Guest guest Posted May 4, 2003 Report Share Posted May 4, 2003 Hi All, Food of the future will be (potentially more natural, healthier, fresher, and socially concerned! sounds promising to me. Cheers, Al. Alan Pater, Ph.D.; Faculty of Medicine; Memorial University; St. 's, NL A1B 3V6 Canada; Tel. No.: (709) 777-6488; Fax No.: (709) 777-7010; email: apater@... Nutr Today 2003 Mar-Apr;38(2):54-56 The Politicalization of Food Quality. Tillotson JE. In the past, quality was defined by a food's chemical, physical, and eating qualities; the future definition of quality will expand to encompass a host of social and political dimensions. PMID: 12698054 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Before returning to the academic world, Dr Tillotson worked in industry, holding various research and development positions in the food and chemical sectors. Outline Abstract The Past Is No Longer Prologue What Are the Driving Forces? Food Quality in the Twenty-first Century Bottom Line REFERENCES How will we define our food quality, say, in 5 to 10 years? What will we want, or even demand, in the future from food quality standards? 1 I don’t mean just the quality of our mealtime—the taste, flavor, or succulence of our food—but rather quality as defined in broader terms of our many new interests in and aspirations for the food we buy and eat (eg, health, environment). As a result of strong new social trends—driven by public-interest groups mobilizing concerned citizens—we are in a new era in which food quality is becoming increasingly politicized. This ever-stronger political trend is expanding the historically narrow scope of government-sponsored standards, resulting in many new meanings for quality standards. Standards are becoming the idiom defining the characteristics of what our food of the future will be (potentially more natural, healthier, fresher, and socially concerned!). Make no mistake, if current political and social trends continue—in an era that has been labeled the interest group society2 era—future food standards, both official and unofficial (consumer imposed), will differ significantly from what we have known in the past. Food quality standards will increasingly attempt to encompass new social agendas. Standards will encompass such issues as the long-term influence of food on our health, the influence of food production on our environment, the welfare of those producing the food, and several other social issues. In the future these new standards, both official and unofficial (eg, Fair Trade coffee), will profoundly influence our daily diet, how we think of food, and the manner in which the food industry does business. Not only will food quality encompass the present necessary economic and organoleptic parameters, but it will also become the vehicle by which we attempt to solve many of our new and difficult social, technical, economic and political concerns about our food supply—health, the environment, acceptable technologies, and even social justice. Margaret Visser certainly was right on target for our new era when she wrote, “food is never just something to eat.”3 The Past Is No Longer Prologue In the past, and even today, official government food-quality standards have been narrow in scope, defined usually by the physical, economic, or taste attributes of food. Attributes are selected primarily to determine the immediate economic worth of food in commerce—for example a US Department of Agriculture grade of beef, the size and variety of a fruit or vegetable, the grade of bulk grains, or the sweetness, acidity, or amount of pulp in fruit juices. Always important. Yet, standards are becoming increasingly too narrow for today’s ever-more aware, better informed, and food-concerned American public. Our traditional government standards have been based on the intrinsic characteristics of a food or commodity, mainly satisfying the desires of our senses and wallets, with characteristics that are often readily apparent to the buyer on inspection or taste. Decades-old quality standards, defined by close attention to what is routinely possible within our established food supply chains, are frequently codified into our government’s Code of Federal Regulations. These standards have favored what agriculture and the food-processing industries could readily, economically, and efficiently achieve. Standards paid close attention to what could be delivered under existing norms of agriculture and processing. Rigid backward-looking standards, rather than flexible ones, which could reach and motivate through the mechanism of our food supply what can be achieved to improve society (healthier diets, improved environment, acceptable labor conditions, fair trade). Historically, standards have been conceived and developed more for the convenience of the production sector than for the public. These standards gave no attention to the ultimate influence of food on the buyer’s health and well-being or on the environmental and social conditions under which food is produced; such standards by today’s consumer-oriented food world are hopelessly and negatively one-sided, benefitting commercial interests. Traditionally, food-quality standards have been assessed with exact measurements or evaluation in the quality control laboratory and not by social standards. Quality standards were arrived at mainly by a consensus produced by “reasonable people” working together with agreed-upon goals held in common on production-oriented agriculture. In the past, food-quality standards development was mainly a job for those in government and with business interests. The public was involved only peripherally, if at all, in the standards’ formulation. Some would say that this was a simpler, more rational, more exclusive, and chummier time than today! This food-quality standard setting approach no longer resonates with the reality of today’s increasingly politically oriented world, with its many more new players having new social agendas, people with strongly held nontraditional beliefs and agendas concerning our future food supply, and new players demanding to have their say and be a party to any future food-standard setting process (Greenpeace, Ethical Treatment of Animals, Action Aid, Environmental Defense, Fair Trade USA, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Center for Food Safety, Consumer Federation of America, Public Citizen, Safe Tables Our Priority, Campaign to Label Genetically Modified Foods). As a result of these new political pressures and our “new consumers,” it is likely that today and into the foreseeable future, government and industry cannot and will not define food-quality standards as in the past. Future standard setting will differ greatly, be stormier, be more protracted, and encompass issues hitherto outside of the classical definition of food quality (US Department of Agriculture establishment of organic labeling, biotech food labeling, trans-fatty acid labeling, allergen labeling). In the 20th century, food quality entailed considering factors dealing with the consumer and his or her direct use of the food in the diet. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, this relationship between the consumer and his or her food has expanded, using the mechanism of food-quality standards, both official and unofficial. It is driven by the consumer opportunity to address individually the broadest of new concerns and social issues by exercising the right of purchase choice. What Are the Driving Forces? All these issues, plus many more, have the potential to be involved in the public’s evolving definition of food quality—through government standards, societal quasi-standards, labeling, government-sanctioned technologies, good manufacturing practices, public food and health policies, labor standards, and government funding of food and agriculture initiatives and by consumer purchase decisions. How do we explain this new politicalization of food quality? Consumers’ traditional food worries—availability, costs, immediate safety, and even preparation— have largely disappeared for most of us in the industrial countries of the world. As a result, the public has the option, and the luxury, to consider how their food supply can be used to attain new goals: social, economic, and political. We can expect that in our information-rich world of television and the Web, consumers will increasingly exercise this option. Although the public will be—as always—motivated by highly organized resourceful well-funded public-interest groups and nongovernment organizations (NGOs), who are often single-issue minded, our 21st-century socially concerned consumers with their rapidly changing definitions of what is acceptable in food will be pivotal in defining this new era. Today, many consumers want changes in our food system! The irony in our present food security is that the great past successes of the agriculture and food sectors in achieving our present food abundance have further increased the challenges and the economic risks for these sectors, due to the constantly expanding definition of what the public will accept as food quality. Today, the production, marketing, and development goals of traditional agriculture and food sectors are on a collision course with many of these newly arising issues (environmental quality, human health, and social equity). Driving these value conflicts over standards—between the traditional agricultural production and the public-interest groups and an increasingly socially demanding public—is a plethora of contentious highly emotional public interests. Consider the following issues, many of which will likely frame the public’s definition of food quality in the future: Must agricultural crops in the future be grown with sustainable agriculture? What is sustainable agriculture? Should we question traditional trade barriers and agricultural subsidies of the industrial nations (European common market, Japan and rice, United States and sugar)? Are such trade barriers and agricultural subsidies legitimate and humanely correct? Do they increase poverty in the developing nations by barring their agricultural exports to the developed nations? Are excluding imports of GMOs by trade barriers justified? What is the social acceptability of new technologies such as genetically modified crops, animals, and fish? Are certain foods in our diet a major cause of pandemic obesity? Is it possible to define nutritional quality in the future as “to eat well is to eat less”? Is the food-processing industry responsible for a living wage for those who are migrant farm laborers? What are the responsibilities of industry and farming for the health and welfare of workers who supply our food? What responsibility does the domestic food industry have for the labor conditions used to grow imported agricultural crops? Should the food industry bear a portion of the rising medical costs due to diet? Should we have fat taxes, sugar taxes, and calories taxes? Should there be limits to the freedom to market where health is involved? What is the proper balance between First Amendment rights and barring false advertising? What should be the balance between allowable commercial speech and the government’s traditional role in public protection? Are the public’s demands for new levels of safety assurance and traceability of food from the soil to the mouth necessary, attainable, and justified? Is the use of antibiotics, growth hormones, and animal factories in agriculture safe and acceptable? The list of controversial issues grows longer daily with issues by which consumers may judge food quality in the future! Food Quality in the Twenty-first Century During most of 20th century, the agriculture and food-sector paradigm was driven predominantly by the agricultural production and food-marketing model. As we enter the 21st century, the interest-group society proponents will increasingly challenge the old standards and system, attempting to redefine the “rules of the game.” Broadening of the criteria for food standards is not without virtue; it reflects the desires of idealists to improve society and the human condition. However, their larger more ambitious goals make the task of agreeing on appropriate standards ever more contentious and difficult. Today, potential or actual food-quality standards, whether they concern food labeling, government-sanctioned technologies, agricultural practices, safety, or any of the other attributes that might possibly define quality, constitute a vast battleground of differing ideologic beliefs and ideas centering on food. Increasingly, quality standards will be much broader and no longer based solely on physical and economic dimensions. Standards will be used by consumers, urged on and led to these views by powerful opinion formers (consumer interest groups, nongovernment organizations [NGOs], the press) to achieve answers to society’s new social, technologic, economic and political concerns. Bottom Line One can hope that, as the public, public-interest groups, industry, and the government sort through these new objectives in food quality in the future, both those with great merit and otherwise, we do not lose sight of, or unduly compromise, our current food system, which supplies us with the world’s most reliable, lowest cost, and relatively safe diet. Food-quality standards are being used as idioms that may reflect a more “natural,” “healthy,” “fresher,” and more socially concerned food production. REFERENCES 1. Presented at Canadian government meeting of Agricultural and Agri-Food Canada representatives; September 18, 2002; Guelph, Ontario. [Context Link] 2. Berry JM. The Interest Group Society. (3rd ed). Boston: -Wesley; 1997. [Context Link] 3. Visser M. Much Depends on Dinner: The Extraordinary History, Allure and Obsessions, Perils and Taboos of an Ordinary Meal. Grove Press; 1986. [Context Link] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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