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Re: Adrenals - (and anyone else who may be interested)

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It does help. Thanks !

Wow, though, your xanax experience sounds awful. I am so sorry you

had to go through that! For me, I think I always had some adrenal

fatigue, it just slowly got worse over time. Since I can remember, I

have always had environmental " allergies " , increased sensitivity to

bug bites, and other inflammation issues. It is my understanding that

one contributor (out of many) to these issues is that if the body does

not make enough cortisol (due to adrenal fatigue) to deal with the

body's natural inflammatory responses, what would a normal and

temporary inflammatory response, becomes problematic and prolonged for

people with adrenal fatigue. I have also always had a lower than

average body temperature, low blood pressure, and low cholesterol too,

and these too are symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

Its funny, I have had all these issues for so long, and no

conventional doctor ever said anything!!! Not one word about it, even

though adrenal insufficiency is actually accepted as a condition by

most practicing mainstream medicine.

Surprisingly, I was a health baby to being with, good baby teeth and

was breast fed. However, antibiotic use, rounds of immunizations,

mercury fillings, and less than adequate nutrition quickly pushed me

over the edge. I should say, though, in regards to nutrition, my

family wasn't too bad, considering the times. We avoided soda and

sweets, took loads of vitamin C, and ate liver once a week. My mom

did have good nutritional habits, but beaten down by the constant

bombardment of inaccurate mainstream info, she started to use things

like margarine. Also the butcher used to go to went out of business,

so our meat supply became more conventional rather than fresh from the

farm. I think this happened to most families (at least in the US),

this slow change from healthy habits that were learned growing up to

less healthy ones cuz we were told it wouldnt hurt us.

Anyway, the damage was done so that by just age five my " allergies "

low blood pressure, and low body temp were a constant. At this time I

think it was not only adrenal fatigue, it was already candida as well.

Not sure which came first, but looking back, both were there since at

least then. And from there it was all down hill, picking up health

problems like TMJ, headaches, back and shoulder tension, eye problems

and all sorts or issues that were always put off as nothing to worry

about. Then when I had my first really bad asthma attack I was

started on allergy shot treatments. Funny, after that was when I

started to lose motivation and the ability to concentrate. You think

someone would have thought to connect the two.

After this the problems exponentially increased, but I was still

" functional. " Some symptoms got even worse when I became vegetarian,

but I was too ignorant of how food impacts health to make the

connection. It wasn't until about three years ago that I started to

deal with my health concerns in regards to what I ate.

The bad things was that when I wsa really weak from both adrenal

fatigue and candida, (and was not taking enough supplements to help my

body detox more effectively) a doctor put me on diflucan for two

months. My body, let alone my adrenals, just was not strong enough

for that. I took a nose dive, and was barely able to function that

whole time. I think this was when I really started to bottom out. I

had some improvement after, but then on bad advice I had ALL 12 of my

mercury fillings removed at once, and had a minor surgical procedure

that " required " a round of antibiotics. After that, it was all over,

my adrenals were toast. My energy has not been the same since.

Part of my slow recovery I think is also my fault form just pushing

too fast. For awhile I was taking too much antifungal stuff, thinking

my fatigue was due to candida and that if I just killed them in larger

amounts, I might get some of my energy back. Boy was a wrong!

I have since adjusted my strategy and am monitoring my adrenal fatigue

more. I think once my adrenals are better, I'll be better at handling

die off, and therefore better at ridding myself of candida for good.

But until then, it seems like I have a long road before I can increase

my antifungals even a little, or take probiotics. But as long as I am

improving I shouldn't complain right?

I just realized how long this post got, sorry about that! Boy am I

chatty to day. I need to step away from the computer and get some

stuff done today. " )

Take care, and again, thanks for sharing !


-- " " <susanpat11@...> wrote:


> Jecca,

> As you well know, it is a slow steady process to restore health to

> the adrenals. And of course, since our endocrine system is on a

> feedback loop - our adrenals aren't all that's affected...

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Hey - and fellow toasty! " )

Oh, I understand the brain and adrenal connection very well myself!

Sometimes I think I would forget my name, if it wasn't on all my ID

cards! " )

And I agree this diet is wonderful, and I have complete faith that I

will heal, as long as I keep at it. Everything about it works

together and makes so much sense. Everyday I come across something

else that supports what Bee advises us to do, its just so wonderful

that she has taken the time to piece it all together in one place, and

provides the structure for us to follow in her " healing naturally "


The only bad things is the waiting, but I do see the light at the end

of the tunnel, so its just a matter of getting there.

All the best,


- Toasty - " )

--- " " <susanpat11@...> wrote:


> Jecca,

> I am happy for the long response and the information about you and

> adrenal insufficiency. Thanks so much. In regard to what you wrote

> below - I totally agree with you. My adrenals are strong enough to

> handle this now - but I knew I had candida a year ago and the die-

> off kicked my butt so bad back then that I was unable (and

> uninterested) to stick with it. The funny thing is that my adrenals

> were so wiped out that my brain completely forgot about the yeast

> being a problem until this summer when it flared up again! Then I

> knew it was time to take charge! The other bit is that my cortisol

> has come up alot as has my blood pressure so I know my adrenals can

> support alot more 'abuse' such as die-off. You are right Jecca. Slow

> and steady so you don't stress those lil puppies out too much.

> Continued discipline is the key and setbacks are expected - but soon

> those will dissapate as well. This diet is absolutely the best thing

> for them! Take care 'toasty' (I loved that!)


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