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Re: New member saying hi!

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> HI! =)


> I wanted to join this group for many reasons.


> 1) I'm very interested in Dr. Walford's CRON diet sinc

e I used its

> nutritional principles to lose approx 220 lbs over the

last 2 years.

> 2) Discuss, develop and share some of the recipes I us

e daily/weekly.

> 3) Get new recipes and nutritional data.

> 4) Just have a good place to " bounce " ideas and though

ts around.


Welcome !!

Quick questions and answers for you:

CR as a brain phenomenon


Did you ever wonder about the behavior of rodents

in the lab? Sure that you wonder.

The rodents are confined to a cage: They only think

about food. Oh... In ad-libitum, the food stimulus

is present all the time. The rodents eat until their

stomachs be full and relax.

What tells the rat to stop eat is the fullness of its


Reducing food = reducing calories


Reducing calories,

doesn't necessarily means that the rodent will

suffer from hunger because it eats because of the


(awaking the beast).

The fewer the calories the longer the life is the

constatation from the experiments.

What is the minimum?


Ans: CR65. This value corresponds 65% less

calories than the rat will eat.

What about humans?


If you release a CRONie and let he/she eat ad-libitum

he/she will eat something arround 3000-3600 kcal/day.

Averaging this gives you: 3300.

Controls will eat 3000 and

CR50 = 1500.

CR60 = 1200 = BMR

So 1200 is BMR for humans.

BMR is the minimum.

BMR makes me fell hunger *all* the time.

I think scaling from rats for humans can be done in

*exactly* this way, because the nature of neurons in

humans is similar in rats.

Zinc Deficiency and Human Maxlifespan


The reason human maxlifespan was not achieved

is the zinc deficiency. To obtain 15-18 mg of zinc

you should eat 2500 kcal. This contradicts that you

can obtain all the vitamins and minerals from food.

2500 is CR20 for man. The longevity at this value is

100-110. Cuting 30% would increase lifespan in 30%

So, what is the maximum lifespan of humans?


Not more than 140!


To obtain maxlifespan you shold cut something

arround 30% of this value(2500).

That is, you should eat in the range

1400-1600 without deficiency in vitamins and minerals.

This experience was not done in humans. At this value


longevity would be 130-140. But this implies

restriction from

a very youth age.

Another very strong reason:

It's almost impossible to eat 1200 kcal/day EVERY DAY.

Is CR the same as being thin?



CR = Eating less calories.

Thinness = Side effect of CR.

If somebody eat a lot and is thin, this someone is

a BURNER. Have a genetic that burns all that is


BURNERs = Acelerated aging = Shorter lifespan

The other xtreme is the THIRFTY

THIRFTies= Slowered aging = Longer lifespan.

What is the best?

Being fat and thin or being fat and fit?


You have to be both.

Of course being fat and fit is best than being thin

and unfit. But to obtain the best benefits, you have

to be both.

I sugest a diet of 1700-1800 kcal + exercise burning

something arrond 300-400 kcal/day

-- Gandhi.


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PMIK: Welcome!

Wow! 220 lb loss. What an achievement! You came to the right place. Our

files and archives should help you with new recipes and all kinds of other


What do you weigh now? How tall are you? Male or Female? If you're low

enough you may not even NEED to restrict calories - just keep to the diet.

You've done so well with it. Give us some more info.

on 7/2/2003 7:12 PM, Portmaster1000 at portmaster1000@... wrote:

> HI! =)


> I wanted to join this group for many reasons.


> 1) I'm very interested in Dr. Walford's CRON diet since I used its

> nutritional principles to lose approx 220 lbs over the last 2 years.

> 2) Discuss, develop and share some of the recipes I use daily/weekly.

> 3) Get new recipes and nutritional data.

> 4) Just have a good place to " bounce " ideas and thoughts around.


> The core of my weight loss philosophy has been to get the biggest

> nutritional bang for my caloric buck. I've not, as of yet,

> restricted my calories down what Dr. Walford's books suggest. That

> could be my next step, at this point I'm not sure.


> Anyway, I hope to be fairly active on these message boards and learn

> loads of cool stuff from them ;)


> PM1K


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Right now I'm hoovering between 190 and 200 lbs. I'm a 30 year old

male about 6 feet tall. I normally eat around 2500 cal/day. As for

exercise, I do 4 days of weight training and 3 days of either running

or basketball (depending on which friends are available).

I've varied my routine alot over the past two years starting out with

just walking. I've done weight lifting off and on to help prevent

too much muscle loss. Recently I've started running on the days I

don't weight train. I find I enjoy it and like the challenge of

trying to best my previous times (4 miles in 38 1/2 minutes is my

best so far).

I've gotten used to viewing food by it's nutritional value, not just

taste. I imagine I was eating 5000+ calories daily before I totally

redid my diet and took charge of my health. I had been obese since

age 5 and knew that kind of life style would end in a very early

death. However, there is a difference between knowing it and truly

KNOWING it. 2 years ago, I came to the realization of how much pain

my weight was causing me and decided to take an all out effort to not

only lose weight but to become healthy.

How did I choose a CRON style diet? After seeing Dr. Walford on

Scientific American Frontiers and having his ideas stick in my head,

I bought his books. After reading his books, I knew his way of

eating could help me become a healthy person. I took his recipes and

food suggestions along with his excellent software and constructed my

diet. I knew that I could not go down to the low calorie level from

my mega calorie one. So I took it gradually, removing " empty " foods

from my diet and replacing them with nutrient dense ones. Reducing

calories as I went along down to my current level.

That's the short version of what I've done over the last two years.

Today I'm focusing on building muscle mass and maintaining a

nurtrient dense diet. I still have many challenges ahead of me.

Hopefully I can go into some of them on this group and find some


Mark Boggs, aka PM1K =)


> > HI! =)

> >

> > I wanted to join this group for many reasons.

> >

> > 1) I'm very interested in Dr. Walford's CRON diet since I used


> > nutritional principles to lose approx 220 lbs over the last 2


> > 2) Discuss, develop and share some of the recipes I use


> > 3) Get new recipes and nutritional data.

> > 4) Just have a good place to " bounce " ideas and thoughts around.

> >

> > The core of my weight loss philosophy has been to get the biggest

> > nutritional bang for my caloric buck. I've not, as of yet,

> > restricted my calories down what Dr. Walford's books suggest.


> > could be my next step, at this point I'm not sure.

> >

> > Anyway, I hope to be fairly active on these message boards and


> > loads of cool stuff from them ;)

> >

> > PM1K

> >

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