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Re: Iodine supplementation

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Phil, I'm not sure what you mean by "irritate" your intestines. Iodine is accumulated by most mucous membranes, including the intestines. So the iodine usually helps heal them. Some people get diarrhea with iodine, others get constipated (probably from the detox).

I don't know about timing for absorption. I'm assuming that, since iodine is a mineral, it is best absorbed with food -- but I don't know for sure. I'm also assuming that, like other minerals, it is best to distribute it through the day. I also have wondered what factors affect iodine absorption. Some say that eating fat decreases absorption.


----- Original Message -----

From: philallen876546

Hi does anyone happen to know if liquid potasium iodide or any other iodine supplements could irritate you intestines? Also is there a better time to take them for absorbtionThanksPhil

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low doses can be aggravating--I think it is actually 2 drops that equal

150mcg. I think low doses are a waste of time and $$$. go to

http://www.drbrownstein.com and order the Iodine book by him. join the iodine

group iodine for good info.

Iodoral contains iodine/iodide. http://www.optimox.com


I just started using a potassium iodide supplement 2 days ago, using

just one drop twice a day, one drop equaling 150mcg of iodide. I am

already feeling fullness in my thyroid. Is this a common finding? I

am supposed to be using 20 drops 2 times a day, but wanted to just see

if I could even tolerate 1 drop twice a day. Has anyone else

experienced the same thing or know anything about this kind of reaction?




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shonks5 wrote:



> I just started using a potassium iodide supplement 2 days ago, using

> just one drop twice a day, one drop equaling 150mcg of iodide. I am

> already feeling fullness in my thyroid. Is this a common finding? I

> am supposed to be using 20 drops 2 times a day, but wanted to just see

> if I could even tolerate 1 drop twice a day. Has anyone else

> experienced the same thing or know anything about this kind of reaction?


If your numbers are accurate, each drop contains one RDA of iodine. That

means you are planning on taking 40 times the RDA. The threshold for

(rare) sensitivity reactions to iodine is around 3 mg per day, so you

are currently well below that, but will eventually cross that point.

Sensitivity can result in nausea, flushing, fever, labored breathing,

and even anaphylactic shock, but again, that is pretty rare.

If you were truly iodine deficient when you started, then taking double

the RDA could be causing beneficial changes. It's still too low to be

causing trouble.


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Well, I did up the dose to 9 drops, I checked the bottle just to be

sure of the amount of iodide in each drop, it says 150mcg per drop.

Anyway, I am now starting to feel very hypo, muscle aches and

weakness like I did when first diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I do

have hashis, so maybe that plays into this! I am new to using

Iodine. I started out slow because I seem to be sensitive to

everything! I did look around at the iodine site, there is a lot of

info there, and will keep looking



> low doses can be aggravating--I think it is actually 2 drops that

equal 150mcg. I think low doses are a waste of time and $$$. go to

http://www.drbrownstein.com and order the Iodine book by him. join

the iodine group iodine for good info.

> Iodoral contains iodine/iodide. http://www.optimox.com

> Gracia




> I just started using a potassium iodide supplement 2 days ago,


> just one drop twice a day, one drop equaling 150mcg of iodide. I


> already feeling fullness in my thyroid. Is this a common finding?


> am supposed to be using 20 drops 2 times a day, but wanted to

just see

> if I could even tolerate 1 drop twice a day. Has anyone else

> experienced the same thing or know anything about this kind of



> Thanks,

> Shonks5







> --------------------------------------------------------------------




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Hi Shonks,

I am glad you posted about this because I have hashi's also and for

many months I have been confused as to what to do regarding iodine. I

have been told by several doctors etc. that iodine will make hashi's

people worse. I feel you are an example of that. I am still out on

which way to go but this helps me to go in the direction of not taking

iodine. Wish I could be of more help to you but you have helped me

and I thank you for that. Hope you find answers that work for you.


-- In hypothyroidism , " shonks5 " <shonks5@...> wrote:


> Well, I did up the dose to 9 drops, I checked the bottle just to be

> sure of the amount of iodide in each drop, it says 150mcg per drop.

> Anyway, I am now starting to feel very hypo, muscle aches and

> weakness like I did when first diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I do

> have hashis, so maybe that plays into this! I am new to using

> Iodine. I started out slow because I seem to be sensitive to

> everything! I did look around at the iodine site, there is a lot of

> info there, and will keep looking

> >

> >

> > low doses can be aggravating--I think it is actually 2 drops that

> equal 150mcg. I think low doses are a waste of time and $$$. go to

> http://www.drbrownstein.com and order the Iodine book by him. join

> the iodine group iodine for good info.

> > Iodoral contains iodine/iodide. http://www.optimox.com

> > Gracia

> >

> >

> >

> > I just started using a potassium iodide supplement 2 days ago,

> using

> > just one drop twice a day, one drop equaling 150mcg of iodide. I

> am

> > already feeling fullness in my thyroid. Is this a common finding?

> I

> > am supposed to be using 20 drops 2 times a day, but wanted to

> just see

> > if I could even tolerate 1 drop twice a day. Has anyone else

> > experienced the same thing or know anything about this kind of

> reaction?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Shonks5

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --------------------------------------------------------------------

> ----------

> >

> >

> > No virus found in this incoming message.

> > Checked by AVG.

> > Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.8/1362 - Release Date:

> 4/6/2008 11:12 AM

> >

> >

> >

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Yes; and virtually ALL of the credible peer reviewed literature

contradicts the posits of those on the " iodine sites " . As a matter of

fact most of the so-called " research " that is quoted that supports

iodine being the cure-all for everything from hang nails to food

poisoning is only published in the journals of those selling iodine

products. It seems strange to some of us that none of the " iodine docs "

seem able to produce any credible research that will pass peer review if

there are any actual facts supporting their contentions.

> Re: Iodine supplementation








> Posted by: " Valarie " val@...

> <mailto:val@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Iodine%20supplementation>

> val1198 <val1198>



> Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:26 pm (PDT)


> Shoks5, the scientific literature abounds with information about

> iodine and

> hypothyroidism, especially autoimmune hypothyroidism.


> Val


> From: hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>

> [mailto:hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>]

> On Behalf Of shonks5


> Well, I did up the dose to 9 drops, I checked the bottle just to be

> sure of the amount of iodide in each drop, it says 150mcg per drop.

> Anyway, I am now starting to feel very hypo, muscle aches and

> weakness like I did when first diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I do

> have hashis, so maybe that plays into this! I am new to using

> Iodine. I started out slow because I seem to be sensitive to

> everything! I did look around at the iodine site, there is a lot of

> info there, and will keep looking--- In the meantime I thought I

> would ask here, if anyone else has experienced this kind of reaction

> and what they did

> about it!

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> Hey Gracia, I have a question.

My doc just started me on DHEA and an adrenal support supplement, He's

ordering me hydrocortisone from his compounding pharmacy. I take

Iosol, 2 drops a day and other supplements (vit c, e, mag citrate,

coQ10, selenium, evening primrose, tonalin, fish oil, grape seed

extract, vit d3, multi vit., b100 complex) and armour 120 mg 2x daily.

Is it ok to take them all together or do you have to separate them from

each other?

I take my calcium apart from my armour by a few hours ( when I remember

to take it )



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>Thanks Gracia,

I took in the piece about adrenals from STTM site with the protocol

for taking it and suggested Cortef and he said I couldn't get it at a

pharmacy. He gets his from a compounding pharmacy 10 mg capsules. He

said he could request 5 mg caps but they would probably cost 50cents

each. I'm not sure what he's getting for me. Maybe I could check

with my pharmacy and see if I could get it from them and when they

call to say it's in, I could request again the script for 5mg. He

agreed that 20 mg is good for the day, but I can't split capsules.

If that's all I can get from him, I'll take it, cause no othet doc I

see would even think of giving me the armour let alone the other

supplements he suggested including Iodine.

I found out about the Iosol at site. Followed a

protocol that had me take 7 drops 2x daily for 30 days and then drop

down to 1 drop a day as needed (from Jay Robb) suggested 4

drops daily for 2 weeks then 2 drops a day. I kinda mixed them a

little and came up with my own between the two. I got on the auto

delivery from , so I have 4 bottles here now. (notified them

to not send anymore till I request)


> hi Polly

> doc sounds pretty good. I wonder why he is compounding HC since

it is pretty cheap and bioidentical as an Rx. I take cortef 5mg 4X a

day--I love taking it. supposedly transdermal mag chloride is the

best http://www.magnesiumforlife.com (expensive though).

> I also took Iosol 2 drops a day for forever but I like Iodoral 50-

-100mg so much better. http://www.breastcancerchoices.org to


> sure I think everything can be taken together except for the

calcium and Armour.

> Gracia



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" Follow the dollars " to the optimox site and iodine docs who happen to

only publish " research " on the site that sells iodine products???

Surely no conflict here...


> Re: Iodine supplementation








> Posted by: " Gracia " circe@...

> <mailto:circe@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20Iodine%20supplementation>

> graciabee <graciabee>



> Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:16 am (PDT)



> I totally agree that tiny doses of iodine or kelp are aggravating. The

> evidence for success on high doses comes from patients themselves. I

> guess the info at http://www.optimox.com <http://www.optimox.com> is

> not adequate according to Chuck. we shall have to wait for the drug

> companies to provide us with " peer reviewed evidence " I guess!!!!

> (when hell freezes over?) Follow the $$$.

> Gracia


> Valarie and Shoks5,


> You wrote:

> >

> > Shoks5, the scientific literature abounds with information about

> iodine and

> > hypothyroidism, especially autoimmune hypothyroidism.

> >


> More specifically, the vast body of literature says that taking even

> moderate doses of iodine, such as you get from kelp, can trigger or

> aggravate Hashimoto's autoimmune attacks, let alone the massive doses

> that Optimox wants to sell you. I am still waiting for a single shred of

> peer reviewed evidence that large doses of iodine are good for

> Hashimoto's.


> Chuck

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Well, as Gracia says, " Follow the money " . Someone is making a heck of a

lot of money selling a heck of a lot of iodine products; and they are

widely recommended for purposes for which there is no credible

research. For someone to actually do a well designed study would

require quite a bit of work and expense. And if it were published and

their methods were no better than the opinion pieces they publish in the

iodine sales journals they would be laughed off the stage.

And there's always the possibility that if they actually did quality

research it would be shown that for most of the things for which they

recommend that iodine be used it has no beneficial results at all. And

if that happened then the poor saps who are paying their Mercedes

payments, yacht payments and French vacations expenses might just find a

better use for their money. And since virtually all of the credible

evidence so far suggests that the possibility is very high indeed, why

would they risk it? In order for them to be willing to risk it they

would need to actually have faith that the results would support them;

or they would have to be scrupulously honest. Somehow I get the

impression they fail somewhere along the line.

None of which means that Gracia and others may not benefit from iodine;

just that the probability that a major percentage of people would do

likewise has not been demonstrated.

Re: Iodine supplementation




Posted by: " Chuck B " gumboyaya@...


gumbo482001 <gumbo482001>

Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:21 pm (PDT)

nancie barnett wrote:


> don't hold your breath, you might code before the peer reviewed lit show

> up {ggg}

There is an on-going NIH funded study on whether 3 mg per day will help

with breast cancer. However, that is only one of the claims. If it shows

a benefit, maybe that will justify something more expansive. However, I

would think that the folks at Optimox would consider funding their own

study, just so they would have more than opinion pieces to quote.


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