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Re: need info before 11:00 am central time

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allopathic medicine views obesity as a character defect--obese ppl are pigs

with no self control. IMO in actual fact they are starving at the cellular

level. I guess most of these poor ppl have " normal " TSH and iodine deficiency

often manifests with a low TSH. Treat these ppl holistically and give them the

hormones they need so they can get their lives back.


I am sure ALL sleep apnea doesn't come from hypothyroid - there are a

lot of other reasons - including obesity (which may or may not be

caused by being hypo) - however in MY case as soon as I started on

Armour - before I lost any weight - the apnea stopped! Since I

didn't fit the picture of someone with obstructive apnea (wasn't

obese and didn't have a large neck) and it went away I would say mine

was caused by hypo causing me to simply forget to breath. Probably

doesn't affect everyone that is hypo but I'm sure in many cases it



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I don't understand what is going on with my weight. I weighed about

255-260 lbs when I saw the dr for the first time less than 2 months

ago, and my weight has been screwy anyway going up and down for the

last year or so but now I am down to 227 as of a little more than a

week ago. is this because of the 75mcg of synthroid I have been

taking? I have also stopped eating soy products like everyone has

said ...lord that stuff is in everything... and I am trying to give

up the goiter vegetables or whatever they are called - broc. ,raw

peanuts etc...


> That's basically what my doctor said to me and I didn't appreciate


> I have been dealing with this illness for MANY years. He should not

> dismiss my concerns OR my symptoms and call it sleep deprivation. I

> know my body and my symptoms. I am sleeping very well!! I kept

> telling my endo from a couple of years ago that something was not

> right. You know what she said......could be menopause......25lbs

> later (in 4 months, mind you) and a new doctor, I was diagnose with

> Hashi's and lost 10 of those pounds in a couple of weeks. I think I

> have reason to doubt what some of these doctors are saying. I am


> up can you tell!


> Venizia



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gracia- once again you are incorrect when you make statements that allopathic

medicine views obesity as a character defect! that is what it was in the past-

BUT CURRENTLY, that is not the case at all. obesity is viewed as a medical

condition- a disease that is caused by many different problems. all of them body

related. geez, there is even a medical specialty caused bariatric medicine that

focuses primarily on the causes of obesity.

From: Gracia

Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2008 3:22 PM


Subject: Re: Re: need info before 11:00 am central time

allopathic medicine views obesity as a character defect--obese ppl are pigs with

no self control. IMO in actual fact they are starving at the cellular level. I

guess most of these poor ppl have " normal " TSH and iodine deficiency often

manifests with a low TSH. Treat these ppl holistically and give them the

hormones they need so they can get their lives back.


I am sure ALL sleep apnea doesn't come from hypothyroid - there are a

lot of other reasons - including obesity (which may or may not be

caused by being hypo) - however in MY case as soon as I started on

Armour - before I lost any weight - the apnea stopped! Since I

didn't fit the picture of someone with obstructive apnea (wasn't

obese and didn't have a large neck) and it went away I would say mine

was caused by hypo causing me to simply forget to breath. Probably

doesn't affect everyone that is hypo but I'm sure in many cases it



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just wait dusty- gracia will write that iodine will cure it all, [ gggg]

From: Dusty

Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2008 1:45 PM


Subject: RE: Re: need info before 11:00 am central time

As usual Gracia's response below is only PART of the answer to apnea. There

are a number of causes of apnea, (among them head, neck, tongue deformities

that Gracia couldn't possibly cure herself) and hypo is one of the many.

See this site for info shown below:


Causes and risk factors of obstructive sleep apnea

When you have obstructive sleep apnea, your throat collapses during sleep,

blocking the airway and preventing air from getting to the lungs. Generally,

your throat muscles keep the throat and airway open.

Causes and risk factors of sleep apnea:

* Shape of head and neck may create a smaller than normal airway.

* Large tonsils or adenoids or other anatomical differences. (A

deviated septum, enlarged tongue, or receding chin can also create

difficulties breathing during sleep)

* Being overweight or obese (although almost 50% of people with sleep

apnea are not obese)

* Throat muscles and tongue relax more than normal during sleep. (This

can be due to alcohol or sedative use before bedtime, but not necessarily)

* Snoring - Snoring can cause the soft palate to lengthen, which in

turn can obstruct the airway.

* Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke

* Nasal congestion, nasal blockages, and nasal irritants

* Family history of sleep apnea - No specific genetic marker for sleep

apnea has been discovered, but obstructive sleep apnea seems to run in

families. This may be a result of anatomic abnormalities that run in the


* Other disorders and syndromes - Hypothyroidism, acromegaly,

amyloidosis, vocal cord paralysis, post-polio syndrome, neuromuscular

disorders, Marfan's syndrome, and Down Syndrome

* Other physical conditions, such as immune system abnormalities,

severe heartburn or acid reflux and high blood pressure. It isn't clear

whether the conditions are the cause or the result of sleep apnea


From: hypothyroidism [mailto:hypothyroidism ]

On Behalf Of Gracia

Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2008 1:37 PM


Subject: Re: Re: need info before 11:00 am central time

sleep apnea is absolutely unequivically hypothyroid/hypoadrenal. I realize

that allopathic medicine treats it as a sleep c-pap machine deficiency. I

can cure sleep apnea easily b/c I did it for myself.

furthermore the TSH test keeps us from getting proper treatment. I'm telling

you, the lawsuits are coming.


She attributes symptoms that may come from literally hundreds or

thousands of illnesses to hypothyroidism or some lack of iodine. Sleep

apnea is merely the latest.




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Well according to Oprah and Dr Phil, obesity is because you eat to fill

yourself because of some void caused by emotional reasons, therefore,

character flaws. Don't we all have them?????


-- Re: Re: need info before 11:00 am central time

allopathic medicine views obesity as a character defect--obese ppl are pigs

with no self control. IMO in actual fact they are starving at the cellular

level. I guess most of these poor ppl have " normal " TSH and iodine

deficiency often manifests with a low TSH. Treat these ppl holistically and

give them the hormones they need so they can get their lives back.


I am sure ALL sleep apnea doesn't come from hypothyroid - there are a

lot of other reasons - including obesity (which may or may not be

caused by being hypo) - however in MY case as soon as I started on

Armour - before I lost any weight - the apnea stopped! Since I

didn't fit the picture of someone with obstructive apnea (wasn't

obese and didn't have a large neck) and it went away I would say mine

was caused by hypo causing me to simply forget to breath. Probably

doesn't affect everyone that is hypo but I'm sure in many cases it



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and you believe oprah?? considering what her views on hypo are??

yes, the mind has a definite connection to overeating, but it is not the ONE

cause for obesity for everyone. when one becomes obese- that causes changes in

how the body metabolizes sugar and fats- your body changes in how it handles

food. that is a fact. people who are obese are insulin resistant; have metabolic

syndrome; fatty livers; poor thyroid function, etc. it is a domino effect in

your body and all of that changes your brain chemistry and how your brain

handles saiety in the body and what hormones get released, etc. obesity research

believes that chronic obesity problems can change you genetics, so when one

becomes thin- that they are still at risk for obesity.

as for Dr. Phil- there are some things I like about him, but there are others

that cause me to say he is full of crap.


From: Crystal

Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:14 PM


Subject: Re: Re: need info before 11:00 am central time

Well according to Oprah and Dr Phil, obesity is because you eat to fill

yourself because of some void caused by emotional reasons, therefore,

character flaws. Don't we all have them?????


-- Re: Re: need info before 11:00 am central time

allopathic medicine views obesity as a character defect--obese ppl are pigs

with no self control. IMO in actual fact they are starving at the cellular

level. I guess most of these poor ppl have " normal " TSH and iodine

deficiency often manifests with a low TSH. Treat these ppl holistically and

give them the hormones they need so they can get their lives back.


I am sure ALL sleep apnea doesn't come from hypothyroid - there are a

lot of other reasons - including obesity (which may or may not be

caused by being hypo) - however in MY case as soon as I started on

Armour - before I lost any weight - the apnea stopped! Since I

didn't fit the picture of someone with obstructive apnea (wasn't

obese and didn't have a large neck) and it went away I would say mine

was caused by hypo causing me to simply forget to breath. Probably

doesn't affect everyone that is hypo but I'm sure in many cases it



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I didn't say I believed her! I have had many bad things happen in my life

including watching my mom raped and dad killing the guy, talk about trauma.

Can I say that is why I like to eat, especially after my kids go to bed? No

I eat cause I like to. After they go to bed I know I won't have to get up

and do anything:) Should I eat less, yes. At 5'1 there's not many places

all those calories can go:) I could stand to lose 20 lbs to fit those

standards, and I am, but can't blame my eating habits on my past. I Don't

believe a lot of oprah actually. She's not as smart as she thinks :o


-- Re: Re: need info before 11:00 am central time

allopathic medicine views obesity as a character defect--obese ppl are pigs

with no self control. IMO in actual fact they are starving at the cellular

level. I guess most of these poor ppl have " normal " TSH and iodine

deficiency often manifests with a low TSH. Treat these ppl holistically and

give them the hormones they need so they can get their lives back.


I am sure ALL sleep apnea doesn't come from hypothyroid - there are a

lot of other reasons - including obesity (which may or may not be

caused by being hypo) - however in MY case as soon as I started on

Armour - before I lost any weight - the apnea stopped! Since I

didn't fit the picture of someone with obstructive apnea (wasn't

obese and didn't have a large neck) and it went away I would say mine

was caused by hypo causing me to simply forget to breath. Probably

doesn't affect everyone that is hypo but I'm sure in many cases it



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