of the cats and the cats run from them. So it all kinda works out.

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Hello Sassy, how ya doing?? Long time no hear from you!!! Kathy

-- Re: Suzie

The cats beat the crap out of the rottweiler's and one cat thinks he is a dog. And the birds beat the crap out of the cats and the cats run from them. So it all kinda works out.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I used to take that much enulose Oh my goodness, 2 ply 2 ply I would yell to the Roommate.

But Now They have me on Neomycin & enulose,Both, and Im down to 15 ML 3 x a day. I finally once again have solid BM's. Yeahhhhhhh.

Hang in there ! It gets better.

Anyone else have any good luck with neomycin ?

As Usual,


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  • 2 weeks later...
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'member how Deb said just to chug the bottle? Maybe you should go up a tablespoon a day till it works. 'course I've never taken the stuff, so I don't know, but I'd be wanting to get it over with to get rid of the cramps & gas.


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of suzieSent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 6:36 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Re: Good morning everybody!

Hey De, thanks for stepping in. I was afraid I'd have to & with this dain brammage I'd get everybody all f*^(*%* up. So far I've gotten 3 identical letters from disability telling me to wait someone will call to make an intake appointment with me. I can't go out or on line until at least 4:30 or I might miss the call (I don't have an answering machine)

I'm still taking the lactulose but nothing's happened yet. I'm up to 3 tablespoons & all I've gotten is stomach cramps & a lot of gas. How much more am I going to have to take? Anyone know?

Spyke's still being a brat. Last night he hocked up a fur ball right beside my bed - lovely thing to stumble into when answering nature's call whilst half asleep. Someday he'll go just a bit too far & this camel's back will break.

Later gater,


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We are talking about the minium cups for liquid meds aren't we???Cute little plastic things.. I have a couple around here, this is what I used when I was taking Lactalose also pre-TP..Very handy things..I to had to take 30ml/cc x3 Allan..Kathy B..

-- Re: Suzie

Hiya Wolfie,

I do the same thing except I stole about 30 cups! The small cups are 30ml which is perfect for my 30ml 3 x a day dose. Bummer on the TP news but hang in there.


Re: Suzie

The best way I found to take the icky Medicine <lactulous> was with a med cup the brought my pills in at the hospital..I brought it home... hehehe, Yeah I did, I stole the little cup.. Maybe try that ?

as usual ,


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Wolfie you don't have to steal them just ask.. Trust me most nurses will unload all kindsa of stuff on you if you ask..Every time I've been hospitalized they have given me cloth bed pads, minum cups etc..Now the towels my daughter got to them first always ha ha..Boo

-- Re: Suzie

The best way I found to take the icky Medicine <lactulous> was with a med cup the brought my pills in at the hospital..I brought it home... hehehe, Yeah I did, I stole the little cup.. Maybe try that ?

as usual ,


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  • 1 month later...
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Llinda, Spyke only wears his harness outside. When I take out the harness he comes running to get it on so he can go outside. It's easier than chasing him around the house trying to catch him & fighting him to get it on. He associates the harness with going out & goes right to the desk so I can dress him up for his excursion. Cats don't like to be laughed at, they get all huffy & won't talk to you for hours & hours so don't let her see you giggle or she'll never wear it.

Thank you for the SuZie - it's a lot better that Suzie with a z or Suzie Q (I hate Suzie Q - a weird old neighbour used to call me that)

SuZieLlinda <2llama@...> wrote:

Hey SuZie... hope you are feeling better soon! Thought about you a lot this morning as I headed off the hill for the clinic, critter feed store, and human feed store. More accurately, I thought of you and Spyke.

Today I bought Deaf Kitty a harness that would fit a mini-dog. I have her in the house still but she is wearing it and good for a lot of giggles. She is running around backwards, falling over, and just generally carrying on. I am letting her get used to it before venturing into the great outdoors. By tomorrow I expect she will be able to go outdoors with it on, a real treat for one who is not usually allowed to. Am sure she thinks this very unfair, but since she cannot hear cars or coyotes so that is just the way it is. Just thought Spyke would be proud that I finally picked up on his messages!

Take care lady... Llinda

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  • 3 weeks later...
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that was the right thing to do for that man, SuzieQ! You’re a smart




Pattypooh got her old job back!

I had an uncle who died a few years back & since I was the

only family membar who'd even seen him in the fifteen years prior to his death

I got to make all the descions. His funeral expenses were taken care of so I

had him cremated & most of him burried next to his mother. He was an

alcoholic & couldn't be bothered to keep in touch with his only family So I

scattered his ashes around his 3 favourite bars - he got his dream, he's now in

the bar 24/7/365 SuZie

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Good to hear that everything is Okey Doke with the Texas

gal......may you have many FAT paychecks.


At 02:50 PM 7/12/05, you wrote:

Naww..its like ridin a

bike...its all coming back to me pretty good..Love ya..Patty

Re: RE:


Have fun

Pattycakes. Don't stress yourself out, k?

Love ya,


Pat McBride


> wrote:

Awww,,so touching


Im off for lunch and came home to eat, I just have to learn thier new

phone system, its a phone and computer/keyboard setup..wierd...

Now that I ate, I could use a nap..LOL..I'll make sure I go to bed

early from now on..I really like being back, its so good to see everyone

& they are just so sweet to me..Well, Back to work...Hugs, Patty

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  • 1 month later...

O K Corny me too. I must admit I love puns (the lowest form of humour according to many) I have three brothers who love puns & shaggy dog stories. They can spend hours cracking each other up. I sit & listen since I ran into the fog bank.

SuZie & SpYkeLiz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I love the jokes. Call me corney.... but I am what I am.

Take care,


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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said GENERALLY. Someone has to skew the statistics, I guess you’re it!


Welcome new member -- Kim Still

But De, I caught it when I was 19 or 20 & I've still got it.

Damn, it won't go away. I must throw a great spread for a hungry virus. SuZie

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Screw the statisitics ? Who are they & where can I find them? I haven't been into groups - been a while - but I'll try anything. SuZie Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

I said GENERALLY. Someone has to skew the statistics, I guess you’re it!

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of suzieSent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 10:13 AMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Welcome new member -- Kim Still

But De, I caught it when I was 19 or 20 & I've still got it. Damn, it won't go away. I must throw a great spread for a hungry virus. SuZie

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Oh, O K. Boring, SuZie Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

Skew not screw!


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of suzieSent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:05 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: SuZie

Screw the statisitics ? Who are they & where can I find them? I haven't been into groups - been a while - but I'll try anything. SuZie

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Oh, O K. Boring, SuZie Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

Skew not screw!


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of suzieSent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:05 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: SuZie

Screw the statisitics ? Who are they & where can I find them? I haven't been into groups - been a while - but I'll try anything. SuZie

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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  • 3 weeks later...


think I can, I think, I can, I KNOW I can…..” Death to Barry!



Fwd: Fw:Gail

Your going on a lot

better treatment this time Suzie.Yes you will get sides but at least your shots

once a wk so you will only be sick a couple of days each wk.Try 52wks treatment

and see what happens.


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think I can, I think, I can, I KNOW I can…..” Death to Barry!



Fwd: Fw:Gail

Your going on a lot

better treatment this time Suzie.Yes you will get sides but at least your shots

once a wk so you will only be sick a couple of days each wk.Try 52wks treatment

and see what happens.


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YOU GO GIRL Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

“I think I can, I think, I can, I KNOW I can…..” Death to Barry!


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of gailSent: Sunday, October 02, 2005

11:59 AMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Fwd: Fw:Gail

Your going on a lot better treatment this time Suzie.Yes you will get sides but at least your shots once a wk so you will only be sick a couple of days each wk.Try 52wks treatment and see what happens.


for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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YOU GO GIRL Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

“I think I can, I think, I can, I KNOW I can…..” Death to Barry!


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of gailSent: Sunday, October 02, 2005

11:59 AMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Fwd: Fw:Gail

Your going on a lot better treatment this time Suzie.Yes you will get sides but at least your shots once a wk so you will only be sick a couple of days each wk.Try 52wks treatment and see what happens.


for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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yep yep yep. amen. fur sure. indubitably. connie Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

“I think I can, I think, I can, I KNOW I can…..” Death to Barry!


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of gailSent: Sunday, October 02, 2005

11:59 AMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Fwd: Fw:Gail

Your going on a lot better treatment this time Suzie.Yes you will get sides but at least your shots once a wk so you will only be sick a couple of days each wk.Try 52wks treatment and see what happens.


The light at the end of the tunnel may be you

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yep yep yep. amen. fur sure. indubitably. connie Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

“I think I can, I think, I can, I KNOW I can…..” Death to Barry!


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of gailSent: Sunday, October 02, 2005

11:59 AMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Fwd: Fw:Gail

Your going on a lot better treatment this time Suzie.Yes you will get sides but at least your shots once a wk so you will only be sick a couple of days each wk.Try 52wks treatment and see what happens.


The light at the end of the tunnel may be you

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Ditto SuzieQ!

RE: Suzie

“I think I can, I think, I can, I KNOW I can…..” Death to Barry!


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of gailSent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 11:59 AMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Fwd: Fw:Gail

Your going on a lot better treatment this time Suzie.Yes you will get sides but at least your shots once a wk so you will only be sick a couple of days each wk.Try 52wks treatment and see what happens.


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Soon I hope to join the tx sisterhood (again) & hope I do as well as you have. = I hope you can start soon, I know how much you want to! And here's to you doing better than Darling Dick... much better than I did!

How are the critters doing> Bet the baby is all grown up. She must look soooooooo cute in her llama adolescence. Please post some more pics, I'd like to see how she's grown. = Llamas are full grown @ about 4 years... she is still very much a baby and cute as they come. Will try to remember to get a photo in the next few days. SpYke says Hello to all & keep on your toes kids, the G O T (Galactic Overlord in Training) may be calling on you soon. = Come on down Spyke and bring your mamma too! I have a feeling these deaf girls might just show him who is boss, lol. Course you know what they say... a man is only as good as the woman behind him. Figure that goes with G O T's, too.

I just snuck into the house and can't wait until 6. Am now shoving the last of the Riba down the hatch and damn but that feels good! Thanks for all the congrates and well wishing, not to mention encouragement and help. It would have been much harder alone. Now, I think this calls for a cup of hot chocolate.

I am hoping to feel well enough for chat tomorrow night. Hubby will be gone overnight leaving me to play .


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