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Re: Dr, Jeckel and Mr, Hyde cheating and after effects

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I find late night is when I am weakest also ...imo one of the most obvious ways

to help combat this is too eat more earlier in the day ...

ie never skip breakfast or lunch & add a large serve of your favored fat early

in the day etc.

Invariably most people who say I never eat breakfast ...eat too much of their

calories late in the day .....but habits are hard too change (imo)

So my cheating seems to happen the same time every night, and I can not figure

out why. Other than some coffee drinking with a spot of cream or goat milk, I

can follow the diet perfectly every day and almost every day I do! I can go to

business lunches and just have a piece of meat, some veggies and or salad and

for dinner I am fine. Then around 10 or 11 I go to sleep and then at like

Midnight or 1am I get up like a zombie and go into my kitchen and eat like crap,

in every since of that phrase. Mostly Dairy like a whole quart of whipping cream

or 1/2 gallon of ice cream, or a box of gram crackers and then I the Zombie go

back to bed. The only time I do not do this is if I am in a hotel where I am

fine! I did do this diet for like 12 weeks and felt great, but I can not seem to

get back on it! Help? What is up with me? Also my second question is am I

wasting my time on diet if I am cheating at night? Is all the good I have done

undone? To ask that question another way, I have cut and pasted someone else's

question that seems to not have been answered.

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The most obvious and simple solution would be to get rid of the ice

cream and other cheats in your house, and then if you're tempted late

at night, there won't be anything there to cheat with.



> I find late night is when I am weakest also ...imo one of the most

obvious ways to help combat this is too eat more earlier in the day ...

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Hi Bob,

Bee has a some great info on cheating and cravings, have you read it

yet? http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/help3.php

I must say though, I agree with Doug's advice, if you remove the

temptation, out of sight, out of mind, right? Well, at least more out

of mind than if its right there on hand. Removing those bad foods

might make things easier on you.

Also, I was wondering, when do you eat in the evening, and what do you

eat? If you wake up that hungry in the middle of the night, maybe a

bigger meal (with much more fat to sustain you through the night)

closer to bed time would help eliviate the hunger you feel when you

wake up.

And are you following the ratios and taking all the supplements?

The ratios, especially the fat, help make up for the lack of energy

from carbs, so if you are not eating enough fat, by the middle of the

night, your body would be starving.

As for the supplements, hunger sometimes is a response to being low on

certain nutrients and vitamins. Your body can push you to eat, until

it gets the nutrients it needs. So if you are eating foods low in

those nutrients, your desire to eat may continue for prolonged periods

of time until the need for those nutrients is satiated.

That said, I hope you are not too hard on yourself for cheating. In

my mind, its not a lack of will power, as much as a lack of proper

balanced nutrition in the foods being consumed. Solve that issue, and

I think you will find those cravings more manageable.

In my experience, my urges to cheat usually came from the fact that my

body was trying to figure out a way to tell me it needed something.

When I make an increased effort to eat nutritiously and listen to my

body's HEALTHY cravings (like for more salt, or egg yolks, or

magnesium) I have less cravings for food that can be problematic.

I also have noticed that when I first was on the diet, eating no no

foods, made it more likely that I had cravings for other problematic

foods. So getting on the diet, 100% may be helpful for you too.

Having goat milk or a spot of cream, only sets you up to crave other

foods that can more problematic. Its a slippery slope. In the

morning you may have just a spot of cream, for lunch a glass of goats

milk, and then all of a sudden you are eating a gallon of ice cream at

night. Sometimes, even though daily cheats don't seem problematic,

they have insidious side effects, that sabotage even the best efforts.

That said, I hope you find some relief. It sounds exhausting to get

up and eat that much each night. I can't imagine how frustrating that

must be.


--- Bob <thismanwillmakeyousay@...> wrote:

....So my cheating seems to happen the same time every night, and I can

not figure out why. Other than some coffee drinking with a spot of

cream or goat milk, I can follow the diet perfectly every day and

almost every day I do! I can go to business lunches and just have a

piece of meat, some veggies and or salad and for dinner I am fine.

Then around 10 or 11 I go to sleep and then at like Midnight or 1am I

get up like a zombie and go into my kitchen and eat like crap, in

every sense of that phrase. Mostly Dairy like a whole quart of

whipping cream or 1/2 gallon of ice cream, or a box of gram crackers

and then I the Zombie go back to bed. The only time I do not do this

is if I am in a hotel where I am fine! I did do this diet for like 12

weeks and felt great, but I can not seem to get back on it! Help?

What is up with me? Also my second question is am I wasting my time

on diet if I am cheating at night? Is all the good I have done

undone? To ask that question another way, I have cut and pasted

someone else's question that seems to not have been answered. So what

happened? Did that splurge increase the candida levels in my body that

much? Did I completely ruin any progress I had made up until then...

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I think it is just the yeast craving those foods... not your

subconcious. You will have to choose to " feed your health " instead

of " feeding the yeast. " You CAN do it... it is a choice you make. You

are not powerless in this situation.

I'm reminded of watching TV shows about " The 1000 pound man " where it

shows very obese people who cannot control thier appetites, until

eventually they must lie in bed all day because they are too fat to get

up! :) You are fighting the same urges, although much less than they

are. So just mentally stand up and fight... and next time say, " Hell

NO! I'm not eating that crap! "

It is that easy. I have 3 or 4 gallons of ice cream in my deep freezer

right now, and I used to crave it and eat it in the evenings (And I " ve

never been overweight). But after beginning this diet, I simply know

that I cannot eat that stuff and get well, so I don't. And I'll give

the ice cream to friends or something during parties or gatherings.



> By by your saying " get rid of ice cream and other cheats " in my house

to you mean my roommate, 30 year old son and wife an 4 step kids all

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> If it was that easy, I have a 30 year old son, a roommate and at

times a wife and 4 step kids that live with me!


> Bob

==>Dear Bob. It certainly isn't easy my friend. It IS extremely

tough for you when you cannot control the foods that are in your

home. The only way to approach this is from the viewpoint that you

are addicted. See these articles:


I suggest you stock up on vitamin C and when you feel that craving

have the vitamin C bottle hanging in your face on the fridge. Take

2,000 mg with water and be determined to go back to bed. If that

doesn't help in 15 minutes take another 2,000 vitamin C, and so on.

Vitamin C curbs cravings, but it will take some willpower and

determination on your part too. Getting healthy is hard work, at

least at the beginning until you get past the cravings and withdrawal


You can do this Bob! We are all rooting for you!

Onward and upward my friend!


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> Yes, i have read the file and I think my last post that pointed out

that I live with up to 8 people most of whom will have nothing to do

with this diet explains why I can stay on this with no problem when I

am on the road! I am also fine with a kitchen full of cakes, breads

and cooked rice dishes and by the way, my 30 year old son has been a

chef in 4 star restaurants and he cooks all day. For dinner every

night I eat a program meal, small steak, wild salmon add coconut oil

and all organic vegies, hcl and perhaps some cod liver oil and I eat

sourkrut with everymeal. Truth is I am good from 6am till 1AM.

Then after I have been sleeping most nights from 1 to 2 hours, I get

up and it is almost like sleep walking and go into kitchen and go

crazy. Hey one night it was 3 bottle of baby formula and it is

mostly dairy related from ice cream, to one night 2 quarts of

whipping cream. A homupathic nuturpath friend of mine seems to

think that there is something that is not

> on the diet that I crave that I may need and my subconsciaus is

forcing me to eat??? I just do not know!

==>Bob, if you are taking " all " of the supplements and sticking to

the diet there is nothing else your body needs in order to heal.

Sometimes cravings are caused by a lack of certain nutrients, but on

this program nothing is lacking, if it is followed. No supplements

should be left out, and other supplements are not necessary.

The only way to cure candida is by building up your immune system

with nutrients, which includes eliminating toxins, foods that damage

the body, and foods that feed candida, etc. It is also well-known

that sugars and high carbs feed cancer too. I don't want to scare

you, but if candida is not handled the next step is cancer. See

these articles:


You are the lucky one. You " know " you have candida and you have a

program which will cure it, while many other people wake up one

morning and they have cancer but they are helpless to do anything

about it.

You know the drill Bob! I encourage and support you completely with

sticking to your gut feelings about this program. Please bite the

bullet and do it.

The best to you, Bee

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" Bob " thismanwillmakeyousay@... thismanwillmakeyousay

Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:16 am (PST)

If it was that easy, I have a 30 year old son, a roommate and at times a wife

and 4 step kids that live with me!

===> Well I only put that comment in there because it appeared from a

response to my original answer one of the respondee's earlier thought that I

was the one doing the midnight icecream etc (this was something I never had any

problem avoiding)

Personally I believe it is that easy eventually to give up whatever youhave

too ...but initially it will be hard turkey ...but I have been doing a (my own

version ) of anti candida diet for over 20 years ...well before I ever heard of

Bee's group although my early diets were in hindsite totally wrong for candida

& not low Carb in any sense & it is only recently I have tightened up.

For most of the time I have shared accomodation with partners & or family &

there has always been icecream & sweets in the house (but since I never bought

/paid for that I would not have eaten it anyway even if I was tempted)

The foods that used to break my diet ...were mainly stoneground non wheat

grains such as oat porridge or sourdough Rye bread & also fruit ...mainly

because I initially believed they were healthy for me in some ways so it was OK

to still eat them ...(eventually I believed otherwise)

This sort of diet worked fine for me for a very long time but after a long

time I took those out of my diet too.....because as I got older I got more

susceptible to candida apparently

Unless a bolt of lightning hits you one day & you suddenly find you are

miraculously cured (it hasnt happened to me yet)...you will eventually relize

that if you donrt get serious with this problem it can destroy your life

....thats when you get serious.(not suprisingly)

I was in some ways unfortunate that for a long time this was not a huge

problem for me ...so I did not face tightening up my diet for a long time ...it

wasnt until I got too the mid 40's that this became a big problem (in concert

with other problems)in hindsite I know that the sooner you bite the bullet & hit

this hard ...the better for your life in general.

But as someone just wrote on a previous post ....we all see to have to go too

the well at least one too many times before we are forced to get serious.

It seems in most(a lot) of cases people only really start adhering to these

sort of diets when they get a real health scare of some kind.

The most important thing I find(particularly if you have been living with a

very high metabolism as I have for most of my adult life)..is too have plenty of

safe food in your refrigerator & freezer ...ie good vegatables .meat .fish &

fat...as long as I can get enough too eat of good food I can beat any craving.

I dont strictly follow Bee's diet in that I allow some soaked & natural salted

nuts which I use in the Vita mix with vegatables >..I also allow Haas advocados

....these sort of cheats (if thats what they are stop me from having sweet fruit

& grains though )...so most people will cheat a bit occasionally & compromise

....but the longer it goes on the more serious you become about beating this

....eventually believe it or not the diet will become a way of life & the

preferred standard (just as any habit eventually does).

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Hey Bob,

I am glad to hear you read that file, but as vitamin C was mentioned

in it to help curb cravings (and from your more recent posts, it

sounds like that's what the problem was) is it just that you had not

tried all the suggestions in the file yet, and that was why you still

had difficulties? Or did I maybe direct you to the wrong file? If I

did, sorry for that, the file was suppose to be what I have below.


As for your post that pointed out that you live with others not on the

diet, I am sorry if my comment bothered you. Your post that included

that information was made after I posted my reply to your original

message, so I was unaware of your living situation when I wrote. My

apologies. I am lucky that I have my kitchen all to myself, so I can

see how my comment may have bothered you and that was not my intent.

I was more trying to be supportive, than dismissive, and I am sorry I

did not communicate that as clearly as I had hoped.

I am glad, though, to hear that the vitamin C worked for you. That is

really great that you figured out what was causing the issue. I'm sure

you must feel relieved, having gotten that issue resolved. " )

Kind regards,


--- Bob <thismanwillmakeyousay@...> wrote:

....Yes, i have read the file and I think my last post that pointed out

that I live with up to 8 people most of whom will have nothing to do

with this diet explains why I can stay on this with no problem when I

am on the road...

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> funny but vit c was one tthing I was not doing and with no fruit that

may be what I was craving!

==>You may be quite right Bob! But remember that most veggies contain

more vitamin C than any fruits (except acerola cherries) like peppers,

broccoli, etc., and also meats contain vitamin C. We have been sadly

misled by the food industry about fruits being the source of vitamin C

in our diets.


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> So I think the mystery is solved. 1st, I had to read all the post

about not having the food in house to realize how hard it is from me

with all the saboteurs in my home and then we I see the power of

that, I can fight it off. Then I think I was craving vit C, largely

due to no fruit and what brought that home in addition to the email is

how of all things I also craved bell peppers and hot peppers too! I

am back on track for 3 days now!

==>Hooray for you Bob! You are on your road! Also bell peppers and

hot peppers contain more vitamin C than any fruits (except acerola

cherries). Interesting eh?

Cheers, Bee

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> good confirmaton is that i came to the vit c conclusion before I read


==>That's excellent Bob! Being able to come to your own conclusions is

best! We all need to understand enough to find practical solutions for


Well done!


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