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nerve problem

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How did you know that you had a demylination of the nerves in your arm? Deb

----- Original Message -----

Judy wrote:, spinach, etc.; everything else came back up. Try to work on

getting your coconut oil up to 5-6 tbls per day and your fat ratios

to the levels recommended, but do not increase proteins too much

without increasing fats or you could get constipation. See my new

article in the 1st folder along with my main article: Candida, How to

Get Started. You shouldn't start trying to kill off candida with an

antifungal other than coconut oil and Pau D'Arco (mild antifungal)

until you react better to carbs, or you will get severe die-off

symptoms, which won't help you.

==>You could try the 9-day program that others are having success

with, which is in the Digestion Folder, and also in my revised

article (towards the end - use your Edit Find function to locate the

digestion section).

> I hope that I WILL eventually recover from this, though I know it

will take several years. I don't even care whether or not I can EVER

eat other foods again, I just want to live! I can't take most

supplements because my gut is so leaky that I absorb minerals too

much which gets my electrolytes off balance and a lot of them also

have magnesium stearate added to them too. I am feeling more and

more tired and wonder if you have any recommendations.....

> It is doesn't do much good to realize and admit that I am the

author of most of my own problems, I still think I have the right to

feel better and want to continue to do my BEST to eat right. I am

allergic to eggs, cannot handle coconut oil either, but I don't seem

to have any allergies to meats, fish or low-carb veggies. Thank


==>Judy, healing reactions are not allergic reactions; I've learned a

lot since you were here. Healing reactions are the same list of

symptoms as allergic reactions, so many people make the mistake of

eliminating good unadulterated foods which are causing healing

reactions, which is a good thing. Also I've found out all allergy

tests are suspect because the antigens they use are contaminated -

see the Germ & Antibody Theories Are False Folder. Also the whole

antibody theory is whacky and doesn't stand up to the light of truth,

etc., etc.

> Thank you for patiently reading all of this, as well as for the

work you continue to do to help all of us. And thank you in advance

for your reply, Love and hugs,

==>Love & Hugs to you my friend. You will get well. Stick with it

this time honey! We're here for you!


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