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Re: heartburn/nausea/exhaustion

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> Today has been ROUGH.


> The last few days I have been TIRED but today I was EXHAUSTED. I


> around all day sleeping on and off.


> Nausea was kicking my but till I gave in and took damimaine(sp?)


> helped alot but had little to no desire for food or liquid(Ireally


> not like vomitting and will do anything to stop it). Not even egg

> drink.


> The nausea was accompanied by heartburn later in the day. Thought


> was lack of acid so I had some apple cider vineager with water. It

> helped for a while then the heart burn came back worse so I gave in


> took pepto bismul so I have a chance of being able to ly flat to


> tonite.


> Along with a terrible pain in my left hip that goes down my leg.


> feels like something is either cramped or pinched and IT HURTS.


> I have started to STRONGLY crave grains both ones that I can't have

> (celiac) and the ones I can.


> I have been doing the diet adding supplements as I can now since


> 26. Have I hit a wall where the yeast are really starting to die


> what else could this be?


> Thanks

> Kara


Today my body temp is 2 degrees below normal and the hip/back pain is

worse. I also still have the neausea so really can't stomach anything

but I am trying to get in fluid as much as possible.

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> Today has been ROUGH.


> The last few days I have been TIRED but today I was EXHAUSTED. I

laid around all day sleeping on and off.

==>Hi Kara. As your body heals you will get ups and downs, including

being fatigued. See " Fatigue & Candida " ;


==>Also, if you ingest anything that is neurotoxic, like MSG,

sulphites or nitrates, etc. or even some grains, they will cause you

to be extremely fatigued. So re-check the foods you've consumed too

over the last few days too.


> Nausea was kicking my but till I gave in and took damimaine(sp?)

which helped alot but had little to no desire for food or liquid

(Ireally do not like vomitting and will do anything to stop it). Not

even egg drink.

==>Nausea is mostly caused by a lack of stomach acid, and also by

yeasts or other bacteria being killed of in the stomach.

> The nausea was accompanied by heartburn later in the day. Thought

it was lack of acid so I had some apple cider vineager with water.

It helped for a while then the heart burn came back worse so I gave

in and took pepto bismul so I have a chance of being able to ly flat

to sleep tonite.

==>Some people do not do well with apple cider vinegar, so it is

better to take Betaine hydrochloric acid. Enough stomach acid keeps

the valve to the esophagus closed so you do not get heartburn. It

won't hurt you to take HCl at any time. In fact they also help clean

out toxins. If your stomach burns it means there is too much stomach

acid, so taking baking soda in water will help that.


> Along with a terrible pain in my left hip that goes down my leg.

It feels like something is either cramped or pinched and IT HURTS.

==>Did you ever had a past injury or bruise in that area? If so, you

could be experiencing re-tracing symptoms. If not, it could be

candida toxins which are moving around the body.


> I have started to STRONGLY crave grains both ones that I can't have

> (celiac) and the ones I can.

==>Taking extra vitamin C helps curb such cravings; also see these

articles: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/menu_2_5_3.php


> I have been doing the diet adding supplements as I can now since

dec 26. Have I hit a wall where the yeast are really starting to die

or what else could this be?

==>Some of the supplements will help you a lot, depending upon which

ones you haven't started on yet.

Hang in there. You will get through this.

Luv, Bee

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> Now my body temp is only 95F! I am getting worried.

==>It is nothing to be concerned about my friend. It is very common

for candida sufferers.

==>Body temperature is regulated by many different functions and

hormones produced in the body, including adrenals and thyroid. When

you have candida the toxins make all of the body's cells go

rigid/stiff so the organs have more difficulty producing hormones and

other substances required. And that also means hormones, nutrients,

even water have difficulty getting into rigid cells where they are

needed to do their job.

==>Also candida toxins make red blood cells rigid, so they are not as

able to fold over like they are supposed to, to get into smaller

blood vessels and capillaries.

==>Ensure you are taking " true " niacin, along with B complex as

recommended in my articles, along with all of the supplements; diet +

supplements works together. Niacin opens up blood vessels and

capillaries allowing more blood to flow into them.

==>Also ensure you are taking enough good ocean sea salt which

contains iodine that the thyroid needs, and that you are doing dry

skin brushing or other mild exercise as recommended, for your

adrenals. Coffee enemas are also important. Also take Epsom salt

baths, ensure the air in your home is moist, and wear warm clothes.

The best in health, Bee

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I was around 95 myself for sometime. Low body temperature, low blood

pressure, and low cholesterol may all be signs of adrenal fatigue. I

had such low blood pressure I even had to stay away from niacin for

awhile (since it can decrease blood pressure even more). Once my

blood pressure improved some I added niacin back into my supplements,

and was able to tolerate it better at that point.

If you haven't already, I would recommend following Bee's advice on

adrenal fatigue in the files. Workings to improve my adrenals helped

bring my body temperature back to more normal levels. I think my

adrenals were so overworked since I was pushing my body too hard, and

taking too many antifungals. So also make sure you progress on Bee's

diet at the speed your body can handle. You don't want to go too

quickly, as it could overwhelm your system.


--- " tazfanalways " <tazfanalways@...> wrote:


> Now my body temp is only 95F! I am getting worried.


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> had such low blood pressure I even had to stay away from niacin for

> awhile (since it can decrease blood pressure even more). Once my

> blood pressure improved some I added niacin back into my supplements,

> and was able to tolerate it better at that point.


> Jecca

Jecca and Bee,

My blood pressure has always been very low and I've had adrenal

fatigue for years. I had been concerned about the niacin so stopped

for a while but began again recently as I need help detoxing (am at

100 mg in split dose). Now I'm concerned again. Does niacin tend to

cause everyone's blood pressure to drop and if so, should those of us

with low blood pressure be taking it? I know low blood pressure adds

to my symptoms so don't want to make it worse.

Thanks, Anita T.

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Hi Anita,

It depends on how low your pressure is. My doctor cautioned me about

niacin since I was so low to begin with. All I can tell you is that

before my adrenal fatigue improved some, the little I did take of

niacin was difficult on me.

But niacin is very important too, so I didn't want not to take it for

too long. So what I did, on Bee's advice, was to avoid the niacin for

awhile and just concentrate on the diet and all the other supplements

and wait for my blood pressure to improve some.

Bee's file on adrenal fatigue was very helpful, and also eating a lot

of cholesterol rich foods and making sure to take at least the

recommended amount of sea salt 6 times a day, helped my blood

pressure. As it started to stabilize I added only the 50mg amount of

niacin. More than that is problematic for me still. I need to detox

a lot too, but instead of using niacin, things like the epsom salt

baths help me detox and don't impact my blood pressure as much.

I have also found that the slower I progress on the diet, the faster

my adrenal fatigue improves. So just SLOWLY adding antifungals, even

just the coconut oil, was helpful, as I noticed the slower I went, the

less stress my body had to deal with, and therefore that was less

stress for my adrenals.

I over did the antifungals before I joined Bee's group, and I think

that was one reason my adrenals were so bad to begin with. I also did

the BS treatment for awhile, to try it, but I think that just set me

back as my blood pressure dropped again after I did it. From that

experience, I learned to take it very slow, especially with

antifungals, and the slower I have gone, the more my low blood

pressure issues improved. And once that was better, taking niacin

stopped being problematic.


--- = " neets7679 " <maetoliver@...> wrote:

....My blood pressure has always been very low and I've had adrenal

fatigue for years. I had been concerned about the niacin so stopped

for a while but began again recently as I need help detoxing (am at

100 mg in split dose). Now I'm concerned again. Does niacin tend to

cause everyone's blood pressure to drop and if so, should those of us

with low blood pressure be taking it? I know low blood pressure adds

to my symptoms so don't want to make it worse.

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Hi Jecca -

I was reading your advice and wondering if this is part of my problem

too (I have many). I also have low blood pressure and just started

taking Niacin (50mg) about 3 weeks ago. I have had 4 flushes already.

The lowest my BP was 103 ish so not sure if that is even considered

very low.

I, too, jumped in taking a lot of nystatin over 3 months ago and have

not let up. I just got my big gallon of coconut oil from MRH last week

so I have been taking more of that just this week. I only have a few

more nystatin pills to take and then I want to switch over to oil of

oregano. The last few days I have been feeling so lousy that I have

not taken all my nystatin either.

My main complaints still are dizziness (this has been the main

complaint since Aug) and more recently since the coffee enema bad

feelings like anxiety and fatigue. Tingling in my right foot still has

not gone away but I have learned to ignore it. Ear ringing too. My

hypoglycemic symptoms have been so much better so I have had some

improvements. I am sleeping great but don't have much energy during

the day on some days.



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I did take my blood pressure yesterday and it was 96/63. So it was not

low. I have more energy todaythan the last 2 days. I have lost about

5 lbs though the last 4 days? I try to get bone broth in too with some

gelatin to help coat the nerve in my leg that seems to be inflamed. To

sleep last nite I had to take advil for the severe pain. Today I go to

the chiropractor and for an aqua chi detox. I always feel better after

the detox.



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Diziness can be a sign of low blood pressure, but mine was around sys

75/dia 55 when my doctor warned me about taking niacin. I felt weak,

faint, and dizzy a lot! When you say your BP was around 103, you are

referring to the sys number right? I considered myself very lucky when

I was able to get it to stay above sys 100! " )

As for jumping in too quickly, all I can say is take your time,

increase the coconut oil slowly, and do only one antifungal treatment

at a time (garlic, clove, BS, OR oregano oil). I felt a lot better

and the diet went smoother for me when I backed off on all the

antifungals I started with (I was also doing probiotics too, which I

stopped completely, I get too bloated and it makes my die off a lot

harder to manage, as well as my adrenal fatigue). I am only doing

oregano oil right now (I tried nystantin myself) and not very much at

that and my symptoms are a lot more manageable. I think I have

finally figured out what pace works for my body. It took some time,

but I feel because I slowed down and stopped pushing so hard, my body

and adrenals are better for it. My fatigue and my mood issues, like

anxiety and depression, were also much more manageable once I found

the pace that worked for me.

Jecca " )

--- " foxforce18 " <foxforce18@...> wrote:

....I was reading your advice and wondering if this is part of my

problem too (I have many). I also have low blood pressure and just

started taking Niacin (50mg) about 3 weeks ago. I have had 4 flushes

already. The lowest my BP was 103 ish so not sure if that is even

considered very low.

I, too, jumped in taking a lot of nystatin over 3 months ago and have

not let up. I just got my big gallon of coconut oil from MRH last week

so I have been taking more of that just this week. I only have a few

more nystatin pills to take and then I want to switch over to oil of

oregano. The last few days I have been feeling so lousy that I have

not taken all my nystatin either.

My main complaints still are dizziness (this has been the main

complaint since Aug) and more recently since the coffee enema bad

feelings like anxiety and fatigue. Tingling in my right foot still has

not gone away but I have learned to ignore it. Ear ringing too. My

hypoglycemic symptoms have been so much better so I have had some

improvements. I am sleeping great but don't have much energy during

the day on some days.

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Thanks Jecca,

Yes I did mean 103 was my sys. I have never gone as low as you. I

always thought my dizziness was from the anxiety.

If I essentially start over on the diet will I lose any progress that

I made. I mean I was taking antifungals for over 3 months. Now if I

start slowly on the coconut oil then add a antifungals will I be

letting yeast take a hold more?

Ever gratful -


> ,


> Diziness can be a sign of low blood pressure, but mine was around sys

> 75/dia 55 when my doctor warned me about taking niacin. I felt weak,

> faint, and dizzy a lot! When you say your BP was around 103, you are

> referring to the sys number right? I considered myself very lucky when

> I was able to get it to stay above sys 100! " )


> As for jumping in too quickly, all I can say is take your time,

> increase the coconut oil slowly, and do only one antifungal treatment

> at a time (garlic, clove, BS, OR oregano oil). I felt a lot better

> and the diet went smoother for me when I backed off on all the

> antifungals I started with (I was also doing probiotics too, which I

> stopped completely, I get too bloated and it makes my die off a lot

> harder to manage, as well as my adrenal fatigue). I am only doing

> oregano oil right now (I tried nystantin myself) and not very much at

> that and my symptoms are a lot more manageable. I think I have

> finally figured out what pace works for my body. It took some time,

> but I feel because I slowed down and stopped pushing so hard, my body

> and adrenals are better for it. My fatigue and my mood issues, like

> anxiety and depression, were also much more manageable once I found

> the pace that worked for me.


> Jecca " )





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> >

> I

> > had such low blood pressure I even had to stay away from niacin


> > awhile (since it can decrease blood pressure even more). Once my

> > blood pressure improved some I added niacin back into my


> > and was able to tolerate it better at that point.


> >

> > Jecca


> Jecca and Bee,

> My blood pressure has always been very low and I've had adrenal

> fatigue for years. I had been concerned about the niacin so stopped

> for a while but began again recently as I need help detoxing (am at

> 100 mg in split dose). Now I'm concerned again. Does niacin tend to

> cause everyone's blood pressure to drop and if so, should those of


> with low blood pressure be taking it? I know low blood pressure adds

> to my symptoms so don't want to make it worse.

> Thanks, Anita T.

==>Hi Anita. That is why it is so important to consume enough ocean

sea salt, which is critical for proper adrenal function, water

balance in the body, trace minerals needed for every function in the

body, and for regulating blood pressure. I used to have low blood

pressure too, but taking enough ocean sea salt per day it went up to

normal within 2 weeks, in spite of also taking niacin. In fact I

sprinkled it on my hand and licked it off several times a day.


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> Hi Jecca -


> I was reading your advice and wondering if this is part of my


> too (I have many). I also have low blood pressure and just started

> taking Niacin (50mg) about 3 weeks ago. I have had 4 flushes


> The lowest my BP was 103 ish so not sure if that is even considered

> very low.

> I, too, jumped in taking a lot of nystatin over 3 months ago and


> not let up. I just got my big gallon of coconut oil from MRH last


> so I have been taking more of that just this week. I only have a few

> more nystatin pills to take and then I want to switch over to oil of

> oregano. The last few days I have been feeling so lousy that I have

> not taken all my nystatin either.


> My main complaints still are dizziness (this has been the main

> complaint since Aug) and more recently since the coffee enema bad

> feelings like anxiety and fatigue. Tingling in my right foot still


> not gone away but I have learned to ignore it. Ear ringing too. My

> hypoglycemic symptoms have been so much better so I have had some

> improvements. I am sleeping great but don't have much energy during

> the day on some days.

==>Hi . It is very important that you get enough good ocean sea

salt per day to regulate blood pressure, help your adrenals, and

provide the trace minerals needed for every body function, etc. i.e.

1 1/2 teaspoons. If you are also bombarding your body with

antifungals, increasing them too soon, or too fast, or taking too

much will create a lot of anxiety on the body level because the body

is being overly stressed by them. More is not better, and the body

needs time to adjust to changes.

Luv, Bee

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> I did take my blood pressure yesterday and it was 96/63. So it was

not low. I have more energy todaythan the last 2 days. I have lost

about 5 lbs though the last 4 days?

==>It is understandable you would lose some weight because of the low

carbs. Your weight will stabilize more and more as you progress on

this program.

> I try to get bone broth in too with some gelatin to help coat the

nerve in my leg that seems to be inflamed.

==>Are you adding gelatin or just cooking the bone broth long enough

to draw out the gelatin? An inflammed part of the body doesn't

necessarily mean it involves the nerves. Inflammation is the way the

body heals, which means it is bringing more blood to the area. Have

you ever injured that leg in the past, or gotten a bad bruise or

something similar?

> To sleep last nite I had to take advil for the severe pain. Today

I go to the chiropractor and for an aqua chi detox. I always feel

better after the detox.

==>It is so much safer to take White Willow Bark for pain. Advil is

poisonous and suppressive to the body


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Hi Bee -

I think I am getting plenty of sea salt - I put on my food as well in

the electrolyte drink.

Before I found this site - my ND started me Nystatin and I have been

taking it ever since. I took sporanox too for the first week. I am

worried that I should be taking probiotics as I must have killed off

so much yeast.

Another question: Could you tell if you had Candida by taking a breath

allizer test or a blood alcohol test? If the results showed alcohol

from toxins being released.

Ever grateful -


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> Thanks Jecca,


> Yes I did mean 103 was my sys. I have never gone as low as you. I

> always thought my dizziness was from the anxiety.


> If I essentially start over on the diet will I lose any progress


> I made. I mean I was taking antifungals for over 3 months. Now if I

> start slowly on the coconut oil then add a antifungals will I be

> letting yeast take a hold more?

==>No you will not lose any progress because the only way to cure

candida is by building up your immune system. All of the antifungals

in the world won't cure it! The diet itself cuts off the food supply

to the candida and it will cure candida (plus supplements of course)

even if you never took any antifungals. However, coconut oil and

other fats recommended are an important part of the diet.


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> Hi Bee -


> I think I am getting plenty of sea salt - I put on my food as well


> the electrolyte drink.

> Before I found this site - my ND started me Nystatin and I have been

> taking it ever since. I took sporanox too for the first week. I am

> worried that I should be taking probiotics as I must have killed off

> so much yeast.

==>You only start taking probiotics after these two things:

1) you are able to take 6 tablespoons of coconut oil per day without

getting severe die-off symptoms, and

2) after you have added one of the other antifungals, clove oil, oil

of oregano, raw garlic or nystatin, and you are able to take the

maximum dose recommend and also your die-off symptoms are not severe.

Only then would you take probiotics as the last step.

> Another question: Could you tell if you had Candida by taking a

breathallizer test or a blood alcohol test? If the results showed

alcohol from toxins being released.

==>I don't know. The best test for candida is Dr. Crook's

Questionnaire and how you react to sugars and high carbs.


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Thanks Bee!

I was wondering more if you could use the breathalyzer test to find

out if Candida has been cured since there is no medical test either way.

He also mentions in his book cases where people got arrested for DUI

and they did not have a drop to drink. Scary!!



> > Another question: Could you tell if you had Candida by taking a

> breathalyzer test or a blood alcohol test? If the results showed

> alcohol from toxins being released.


> ==>I don't know. The best test for candida is Dr. Crook's

> Questionnaire and how you react to sugars and high carbs.


> Bee


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> >

> > Jecca and Bee,

> > My blood pressure has always been very low and I've had adrenal

> > fatigue for years. Does niacin tend to

> > cause everyone's blood pressure to drop and if so, should those of

> us

> > with low blood pressure be taking it?

> > Thanks, Anita T.


> ==>Hi Anita. That is why it is so important to consume enough ocean

> sea salt, which is critical for proper adrenal function, water

> balance in the body, trace minerals needed for every function in the

> body, and for regulating blood pressure. I used to have low blood

> pressure too, but taking enough ocean sea salt per day it went up to

> normal within 2 weeks, in spite of also taking niacin. In fact I

> sprinkled it on my hand and licked it off several times a day.


> Bee

Thanks Bee, I do take the ocean sea salt daily so that helps give me

some peace of mind. With low blood pressure, is there any reason why I

should limit how high a dose I can take with the niacin? Another

question about niacin: Is it detoxifying even if flushing is not

occurring or is it the flushing that needs to happen for it to detoxify?

Anita T.


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> >Hi Bee,

In regard to you answer below regarding test for yeast: Will it be

difficult for those of us with weak adrenals to know which aspect

(adrenals or candida)is causing a reaction to sugar or high carbs

after we have progressed on our path to build our immune system and

are still having reactions? Just looking into the future here :)

> >

> > > Another question: Could you tell if you had Candida by taking a

> > breathalyzer test or a blood alcohol test? If the results showed

> > alcohol from toxins being released.

> >

> > ==>I don't know. The best test for candida is Dr. Crook's

> > Questionnaire and how you react to sugars and high carbs.

> >

> > Bee

> >


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I also understand that the two (adrenal fatigue and candida) go hand

in hand. But I can't imagine ever tolerating sugar like I used to.

I'm saying this due to my adrenal fatigue...not the candida. Maybe I

am missing the whole picture here and there is no way to seperate

the two...????


> > >Hi Bee,

> In regard to you answer below regarding test for yeast: Will it be

> difficult for those of us with weak adrenals to know which aspect

> (adrenals or candida)is causing a reaction to sugar or high carbs

> after we have progressed on our path to build our immune system


> are still having reactions? Just looking into the future here :)


> > >

> > > > Another question: Could you tell if you had Candida by

taking a

> > > breathalyzer test or a blood alcohol test? If the results


> > > alcohol from toxins being released.

> > >

> > > ==>I don't know. The best test for candida is Dr. Crook's

> > > Questionnaire and how you react to sugars and high carbs.

> > >

> > > Bee

> > >

> >


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> Thanks Bee!


> I was wondering more if you could use the breathalyzer test to find

> out if Candida has been cured since there is no medical test either



> He also mentions in his book cases where people got arrested for DUI

> and they did not have a drop to drink. Scary!!

==>I believe you can still have candida overgrowth and not blow over

the limit on breathalyzer tests.


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> Thanks Bee, I do take the ocean sea salt daily so that helps give me

> some peace of mind. With low blood pressure, is there any reason why I

> should limit how high a dose I can take with the niacin? Another

> question about niacin: Is it detoxifying even if flushing is not

> occurring or is it the flushing that needs to happen for it to


> Anita T.

==>I don't believe you have to limit how high a dose of niacin to take

if you are taking enough ocean sea salt too. Niacin is still doing its

job even if you aren't flushing. Flushing mainly indicates that

radiation, mainly from the sun and sun burns are being released through

the skin.


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> I also understand that the two (adrenal fatigue and candida) go hand

> in hand. But I can't imagine ever tolerating sugar like I used to.

> I'm saying this due to my adrenal fatigue...not the candida. Maybe I

> am missing the whole picture here and there is no way to seperate

> the two...????

==>The question is " what caused adrenal fatigue " ? There are only

certain main causes: 1) candida, 2) depressed immune system, 3) too

many toxins, & 4) lack of, or an imbalance of, nutrients. If you do

not have candida my program will improve your adrenals because it

provides the body with all of the nutrients required by nature in order

for the body to heal itself, and it eliminates damaging and toxic foods

and substances. See my article " Foods that Damage, Foods that Heal " ;



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Wow, Bee you got it to improve in only two weeks? I feel like maybe I

must be doing something wrong since I have had low blood pressure for

sometime and have been taking the electrolyte drink and a lot of

additional salt, and still have issues with it. What was your blood

pressure when it was low, and what is it now, if I can ask?

Also, no matter how much salt I take during the day, if I go over 50

mg of niacin, my blood pressure tanks for the rest of the day and so

does my energy, but you mention (in another post on this topic) that

this wouldn't happen if I have enough sea salt. So, should I assume

that I need to consume even more sea salt then, since niacin still

impacts my blood pressure so rapidly?


--- " Bee " <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:


> ==>Hi Anita. That is why it is so important to consume enough ocean

> sea salt, which is critical for proper adrenal function, water

> balance in the body, trace minerals needed for every function in the

> body, and for regulating blood pressure. I used to have low blood

> pressure too, but taking enough ocean sea salt per day it went up to

> normal within 2 weeks, in spite of also taking niacin. In fact I

> sprinkled it on my hand and licked it off several times a day.


> Bee

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