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Re: Acetylaldehyde?

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Thanks Debra, it sounds like part of the article, however in the article they

named a substance that helps deal with the acetylaldehyde.? I guess it is not

all that important, however I like understanding the science behind the

reactions so I can explain them to people to help them understand and for my own

understanding as well.

[ ] Acetylaldehyde?

Hello Terry,

Was this the information you were looking for?

Candida albicans puts out 79 toxic by-products, all of which weaken

your immune system. One of the major toxins produced from Candida

albicans is acetaldehyde, which is transformed by the liver to ethanol

(alcohol), creating the feeling of intoxication and brain fog. There

have been cases where Candida patients have been pulled over and

tested positive with elevated blood alcohol levels above normal.

Hope this helps. :-)

Debra NW

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If I remember correctly, I once read that molybdenum helps with

acetylaldehyde detoxification.


At 10:55 AM 1/4/2008, you wrote:

>Thanks Debra, it sounds like part of the article, however in the article

>they named a substance that helps deal with the acetylaldehyde.? I guess

>it is not all that important, however I like understanding the science

>behind the reactions so I can explain them to people to help them

>understand and for my own understanding as well.


> [ ] Acetylaldehyde?


>Hello Terry,

>Was this the information you were looking for?


>Candida albicans puts out 79 toxic by-products, all of which weaken

>your immune system. One of the major toxins produced from Candida

>albicans is acetaldehyde, which is transformed by the liver to ethanol

>(alcohol), creating the feeling of intoxication and brain fog. There

>have been cases where Candida patients have been pulled over and

>tested positive with elevated blood alcohol levels above normal.


>Hope this helps. :-)

>Debra NW


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Yes I have seen articles about that too Irene.

Here's the general idea.

Candida is responsible for flooding the system with an accumulation of

toxic acetaldehydes. Acetaldehydes are known to poison tissues --

accumulating in the brain, spinal cord, joints, muscles and tissues.

Molybdenum is chemically responsible for breaking down acetaldehyde into

acetic acid. Acetaldehyde cannot be excreted from the body; it

accumulates. Acetic acid can be, though, and the body naturally removes

it or changes it into acetyl coenzyme A, a major player in the body's

energy system.... Acetaldhyde accumulations in tissue are responsible

for weakness in muscles, irritation, and PAIN. "

" Chemical aldehydess are best known as fragrances.... Ethanol, or

drinking alcohol, is also precessed to acetaldehyde. ...the body has an

enzyme which breaks down the aldehydes to less toxic substances. This

enzyme is aldehyde oxidase, or sometimes, aldehyde dehydrogenase.

Aldehydes encountered dietarily or environmentally or produced in the

body must be handled by aldehyde oxidase metabolic pathways.

Acetaldehyde is a paraticularly toxic substance which, in addition to

being produced by threonine and ethanol, is a product of the metabolism

(i.e. fermentation) of carbohydrate in yeast -- hence the Candida

connection. Acetaldehyde is thought to be the major source of tissue

damage in alcoholics rather than ethanol itself. The conversion of

acetaldehyde into acetic acid " for this reaction to occur, threonine to

acetaldehyde to acetic acid to acetyl coenzyme A, NAD (niacine amide) is

required, and aldehyde oxidase is dependent of riboflavin, iron, and

molybdenum. These forgoing nutrients could be helpful to Candida

albicans patients, and others who are sensitive to various fragrances

and airborne odors. Those patients with aldehyde sensitivity are

incredibly sensitive to any type of fragrance.

From everything I've read on this I am convinced that Bee's diet and

supplements program are just what one needs to eliminate acetaldehyde

from out bodies.

Hope this helps. :-)

Debra NW

irene.m@... wrote:

If I remember correctly, I once read that molybdenum helps with

acetylaldehyde detoxification.


At 10:55 AM 1/4/2008, you wrote:

Thanks Debra, it sounds like part of the article, however in the article

they named a substance that helps deal with the acetylaldehyde.? I guess

it is not all that important, however I like understanding the science

behind the reactions so I can explain them to people to help them

understand and for my own understanding as well.

[ ] Acetylaldehyde?

Hello Terry,

Was this the information you were looking for?

Candida albicans puts out 79 toxic by-products, all of which weaken

your immune system. One of the major toxins produced from Candida

albicans is acetaldehyde, which is transformed by the liver to ethanol

(alcohol), creating the feeling of intoxication and brain fog. There

have been cases where Candida patients have been pulled over and

tested positive with elevated blood alcohol levels above normal.

Hope this helps. :-)

Debra NW

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> If I remember correctly, I once read that molybdenum helps with

> acetylaldehyde detoxification.

> Irene

==>You do not need anything special other than my program to detoxify

acetylaldehyde, particularly because of the high good fats and other

oils and fats (A, D, & E, and omega-3).

Fats and their accompanying nutrients are the very best antioxidants

and detoxifiers ever! They also chelate out heavy metals.


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I've read that Molybdenum is good for alleviating candida reactions to food and

inhalants. And that since Tartaric acid levels rise during candida reactions,

and that the Tartaric acid rise wipes out stores of Malic acid in the process,

that adding the appropriate amount of Malic acid would help, as well. How much

to use of either Molybdenum or Malic Acid, is guesswork; and as with other

issues, your mileage may vary. LOL (Molybdenum is toxic if taken at more than

90 or so mg. per day, BTW. I take about 30 mg. after every meal, and it does

help a little.) Plus, taking the appropriate amount and type of B-vitamins.

Magnesium has always been a real help to me, personally, if I take it in just

the right amount.

However, please don't take this advice from me until after Bee comments on it,

okay? She may want to revise and/or add to what I've written here. :+)

I wish that there was a simple at-home blood test that we could do before and

after meals, to help us figure out EXACTLY what needs to be added back, after

the candida reaction sets in (in my case " drunk and miserable " ). LOL That

would sure take away the guesswork! (Utopian thinking, I know.)

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> I've read that Molybdenum is good for alleviating candida reactions

to food and inhalants. And that since Tartaric acid levels rise

during candida reactions, and that the Tartaric acid rise wipes out

stores of Malic acid in the process, that adding the appropriate

amount of Malic acid would help, as well. How much to use of either

Molybdenum or Malic Acid, is guesswork; and as with other issues,

your mileage may vary. LOL (Molybdenum is toxic if taken at more

than 90 or so mg. per day, BTW. I take about 30 mg. after every meal,

and it does help a little.) Plus, taking the appropriate amount and

type of B-vitamins. Magnesium has always been a real help to me,

personally, if I take it in just the right amount.


> However, please don't take this advice from me until after Bee

comments on it, okay? She may want to revise and/or add to what I've

written here. :+)

==>I do not recommend taking any supplements others than those

listed, along with the diet - it all works together and nothing else

is needed. People who follow the program carefully do not have

problems, but they need to give it time because natural healing does

not happen overnight.


> I wish that there was a simple at-home blood test that we could do

before and after meals, to help us figure out EXACTLY what needs to

be added back, after the candida reaction sets in (in my case " drunk

and miserable " ). LOL That would sure take away the guesswork!

(Utopian thinking, I know.)

==>There are all kinds of helps for alleviating candida reactions.

See: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/menu2_5.php

==>For severe reactions do this:

- Drink clove or ginger tea — 4 to 5 cups within 5-6 hours.

- Take an Epsom Salt bath.

- Take these all at once, except for 2,000 mgs of vitamin C, which is

taken every hour:

1. 2 capsules of hydrochloric acid (preferably Betaine HCl with


2. 4,000 mgs vitamin C is taken immediately, and take 2,000 mgs every

hour until symptoms subside, or until you reach bowel tolerance

(loose stools) and then cut back on the amount taken.

3. Vitamin B complex 100 mgs, in addition your daily amount.

500 mgs of niacin (if you can stand the flush; if you cannot stand

the flush take at least 50 mgs every hour)

4. 10,000 IUs vitamin A.

5. 400 IUs vitamin D.

Note: Vitamins A and D are available in cod liver or halibut liver

oil capsules.

People who have chronic die-off symptoms can also do the 9-day

program; http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/dig6.php

The best, Bee

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Great list in your last post! And I love the new web site, too -- even the

colors are 'healing'. :+)

[ ] Re: Acetylaldehyde?

==> There are all kinds of helps for alleviating candida reactions.

See: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/menu2_5.php

==> People who have chronic die-off symptoms can also do the 9-day

program; http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/dig6.php


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> Great list in your last post! And I love the new web site, too --

even the colors are 'healing'. :+)

==>Thanks Ciel!

Hugs, Bee



> [ ] Re: Acetylaldehyde?



> ==> There are all kinds of helps for alleviating candida


> See: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/menu2_5.php


> ==> People who have chronic die-off symptoms can also do the 9-


> program; http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/dig6.php

> ._

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