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Re: MONSTER Naicin Flush!!! Wow!

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Hello Doug,

Well looks like you passed the initiation! LOL

The flushes are really quite unpredictable. Sometimes you will get

them every time. Other times it can be days, weeks or even months

before you experience another one.

By the way, I am so happy to hear you found quick relief for your

headache the other day. I love the tuna salad recipe you shared, and

the one you just shared tonight looks yummy too!

Here's to our health!

Debra NW

" Doug " <organyze@...> wrote:

Do these flushes happen regularly after the first one? Or are some

nights really big, while other nights might not be noticable at all?



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In a message dated 03/01/2008 03:36:00 GMT Standard Time,

organyze@... writes:

Do these flushes happen regularly after the first one? Or are some

nights really big, while other nights might not be noticable at all?



Hi Doug.

As someone else has already said and I second it: Welcome to a hard-core

Niacin flush!!

Sometimes it just happens like that, interestingly observers are often more

alarmed that the flush-ee!

I quite enjoy the flushing but when the weather is cool I'm ready to layer

up my clothes when I feel the flush heat beginning to subside.

Have fun.


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> So 30 minutes after supper, my ears started feeling hot. I could

> feel a flush coming on and was expecting it. I haven't had a big

one yet, but the discussion the other day was preparing me for it.


> I looked in the mirror and my ears were beet red, as well as my

face and neck. I showed my wife, so when it happens to her she won't

panic. Standing in the bathroom light, I noticed it was a HUGE

flush all over. 2 bright red spots on each wrist, forearms (where

I've had tendonitis issues for years), elbows, knees, chest, neck,

face, almost everywhere!

==>Doug, that's amazing you had bright red spots in areas where you

had tendonitis in the past. When I get a niacin flush I never have

it in those areas, but I've never had arthritis, tendonitis, etc.

Isn't that interesting?


> My wife was really scared, but I was pretty certain it was the

naicin and not an allergic reaction to the shrimp. :) It's been 20

minutes now, and the symptoms are starting to subside somewhat. My

forearms are very splotchy, and my whole back is red still. But the

bright red spots around my joints are fading fast.


> If someone's theory on here that you get the naicin flush in areas

> with candida issues is correct, I sure have a lot of healing to do!

==>I think that theory isn't too far fetched. When my body was

flushing out toxins last Fall the niacin flush was more pronounced in

that area, and also any toxins I got from foods (travelling to my

parents or at my daughter's place) seemed to migrate to that area.


> Bee... is this a good sign that I have such a major flush after 3

> weeks or so on the program? I probably had 2/3 of a 100 mg pill

> after supper, and 1/3 with breakfast. (The knife didn't cut it down

> the center this morning!)

==>Yes it is a good sign Doug! It takes awhile for the body to " let

go " of the toxins but it isn't just the niacin that helps. It's the

good fats too. The body stores toxins in the fatty tissues, and it

builds up fat for that purpose, in order to protect vital inner

organs. When we get enough good fats it allows the body to release



> No other symptoms that would cause me to conclude it has to do with

> the shrimp I ate for supper. The redness is not itching or

anything like that. It's just a very strange thing to happen all of

a sudden.

==>Sometimes the red areas will itch like crazy, and that's normal



> Do these flushes happen regularly after the first one? Or are some

> nights really big, while other nights might not be noticable at all?

==>Sometimes you won't get any flush, or the flush will be delayed.

Some of mine have been over 2 hours later. If you do not get any

flush for a week increase the amount of niacin. Niacin also

oxgenates, so there's no need for expensive ozone products!

Cheers, Bee

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HI Doug,

I had my first flush last Saturday (freaked me out). That one was

quite intense like yours. I had eaten seafood too and thought is was a

reaction. It lasted about 45 mins.

On Monday I had another one - just mainly my face,neck and ears.

Yesterday I had another one. This was more intense than the day before

but did not last very long.

I'll see what happens today!

Happy flushing!


> So 30 minutes after supper, my ears started feeling hot. I could

> feel a flush coming on and was expecting it. I haven't had a big one

> yet, but the discussion the other day was preparing me for it.


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Hi ... I'm going to do an experiment next week, and eat some

more shrimp, and see what kind of naicin flush I have afterwards. If

I get a big one, that would lead me to conclude that:

1: shrimp is not good and the naicin helps flush out bad stuff

2: shrimp/seafood when used with naicin helps the capilaries open

up, and aids naicin to " do it's thing " .

3: OR both of my theories are wrong




> HI Doug,


> I had my first flush last Saturday (freaked me out). That one was

> quite intense like yours. I had eaten seafood too and thought is

was a

> reaction. It lasted about 45 mins.

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Hee hee - Good idea!

First time it happened to me I was in shower - I had eaten crab claws

the night before. The next two times it was after breakfast and I was

drinking warm ginger tea. Like Debra NW says, warmth seems to bring it

out in me.

> >

> > HI Doug,

> >

> > I had my first flush last Saturday (freaked me out). That one was

> > quite intense like yours. I had eaten seafood too and thought is

> was a

> > reaction. It lasted about 45 mins.


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> Hi ... I'm going to do an experiment next week, and eat some

> more shrimp, and see what kind of naicin flush I have afterwards. If

> I get a big one, that would lead me to conclude that:


> 1: shrimp is not good and the naicin helps flush out bad stuff


> 2: shrimp/seafood when used with naicin helps the capilaries open

> up, and aids naicin to " do it's thing " .


> 3: OR both of my theories are wrong

==>Doug, most shrimp contains nitrates or sulphites, and they could

cause weird reactions. But what you described is exactly like a

niacin flush.


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Yes Bee... I'm sure it was a naicin flush. I'm also sure these shrimp

didn't have any sulfites or nitrates in them, because they were fresh

from the airplane and a fresh fish market, and not from the grocery

store. I'm just curious to see if I have another reaction after shrimp

with naicin, because someone else wrote about thier first big flush

after seafood as well. :)

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