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Re: My new diet

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-- Re: My new " diet "


You wrote:


> Spinach has about twice the amount of iron per serving as other

> iron-rich green vegetables.

The average measurement is 1.9 mg per 60 gram sample versus 1.0 mg or

less for the same sample of other leafy greens. Popeye's proclivity was

based on a faulty reading of 19 mg per 60 g from the 1880s.

> ...Because spinach has a high levels of oxalate, it can

> actually remove iron from the body....

Oxalate is the anion of oxalic acid, which I mentioned before. I think

this mostly means oxalate ions bind to iron in the digestive system to

prevent it from being absorbed. Phosphates and phytates do the same

thing, and all of them also prevent absorption of calcium by binding it.

These do have effects on iron and calcium in serum, if levels get too high.

Food with the highest oxalate content: chocolate! Six others to be

avoided with spinach if you have oxalate kidney stones (hyperoxaluria):

rhubarb, strawberries, wheat bran, nuts, beets, and tea.


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Okay, that's it. I'm gonna start reading 's replies before I write

my own since we seem to think alike.


-- Re: My new " diet "

Chocolate!!!???? So is Chocolate bad to eat if you are prone to kidney


What is this world coming to!


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


You wrote:


> Spinach has about twice the amount of iron per serving as other

> iron-rich green vegetables.

The average measurement is 1.9 mg per 60 gram sample versus 1.0 mg or

less for the same sample of other leafy greens. Popeye's proclivity was

based on a faulty reading of 19 mg per 60 g from the 1880s.

> ...Because spinach has a high levels of oxalate, it can

> actually remove iron from the body....

Oxalate is the anion of oxalic acid, which I mentioned before. I think

this mostly means oxalate ions bind to iron in the digestive system to

prevent it from being absorbed. Phosphates and phytates do the same

thing, and all of them also prevent absorption of calcium by binding it.

These do have effects on iron and calcium in serum, if levels get too high.

Food with the highest oxalate content: chocolate! Six others to be

avoided with spinach if you have oxalate kidney stones (hyperoxaluria):

rhubarb, strawberries, wheat bran, nuts, beets, and tea.


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Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the


much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


The sorting functions of your browser are controlled from your machine.

We have no influence over it. Your system is keying on something in the

incoming messages, either an address or something in the subject line.

Either way, it is something you have to fix at your end, either in a

" filter " or an automated (learning) system that learns to recognize spam

from what you send to that folder yourself.



> ... I put into another post that some of your messages are coming into my

> bulk mail. I

> 'don't always check it, just delete the whole thing, so I don't know

> just how much I

> have missed. I don't know how you could check it out.


> Roni


> venizia1948 <nelsonck@... <mailto:nelsonck%40sbcglobal.net>>

> wrote:

> Roni,


> It sounds like you kept getting worse whenever your dose was lowered.

> Doesn't that sound like you are not getting enough? Just take it

> slower and maybe the palps will not appear. Your fibro appeared after

> they lowered your dose, right. HypoT and fibro go together, so to

> speak. Have you gone to drlowe.com? Very extensive info on fibro there.


> I have been increasing my dose of Armour for the last 2 1/2 weeks by

> taking 1/2 grain more a day. I will be doing that for another 1/2

> week and then I will make it a whole grain. I have not had any palps

> doing it this way.


> Venizia



> > >

> > > I'm currently taking 2 grains.

> >

> > That is at the lower range for full replace dose, equivalent to 120 mcg

> > of T4. You probably don't have much thyroid function left, if any.

> >

> > Chuck

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

> Try it now.

> >

> >

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Chuck you are hysterical.

Thanks for the laugh.


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


You wrote:


> I just realized my diet for the last three days has been one whole

> pizza, half gallon ice cream, 1 lb bacon, 1 egg, coffee and whole milk,

> some applesauce. a pint of Guiness.

Don't worry. The jar of stout counteracts all the bad effects of the

other stuff. It's rich in iodine.



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I have found for digestive issues, that a vegetarian multiple enzyne before

eating anything

works just fine. It is certainly far superior to taking proton pump

inhibitors, which take away your ability to digest anything.


Crystal <sweetnwright@...> wrote:






-- Re: My new " diet "


You wrote:


> Spinach has about twice the amount of iron per serving as other

> iron-rich green vegetables.

The average measurement is 1.9 mg per 60 gram sample versus 1.0 mg or

less for the same sample of other leafy greens. Popeye's proclivity was

based on a faulty reading of 19 mg per 60 g from the 1880s.

> ...Because spinach has a high levels of oxalate, it can

> actually remove iron from the body....

Oxalate is the anion of oxalic acid, which I mentioned before. I think

this mostly means oxalate ions bind to iron in the digestive system to

prevent it from being absorbed. Phosphates and phytates do the same

thing, and all of them also prevent absorption of calcium by binding it.

These do have effects on iron and calcium in serum, if levels get too high.

Food with the highest oxalate content: chocolate! Six others to be

avoided with spinach if you have oxalate kidney stones (hyperoxaluria):

rhubarb, strawberries, wheat bran, nuts, beets, and tea.


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LOL!! :0)

Crystal <sweetnwright@...> wrote: Okay, that's it. I'm gonna

start reading 's replies before I write

my own since we seem to think alike.


-- Re: My new " diet "

Chocolate!!!???? So is Chocolate bad to eat if you are prone to kidney


What is this world coming to!


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


You wrote:


> Spinach has about twice the amount of iron per serving as other

> iron-rich green vegetables.

The average measurement is 1.9 mg per 60 gram sample versus 1.0 mg or

less for the same sample of other leafy greens. Popeye's proclivity was

based on a faulty reading of 19 mg per 60 g from the 1880s.

> ...Because spinach has a high levels of oxalate, it can

> actually remove iron from the body....

Oxalate is the anion of oxalic acid, which I mentioned before. I think

this mostly means oxalate ions bind to iron in the digestive system to

prevent it from being absorbed. Phosphates and phytates do the same

thing, and all of them also prevent absorption of calcium by binding it.

These do have effects on iron and calcium in serum, if levels get too high.

Food with the highest oxalate content: chocolate! Six others to be

avoided with spinach if you have oxalate kidney stones (hyperoxaluria):

rhubarb, strawberries, wheat bran, nuts, beets, and tea.


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Crystal wrote:





> CW


No, a person with oxalate KIDNEY STONES should avoid those.


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Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.


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Whew, no kidney stones here. So I guess chocolate is still in my diet. I

have never liked beets. I read a story in 2nd grades about a boy who didn't

eat his beets and it has scared me every since.


-- Re: My new " diet "

Crystal wrote:





> CW


No, a person with oxalate KIDNEY STONES should avoid those.


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I am using and it has two differnt folders aside from inbox and sent. It

has bulk (which

is where I have been finding inappropriate mailings from lists) and the other

is trash (that

takes what I delete).


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I think there is a way to tell your email service to accept certain people

by adding their emails to the accept email folder. I do not use , but

do have a address that I can see if I can figure out how to do that.

If I can, then I will tell you step by step how to.


-- Re: Re: My new " diet "

I am using and it has two differnt folders aside from inbox and sent.

It has bulk (which

is where I have been finding inappropriate mailings from lists) and the

other is trash (that

takes what I delete).


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


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Wow, thanks, that would be great.


Crystal <sweetnwright@...> wrote:

I think there is a way to tell your email service to accept certain


by adding their emails to the accept email folder. I do not use , but

do have a address that I can see if I can figure out how to do that.

If I can, then I will tell you step by step how to.


-- Re: Re: My new " diet "

I am using and it has two differnt folders aside from inbox and sent.

It has bulk (which

is where I have been finding inappropriate mailings from lists) and the

other is trash (that

takes what I delete).


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


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Okay, here goes. Go to your main page, then click on mail.

Then click on options that is right above where your would read the emails

or to the right side of where you see mail contacts calendar notepad.

Once you get on that page, click on filters. Then where it says add click

it. You don't have to put anything where it says filter name. Where it

says from header next to it in the box type hypothyroidism. Then down at

the bottom of the page where it says then.... Move to, click on the box and

click on inbox. Then click on add filter. Hopefully I am right and this

will work.. Let me know if I am right:)


-- Re: Re: My new " diet "

I am using and it has two differnt folders aside from inbox and sent.

It has bulk (which

is where I have been finding inappropriate mailings from lists) and the

other is trash (that

takes what I delete).


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


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I said the wrong thing!!!!!! You want the box that says subject to say

hypothyroidism. Make sense?

-- Re: Re: My new " diet "

I am using and it has two differnt folders aside from inbox and sent.

It has bulk (which

is where I have been finding inappropriate mailings from lists) and the

other is trash (that

takes what I delete).


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


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You are an absolute genius! Thank you so much. To give you an idea of how I


don't know the ins and outs of this, I copied your post into WORD, made it

small, and

then went back and forth between the filter page and your post to do it word

for word. It

seems to have worked, and I'll be checking the bulk folder to make sure they

don't mess

up, but the filter is there.

I took computer courses in Word Beginner and Advanced and aced them both. I


Beginner and Advanced in Excel, and aced them too, but I haven't really used


since then, so I'm sure I lost a lot. What I never took is Windows, or EMail

and just learned from trial and error, but there are some things that I just

don't GET.

Thanks again.


Crystal <sweetnwright@...> wrote:

Okay, here goes. Go to your main page, then click on mail.

Then click on options that is right above where your would read the emails

or to the right side of where you see mail contacts calendar notepad.

Once you get on that page, click on filters. Then where it says add click

it. You don't have to put anything where it says filter name. Where it

says from header next to it in the box type hypothyroidism. Then down at

the bottom of the page where it says then.... Move to, click on the box and

click on inbox. Then click on add filter. Hopefully I am right and this

will work.. Let me know if I am right:)


-- Re: Re: My new " diet "

I am using and it has two differnt folders aside from inbox and sent.

It has bulk (which

is where I have been finding inappropriate mailings from lists) and the

other is trash (that

takes what I delete).


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


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It's o.k. the filter says if from says hypothyroidism them move to in box.


Crystal <sweetnwright@...> wrote:


I said the wrong thing!!!!!! You want the box that says subject to say

hypothyroidism. Make sense?

-- Re: Re: My new " diet "

I am using and it has two differnt folders aside from inbox and sent.

It has bulk (which

is where I have been finding inappropriate mailings from lists) and the

other is trash (that

takes what I delete).


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


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Well there's my good deed for 2008. BTW Happy New Year everyone!

Crystal (the mother to many)

-- Re: Re: My new " diet "

I am using and it has two differnt folders aside from inbox and sent.

It has bulk (which

is where I have been finding inappropriate mailings from lists) and the

other is trash (that

takes what I delete).


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


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My concern is that when I get an email form someone on the group it says it

is from whoever sent it. So it may still send your emails to bulk unless

you go back in and do a new filter. You can do 15.


-- Re: Re: My new " diet "

I am using and it has two differnt folders aside from inbox and sent.

It has bulk (which

is where I have been finding inappropriate mailings from lists) and the

other is trash (that

takes what I delete).


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


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Yes, you are right. I changed a couple of others already.


Crystal <sweetnwright@...> wrote:

My concern is that when I get an email form someone on the group it

says it

is from whoever sent it. So it may still send your emails to bulk unless

you go back in and do a new filter. You can do 15.


-- Re: Re: My new " diet "

I am using and it has two differnt folders aside from inbox and sent.

It has bulk (which

is where I have been finding inappropriate mailings from lists) and the

other is trash (that

takes what I delete).


Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


Look at the functions of your mail client. Most of the modern ones have

two functions that will dump incoming mail into a " junk " folder. One is

a filter that YOU set up. If you did not set up a filter, then it is a

" learning " function that records characteristics of mail that YOU send

to the junk folder. It will automatically learn to screen similar mail

in the future. You need to either turn that function off or teach it to

ignore the mails you actually want to see.


> Chuck, that is so far above my computer IQ, that I hardly understand the

> explanation,

> much less how to fix it. Thank you for the attempt though.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


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