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Re: Pace of Weight Loss/Supplements

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Hi Ron: welcome to the group!

It is natural to drop pounds rapidly at first and this should not affect

your health. After the first 3 months or so of rapid weight loss (which

happens to most of us) you should however, slow down. Walford explains all

this in " Beyond the 120 Year Diet " which is really a " must read " if you

haven't already. It's available in most public libraries.

We all have differing opinions on the subject of supplements. A good multi

vitamin/mineral should be enough if you insecure that you're not getting all

the nutrients. Personally, I don't take any (except melatonin) but in the

beginning I was very confused about this issue and took several supplements.

As you get more into CRON and your health improves, you may not feel the

need to supplement.

on 12/15/2003 3:12 PM, Ron at ron@... wrote:


> The reason I'm concerned is because I've recently lost approximately 20 pounds

> in around 2-3 months. The speed wasn't really intentional. I just cut out

> the junk and the pounds just dropped surprisingly easily. I feel much better

> for it, but now I'm concerned that this will have a negative effect if I

> decide to take it further and start CRON? Will it still have the desired

> effect or has the rapid weight loss caused a problem because I didn't do it

> very slowly? (Assuming that it was rapid, I don't really know. I'm not a

> dieting expert. I did it to feel better, not as a conventional diet.)


> Also, when first undertaking CR, is it advisable to take vitamin and mineral

> supplements until I get used to optimizing my nutrition? I'm aware that these

> are best obtained in their natural forms within food, along with the countless

> other molecules that they are ingested with, many of which we still have to

> discover. I just wondered if there is any reason why supplements shouldn't be

> taken, especially in the early days?


> I hope someone can help me with these issues. Any replies will be eagerly

> awaited and gratefully accepted.


> Thanks


> Ron Tullock



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Hi all,

I thought that it was important to obtain ON before CR. Is this not


Cheers, Al.


> >

> > The reason I'm concerned is because I've recently lost

approximately 20 pounds

> > in around 2-3 months. The speed wasn't really intentional. I

just cut out

> > the junk and the pounds just dropped surprisingly easily. I feel

much better

> > for it, but now I'm concerned that this will have a negative

effect if I

> > decide to take it further and start CRON? Will it still have the


> > effect or has the rapid weight loss caused a problem because I

didn't do it

> > very slowly? (Assuming that it was rapid, I don't really know.

I'm not a

> > dieting expert. I did it to feel better, not as a conventional


> >

> > Also, when first undertaking CR, is it advisable to take vitamin

and mineral

> > supplements until I get used to optimizing my nutrition? I'm

aware that these

> > are best obtained in their natural forms within food, along with

the countless

> > other molecules that they are ingested with, many of which we

still have to

> > discover. I just wondered if there is any reason why supplements

shouldn't be

> > taken, especially in the early days?

> >

> > I hope someone can help me with these issues. Any replies will

be eagerly

> > awaited and gratefully accepted.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Ron Tullock

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Al: it sounds exactly what Ron was trying to do. Here's what he says


The reason I'm concerned is because I've recently lost

> approximately 20 pounds

>>> in around 2-3 months. The speed wasn't really intentional. I

> just cut out

>>> the junk and the pounds just dropped surprisingly easily.

on 12/16/2003 12:38 AM, old542000 at apater@... wrote:

> Hi all,


> I thought that it was important to obtain ON before CR. Is this not

> true,


> Cheers, Al.





>>> The reason I'm concerned is because I've recently lost

> approximately 20 pounds

>>> in around 2-3 months. The speed wasn't really intentional. I

> just cut out

>>> the junk and the pounds just dropped surprisingly easily. I feel

> much better

>>> for it, but now I'm concerned that this will have a negative

> effect if I

>>> decide to take it further and start CRON?

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For some reason the last msg I sent came out scrambled on the board although

when I sent it, it was perfectly fine. I'm sending again and hoping it

arrives correctly this time. If not, is there anyone out there who knows

why it's going to the board all scrambled up?


From: Francesca Skelton <fskelton@...>

Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 08:03:06 -0500

< >

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Pace of Weight Loss/Supplements

Al: it sounds exactly what Ron was trying to do. Here's what he says


The reason I'm concerned is because I've recently lost

> approximately 20 pounds

>>> in around 2-3 months. The speed wasn't really intentional. I

> just cut out

>>> the junk and the pounds just dropped surprisingly easily.

on 12/16/2003 12:38 AM, old542000 at apater@... wrote:

> Hi all,


> I thought that it was important to obtain ON before CR. Is this not

> true,


> Cheers, Al.





>>> The reason I'm concerned is because I've recently lost

> approximately 20 pounds

>>> in around 2-3 months. The speed wasn't really intentional. I

> just cut out

>>> the junk and the pounds just dropped surprisingly easily. I feel

> much better

>>> for it, but now I'm concerned that this will have a negative

> effect if I

>>> decide to take it further and start CRON?

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