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Hello CR ALL:

To learn about (and to participate in) one of the 3 funded

human calorie restriction studies (CALERIE) at the

National Institute for Aging (NIA), go to this website:


If you live near one of the 3 primary study centers,

and you are interested in participating, the

" are you interested " web page is located at:


The above information is supplied in conjunction with an email

from (below). If you check this out, and discover

whether openings are still available, please inform the List.

-- Warren

------------------------------ ----------------------------------

-----Original Message-----

From: The CR Society, a group of people practicing Calorie

Restriction for health purposes.

Email: crsociety@...] On behalf Of


Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 8:01 AM


Subject: [CR] NIA's CALERIE Study

.... I contacted the National Institute on Aging to inquire about the

[human calorie restriction CALERIE] study, and Doug Dollemore was kind

enough to respond. Even if there may be " .....more than enough

volunteers..... " , I wanted to post the information on the location of

the study centers in case it would be of interest to the CR Society.


PS Thank you, Doug!

=============================== ========================

-----Original Message-----

At 10:38 AM -0400 10/24/2003, Dollemore, Doug (NIH/NIA) wrote:

Status: U [unclassified]

From: " Dollemore, Doug (NIH/NIA) " <DollemoD@...>

' Delamater' <ydelamater@...>

Subject: RE: human caloric restriction studies

Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 10:38:30 -0400

Certainly, however, at this point all of the sites may

well have more than enough volunteers for this project.

=============================== ========================

-----Original Message-----

From: Delamater [mailto:ydelamater@...]

Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:40 AM

Dollemore, Doug (NIH/NIA)

Subject: Re: human caloric restriction studies

Dear Doug Dollemore,

Thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately, I don't live

near any of the clinical sites. May I post your email reply to me

on the Calorie Restriction Society mailing list? Perhaps someone on

that list lives near the study centers.



=============================== ========================

Email received from: dollemod@...

Dear Ms. Delamater,

Thank you for your interest in NIA's CALERIE Study (Comprehensive

Assessment of Long-Term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy).

There are three funded clinical sites and they began recruiting

participants in September 2002. The three sites are:

Pennington Research Biomedical Center, Louisiana State University,

Baton Rouge

Tufts University, Boston

Washington University, St. Louis

The first phase of this 7 year study is a small 2-year exploratory

study on the effects of sustained caloric restriction interventions

on physiology, body composition, and risk factors for age-related

diseases in non-obese people. Because of the requirements of the

study's protocol, participants must live nearby - they must be

available for daily contact with the study sites including eating many

of their meals at the research centers.

If you are a resident in any of these localities and would like more

information about participating in this study, please let me know.


Doug Dollemore

Public Affairs Specialist

National Institute on Aging

National Institutes of Health

Bethesda, land

TEL: (301) 496-1752

FAX: (301) 496-1072


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