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Welcome, Heath!

Congratulations on starting your journey! This is a terrific, supportive,

informative group, with a really good mix of experienced and new people. Make

yourself at home! Ask questions, post your comments, concerns, experiences,

and always feel free to ask for help!

Best of fortune in your transformation!

<< Hello everyone. My Name is Heath, and I have just started the BFL

challenge as of January 9th. I was very excited to have come accross

the BFL egroup and immediatly joined. I look foward to recieving any

and all feed back that anyone can offer.

Heath >>


FMBC: Fitness and the Mind-Body Connection

an unofficial Transformation Support site

and " on ramp " for Body-for-LIFE

by and Cherita Axel


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  • 2 years later...
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I believe a safe number to start with is 96 oz. I think there is a theory out there an extra 8 oz for every 25 lbs overweight above the 96. OR something like that.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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I am not sure. How many oz in a liter is it 16 oz? If it is that is only 32 oz. Then the two glasses would be 32 if they are 16 oz. So that would be 64 oz. Is it diet soda? What I usually do is add the water, diet ice tea, and crystal light and that is what I have had for oz a day. BUT there are some that say water water only in your oz totals. Try for 96 oz water and maybe one diet soda as a treat if you make the 96 oz of water.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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I, too, believe in you!!

Let's make this OUR year to succeed!


> I recently started on this long journey. But for the first time I


> not feel alone. Thanks to 's program.. I actually have hope

> that I will bloom into the woman I only dreamed of in the past.

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Then I would do away with the soda. Maybe 1 a week. That is probably 240 aday depending on how big the can. BUT you do have to find what works for you. IF the regular soda means that much to you and helps you stay on program and you can give up the 240 somewhere else. have you tried diet ice tea OR crystal lite?


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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----- Original Message -----

From: <Jase4567@...>

> Then I would do away with the soda.

Yep. It's nothing but sugar. Not good for us at all. I have a bottle of

Vanilla Coke waiting for me for a treat for Easter. :) I love that stuff

when I put it in the freezer and let it get slushy. Yum! Those would help

me make it through the upcoming brutal summer but I know they'll just go

straight to my waistline. I tried Diet Vanilla Coke but it was awful. I

couldn't even finish the bottle and I drink Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke all the


Welcome Sue. Unfortunately I've already bloomed into the woman of my

nightmares. :) I'm trying to unbloom. :)


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  • 1 month later...
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Stay tuned and keep reading the posts. Go backward a ways, there

are some great recipes in those posts. The ladies here have some

awesome recipes to share. Also the files section to the left of the

screen has a recipe section.


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I just take the authorized list and pick one from the carb column

and one from the protein column. Or use a meal replacement shake

with low sugar if I can't get real food. For at least two of the

meals add one from the veggie column.


> Hello I am just beginning the Body for Life Program. Any


> on recipies for snacks and meals?

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> > Hello I am just beginning the Body for Life Program. Any

> suggestions

> > on recipies for snacks and meals?

Here are some websites I frequent for meal ideas and motivation:

http://www.leanandstrong.com/ (go to healthy recipes)






There is also a group for BFL recipes. And if you go to the

MSN groups there are quite a few message groups that are open to the

public and you can view recipes, etc. The bfl website also has a lot

of recipes posted.

NOTE: With any recipe, read the ingredients first to see if they are

authorized. Some of them even on the BFL site have ingredients that

aren't on the authorized list.


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  • 3 years later...
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In message <f1ih06+7np2eGroups> you wrote:

> So I happily assembled supplies and made tea; put it in my clean

> gallon jar; added a cup of sugar; let it cool

> to room temp; added one whole bottle of original GT Dave's and the

> solids from a couple of bottles strained. Topped it off with a loose

> muslin square and a rubber band, and sat back to see what happens.

Sidney, that was just the right thing to do!


> It brooded there in my coolish room temp (mid to upper 60's)for a

> couple of days and did nothing, so I rigged up a cardboard box

> slightly bigger than my container with the heating pad on low; popped

> in a thermometer to make sure it stayed circa 70 degrees. So far, so

> good. There's a much bigger lightish lump of stuff on top.

Still O.K.. The lightish lump on top will be the beginnings of a new


Forget about the negative reports of some folks - these are exceptions

rather than the rule - and continue your brewing until you smell the typical

pleasant cidery smell.

I don't know how long your brew has been brewing, but for a first brew

I should any day from day 8 as trying day. A straw is ideal for this


> I had to use brown sugar since it was all I had)

Brown sugar is fine - just a lot more expensive than the ordinary white.

BTW, it's food for the culture, not you ;-) So, don't worry!

> My husband is a chemist: he thinks this is hilarious.

That's alright!

But as goes for you, you take your brewing seriously.

With a little patience you will end up with a healthy and drinkable


Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten!

The one who laughs last, laughs best! (German proverb it say;-)

All the best with blessings,

Margret UK :-0


+------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+

<:))))<>< http://www.therpc.f9.co.uk <:))))<><


+----------------- http://www.Gotquestions.org ------------------+

" Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast;

hold out. Patience is genius. " (Comte LeClerc De Buffon 1707-1788)

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  • 8 months later...

Hello All,

I am a new member who is a bit overwhelmed by my symptoms, as I am

sure many of you are/were as well. I am going to write a detailed

description of my symptoms, including doctor's tests/diagnosis (or

more accurately misdiagnosis) when they began, their progression, and

my guesses as to what may have caused them. Before I do though, could

someone please let me know how to keep all of the posts from entering

my email. It's not that I am not interested in everyone's

concerns/questions/support, I truly am, but I am having trouble

keeping up. If this is not possible, that is fine too. Just curious.

Again, I wish everyone the best in their healing, and look foward to

hearing from you.

Thank you,


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Hi Curtis,

Welcome to the group. Happy to have you. " )

If you go to the group home page


Right above the title " · Candida Support Group by Bee "

you should see the text that reads " Edit Membership. " Click on that

text. It will take you to a new page where if you look at step two,

it gives you the option to change your mail delivery. I would

recommend either changing your settings to Daily Digest, or Web only.

Hope this helps,


--- " stephenpaulcurtis " <stephenpaulcurtis@...> wrote:

....Before I do though, could someone please let me know how to keep

all of the posts from entering my email...

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> Hello All,


> I am a new member who is a bit overwhelmed by my symptoms, as I am

> sure many of you are/were as well.

==>Hi Curtis. Welcome to our group. Yes we have all been very

overwhelmed by symptoms caused by candida, so we totally understand

what you are going through.

> I am going to write a detailed description of my symptoms,

including doctor's tests/diagnosis (or more accurately misdiagnosis)

when they began, their progression, and my guesses as to what may

have caused them.

==>Curtis, it is easier on us if you keep your messages short. As

you can appreciate we handle so many messages per day, so the shorter

the better. :)

The best in health, Bee

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