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RE: The MS Society aims to fund research

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Okay do we know a doctor interested in studying Low Dose Naltrexone?

This looks like a great opportunity to get LDN studied!

From: Cabbie54@...


Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004

12:30 PM


ndpmultiplesclerosiscaucus ; low dose naltrexone ;

red857@...; JAMCRWC@...; MacBlanes@...;

KayFralick@...; gaitor@...; nataliamarcu@...;

Pat.Ter.Haar@...; marleneu@...; Willy2uc@...;

Fredmrfrd776@...; bnrn@...; Shaky036@...; Pod@...;

ddarg2@...; yankee11@...; Joansie17@...;


Subject: [low dose naltrexone] The

MS Society aims to fund research


Research: Call for Outline Proposals

The Society announces its Spring 2004 call for Outline Proposals

(Open and Themed strands)

The MS Society aims to fund research to explore the

causes of MS, to develop a cure for MS, and to improve the quality of life of

people affected by MS.

Any research topic relevant to MS will be accepted in the Open strand, whereas the Themed strand will focus on the

Society's research priorities of:

Mechanisms of nerve damage and nerve repair

Fatigue related to MS

For the Themed strand we would particularly

encourage collaborative, multi-disciplined, and multi-institutional

approaches to research. The Society also welcomes applications from research

groups outside the U.K.

We offer the following awards:

Project grants

Innovative awards

PhD Studentships

Junior and Senior Research Fellowships

For further details or to apply for either strand

contact researchadmin@...

or 020 8438 0770 for an Outline Proposal Application.

The deadline for submission of

Outline Proposals for both strands is midday 27th February 2004.

For more information:

Research Admin

MS National Centre

Tel: 020 8438 0770




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See now at least that ended with a positive note… “This is going to be a

very difficult task and I hope it succeeds” That’s at least keeping

the spirit alive. I can understand people’s frustrations and I don’t

doubt that big Pharma doesn’t like little guys trying something but it’s

not impossible! Diet isn’t

goin to make anyone money but it’s been studied and it will be studied

more! I understand a lot of not so profitable things have been studied on MS

and seeing this I cannot say that we are without a fighting chance! I don’t

know if anyone here has worked in sales but it takes a very large amount of

sales calls to get one interested buyer!!! And some people don’t want to

touch it because oooh it’s a drug addicts drug… and because

negative things have been said in speculation that leave people wondering about

whether this is anything more than placebo… those of us on it that it has

made a difference for cannot deny that it is doing something for us! We are the

voice for it… We may know there are some very dirty things that go on

with government and getting drugs approved but this drug is approved not

specifically for MS or Cancer or Fibromyalgia or Chrons… but Chrons is

having a study now at least from what I read… If Chrons can get it why

can’t the rest of us? We need to be positive (I think anyways). If you

don’t think it has a snowballs chance in hell then fine shake your heads

and write it off but for those interested in fighting to try and do something

further than what maybe others have then what’s wrong with that? I don’t

see the harm I don’t see the foul…

I have already had emails from people telling me privately

that they are calling local new stations and trying to get reporters interested

or calling papers etc… that may not get anywhere but if there are many of

those sorts of calls maybe one of them will work! Just like sales… cold

calls are a (something that rhymes with twitch) !^#$% but lets try.

I know what costs are like in studies I’ve been a

lab rat I know the testing they paid for and the appointments… I can

gather how much that cost them and then there’s the pencil pushers and

studying the data… One of the reasons Universities are a good place to do

this is it gets them acknowledgements and donations from benefactors interested

in that sort of work they already have contacts they know are interested in

helping a good cause. Looking at the Best Bet Diet site they have a monitor to

show how much they’ve been able to raise through donations through their

site we could do that too… My husband is a web designer I am willing to

ask him to build a site but I need others on board. I am new to the LDN game.

Some of you have a lot of time behind you on this and a lot of knowledge. Every

post I have thought spoke volumes about what LDN can do I have already saved

during my short time here… I do that so I can show others… I have

gone to Montel’s sites and posted messages on his boards which have

gotten a lot of replies a lot of interested people are asking questions. My MSN

group has several members taking LDN and interested in more information on it. With

so much interest without even a study yet there has to be something to say for

LDN on that alone but many are conservative and still trust that unless a physician

suggests it it may not be all people are saying it is… and for us to get

more physicians to feel more comfortable about the subject we need to try and

get this studied the best we can….

This is a soap box I will not get off of…. Sorry for

the rant but I hope my points strike at the heart of each of us I know they do

with me and perhaps they will motivate!

I wish us all better health and I wish us the ability to

say I am taking LDN an approved treatment for MS!

From: harryzanin


Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004

12:11 PM


Subject: [spotlight_ldn] Re:

[low dose naltrexone] The MS Society aims to fund research


> You've said that twice now, Harry. But you

have yet to explain why

you think it is quite another matter. I don't see

why. Would you


A very good question and the answer is

short....cost which boils

down to money!

I'm not sure how much the readers here know about

how medical drug

research is done and what is involved. The amount

of work that goes

into clinical trials is immense and is not simply

giving someone a

drug and watching how they react. It is a huge

process and not until

a couple of years ago when I spoke to someone who

actually was

involved in doing a small clinical trial did I

come to realize the

complexity of such trials. And the cost was


Not that I like the pharmaceutical companies and I

have been on

record in various MS forums for criticizing them,

but they simply

won't conduct a clinical trial on a drug that

doesn't have a

reasonable chance to bring them in far more

revenue than expense.

These people aren't and I repeat, are not interested

in the health

of people. They are interested in the bottom line

and that is

profit. How else can you explain Parke-

hiring a scientist with

a PhD to falsely give information on Neurontin to

doctors, solely to

increase revenue. The scientist eventually blew

the whistle on these

these people and now the case is in the courts.

Anyway, I am not going to turn this thread into a

" big pharma "

smashing episode but up until now, this is why

Naltrexone has not

had any interest in the drug research community.

Not enough money

can made from it and that is very, very sad.

So how does one convince a university or

beneficial research

organization to conduct a clinical trial for LDN?

The cost factor is

large so how are they going to come up with the

money? Somebody has

to pay for it and there must be some kind of goal

for them to do it.

That's why I made the suggestion to apply some

pressure to the

politicians because they have a way to get things

done, if they want

to. Lobbying Montel , like someone else

stated, is another

possible way but a lot of people and organizations

lobby him. Over a

year ago he did a show on MS and had Elaine

Delack, the inventor of

Prokarin, on the show. Montel made a big statement

about why this

alternative MS treatment wasn't getting its fair

share of attention

and possible research money. Yet, not one penny

has been directed to

the company who produces Prokarin since that show.

Anyway, I wish I could provide an answer as to how

to get someone to

do some clinical trials on LDN. My wife is taking

the drug and I had

an extremely difficult time just trying to find a

doc to prescribe

it. This is going to be a very difficult task and

I hope it succeeds.


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