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Hi Katy, My son () is going to Canisius College in Buffalo but there is

already a two year waiting list for the program-his is the first class taking

this major-Digital Media Arts and Canisius is one of the only colleges on the

east coast offering it. I think the only way to get in now is to go in as

liberal arts and try to switch majors.


Dee's Creative Treasures

www.deescreativetreasures.bizhosting.com (work in progress)

Re: Gathering

My son has a camcorder and that is what we are sending him to college for to

be a music/movie producer...I will have him tape them if he is not working.

Good practice for him.


Dee's Creative Treasures

www.deescreativetreasures.bizhosting.com (work in progress)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Gotcha Jeanine, Its not too late. What are Ideal molds? Can you email the

contact info to ?




Am I too late to say I'd like to attend the gathering? Spoke with my

daughter and decided I'd rather attend the gathering than do the

craft show we had planned on. There are many shows for the rest of

the year. If it's OK, Val and I would like to be a part of the CNY

group at the gathering. Sorry to be so late with this.

Hope this doesn't mess up plans in the works. By the way, along with

the usual vendors I have also used Ideal Molds. The service is

fantastic. And the molds are great.


Jeanine's Hummingbird Soap Works

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Jeanine, Good luck with your show this weekend. i think it is suppose to

be pretty nice out.

I dont need any packing peanuts thanks LOL.



Forgot to mention - I have alot of the packaging 'peanuts'. Anyone

interested in them? Would be glad to bring them to the gathering.

Wish it would stop raining....'course as DH says 'you don't have to

shovel it'. Hope tomorrow is better for the show.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thanks for letting us know. I'm sorry you won't be attending. Good

luck with your show and hopefully you'll be able to come to the gathering

next year!


----- Original Message -----

As it turns out, scatterbrained me forgot that I had already paid to do a

show on the day of the gathering, so I will not be able to attend this year.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Peggy I think we will still be there. LOL See you then!



I just found out my sister-in-law is getting married July 12!

I decided I will go to the wedding at 1:00 then go to the gathering.

So I won`t get there till about 3:00. I`m hoping everyone will still

be there.


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> Peggy I think we will still be there. LOL See you then!

> Shaye

> Gathering



> I just found out my sister-in-law is getting married July 12!

> I decided I will go to the wedding at 1:00 then go to the


> So I won`t get there till about 3:00. I`m hoping everyone will


> be there.


> Peggy




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So you found my house okay? We were gone for the weekend or you could have



Dee's Creative Treasures

www.deescreativetreasures.com (work in progress)

Check out our new garage sale category


I'm getting excited about next Saturday! I even took a short side trip on

the way to my son and DIL's in Greece to find Dee's house so I wouldn't get

as lost as I might usually get on Sat. Only 10 minutes or so from their


Has everyone packed their stuff? Not me! I've got so much else going on

around here I'm in a tizzy! Been feeling better these past few days so I'm

going great guns. My hair is long enough to get a real hair style now and

that helps raise the spirits.

About the HP demo. I have not been strong enough to do much soaping for a

while so I'm hoping you will not be disappointed. I'll do my best and

remember...... you're getting what you paid for. :)

Can't wait to see old friends and meet some new ones!


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At 09:37 PM 7/7/2003, you wrote:



>So you found my house okay? We were gone for the weekend or you could

>have visited!

No problem.... I get a bit unsure of myself when I'm alone, trying to find

somewhere, keep on a schedule. etc., so I like to plan ahead whenever I

can. Call me Dry Run Lizz!


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, when we work out the adgenda, we will try to keep that in mind. I

know that ealier is better for others as well.



Does anyone have an idea of the scheldule or what is to happen? I

have to be back in Buff. before 4 and i didn't want to miss anything

espec. the swap, just an idea so i can make arrangments, can't wait

to get soapin. See ya'll then. Thanks,

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In a message dated 7/13/03 8:41:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, duanth@...


> I do want

> to know who made the oriental salad/cole slaw dish with noodles - could I

> get the receipe?

Hi a-I'll email you the recipe for the Oriental salad. It's an easy one!


Carol J

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Oh, , I know how you're feeling. I had to miss the gathering last year and

it was hard to read about it later. I was so glad that I got to attend this year

and will do my best to do it annually. Not sure what you finally ended up with

in the yankee swap but Shaye really tried to get that soap stamp for you! :-)

Who finally ended up with that? I'm sorry that I stole from you, le, but

I really wanted to try 's bug spray and that soap dish was calling my

name! :-)

As most of you know, I video taped most of the demos. Kim C. from Niagara Falls

had suggested it since she was unable to attend because of a show she was doing.

I was able to get Lizz's demo, 's demo, part of Deb's and part of

nne's. The low battery icon started to flash during Deb's silicone mold demo

so I had to turn it off and didn't get the bath fizzy part. I started to tape

nne's and even got the " after " shot of Carol's rosebud from her silicone

mold but then the battery died. Sorry! I really wanted to get it all. I didn't

take the power cord with me because my daughter told me the battery would last

me all day since it was fully charged (it's her camera). Anybody that wants a

copy, just send your snail mail address to me at info@... and I

will send you one! It was a wonderful experience! After Lizz's demo, I wondered

why I've been doing cp all these years! :-) I need to try hp in the crockpot.

I've always been afraid that I would screw it all up and waste my oils. :-) I've

had citric acid sitting in my cupboard for a while now and I think I might try

the bath fizzy's tonight. They look like a lot of fun!

Thanks so much to Dee for offering her home. I would love to offer mine for next

year but figure I should probably wait till it gets closer to Summer 2004, huh?

:-) Shaye, and Kim.....you guys did an amazing job! I can only imagine the

time that was put into organizing this and it turned out so great. , thank

you SO much for bringing the lye and thanks to La Shonda for bringing my tubes

and saving me on shipping. All of the suppliers were so generous with their door

prizes and items for the gift bags! It was a great time and I can now put names

with faces. Hope to see you all again soon!


Hey all, Just stuf im thinking about

>Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:02:51 -0400


>Hey!! I sure hope everyone left the gathering with smiling faces and

>feeling exitment in their souls to try something new. That was the


>goal we had in mind. It's just such a good thing and the comraderie is


>amazing. Im not sure who I owe any appologies to since I was and still am

>feeling scatterbrained. There was just so much going on. I do know


>had a bum doorprize but I promise I will make it up to her. And Mz Awui

>Puii, your are a stitch! LOL that was way too wierd.


>But all in all I think everyone had a pretty good time. I think the best

>part for me was meeting everyone, putting a face to a name. There was a lot

>of new people this year. I missed out on the demos but I hope I can take a

>look at Katy's videos sometime.


>I want to thank those that contributed to Bill's box. I know its only a

>drop in the bucket, but any little bit...ya know..


>I hope you all get home safely. Please just post an " im home " and let

>everyone know.


>Well, I guess thats all im thinking for now. Maybe more tomorow. I know

>this sounds maybe over the top, but Im gonna say it. I feel so blessed to

>be part of this great group. I cant even tell ya.


>Thank you all for everything!






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I'm home safe and sound after a hair pulling drive home. We almost ran out

of gas trying to make it to our Thruway exit but someone must have been

looking out for us! We missed hitting a gray fox pup and a cat by inches as

we were driving out of Amsterdam so someone must have been looking out for

them! Looked like a full moon last night so wildlife was out and about in

full force.

I apologize for pushing thing along so much towards the end of the gathering

but I knew some people had a much longer drive to make home than I. Even

though I promised myself I wouldn't run around like a chicken with my head

cut off, I did. But on a daily basis I'm sorta normal! :) No comments

from the Peanut Gallery! Things ran longer than anticipated and we hated to

cut some of them short because we know you all were enjoying them. We never

expected the gathering to go to 6:30 and we're sorry some of you had to

leave early without participating in some of the activities you planned on.

Shaye and I learned some things to do differently next year to make things

go smoother. :)

I'm not sure if you are aware of this but Shaye handmade the gathering

" thank you " pins from soap stamps for each goodie bag. I think she did a

fantastic job on them and I hope you all love them like I do!

I hope everyone had a good time! What a great group of people you all are!

The laughs, conversation, and food you guys all contributed was wonderful.

Thank you ALL for your contributions to our donation box and for being the

great people you are!

A HUGE THANK YOU to Dee for lending us her home for the day and I'm so sorry

about the FO spill on your coffee table! I wish your dog could have come

inside because he was sure he was missing something good! I'm sorry I

ducked out before all the clean up was done.

Shaye, what can I say?! We worked well together and got a LOT done even

though we are such a long distance from each other! I need to go buy

another 1200 minute phone card! lol I'm very happy with my Yankee Swap box

because I got another garden frog, needed another Pound O soap mold, and got

a nice FO AND a wonderful bar of your soap! Your soap stamp thank you pins

turned out fantastic!

Lizz, Deb, and nne thank you very much for giving up part of your

gathering time to share your knowledge by giving us

wonderfully informative demos & talks! Everyone enjoyed them so much!

, thank you for making me laugh so hard and for showing me I'm not

the only klutz around! Next time pick something better than FO to spike

your soda with!! ROTFL

Bob & Pamela, sorry I had to keep interrupting your socializing during the

door prizes! You were both good sports about it and I hope you know I was

kidding around.

Colleen, thank you for making up the awards! They came out great and I wish

I had asked to you to present them. By that time I was ready to cut off my

head, so you would have done a much better presenting than I.

nne, you must have been ready to kill Shaye and I with all the website

updates we sent you. Thanks for keeping the supplier list up to date and

for getting me a drink before my head exploded!

, thanks a million for bringing the other 1/2 of the lye with you! I

know everyone who bought some appreciated it! We'll have to get together


, I really enjoyed meeting you and I hope we can get together sometime

soon. I have you down for a demo next year so you can share your herbal

knowledge with us. :) Glad you remembered to come back for your purse and

I hope you're enjoying the Corn Hill Festival today!

Lizz, thank you for giving me your FO sample! Hope you enjoy your new

scale. My husband got a talking to for picking out your raffle ticket

instead of mine! :)

Sam.....you're still getting the evil eye from me for taking Terri's Yankee

Swap box from me with the micas in it! (Shaye X Sam off next years

gathering list!) JUST KIDDING!!

Kim, thanks for taking 2 days of your time to help Shaye organize and number

the door prizes! I hear the Soaping Fairy has a gift for you to make up for

your empty gift certificate envelope. ; )

La Shonda & Janel, , Shaye, and Kae, thank you for donating to our

goodie bags and donating door prizes! You guys are great!

Peggy, Terri, , Jeanine & Val, and Carol I really enjoyed seeing you

and talking with you all again this year!

Bill, Thank you for donating even though you were unable to attend. We are

all thinking of you!

Everyone else, I hope you as good a time as Shaye and I had and that you'll

want to participate in another gathering. Everyone helped make this event a

fun time!

Please remember to support the WONDERFUL suppliers who donated to our

gathering! They were extremely generous this year! If you won a door prize

that you liked or saw one you would have liked to win, please take a few

moments and email to let the supplier know. If you need to place an order

please check out our gathering booklet (or the gathering page on our web

site http://www..org ) and order from one who supported us.

When you place the order mention in the comments box that you appreciate

their donation to our gathering!! The only reason suppliers donate is to

promote their business to increase sales. If they don't get feedback they

may not contribute next year. Without them we would have no prizes to win!


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a im glad you made it! It was great meeting you! Have a safe trip to





Hi everyone!

I just wanted to say thank you to Dee for hosting and Shaye and


all their hard work yesterday! What a fun experience. I had such a


time. It was great meeting all of you. I really enjoyed the demos. The

yankee swap was a hoot too. I had so much fun I ache all over today.


long ride back had nothing to do with it - LOL). What a great group this


I am so excited about all the new things to try! How Geat is this whole

experience?! I never want to miss a gathering, that's for sure. I do


to know who made the oriental salad/cole slaw dish with noodles - could I

get the receipe? Anyway, I ramble- got to pack for Massachusetts. Ray

says thanks again Dee!



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I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to put the Gathering together.

It was my first one, and it surpassed all my expectations! I can't wait to use

all my door prizes and the things in my goodie bag...

Now for a request...Will the person who made the Mexican casserole PLEASE post

the recipe? I have been thinking about that all week!

Back to lurkdom,


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  • 7 months later...

Hi Pat,

I think it's going to be held at nne's new house near Albany. I'm hoping to

go again this year too. Just waiting to see what date we all vote on. :-) Hope

to see you then!



Hello everyone,

I'm a little behind in my e-mails but I am interesting

in attending the Gathering. I did enter my vote for

my preferred date but I have one question - I live in

Queens, New York - where will the gathering be held?



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  • 1 month later...
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Lizz thats one reasone Im asking so that folks this side of the state knows

whos else is going.... so they can car pool if they want.

I;ll put you down for possible (can change it later if need be)



If things keep going this way I'll be able to attend. Do you think I can

get a ride? May still be too long for me to drive.


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, July 10 At nn's place which is in Columbia County.


RE: Gathering


I plan on being there....I've kind of lost track of date and place.

Albany area?

July sometime??

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Hi Jeanine,

I wasn't sure you were speaking to me or the other in your last

post about lye. It's possible, but I doubt I'll have time to do lye this

year since I'll be doing lots of gathering stuff. I'll have to see how it

looks when it gets closer.


----- Original Message -----

I think I posted this before but haven't heard any reply. are

you willing to transport lye again this year? If not, that's OK.


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Yep no problem Jeanine. Right now we are just trying to get an idea.




Shaye, nne gave me directions to the gathering. It will be about

a five hour trip, one way. Count me as a maybe. Can let you know

shortly. I will have to see about work and lodging for Friday for

and myself. I don't like to leave alone for overnight.

Will be very disappointed if I can't make it.


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Gotcha down! Thanks!


ps. , how did that showtique thing go last fall? What did the manager

say? I know old news but just curiuos because Iv'e thought the same thing

about shows that would not let me in cuz of one other soaper when for

instance there is a dozen or more different people painting.



Hi Shaye,

I plan to attend. I have to say though I'm closing on my new house July

15th so if anything changes, being its so close to the closing date I will

be there. It will be a great escape for my mind that day. Till then.


me know what I could bring or do.

(Long Island.)

Re: Some morning humor


> In a message dated 4/20/2004 6:42:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


> writes:

> Someone at

> Google really has a sense of humor

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Oh my gosh! That is so funny!


> Beth




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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Jeanine,

I'm pretty sure H2 hadn't joined our group yet when Deb Z. did her

lotion demo at the 2002 gathering. It was a GREAT demo and better yet

because we all got to take some home! :)


----- Original Message -----


Didn't Deb do a lotion demo at the 2002 Gathering? Yes, I'm sure

because I have the recipe in my book. Haven't been brave enough to try it

on my own.

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