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Thank you Del, Mama loved it, made her snile then she started leaking. Now I have people tears all over my fur.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat


I just heard on the news that Toronto is the first place that they are going to start using organs from people that have had heart attacks,which will double the amount of doners.You are going to the right place.More people die from heart attack then head injury so there will be more organs to go around.Take care hon.


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Guest guest

Thank you Del, Mama loved it, made her snile then she started leaking. Now I have people tears all over my fur.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat


I just heard on the news that Toronto is the first place that they are going to start using organs from people that have had heart attacks,which will double the amount of doners.You are going to the right place.More people die from heart attack then head injury so there will be more organs to go around.Take care hon.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Yes Mamma, I took my lactulose.

You should've seen SpYke this afternoon! He was tied up outside on his leash & it started to pour - out of a clear blue sky. I heard the rain pouring down & went outside to get him. Found him shivering under a delphinium trying to hide from the rain. I should have left him there so he'd learn how good he has it here

It was sooooo hot today - 35 C in the shade (95 F) 40 C (104 F) in the sun & just a little breeze. My house never gets hot but today I would have killed for an air conditioner! At least SpYke had all that fur for insulation, he was pooped poor baby.

You take care girl,

SuZie & SpYke

Next time I'm coming back as a cat


Hey SuZie,

You sound so happy and upbeat. Hopefully the depression is lifting. Life is looking up for you and SpYke. I think it's just wonderful that there is someone helping you out. Now that the garden is done, and you have help with the housework, you should be able to sit back and post to us all the time. Ha! Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and am so grateful for your new blessings. Did you take your Lactolose?


Peace and love,


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Hi Suzie,

I found some links that may be helpful in your search. Sometimes you

have to dig long and hard to see if you qualify for these programs. I

still think your best bet is a second try at SSD with a specialized

lawyer. Did the lawyer tell you why you didn't qualify? Anyway, there

are links here for disability, SSD, social services, health insurance

finders, etc. I wish I could have been more helpful? Do you have kids?

SC provides tons of services for children.








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  • 1 month later...


I can hear you now, Suzie…. I don’t think I need a tp, I feel fine,

except for the lactulose, but my doctors do and my friends thought I should at

least investigate. LOL





I am writing tis on the hosptial computor so if I have to go fasr it's becaue

another docror has come in.

So far things look great, I'm waiting for another doctor to come in

& ask me why I think need a t p. Ten


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Hey All,

I'm back from London. The t p team will have a meeting on Monday to discuss whether or nor I should get a t p . One of the docs told me I don't need one yet but further down the road I probably will. I think my doctors jumped the gun a little & sent me on the trip from hell.

I'll fill you all in later, I'm beat & plan to sleep for the next two days.

Love Ya,


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Re: Suzie

Suzie you maybe too healthy now for a TP but always remember you are in ESLD.

This is your shot now for evaluation only and the need for a TP maybe at a later time.

Being in ESLD that stage and all that's going on is not as fast in progression for most people as they think. It can be slow going too.

This is the time to get all your eggs in 1 basket and all your ducks in a row without shooting any.

Love and Hugs.


suzie <suzieandsandy> wrote:

It seems to be the conscencus that I'm too healthy for a amsplantI am one happy camper !!!!


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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home, honey.  I’m sure Spyke is glad you’re back!


Re: Suzie

Suzie you maybe too healthy now for a TP but always remember

you are in ESLD.

This is your shot now for evaluation only and the need for a TP

maybe at a later time.

Being in ESLD that stage and all that's going on is not as fast in

progression for most people as they think. It can be slow going too.

This is the time to get all your eggs in 1 basket and all your ducks in a

row without shooting any.

Love and Hugs.


suzie <suzieandsandy@

> wrote:


seems to be the conscencus that I'm too healthy for a amsplantI am one

happy camper !!!!


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Welcome Home SuzieQ..Your trip wasnt wasted...Hugs, Pattycakes

Re: Suzie

Suzie you maybe too healthy now for a TP but always remember you are in ESLD.

This is your shot now for evaluation only and the need for a TP maybe at a later time.

Being in ESLD that stage and all that's going on is not as fast in progression for most people as they think. It can be slow going too.

This is the time to get all your eggs in 1 basket and all your ducks in a row without shooting any.

Love and Hugs.


suzie <suzieandsandy> wrote:

It seems to be the conscencus that I'm too healthy for a amsplantI am one happy camper !!!!


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Sure was De, he missed having his personal servant around to do his bidding. My neighbour took very good care of him but because I was supposed to be back Friday SpYke missed his tiffin 7 was not pleased. They call it cupboard love. My neighbour's dog got a bit too close - the SpYkester does NOT appreciate being slobbered on so he had to put her in her place. Lucas was too scared of SpYke to take his harness off, just unhooked the leash & left. Smart neighbour, dumb dog.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Welcome home, honey. I¢m sure Spyke is glad you¢re back!


Re: [Hepatitis CSupportG roupForDummies] Re: Suzie

Hey All,

I'm back from London. The t p team will have a meeting on Monday to discuss whether or nor I should get a t p . One of the docs told me I don't need one yet but further down the road I probably will. I think my doctors jumped the gun a little & sent me on the trip from hell.

I'll fill you all in later, I'm beat & plan to sleep for the next two days.

Love Ya,


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

[Hepatitis CSupportG roupForDummies] Re: Suzie

Suzie you maybe too healthy now for a TP but always remember you are in ESLD.

This is your shot now for evaluation only and the need for a TP maybe at a later time.

Being in ESLD that stage and all that's going on is not as fast in progression for most people as they think. It can be slow going too.

This is the time to get all your eggs in 1 basket and all your ducks in a row without shooting any.

Love and Hugs.


suzie <suzieandsandy> wrote:

It seems to be the conscencus that I'm too healthy for a amsplantI am one happy camper !!!!


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

love ya cuz thanks so much for being there for me and everyone your a wonderful frend and cuzdannegrl <dannegrl2003@...> wrote: Hey Honey. I Am Taken One Day At A Time. Yesterday IHad 2 Cigs But While Mitch Would Have A Smoke If IWanted 1 I Took A Single Puff Off Of His. It Helped MeTo Not Feel Deprived. I Promised My Nephews I WouldStop Smoking. I Have Never Broken A Promise To Them.Im Not Starting Now. :) I Keep Sugar Free Candy WhereI Can Get It When I Want A Smoke. Love Ya.

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At your command Boss.

I just got home from the sleep study. Gunk all through my hair, yuck. The doc said I do have sleep apnea but not really bad. He recommended a CPAP but said it was my choice. All I have to do is lose 20 lbs & it'll probably go away. I don't want the CPAP so I won't get it. I can't see how anyone can sleep with one of those things on. Hissing like a snake all night long. I don't think the SpYkester would like it.


SuZie & Sir SpYke Sheds-a-lot.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

RE: Suzie

Take your lactulose


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Suzie I used to think I would never sleep with that thing on my face. I fall asleep within a few mins of having it on, and have from the first night. As for noise, the only time I hear anything is when I pull it off in my sleep. The machine makes no noise. At least mine don't. The noise I hear is from the airflow from the mask when it is off of my face. Meaning to the machine I'm not breathing. love dsuzie <suzieandsandy@...> wrote: At your command Boss. I just got home from the sleep study. Gunk all through my hair, yuck. The doc said I do have sleep apnea but not really bad. He recommended a CPAP but said it was my choice. All I have to do is lose 20 lbs & it'll probably go away. I don't want the CPAP so I won't get it. I can't see how anyone can sleep with one of those things on. Hissing like a snake all night long. I don't think the SpYkester would like it. Hugs, SuZie & Sir SpYke Sheds-a-lot. Next time I'm coming back as a cat .

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Hey Danne,

I did sleep with the mask at the doctor's today but I kept waking up to that noise the thing makes when you breathe through your mouth & kept wanting to pull the damned thing off my face. For me, thank God it isn't necessary. The doc said that he has patients that he tells they HAVE to get one but in my case it might be helpful, it might not. He said it stopped the apnea but my apnea isn't bad enough that he'd say I absolutely needed it.

I don't have the $$$ to buy one but tomorrow the nurse comes by from Community Care & I'll ask her. They got me a grab bar for the tub & a bath mat so I don't slip & kill myself & I paid nothing. I'll see if they cover CPAP & if they do I'll probably get one. I don't know if I'll use it though. After all the doctor said it isn't a necessity. I don't think SpYke will like it though. We'll see. Disability would cover it probably


SuZie & Sir SpYke the Fuzzy

p s the first thing the tech at the doc's said to me was "You have cats?" Sweet Sir SpYke sheds enough fur in a week for me to knit a whole other cat, most of my clothes are covered in SpYke fur as is the carpet & the furniture.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

----From: dannegrl <dannegrl2003@...>Subject: Re: Suzie


I used to think I would never sleep with that thing on my face. I fall asleep within a few mins of having it on, and have from the first night. As for noise, the only time I hear anything is when I pull it off in my sleep. The machine makes no noise. At least mine don't. The noise I hear is from the airflow from the mask when it is off of my face. Meaning to the machine I'm not breathing.


dsuzie <suzieandsandy> wrote:

At your command Boss.

I just got home from the sleep study. Gunk all through my hair, yuck. The doc said I do have sleep apnea but not really bad. He recommended a CPAP but said it was my choice. All I have to do is lose 20 lbs & it'll probably go away. I don't want the CPAP so I won't get it. I can't see how anyone can sleep with one of those things on. Hissing like a snake all night long. I don't think the SpYkester would like it.


SuZie & Sir SpYke Sheds-a-lot.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat


Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.

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Hey Suzie, I am one of them that the dr wonders how I lived with out a cpap this long. I was not asked, I was told you will be getting a CPAP. I know medicare pays for part of the cost, but not all of it. If ya get it take your time and try to get used to it. I like mine. But that is me... crazy as usual. love dsuzie <suzieandsandy@...> wrote: Hey

Danne, I did sleep with the mask at the doctor's today but I kept waking up to that noise the thing makes when you breathe through your mouth & kept wanting to pull the damned thing off my face. For me, thank God it isn't necessary. The doc said that he has patients that he tells they HAVE to get one but in my case it might be helpful, it might not. He said it stopped the apnea but my apnea isn't bad enough that he'd say I absolutely needed it. I don't have the $$$ to buy one but tomorrow the nurse comes by from Community Care & I'll ask her. They got me a grab bar for the tub & a bath mat so I don't slip & kill myself & I paid nothing. I'll see if they cover CPAP & if they do I'll probably get one. I don't know if I'll use it though. After all the doctor said it

isn't a necessity. I don't think SpYke will like it though. We'll see. Disability would cover it probably Hugs, SuZie & Sir SpYke the Fuzzy p s the first thing the tech at the doc's said to me was "You have cats?" Sweet Sir SpYke sheds enough fur in a week for me to knit a whole other cat, most of my clothes are covered in SpYke fur as is the carpet & the furniture. Next time I'm coming back as a cat Recent Activity 4 New Members 1 New LinksVisit Your Group

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I had an ultra sound yesterday, and my doctor called and said he will give me a cat scan six months.

He said I had no lesions. I don't know what lesions are. Thaks for answering.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


sure she thinks she’s being nice. Throw them away and take your




15 weeks in to 48

My Mum came by to visit today & gave me half a pack of

cigarettes, you think she's trying to sabotage me now?


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