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Re: Re: Vitamin D May Help Prevent Onset of Arthritis and MS

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There is also a relationship to Prostate Cancer and latitude, and with prostrate

cancer and skin colour: more pigmentation yields less vitamin d leads to

cancer is one theory.

Positive Dennis

Rodney wrote:

Also, colon

cancer is far more prevalent in northern climates. So

that may (POSSIBLY) also be prevented by vitamin D supplements in

modest amounts.


> Here's an article which says that Vitamin D supplements are

actually MORE

> desirable than getting Vit D from food. Curiously there is no

mention of

> the fact that one of the best sources of Vit D is from sunlight. (

A while

> back we had a discussion of the many desirable aspects of getting


> light through the retina and going outside even on dark cloudy

wintry days.)


> If anyone has the actual study which is pointed out below, please


> Thanks in advance:


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As a matter of fact, I'm positive there was an article a short time back

that women who are deficient in Vit D get more breast cancer.

on 1/13/2004 5:37 PM, Rodney at perspect1111@... wrote:

> Also, colon cancer is far more prevalent in northern climates. So

> that may (POSSIBLY) also be prevented by vitamin D supplements in

> modest amounts.


> Rodney.

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----- Original Message -----

From: Rodney

Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 5:37 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Vitamin D May Help Prevent Onset of Arthritis and MS

Also, colon cancer is far more prevalent in northern climates. So that may (POSSIBLY) also be prevented by vitamin D supplements in modest amounts.As is prostate cancer.


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Based on results of chronic low D test, I tried D supps in dry capsule

form. For 6 mos, I took 3,000 to 6,000 with no effect on blood levels.

Was worse than nothing since I paid for the dang supps, & my D declined

further. It may be that this form is useless (for ME), while oil based

would've worked fine.

Spring/summer sun returns (Sun definitely works per testing) & D levels

are satisfactory with 15 mins 3 times/wk on sunny days.

With low D again this winter I tried a sun lamp (encouraged by studies &

Univ of Boston). Suprise, this worked... and I don't even get a tan.

The lamp is a bit of a hassle & now that my D is OK, I'm periodically

using emulsified cod liver oil. Effect CLO on blood testing not yet


If you don't get sun, office worker, washington state area, I would

definitely get tested. D is essential to bone health & so many critical

metabolic processes. For me, I couldn't sleep for more than 2 hours

everytime my D was low... it was BAD & the problem always goes away when

I get sun/D ... I am so happy to be able to sleep again.

Logue wrote:

> FWIW, I personally take about 1600 IUs per day without

> apparent problem and hopefully it has some benefit to me.

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How about your serum Calcium?


----- Original Message -----

From: apricot85

Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 6:24 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Vitamin D May Help Prevent Onset of Arthritis and MS

Based on results of chronic low D test, I tried D supps in dry capsule form. For 6 mos, I took 3,000 to 6,000 with no effect on blood levels. Was worse than nothing since I paid for the dang supps, & my D declined further. It may be that this form is useless (for ME), while oil based would've worked fine.Spring/summer sun returns (Sun definitely works per testing) & D levels are satisfactory with 15 mins 3 times/wk on sunny days. With low D again this winter I tried a sun lamp (encouraged by studies & Univ of Boston). Suprise, this worked... and I don't even get a tan. The lamp is a bit of a hassle & now that my D is OK, I'm periodically using emulsified cod liver oil. Effect CLO on blood testing not yet known. If you don't get sun, office worker, washington state area, I would definitely get tested. D is essential to bone health & so many critical metabolic processes. For me, I couldn't sleep for more than 2 hours everytime my D was low... it was BAD & the problem always goes away when I get sun/D ... I am so happy to be able to sleep again.

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Calcium's been a problem... BUT serum levels never even hinted at a problem.

The organs require calcium to function & take priority... if not enough

calcium, organs will steal it from bones ... so blood serum will almost

always show calcium in normal range.... it HAS to. Survivial mechanism.

And yes, there's been bone loss. (DEXA result received a wk ago) &

I'm seeking out numerous specialists for bone marker testing (looking for

excess calcium in urine). Seems probable that the Vit D stuggle was a factor.

D helps Ca go where it should. For years, I've taken ca/mg citrate w/mix

of minerals. Perhaps I just peed out all the ca from food & supps? Osteoprosis

runs in my family too.

jwwright wrote:

How about your serum Calcium?



Original Message -----





Wednesday, January 14, 2004 6:24 AM


Re: [ ] Re: Vitamin D May Help Prevent Onset of Arthritis

and MS

Based on results of chronic low D test, I tried D supps in dry


form. For 6 mos, I took 3,000 to 6,000 with no effect on blood levels.

Was worse than nothing since I paid for the dang supps, & my D declined

further. It may be that this form is useless (for ME), while oil based

would've worked fine.

Spring/summer sun returns (Sun definitely works per testing) & D


are satisfactory with 15 mins 3 times/wk on sunny days.

With low D again this winter I tried a sun lamp (encouraged by studies


Univ of Boston). Suprise, this worked... and I don't even get a tan.

The lamp is a bit of a hassle & now that my D is OK, I'm periodically

using emulsified cod liver oil. Effect CLO on blood testing not yet


If you don't get sun, office worker, washington state area, I would

definitely get tested. D is essential to bone health & so many critical

metabolic processes. For me, I couldn't sleep for more than 2 hours

everytime my D was low... it was BAD & the problem always goes away


I get sun/D ... I am so happy to be able to sleep again.

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Rodney wrote:

> VERY interesting post, Apricot (thank you). It raises a whole bunch

> of questions ......... I hope you don't mind my asking them!

>>>> I do not mind a bit.


> How did you find out you were D deficient? Did you have symptoms of

> some kind?

>>>> Began testing appox 4 yrs ago for goal of bone health. I did not

suspect deficiency. Some tests were good & I didn't realize at first

that a deficiency would show just 2 mos after getting a " good " test.

The results seem to swing both ways pretty fast. Wasn't until until

2001that began to guess that the sleep issue was D related. The 2002

winter confirmed it.


> Do you know for sure that: " ... oil based would've worked fine. " ?


>>>>> I'm not sure at all. It's just a " maybe " based on D is fat

soluble and .. 1) Doctors use med chain fats for those with absorption

difficulties to help them get nutrients (per pub med). 2) A

nutritionist once told me to try emulsified fish oil to get the good

fats (DHA/EPA). 3) I felt a noticible sleep benefit from taking

emulsified cod liver oil. Therefore, I hypothesize that the type of

fat/oil in a D gelcap could play a part in effectiveness. The dry form

I took was Vitamin Shoppe brand. But D is added to milk (I drink). I

eat fish once a mo, so don't know whether more would help..


> So for a satisfactory vitamin D level how much of your skin surface

> has to be exposed to the sun 15 minutes 3 times/wk ???? (Is just the

> face/hands enough? Or do you have to be in a swimsuit?)


>>>> Literature says the more skin exposed, the more benefits. I went

out in prime time (high noon) sleeveless blouses - exposed arms, sitting

in chair, stretched legs out, mostly just calves wearing skirt/no hose.

I reposition limbs to expose sides as much as poss. I wasn't trying

for face but tried to make sure avail skin from neck/chest faced sun.

I shoot for 30 mins... usually getting the 15 mins. is a struggle (time

constraints). For the sun lamp, I aimed at the small of my back (!)

because pub med studies used that area of skin ... the doctors aimed

their narrowband UVB lamps for D deficient patients at small of back 15

mins 3 times per week. I tried legs with sunlamp & didn't find sleep

improved. I always felt best from outside sun. Cod Liver Oil takes 2nd

place.... while last place goes to the sun lamp for rating my perceived



> If you don't mind my asking (!) how often per week and how long per

> session did you use the sun lamp (that DID work for you) and roughly

> what percentage of your skin was exposed to the UV under the lamp for

> that period?


>>> With spring sun, I felt it that same night. From 2 hrs sleep to 4

hrs after just one 15 min session. Another 2 days in sun for -15 min

each got me sleeping 6 -8 hrs again. It worked pretty fast & results

were VERY noticable. I believe blood tests raise that fast too. From

weak memory, literature says D conversion & benefit takes about 8 hrs.

I don't know why, but didn't " feel " the benefit from the lamp... I was

suprised to find a positive result. The lamp has a timer & works only

10 mins max. IT's operational design requires the lamp to cool for 15

min before it will work again. Too much trouble to restart. I used the

lamp 4-5 times before my last D test. I hate to throw this in, but

right before the test I took my first 2 doses of emulsified cod liver

oil. There you have it. Because I took CLO, I can't be completely

positive what the sun lamp alone would do. There was a significant rise

in my D level... didn't seem like it should rise that much from just two

doses of CLO. I don't prefer the lamp. Using requires all eyes in the

room to be covered for protection... so for 10 mins, I can listen to

radio/TV, talk on phone... but gotta be careful with UVB's.... lots of

info that too much causes cancer.


> Please let us know whether or not the CLO works for you.


>>> I've stopped CLO for now... b/c my sleep is wonderful & I worry

about toxicity (both A & D). On 10/30, D, 25 Hydroxy was <7L (normal

10-68 ng/mL. That " <7L " means they don't really know how much less than

7 b/c they don't/can't test that low. On Dec 20, the result was 41pg/mL

with normal range 15-60. That's a fast significant rise. I don't want

to overdo the CLO... trying to be careful. Since my last test was

good, doc may not approve another test... but plan to ask for one this

month anyway. At this point, I can only say that I definitely felt a

positive effect from CLO (with sleep). This winter I've achieve a far

better handle on the " D " problem.


> Thanks Apricot.


>>>> It's my pleasure to share something with you & all others that

have provided so many valuable emails to this group.

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