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Re: This sounds lik a miracle Dr.Rons Formula!!!!

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If it sounds too good to be true, it ususally is, unfortunately.

Though, I am not poo-pooing it either. It probably does help, since

its a probiotic. Most probiotics do help fight Candida. However,

probiotics are just a piece of the puzzle. As Bee stresses, nutrition

is the biggest weapon against Candida, as Candida will continue to be

an issue, if long as the body doesn't have the strength to fight it off.


> Hello everyone! I was just going to order the Blue Ice Cod Liver Oil

> from Dr. Rons so I called and asked if they had a good digestive

> enzyme I could throw in with my order (save on shipping from various

> sources). Well the woman proceeded to tell me about a product called

> Docs Friendly Flora which she was super excited about...

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Right, that is what I thought too but I have done my research and

logged a ton of hours on this stuff and what this woman told me made a

lot of sense. I asked her about the problem of probiotic and

antifungal agents in one product canceling each other out and she

agreed that has been a problem but that they have found something new

and doctors and researchers alike are seeing very positive results

with this product. When she was speaking about it she sounded like a

proud parent. If you have time I think that it would be really

interesting if you called there and asked about the product and then

we could compare notes. Just go to the Dr. Rons site and get the

contact info. I would love to get your personal perspective on this.


> >

> > Hello everyone! I was just going to order the Blue Ice Cod Liver Oil

> > from Dr. Rons so I called and asked if they had a good digestive

> > enzyme I could throw in with my order (save on shipping from various

> > sources). Well the woman proceeded to tell me about a product called

> > Docs Friendly Flora which she was super excited about...


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Crystal, Docs Friendly Flora is okay if it is non-dairy based. You

might have to call them back to find out.



> Hello everyone! I was just going to order the Blue Ice Cod Liver Oil

> from Dr.Rons so I called and asked if they had a good digestive


> I could throw in with my order (save on shipping from various

> sources). Well the woman proceeded to tell me about a product called

> Docs Friendly Flora which she was super excited about (and not in a

> sales pitch sort of way-in fact not once did I feel like she was

> trying to sell me any of their products, she just seemed genuinely

> enthused about this product). She went on to tell me that it is


> used in testing on children with digestive disorders, irritable

> bowel, ADHD, autism, Candidiasis (and I hadn't even mentioned that I

> am on a Candida cleanse) and that children are being cured and


> huge improvements in just a month's time. I then told her that I am

> fighting Candida and asked her if I was taking this product should I

> not take any other antifungals and she adamantly said not to. She


> expressed the explicit need to start slowly and build up with the

> product to prevent die-off. She very much sounded like she knew what

> she was talking about and I really want to try this product, coming

> from Dr. Rons I tend to trust it since they seem to know their


> Anyone heard of this? Bee especially...what do you think about this?

> Crystal

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> Right, that is what I thought too but I have done my research and

> logged a ton of hours on this stuff and what this woman told me made

a lot of sense. I asked her about the problem of probiotic and

> antifungal agents in one product canceling each other out and she

> agreed that has been a problem but that they have found something new

and doctors and researchers alike are seeing very positive results

> with this product.

==>Crystal, natural products put together do not cancel each other out!


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Hi Bee! I called Dr. Rons back and they said that it is dairy free.

It is also a new product that does not need refrigerating, it is a

liquid form of naturally fermented probiotic. She told me that if I

am following a Candida diet, taking the butter and cod liver oil, and

add the Docs Friendly Flora my system should " wake right up " . She

asked that I call back in a couple of weeks to report my progress as

they are really excited about how well the Flora product has been

working. She said it kills 3 of the four fungi strains and that they

are currently working on the 4th. I figured maybe I'll be able to

knock that one out with the garlic, tea, and coconut oil with your

awesome diet regimen! Had you heard of this product before this post?

You have so much knowledge and wisdom about healing so your thoughts

really matter to me! Have a wonderful day! Crystal

> >

> Docs Friendly Flora which she was super excited about

She went on to tell me that it is being

> > used in testing on children with digestive disorders, irritable

> > bowel, ADHD, autism, Candidiasis (and I hadn't even mentioned

that I

> > am on a Candida cleanse) and that children are being cured and

> showing

> > huge improvements in just a month's time. I then told her that I


> > fighting Candida and asked her if I was taking this product

should I

> > not take any other antifungals and she adamantly said not to. She

> also

> > expressed the explicit need to start slowly and build up with the

> > product to prevent die-off. She very much sounded like she knew


> > she was talking about and I really want to try this product,


> > from Dr. Rons I tend to trust it since they seem to know their

> stuff.

> > Anyone heard of this? Bee especially...what do you think about


> > Crystal


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i purchased docs friendly flora a few months ago, it didnt do anything

miraculous 4 me, still got candida, though i went to the toilet more regular,


[ ] Re: This sounds lik a miracle Dr.Rons Formula!!!!

Hi Bee! I called Dr. Rons back and they said that it is dairy free.

It is also a new product that does not need refrigerating, it is a

liquid form of naturally fermented probiotic. She told me that if I

am following a Candida diet, taking the butter and cod liver oil, and

add the Docs Friendly Flora my system should " wake right up " . She

asked that I call back in a couple of weeks to report my progress as

they are really excited about how well the Flora product has been

working. She said it kills 3 of the four fungi strains and that they

are currently working on the 4th. I figured maybe I'll be able to

knock that one out with the garlic, tea, and coconut oil with your

awesome diet regimen! Had you heard of this product before this post?

You have so much knowledge and wisdom about healing so your thoughts

really matter to me! Have a wonderful day! Crystal

> >

> Docs Friendly Flora which she was super excited about

She went on to tell me that it is being

> > used in testing on children with digestive disorders, irritable

> > bowel, ADHD, autism, Candidiasis (and I hadn't even mentioned

that I

> > am on a Candida cleanse) and that children are being cured and

> showing

> > huge improvements in just a month's time. I then told her that I


> > fighting Candida and asked her if I was taking this product

should I

> > not take any other antifungals and she adamantly said not to. She

> also

> > expressed the explicit need to start slowly and build up with the

> > product to prevent die-off. She very much sounded like she knew


> > she was talking about and I really want to try this product,


> > from Dr. Rons I tend to trust it since they seem to know their

> stuff.

> > Anyone heard of this? Bee especially.. .what do you think about


> > Crystal



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> Hi Bee! I called Dr. Rons back and they said that it is dairy free.

> It is also a new product that does not need refrigerating, it is a

> liquid form of naturally fermented probiotic. She told me that if I

> am following a Candida diet, taking the butter and cod liver oil,


> add the Docs Friendly Flora my system should " wake right up " . She

> asked that I call back in a couple of weeks to report my progress


> they are really excited about how well the Flora product has been

> working. She said it kills 3 of the four fungi strains and that


> are currently working on the 4th. I figured maybe I'll be able to

> knock that one out with the garlic, tea, and coconut oil with your

> awesome diet regimen! Had you heard of this product before this


> You have so much knowledge and wisdom about healing so your


> really matter to me! Have a wonderful day! Crystal

==>No, I was not familiar with that product before. It is impossible

for me to keep up with all of the new things available. I'm so happy

you found it for the Group. Thank you.

But remember the most important thing is nutrients and eliminating

toxins, rather than antifungals or probiotics.


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-Hi Crystal and Bee

Thank you Crystal for finding this product! Well done!

And Bee, do we have then your okay to go ahead with this product?

And Crystal, how do we get it. I live in Belgium?

Thank you to both of you!




> >

> ==>No, I was not familiar with that product before. It is impossible

> for me to keep up with all of the new things available. I'm so happy

> you found it for the Group. Thank you.


> But remember the most important thing is nutrients and eliminating

> toxins, rather than antifungals or probiotics.


> Bee


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Hi Perihan! Go to www.drrons.com and look under the product list. I am

not sure if they ship outside of U.S. but I would imagine they do. I

hope this product helps! I definitely am going to give it a shot! Best

in health and happiness! Crystal


> -Hi Crystal and Bee


> Thank you Crystal for finding this product! Well done!


> And Bee, do we have then your okay to go ahead with this product?

> And Crystal, how do we get it. I live in Belgium?


> Thank you to both of you!

> regards,

> Perihan



> >

> > >

> > ==>No, I was not familiar with that product before. It is impossible

> > for me to keep up with all of the new things available. I'm so happy

> > you found it for the Group. Thank you.

> >

> > But remember the most important thing is nutrients and eliminating

> > toxins, rather than antifungals or probiotics.

> >

> > Bee

> >


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Hi Joe, When you were taking the Friendly Flora were you also taking

the cod liver oil, butter oil, other supplements and following Bee's

plan? Thanks, Crystal


> hi


> i purchased docs friendly flora a few months ago, it didnt do

anything miraculous 4 me, still got candida, though i went to the

toilet more regular, joe

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Hey Joe, So you have been battling candida for over a year now? How do

you feel? Do you feel like you are still battling Candida? I just

cannot seem to accept resignation that this stuff cannot be beat. I

think the body is an amazing and powerful vehicle when treated

properly. How are you doing? I hope you are doing well! Crystal


> yeah, i had already had 1 bottle of high vit butter oil and high vit

cod liver oil and was on my second round with addition of docs

friendly flora, i think maybe i shud have continued buying it, it did

improve bowle movements on just one bottle and i was sharing it with

my 2 kids (2 and 4 yr old), the butteroil really made me detox and

heal so much so that i cudnt lift it no matter what i did, not even

exercise wud make me feel better. but who knows really, so many

contributing factors, i think the product is beneficial and mite buy

it again, its certainly no miricle cure though, other probiotics may

be as good, and yes i have been on the diet and sups 100% since sep

2006 and low carb 2004-2005.


> lv joe



> [ ] Re: This sounds lik a miracle Dr.Rons




> Hi Joe, When you were taking the Friendly Flora were you also taking

> the cod liver oil, butter oil, other supplements and following Bee's


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Yes, that product is okay Perihan.



> -Hi Crystal and Bee


> Thank you Crystal for finding this product! Well done!


> And Bee, do we have then your okay to go ahead with this product?

> And Crystal, how do we get it. I live in Belgium?


> Thank you to both of you!

> regards,

> Perihan

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hi crystal

yeah more than a year but 100% on plan for a year.

healing is up and down, u can feel great one week then suddenly ur body will

start detoxing and u feel like rubbish again. i have certainly improved a great

deal over this time and when i consider the abuse my body as been exposed to

from birth, i can appreciate the length of time it will take to heal. i'm

thinking it could take another yr and half maximum, i'm nearly 25 and have had

sympotoms since i was 21 1/2, but probably had a mild infection from birth, i

was always miserable and not very healthy looking with a big addiction to

sugars, dont worry u will be ok if u take things very slowly, really, dont start

the antifungals until u have been on the diet a while cos u will be having much

die off just from the diet

lv joe

[ ] Re: This sounds lik a miracle Dr.Rons




> Hi Joe, When you were taking the Friendly Flora were you also taking

> the cod liver oil, butter oil, other supplements and following Bee's



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

I then told her that I am

> fighting Candida and asked her if I was taking this product should I

> not take any other antifungals and she adamantly said not to. She also

> expressed the explicit need to start slowly and build up with the

> product to prevent die-off. She very much sounded like she knew what

> she was talking about and I really want to try this product, coming

> from Dr. Rons I tend to trust it since they seem to know their stuff.

> Anyone heard of this? Bee especially...what do you think about this?

Hi Crystal, I was wondering if you ended up trying this and if it

worked for you?



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Hi Cara. Yes, I did order the Dr. Rons Friendly Flora. I do believe it

works because when I take it I get die off so I have to start taking it

very slowly. I haven't started a full-on regimen with it yet because I

am in school and am afraid of the die off interfering with my studies

so I am waiting for two more weeks when this semester ends and then I

am going to hit it hard. I ran the ingredients past Bee at a much later

date than this post was made and she replied to me that this was indeed

a good quality probiotic for fighting Candida. Crystal

> Hi Crystal, I was wondering if you ended up trying this and if it

> worked for you?


> Cheers,

> Cara


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Hi Crystal, Thanks for your reply. I hope it works for you. It would be

interesting to hear how it works for you when you do take it more often. Good

luck with the study!





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