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RE: [Spotlight_ldn] Re: The MS Society aims to fund research

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I really am tired of people finding reasons why this won’t

get studied. Several things have been studied which have aided in finding out

more about our disease and ways in which it may be possible to help us. E.g.

diet and other things… I really am tired of hearing people blame CRAB’s

and big pharma for this not getting studied. Here are two sites http://www.lef.org/protocols/prtcl-077a.shtml


that talk of several things being studied (I don’t

think bee venom therapy being studied is being stopped by big pharma!!) and

that have been studied other than just the big pharma type drugs for MS…

the big pharma conspiracy needs to be put aside and we really need to try and

get something done about this without naysaying… I am not interested in

any negative comments on this and won’t reply to any more… Several

things have been studied for MS which don’t stand to make a lot of money

for any of the doctors involved. A lot of good doctors get involved in studies

to get known and to actually help sick people… It’s not always

about the money unfortunately a great deal of the time it is but not always! So

it’s time to try and be positive about getting this studied. All those

that feel it doesn’t have a chance in hell maybe you can start an it

doesn’t have a chance in hell thread this thread is about lets try and

get it done… All those for moving your ass and trying to get it done

please see if someone you know would be interested!


From: harryzanin


Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004

10:54 PM


Subject: [spotlight_ldn] Re:

[low dose naltrexone] The MS Society aims to fund research

>Okay do we know a doctor interested in

studying Low Dose

Naltrexone? This looks like a great opportunity to

get LDN studied!

I wish doing a study on a drug was this simple but

unfortunately it

is not. Doctors don't do studies on drugs by

themselves. Drug

companies fund research. The cost is immense and

there MUST be a

fairly good chance to get back a good return on

the investment.

Doctors don't have anywhere near the kind of money

required to do

these studies and why would they.....who would

reimburse them?

Dr. Bihari, the expert on LDN, has pleaded with

drug companies to do

MS trials for LDN and has done so for many years.

Yet nobody has

done so.

And don't think for one minute that the makers of

the CRAB drugs

would stand idly by if they though their lucrative

cash cow was

going to be threatened by another drug.


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I never asked for other to stop posting theirs please

read posts through maybe outloud would help. I said I was not interested in

reading naysayers thoughts… and I definitely said go ahead and do your

thing… if that’s how you like to focus your energy go for it all

power to you! Quoting from the post I sent that you are replying to I said “I am not interested in

any negative comments on this and won’t reply to any more… All

those that feel it doesn’t have a chance in hell maybe you can start an

it doesn’t have a chance in hell thread this thread is about lets try and

get it done…” and let me add to that If you wanna start a

conspiracy thread go for it!!! I think that says quite plainly

you go on posting all you want… I am interested in hearing about people

who want to try and get something done like people in Ireland having

meetings etc… Maybe it’s just U.S. Big Pharma that’s the

problem?... You guys are the ones that get charged through the wazoo for your

prescriptions and medical care…

As for attacking nationality or even mentioning it

again I really have to wonder why it keeps coming up is it try to separate by

differences??? I don’t understand that especially when there is strength

in numbers why your mind would go to separation… I have to wonder how you

are with colours and races… maybe not openly but privately or maybe even subconsciously…

I may be wrong but it is odd my being Canadian is brought up at all… We

have Rights and Freedoms here as well and we have freedom of speech like you do…

From my understanding on Americans if you gather in numbers

and stand for something and make a loud enough noise you get things done…

SO if your looking to get anything done about Big Pharma lobbying (as you

believe) to stop other studies etc… maybe you should get a group together

to investigate and put the information on 60 minutes or 20/20 and the daily

news… You go girl... or guy! Hey maybe even talk to representatives for

lobbying against Big Pharma…

All I said is I wasn’t interested in any

negative comments about trying to get LDN studied… several things if you

looked at the links have been studied outside of the Big Pharma realm…

Somehow they got studied or are being studied currently… Big Pharma didn’t

squish BVT… LOL

Anyhow you go on with your negative thoughts which may

scare off people who want to try and get something done, who may have hope that

it’s possible… wait sound like the American way or dream... big

dream small dream and fighting to get it done! Doesn’t it??? Maybe I am

wrong I could be after all I am just a Canadian Duh!

Please refrain from sending negative emails to me

privately Chris… I’m not interested in wasting anymore time on them.


-----Original Message-----

From: chrdana7@... [mailto:chrdana7@...]

Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 11:37 AM


Subject: RE: [spotlight_ldn] Re: [low dose naltrexone] The MS Society aims to

fund research


Your certainly entitled to your opinion on what's being done

cure MS but you have no right to ask others to stop posting theirs. This is a

forum for us to communicate with one another so if you don't like what you see,

don't read it. Maybe things are different in Canada

but it is definately a problem in the United States. If it were only one

therapy that was being overlooked I could live with it but it's any therapy

that would cut into the market share of the CRAB drugs. If you don't that thing

there are lobbyists working to protect their interests then you're sadly


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Dr. Ashton Embry said he had a Canadian University

lined up for studying his diet I’ll go through his site and see if I can

find mention of it. If they’re willing to do the work there on diet I don’t

see why they would not think LDN was a good thing to try too however we may

have to have a doctor to present it to them like Bahari or Lawrence someone who

understands it and explains it well on a physician’s or researcher’s


Here this is from’s Embry’s older booklet on

his site: http://www.ms-diet.org/


and nutritional researchers at McGill



Montreal, Canada have committed to undertake

the clinical


research once sufficient funds are raised.”

So perhaps we can ask a University

like MC Gill or U of T etc… ( I am thinking that maybe they have student

researchers who may find it interesting?) But like Embry we may have to get the

funding of near half a million to get it started etc… It does not cost

much to put up a site and register a charity if we want to do it but we need

someone with some know how to get it done. The petition we had talked about is

still a good idea has anyone gone ahead and done one with petitions online or

did that get stalled... anyone good at writing a tid bit about what LDN is how

it’s thought to work etc… quotes from Bahari or Lawrence the

graph of what MSers find works from Remedy Find etc… in order to get some

awareness on this and maybe some funding from those who find the petition and perhaps

a link to a website with a charity for this like Embry has would be great…

Anyone have any good helpful

thoughts on this or have some energy or resources to burn for LDN’s sake?

From: Bou


Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004

10:25 PM


Subject: Re: [spotlight_ldn] Re:

[low dose naltrexone] The MS Society aims to fund research

Individual doctors can't get

funding for these kinds of trials, but they

AREN'T funded just by the big drug companies.

There are plenty of university

research teams out there, and others, who get

funding from places other than

drug companies. I would still propose that what we

might do is try to find

research teams that have investigated such things

as diet or herbs or

whatever in connection with MS, and perhaps

approach them about LDN.

Or we could sit around and naysay.


> > I wish doing a study on a drug was this

simple but unfortunately it

> > is not. Doctors don't do studies on

drugs by themselves. Drug

> > companies fund research. The cost is

immense and there MUST be a

> > fairly good chance to get back a good

return on the investment.

> > Doctors don't have anywhere near the

kind of money required to do

> > these studies and why would they.....who

would reimburse them?

> >

> > Dr. Bihari, the expert on LDN, has

pleaded with drug companies to

> do

> > MS trials for LDN and has done so for

many years. Yet nobody has

> > done so.

> >

> > And don't think for one minute that the

makers of the CRAB drugs

> > would stand idly by if they though their

lucrative cash cow was

> > going to be threatened by another drug.

> >

> > Harry






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