Guest guest Posted May 22, 2003 Report Share Posted May 22, 2003 Hi All, The below are three PDF-available commentaries on obesity and diets. In [1], a phrase that appealed to me was: “the regulatory pathways leading to diet-induced obesity in humans and mice are likely to be similar” So, hopefully, studies in rodents on CR pertain to humans also. In [2], I like: “the rise in HDL cholesterol in the subjects following the low-carbohydrate diet (a change observed only by et al.) may reflect a change in HDL subfractions that occurs with increased intake of saturated fats, and this change has not been shown to be beneficial. Thus, caution is urged about overinterpretation of this observation as a beneficial result of a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet.” Also nice, was the last paragraph: “The recipe for effective weight loss is a combination of motivation, physical activity, and caloric restriction; maintenance of weight loss is a balance between caloric intake and physical activity, with lifelong adherence. For society as a whole, prevention of weight gain is the first step in curbing the increasing epidemic of overweight and obesity. Until further evidence is available regarding the long-term benefits of a low-carbohydrate approach, physicians should continue to recommend a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and a balanced diet.” In [3], there is a discussion of data and some new data in a short report on different surgical treatment for obesity. The manner in which different factors such as ghrelin and leptin are altered in different weight and calorie reduction protocols was of my interest. Regarding my latest blood tests today, they were after a 10-hour overnight fast. Figure it out: last time seven days ago not fasting, my glucose was 3.2 versus 3.5-6.0 mM reference range. Fasting it now was 4.5 mM. Then there were my lipids. My fasting total cholesterol was previously 3.19, now 3.63 mM.triglycerides were reasonably now 0.34 versus previous 0.65 and reference range 4-5.2 mM. That shows what high complex carbohydrates do when eaten over much time, that is, not fasting or eating few meals. HDL fasting was 1.12 versus previous not fasting 0.97. The total cholesterol/HDL ratio was about the same of 3.28. It had been better previously due to a higher HDL last year. For my cell blood counts, leukocytes this week were lower at 1.6 versus 4.8-10.8 per 10 to the ninth power. Lymphocytes were also lower, but was most remarkable was 0.4 versus last week 1.7 and reference range 2.0-7.5 times 10 to the ninth power. That is as low and much lower than the neutrophils of mine have ever been. Other markers seemed the same and pretty unremarkable. Cheers, Al.; email: apater@... [1] New Engl J Med, 348:2138-2139 Genetic Medicine and Obesity Aitman, M.D., Ph.D. Almost all common diseases, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, are genetically complex traits. Although they appear to run in families, they have no clear pattern of inheritance and their clinical expression has been attributed to the interaction between multiple genes and the environment, but the genes have been very hard to identify.1 Since identification of the genes involved is a crucial step toward understanding the molecular pathogenesis of complex diseases, new methods are needed to accelerate this process. A study by Schadt and colleagues of obesity in mice may provide such an approach.2 Schadt and his colleagues2 used mice derived from mating two standard strains of inbred mice. Inbred mice are useful because at every locus they are homozygous for the alleles that characterize their strain. In essence, they represent an endless supply of " identical twins " that all carry identical autosomes. Second-generation mice derived from experimental crosses between the two inbred strains were fed a high-fat diet and characterized with respect to a large number of metabolic and morphometric traits, including body weight, fat-pad mass, plasma lipid levels, the presence or absence of aortic fatty streaks, and bone density. Those in the upper quartiles of subcutaneous-fat-pad mass (referred to as fat mice) and those in the lower quartiles (lean mice) were selected for further analysis. Two studies were performed in the mice. The first was a gene-expression profile, in which they used microarrays, or DNA chips, to determine the extent to which about 24,000 genes were differentially expressed in the liver tissues of the fat mice and the lean mice, as indicated by levels of messenger RNA. The data were used to form an expression signature of low and high adiposity. Such a signature might be used to identify an animal that is susceptible to obesity or one that is resistant to obesity. The expression signature in the obese mice fell into two distinct subgroups, suggesting that even in these inbred mice, there were at least two different genetic subtypes of obesity. Obesity is likely to be related to the differential expression of only some of the genes; to narrow the field of candidates, Schadt and colleagues performed a genome scan, in which they assessed the extent to which DNA markers evenly spaced along the mouse genome were associated with either the clinical traits or the expression of a given gene across the group of animals (Figure 1). The results yielded several surprises. First, about half of the 24,000 genes were associated with at least one locus at a conventional threshold of statistical significance — in other words, the locus was genetically credible. This is an extraordinarily high number of significant linkages for a single experiment, given that most such attempts to map loci of clinical traits seldom yield more than two or three significant linkages. Second, approximately 30 percent of these loci coincided with the chromosomal location of the gene itself. This finding implies that the expression of a significant proportion of all the genes is controlled by genetic polymorphisms (DNA-sequence variants) within or very close to each of these genes. Figure 1. Hunting for Obesity Genes. Given the immense challenge of identifying genes that underlie common diseases, which typically have a complex pattern of inheritance, Schadt and colleagues2 used a combination of methods. Using microarrays, they determined the extent to which specific genes are " turned on " in the livers of lean mice and fat mice, all of which had been fed a high-fat diet. (In the schematic microarrays shown here, red dots indicate high expression, yellow intermediate, and green low.) They also obtained measures of adiposity for each mouse. They then pinpointed specific parts of the mouse genome that control the regulation of gene expression (black arrows) and regions of the genome that regulate adiposity (blue arrows). Some of the implicated genomic regions coincide; that is, they regulate both genes that have different expression " behaviors " in lean and fat mice and also adiposity itself. Gene A resides in such a region, and is a good candidate regulator of obesity. Genes (for example, gene that are regulated by regions that do not regulate adiposity are less likely to be critical regulators of fat metabolism. The authors then combined the results of the genome scan with the clinical phenotypes to identify candidate genes for obesity in the mice. This analysis excluded many obvious genes that might previously have been considered strong candidates and identified new genes, including those that encode major urinary protein 1, a protein glycosyltransferase, and a cation-transporting ATPase. These may be primary drivers of obesity in the obese mice analyzed by Schadt et al.2 Are the results obtained using mouse liver relevant to obesity in humans? The answer is uncertain, since liver tissue is unlikely to be available for a similar study in human families. However, the regulatory pathways leading to diet-induced obesity in humans and mice are likely to be similar, so the genes that orchestrate the obesity gene-expression signature in mice are certain to be evaluated in genetic studies of obesity in humans. These genes — and their expression signatures — may help to define subtypes of obesity in humans and also represent new targets for antiobesity drugs. More important than simply identifying obesity genes is the idea that this approach can be applied to any complex trait, given the availability of appropriate tissue samples from pedigree members. The results of Schadt et al. show that the approach stands to advance our understanding of the molecular basis of a wide range of genetically complex disorders. References 1.Glazier AM, Nadeau JH, Aitman TJ. Finding genes that underlie complex traits. Science 2002;298:2345-2349.[Abstract/Full Text] 2.Schadt EE, Monks SA, Drake TA, et al. The genetics of gene expression surveyed in maize, mouse and man. Nature 2003;422:297-302.[CrossRef][iSI][Medline] [2] New Engl J Med 348: pages ?-?. Diet, Obesity, and Cardiovascular Risk O. Bonow, M.D., and H. Eckel, M.D. (2003). The growing prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes in the United States has attracted the attention and concern of the medical profession, the media, policymakers, and the American public. Recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that nearly two thirds of American adults are overweight (body-mass index [the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters], greater than 25) and more than 30 percent are frankly obese (body-mass index, greater than 30), that nearly 8 percent are diabetic, and that 24 percent have the metabolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome is an ominous combination of visceral obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia (low levels of high-density lipoprotein [HDL] cholesterol and elevated levels of triglycerides), hypertension, and glucose intolerance that contributes to insulin resistance and a heightened risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. These troubling trends have emerged over the past few decades, during which there has been a striking increase in caloric intake and a decrease in physical activity in the U.S. population. These trends have also spawned a number of best-selling books based on popular diet theories, many of which suggest that altering the macronutrient composition of the diet can make it easier to curb caloric intake (or even to induce weight loss without reducing caloric intake) and can help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases. Principal among these dietary approaches are those promoting high-protein, low-carbohydrate regimens (e.g., the Atkins diet), which have gained widespread popularity even though the scientific evidence supporting their safety and efficacy is limited. A recent review of low-carbohydrate diets reported that weight loss with these diets is related to the duration of the diet and the restriction of calories but not to the reduction in carbohydrate intake per se and also pointed out the paucity of long-term data.1 In only five published investigations were subjects following these diets studied for longer than 90 days, and none of the studies were randomized or included a comparison group. The studies reported by Samaha et al. and et al. in this issue of the Journal (pages 2074–2081 and 2082–2090, respectively) extend knowledge about low-carbohydrate diets. Each group of investigators randomly assigned obese subjects to either a low-carbohydrate diet (with high protein and fat content) or a more standard, reduced-fat diet (with fat constituting less than 30 percent of the total caloric intake but more than in some extremely low-fat diets). Each study was designed to follow subjects for more than 90 days. Samaha et al. followed severely obese subjects (mean body-mass index, 43) with a high prevalence of diabetes (39 percent) or of the metabolic syndrome without diabetes (43 percent), whereas et al. studied subjects with less severe obesity (mean body-mass index, 34), none of whom had diabetes. Samaha et al. used fixed-carbohydrate restriction (30 g or less per day), and et al. used the Atkins diet. Despite these differences in study populations and dietary approaches, both studies demonstrated significantly greater weight reduction with the low-carbohydrate diet than with the reduced-fat diet during the first six months (average reduction, 6 to 7 kg vs. 2 to 3 kg). However, the magnitude of the weight-loss difference (4 kg in both studies) was relatively small, and adherence in the two diet groups was low. In addition, in the study by et al., there was no longer a significant difference in weight loss between the subjects in the low-carbohydrate group and those in the reduced-fat group at 12 months. This finding could reflect the small number of subjects remaining in the study at that time or the possibility that adherence to the diet was low even among those who continued in the study. Any approach to caloric restriction that is not compatible with daily lifestyle patterns is difficult to maintain over the long term. In both studies, the reduction in serum triglyceride levels in subjects randomly assigned to the low-carbohydrate diet might have been anticipated as a result of their greater weight loss, although it is true that reduced carbohydrate intake is generally associated with reduced triglyceride levels. However, the rise in HDL cholesterol in the subjects following the low-carbohydrate diet (a change observed only by et al.) may reflect a change in HDL subfractions that occurs with increased intake of saturated fats, and this change has not been shown to be beneficial. Thus, caution is urged about overinterpretation of this observation as a beneficial result of a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. The results of both studies demonstrate that initial weight loss is much easier to achieve than is long-term maintenance of weight loss. Even if long-term adherence is possible, there are concerns related to the long-term use of this diet (see Table), since its high content of fat (particularly saturated fat) is potentially atherogenic. A wealth of epidemiologic and nutritional data collected over the past several decades indicates that the consumption of high levels of saturated fat has adverse consequences on health. Low-carbohydrate diets may also lack important vitamins and fiber. Moreover, in marked contrast to the paucity of long-term data on low-carbohydrate diets, a number of studies reporting the long-term effects of reduced-fat diets have been reported. The Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study Group2 and the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group3 demonstrated, in studies involving obese persons with impaired glucose tolerance, that the combination of a reduced-fat diet and physical activity over an average of three years facilitated weight reduction equivalent to that observed in the two current studies of low-carbohydrate diets and that this combination also appeared to delay the onset of diabetes. Data from the National Weight Control Registry have shown that long-term maintenance of weight reduction can be achieved with a reduced-fat diet accompanied by regular physical activity. Moreover, others have shown a reduction in the rate of death from cardiovascular causes among persons who consume diets high in fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and fish. Thus, there is evidence to support the " heart-healthiness " of a balanced diet consisting of a wide variety of foods, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, lean meat and poultry, and fish, with the total intake of fat accounting for less than 30 percent of the total number of calories and the total intake of saturated fat and trans fat accounting for less than 10 percent of the total calories. The recipe for effective weight loss is a combination of motivation, physical activity, and caloric restriction; maintenance of weight loss is a balance between caloric intake and physical activity, with lifelong adherence. For society as a whole, prevention of weight gain is the first step in curbing the increasing epidemic of overweight and obesity. Until further evidence is available regarding the long-term benefits of a low-carbohydrate approach, physicians should continue to recommend a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and a balanced diet. References 1.Bravata DM, L, Huang J, et al. Efficacy and safety of low-carbohydrate diets: a systematic review. JAMA 2003;289:1837-1850.[Abstract/Full Text] 2.Tuomilehto J, Lindström J, sson JG, et al. Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus by changes in lifestyle among subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1343-1350.[Abstract/Full Text] 3.Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N Engl J Med 2002;346:393-403.[Abstract/Full Text] [3] New Engl J Med 348:2159-2160 Ursula Hanusch-Enserer, Georg Brabant, Roden Ghrelin Concentrations in Morbidly Obese Patients after Adjustable Gastric Banding To the Editor: It has been suggested that the reduction in plasma ghrelin concentrations in five morbidly obese patients after treatment with a proximal Roux-en-Y gastric bypass contributed to the weight-reducing effect of the surgery.1 This hypothesis has been questioned,2 because decreased plasma ghrelin concentrations are present in obese people before any intervention and were documented approximately 1.4 years after gastric bypass surgery, when weight loss of approximately 36 percent had occurred. Bariatric surgery is becoming more common — particularly, laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. This procedure, which was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration, causes less dramatic weight loss than gastric bypass.3 Although both techniques alter the capacity of the stomach and lead to satiety, the mechanism responsible for the greater efficacy of gastric bypass surgery is unclear. We tested the hypothesis that laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding also decreases the plasma ghrelin concentration and that this effect precedes changes in body weight. To this end, plasma ghrelin was measured in 12 morbidly obese patients (9 women and 3 men; mean [±SD] age, 41.8±11.0 years; mean body-mass index [the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters], 44.1±3.5) 6 and 12 months after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. The mean weight loss was 18.8 kg (15 percent of initial body weight) after 6 months and 31.3 kg (25 percent of initial body weight) after 12 months. The weight loss after six months was similar to that achieved with dieting and less than that achieved with gastric bypass.1 The mean fasting plasma ghrelin concentrations before and after surgery did not differ significantly (235±64 pmol per liter before surgery, 236±65 pmol per liter at 6 months, and 255±82 pmol per liter at 12 months), although there was a trend toward a higher plasma ghrelin concentration at 12 months. In addition, there were decreases in the plasma leptin concentration (P<0.001), plasma glucose concentration (P=0.05), and plasma C-peptide concentration (P<0.001) at this time, whereas insulin sensitivity, as assessed by an oral glucose-tolerance test, improved (P=0.03). These results extend the previous findings1 in that the success of gastric bypass cannot be explained simply by the reduction of the gastric volume, but also involves other mechanisms resulting in the maintenance of the reduced weight despite unchanged gastric ghrelin secretion. We speculate that the reduction in insulin secretion, which occurs as a result of improved insulin sensitivity and weight loss, could stimulate ghrelin secretion, as has recently been demonstrated in animals.4 The interaction of insulin and ghrelin could be involved in a central control system that counteracts a negative energy balance after interventions designed to induce major weight loss.5 References 1.Cummings DE, Weigle DS, Frayo RS, et al. Plasma ghrelin levels after diet-induced weight loss or gastric bypass surgery. N Engl J Med 2002;346:1623-1630.[Abstract/Full Text] 2.Rubino F, Gagner M. Weight loss and plasma ghrelin levels. N Engl J Med 2002;347:1379-1379.[Full Text] 3.Sjöström CD, Peltonen M, Sjöström L. Blood pressure and pulse pressure during long-term weight loss in the obese: the Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) Intervention Study. Obes Res 2001;9:188-195.[Abstract/Full Text] 4.Hewson AK, Tung LY, Connell DW, Tookman L, Dickson SL. The rat arcuate nucleus integrates peripheral signals provided by leptin, insulin, and ghrelin mimetic. Diabetes 2002;51:3412-3419.[Abstract/Full Text] 5.Schwartz MW, Woods SC, Seeley RJ, Barsh GS, Baskin DG, Leibel RL. Is the energy homeostasis system inherently biased toward weight gain? Diabetes 2003;52:232-238.[Abstract/Full Text] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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