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Orange Tongue

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I have modified my diet for about 3 weeks by decreasing carbos,

increasing proteins and fats, with no sugar (except meals where I ate

chocolate). I am using about 6 Tablespoons of coconut oil a day. My

tongue has turned different colors. At first it was white/grey every

morning. Then it turned bright yellow for several days. Now my tongue

is orange. Even brushing my tongue does not make any

difference. Is this die off of the yeast on my tongue or in my mouth?

Once when I took some sort of herbal remedy to kill candida, my tongue

turned black for several days.

Some background knowledge: I have been diagnosed with periondontal

disease. I see my dentist 4 times a year, brush, floss, etc. During

my last visit to the dentist a week ago, my gums bled a lot, so the

hygenist used something to kill the bacterial under my gums. They are

alot better now! I also use a flouride rinse at night. I also have

severe receding gumlines on certain teeth. I think my teeth/gums

issues have been caused by a 22 year problem with candida.

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> I have modified my diet for about 3 weeks by decreasing carbos,

> increasing proteins and fats, with no sugar (except meals where I

ate chocolate). I am using about 6 Tablespoons of coconut oil a

day. My tongue has turned different colors. At first it was

white/grey every morning. Then it turned bright yellow for several

days. Now my tongue is orange. Even brushing my tongue does not

make any difference. Is this die off of the yeast on my tongue or in

my mouth? Once when I took some sort of herbal remedy to kill

candida, my tongue turned black for several days.


> Some background knowledge: I have been diagnosed with periondontal

> disease. I see my dentist 4 times a year, brush, floss, etc.

During my last visit to the dentist a week ago, my gums bled a lot,

so the hygenist used something to kill the bacterial under my gums.

They are alot better now! I also use a flouride rinse at night. I

also have severe receding gumlines on certain teeth. I think my

teeth/gums issues have been caused by a 22 year problem with candida.

==>, yes your tongue colors and symptoms are partly caused by

detoxing and partly by candida overgrowth in your mouth,

called " thrush " , but also due to fluoride toxins. First, it is

extremely important that you stop using the flouride rinse!!!!!!!

Flouride is very toxic, and it could be causing most of your

problems - see this article:


Secondly, much of the advice by dentist are very damaging to your

teeth, gums, etc., i.e. teeth cleaning that damages the gums every

time you get it done, flossing which damages the gums, and excessive

brushing, etc.

I suggest you stop flossing! It causes small tears or cuts in the

gums so your body is constantly having to " heal them " , which creates

inflammation, swelling, etc. - it is not an infection, it is the

body's healing mechanisms. When the gums need to be healed the body

has to bring more healing blood and pus (the immune system's healing

substances) to the area, which causes inflammation, redness and

swelling. So every time you floss you are damaging your gums, which

causes healing reactions by your body in order to heal.

Use natural tooth cleaners like baking soda mixed with sea salt and

wet with a little 3% hydrogen peroxide. Or 1/3rd H202 and 23rds

water. Or buy a good non-fluoridated natural toothpaste at the

health store.


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  • 3 years later...
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Sounds like bacterial or fungal overgrowth which indicates underlying imbalance

in the body.

What kind of medications or treatments has she been on in the last couple

months-year, what's her diet like and how much sun does she get?

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no medication or treatments. As for diet maybe 50% organic and traditional

foods, but she is a pastry chef and while at work I'm afraid the other 50% not

healthy at all.

She travelled a year and a half out the past 3 years around the globe. I'm

pretty sure she has an intestinal bug of some sort living in her gut. Symptoms

loose stools alternating with

constipation. No other unpleasantries.

As for the sun she gets plenty.

On Jul 6, 2011, at 7:56 PM, ryan2645 wrote:

> Sounds like bacterial or fungal overgrowth which indicates underlying

imbalance in the body.


> What kind of medications or treatments has she been on in the last couple

months-year, what's her diet like and how much sun does she get?



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Have her see an Oriental Medicine practitioner. An orange tongue can indicate

an internal heat condition that can be treated very easily with acupuncture and

herbs! I would offer treatment, but have not completed my boards for licensing.

If you go to this website you can search for practitioners in your area:


Kari Olson

Re: Re: orange tongue

no medication or treatments. As for diet maybe 50% organic and traditional

foods, but she is a pastry chef and while at work I'm afraid the other 50% not

healthy at all.

She travelled a year and a half out the past 3 years around the globe. I'm

pretty sure she has an intestinal bug of some sort living in her gut. Symptoms

loose stools alternating with

constipation. No other unpleasantries.

As for the sun she gets plenty.

On Jul 6, 2011, at 7:56 PM, ryan2645 wrote:

> Sounds like bacterial or fungal overgrowth which indicates underlying

imbalance in the body.


> What kind of medications or treatments has she been on in the last couple

months-year, what's her diet like and how much sun does she get?



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MMmmM and a talented pastry chef at that, thanks for the delicious scone!

Her body might not be able to tolerate that much yeast, sugar and starches, if

she's snacking on those kind of treats all during work hours, so she might do

well to minimize such foods.

Naturally I would recommend lots of raw, non-root veggies, and any raw animal

foods she's willing to eat, like butter and cream but maybe go easy on whole

milk, the skim may be too much sugar. Some form of raw coconut would be good

too, whether whole flesh, oil or 'butter'.

And then lots of midday sun. I know you said she gets sun, but most people try

to avoid midday sun when that is precisely the time we need to be in it, so from

10am-2pm is the best time to get sun, 20mins to 1 hr depending on complexion.

In my opinion her body is asking for balance, and that is easily attainable by

cutting back on the starches and sugars and relying more on raw, vital foods.


> > Sounds like bacterial or fungal overgrowth which indicates underlying

imbalance in the body.

> >

> > What kind of medications or treatments has she been on in the last couple

months-year, what's her diet like and how much sun does she get?

> >

> >





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Thank you guys for weighing in on the orange tongue issue. Lots of good advise.

I knew I would get something worth while for our TF group!


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When we were kids, my brother got " hand, foot and mouth disease " with a

coated tongue. I think it was a fungal thing? Check it out.

If it is fungal, I would think it has similar causes as " candidiasis " . For

this there are many people out there doing diet alteration and cleanses.

Starve the yeast out, replenish with good bacteria profile. It might take

some time. No sugar or starches (some people continue whole grains, not

flours). Kombucha for good yeasts, if you tolerate, even small amounts are

good. Lots of lactic bacteria such as fermented foods. There are also

formulas to help like anti-arasitic stuff, but I can't speak about that

much, just that I know of the BioRay company has a good reputation and they

have forums where you can discuss.

Perhaps reading something like The Body Ecology website might help her.

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