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Question about Lemon Juice

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Hello! I'm new to your group and have also been " blessed " withCandidiasis

for many years and have been treated by N.D.s. Thank youfor starting

this group. I have become frustrated withtheTypicalanti-candida diets

that allow alternative grains like BrownRice,Quinoa, Millet . I always

wondered why these grains were allowedyet,other starches were not.

Didn't make sense to me. I alwaysquestioned whether these grains could

still feed candida too.

Itriedthe SCDiet a few weeks ago and looked forward to

butternutandacornsquash as a carb. I am allergic to dairy and eggs , so

butter,gheeandyoghurt were out. I was fine in the beginning withveggies,

protein,fats, squash, but then my cravings for starches started to

increase. Ifelt like an addict with squash. Crazy! The same thing

happens withfruit inlcuding berries. So I decided I needed to be more

strict withthis diet and look into goingoff all starches if possible.

Then ifound Bee's candida support.I've been replacing starches with more

fats(raw EVOO and for cooking/grilling Grape Seed Oil) Coconut oil

bloatsme for some reason. Maybe it's becuz i'm blood type O?

QUESTION about Lemon Juice:

Whyare we allowed to use Lemon/Lime juice if they contain fructoseand

have a chance to feed candida? I'm confused. I've learned a lotfrom your

group & realize i've been using too much lemonjuice iwaterw/stevia

daily. I was told it cleans the liver

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> Hello! I'm new to your group and have also

been " blessed " withCandidiasis for many years and have been treated by


Hi there. What is your name? Welcome to our fine group.

> Thank youfor starting this group. I have become frustrated

withtheTypicalanti-candida diets that allow alternative grains like

BrownRice,Quinoa, Millet . I always wondered why these grains were

allowedyet,other starches were not. Didn't make sense to me. I

alwaysquestioned whether these grains could still feed candida too.

You are quite observant to have noticed that grains feed candida.


> Itriedthe SCDiet a few weeks ago and looked forward to

> butternutandacornsquash as a carb. I am allergic to dairy and

eggs , so butter,gheeandyoghurt were out.

==>Here's something new for you too. Did you know that healing

reactions are not allergic reactions? However, this is greatly

misunderstood because healing reactions are exactly the same symptoms

as allergic reactions. Good unadulterated foods will create healing

reactions, i.e. eggs, butter, ghee. Many people misunderstand

allergies and stop eating healthy nutritious foods when those are the

very foods that are going to help them heal, that's why they create

healing reactions. Please see articles in the Allergies Folder (in

our Files - left menu).

>I was fine in the beginning withveggies,> protein,fats, squash, but

then my cravings for starches started to increase. Ifelt like an

addict with squash. Crazy! The same thing happens withfruit inlcuding

berries. So I decided I needed to be more strict withthis diet and

look into goingoff all starches if possible. Then ifound Bee's

candida support.I've been replacing starches with more fats(raw EVOO

and for cooking/grilling Grape Seed Oil) Coconut oil bloatsme for

some reason. Maybe it's becuz i'm blood type O?

There is no validity to the Blood Type recommendations by Adamo

in his book Eat Right 4 Your Type; see this book review:


Grape Seed oil is not good to use for cooking because it requires a

lot of processing like other man-made vegetable fats and oils, as

discussed in my article. The best fats for cooking are coconut oil,

bacon fat and real lard.


> QUESTION about Lemon Juice: Whyare we allowed to use Lemon/Lime

juice if they contain fructoseand have a chance to feed candida? I'm

confused. I've learned a lotfrom your group & realize i've been using

too much lemonjuice iwaterw/stevia daily. I was told it cleans the


Yes, lemon and lime juice do help the liver and adrenals detoxify,

and they do contain fructose, however they should only be consumed in

small amounts as recommended: the juice of 1/2 lemon plus 1/4 tsp.

ocean sea salt in water. If you are sensitive you may need to cut

back on the amount you drink daily, or have the drink I recommend

with meals and/or fats like coconut oil to slow the release of

fructose into the system. Also add more ocean sea salt to your goods

(after cooking only) to get enough minerals, sodium & chloride.

The best in health, Bee

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--- loveveggiesoup <loveveggiesoup@...> wrote:

> increase. Ifelt like an addict with squash. Crazy!

> The same thing

> happens withfruit inlcuding berries. So I decided I

I also get severe sugar cravings when I try and eat


> fats(raw EVOO and for cooking/grilling Grape Seed

> Oil) Coconut oil

> bloatsme for some reason. Maybe it's becuz i'm blood

> type O?

I'm also blood type O and my body loves coconut oil.

If you are getting bloated it's probably die off.

> QUESTION about Lemon Juice:

> Whyare we allowed to use Lemon/Lime juice if they

> contain fructoseand

> have a chance to feed candida?

There's a great file in the group files on the

benefits of lemon juice. I have found that I can't

have lemon juice alone or with stevia, but I'm fine if

I mix it in with my foods. One of my friends is the

same way.



San , CA

It is a lot easier to act ourselves into new thinking than to think ourselves

into a new action.

My son Hunter Hudson (10/11/04) http://debbypadilla.0catch.com/hunter/

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