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nonfat dry milk?

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Yes. I buy it in bulk in the supermarket.

on 1/25/2004 6:34 AM, academy_one at academy_one@... wrote:

> Does anyone use nonfat dry milk? Opinions?


> Anyone have a good source for bulk?


> Thanks!

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Opinion: I dont' find non-fat dry milk particularly useful- I've got a bit

of lactose intolerance, in which non-fat milk is high (55% of calories are


Milk proteins have been implicated in possible association with diabetes

type I etiology, and some recent studies suggest milk proteins might raise

one's risk of prostate cancer.

>From: Francesca Skelton <fskelton@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: [ ] nonfat dry milk?

>Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 10:02:16 -0500


>Yes. I buy it in bulk in the supermarket.



>on 1/25/2004 6:34 AM, academy_one at academy_one@... wrote:


> > Does anyone use nonfat dry milk? Opinions?

> >

> > Anyone have a good source for bulk?

> >

> > Thanks!


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Hi Academy:

It took me about thirty years to make the connection. But it is now

clear as day to me that if I drink milk of any kind, including skim

or non-fat dry, it makes me very tired for about 24 to 36 hours

afterwards. So it was a serious drag on my 'productivity'.

I keep non-fat dry milk around to use in very small quantities for

making Pritikin sauces. But avoiding it has been a considerable help

to me since I figured out what effect it was having on me.

Others may or may not be similarly affected. But ask yourself what

do babies do immediately after a feeding of milk?


> Does anyone use nonfat dry milk? Opinions?


> Anyone have a good source for bulk?


> Thanks!

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Rodney: I hope you are talking about cow's milk wrt babies. Of course, for

human babies the optimal food is nature's own (human milk).

on 1/25/2004 12:36 PM, Rodney at perspect1111@... wrote:

> Others may or may not be similarly affected. But ask yourself what

> do babies do immediately after a feeding of milk?


> Rodney.

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Human milk for human babies, yes! Cow milk may not be a good idea.

I think Rodney was referring to the tendency of babies, as well as himself,

to want to fall asleep after a milk meal. Milk has often been advocated

(warm, especially) as helpful in inducing sleep.

>From: Francesca Skelton <fskelton@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: [ ] Re: nonfat dry milk?

>Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 13:26:49 -0500


>Rodney: I hope you are talking about cow's milk wrt babies. Of course,


>human babies the optimal food is nature's own (human milk).



>on 1/25/2004 12:36 PM, Rodney at perspect1111@... wrote:


> > Others may or may not be similarly affected. But ask yourself what

> > do babies do immediately after a feeding of milk?

> >

> > Rodney.


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Hi Francesca:

Well my point is that it is my impression babies fall asleep

immediately after drinking any kind of milk - human or cow's. I

haven't had human milk in a very long time, but I do become very

sleepy after drinking cow's milk and I am wondering if whatever it is

that caused that may be the same ingredient that causes babies to

fall asleep also.

If it is then this phenomenon is unlikely to be unique to me.

Just a connection that is worth looking out for - does drinking milk

make you tired? If so it may be better to avoid it. I can say it is

much beter for me to avoid it. For that reason. Being unable to

keep one's eyes open at work at 3:00 pm is sometimes not

appreciated : ^ )



> > Others may or may not be similarly affected. But ask yourself


> > do babies do immediately after a feeding of milk?

> >

> > Rodney.

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Too bad about the no sleeping at work. Several studies have shown many

beneficial effects from an afternoon nap, including increased alertness and

productivity. I've often considered closing my office door and napping, but,

due I suppose to the pressure to which you refer, I've not done it.

>From: " Rodney " <perspect1111@...>



>Subject: [ ] Re: nonfat dry milk?

>Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 20:43:54 -0000


>Hi Francesca:


>Well my point is that it is my impression babies fall asleep

>immediately after drinking any kind of milk - human or cow's. I

>haven't had human milk in a very long time, but I do become very

>sleepy after drinking cow's milk and I am wondering if whatever it is

>that caused that may be the same ingredient that causes babies to

>fall asleep also.


>If it is then this phenomenon is unlikely to be unique to me.


>Just a connection that is worth looking out for - does drinking milk

>make you tired? If so it may be better to avoid it. I can say it is

>much beter for me to avoid it. For that reason. Being unable to

>keep one's eyes open at work at 3:00 pm is sometimes not

>appreciated : ^ )







> >

> > > Others may or may not be similarly affected. But ask yourself


> > > do babies do immediately after a feeding of milk?

> > >

> > > Rodney.


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