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AthleticItaliano@... wrote:


> I have a zapper and would like to know if people think it could help

> thyroid/adrenals.

It will have a powerful placebo effect.

I assume you mean Hulda 's version of electrical treatments, which

have been fraudulently sold to people in one form or another since

electrostatic devices were first invented. Even Wesley traveled

around zapping people in the hopes of curing every disease known to man.

At least he was sincere in his " faith " in electricity, and he managed to

stay out of jail.

claims to hold a bachelor and master's degrees from the University

of Saskatchewan and a Ph.D. degree in physiology from the University of

Minnesota in 1958. However, the Register of Ph.D. Degrees conferred by

the University of Minnesota of Minnesota July 1956-June 1966, states

that (a) received her degree with a major in zoology and a minor

in botany, (B) her thesis was titled, " A study of the ion balance of

crayfish muscle; evidence for two compartments of cellular potassium, "

and her University of Saskatchewan degrees were bachelor of arts in 1949

and master of arts in 1950.

She also lists a naturopathic (N.D.) degree from the Clayton College of

Natural Health. Clayton is a nonaccredited correspondence school founded

in 1980 and located in Birmingham Alabama.

So, no, you have wasted your money purchasing this device, and you are

wasting your time playing with it, when you should be getting real

treatment. There is already a long discussion of this particular fraud

in our archives.


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I doubt it but try it and report back.


I have a zapper and would like to know if people think it could help


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I think it is a scam. Nothing will help your thyroid except thyroid

replacement hormone; acupuncture and herbs specifically target to the

thyroid. Those are your options.

Why would you take a huge risk with your health with something that is

unproven and will only harm you by delaying proper treatment.


-- Re: Zapper.

AthleticItaliano@... wrote:


> I have a zapper and would like to know if people think it could help

> thyroid/adrenals.

It will have a powerful placebo effect.

I assume you mean Hulda 's version of electrical treatments, which

have been fraudulently sold to people in one form or another since

electrostatic devices were first invented. Even Wesley traveled

around zapping people in the hopes of curing every disease known to man.

At least he was sincere in his " faith " in electricity, and he managed to

stay out of jail.

claims to hold a bachelor and master's degrees from the University

of Saskatchewan and a Ph.D. degree in physiology from the University of

Minnesota in 1958. However, the Register of Ph.D. Degrees conferred by

the University of Minnesota of Minnesota July 1956-June 1966, states

that (a) received her degree with a major in zoology and a minor

in botany, (B) her thesis was titled, " A study of the ion balance of

crayfish muscle; evidence for two compartments of cellular potassium, "

and her University of Saskatchewan degrees were bachelor of arts in 1949

and master of arts in 1950.

She also lists a naturopathic (N.D.) degree from the Clayton College of

Natural Health. Clayton is a nonaccredited correspondence school founded

in 1980 and located in Birmingham Alabama.

So, no, you have wasted your money purchasing this device, and you are

wasting your time playing with it, when you should be getting real

treatment. There is already a long discussion of this particular fraud

in our archives.


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You wrote:


> Nope, not from Hudla ....

Well, she is the one that started calling the 32 kHz low-voltage,

square-wave devices a " Zapper " back the early 1990s, maybe earlier in

her clinic in Tijuana, which the Mexican government shut down in 2001.

She claims she discovered the effects in the mid-1980s. She is also the

one that went to jail over its use, so she does have some claim to the

name, whatever that is worth. The model that she pushes is now called

the Super Zapper Deluxe BioWave Generator, but I am sure she is not the

OEM. Some of the spin-off manufacturers do include alternative wave

forms and frequencies, as does her latest model.

> ...But thanks for the diatribe.


Sure. Just remember, you asked.

I have previously refrained from commenting on her theories, because I

figured anyone foolish enough to spend hundreds of dollars on an

electrical circuit an undergraduate student could breadboard, is not

going to be interested in anything a scientist would have to say about it.


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I'm not an expert in anything but I worked 37 years in the electrical

industry. Prior to that I had a hobby in electronics and built radios

and other circuits. And I can tell you for a fact that the zapper is

pure crap. There's no physical way that a modified 30 kHz square wave

generator [ or whatever the circuit is] is going to have the described


To promote something as useless as the zapper you have to be massively

ignorant of both human physiology and biology, as well as simple

physics. Or you have to be a con artist out to rip off sick and

frequently poor and foolish people.




> Anyone here have a considered or expert opinion on the efficacy, or

> likely efficacy, of the Zapper?

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The basic idea for all versions of the zapper is the same: A really

cheaply made gadget designed to rip off sick and often poor and foolish

people. That's a simple fact; not a diatribe. It has no medical value

beyond the placebo effect.

> Nope, not from Hudla . But thanks for the diatribe.

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Or that is why you had no hypo symptoms


-- Re:Zapper.

I'm not an expert in anything but I worked 37 years in the electrical

industry. Prior to that I had a hobby in electronics and built radios

and other circuits. And I can tell you for a fact that the zapper is

pure crap. There's no physical way that a modified 30 kHz square wave

generator [ or whatever the circuit is] is going to have the described


To promote something as useless as the zapper you have to be massively

ignorant of both human physiology and biology, as well as simple

physics. Or you have to be a con artist out to rip off sick and

frequently poor and foolish people.




> Anyone here have a considered or expert opinion on the efficacy, or

> likely efficacy, of the Zapper?

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Any likelihood you can indicate who and/or what you are actually

replying to?

This software provision is infinite for all practical purposes.


> And I didn't pay anything for it.




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Hi ~

Many very well respected alternative doctors, including Dr. ph Mercola,

consider the Zapper and other types of the same to be quite effective:



take care,


-----Original Message-----

To promote something as useless as the zapper you have to be massively

ignorant of both human physiology and biology, as well as simple physics.

Or you have to be a con artist out to rip off sick and frequently poor and

foolish people.

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I am a medical provider, a nurse practitioner with a masters, and I go to a

Natural medicine doc who is Very well respected, Prudence Hall, MD and we

both think the zapper is a scam.

The fact is that either you treat the thyroid disease with hormones or

acupuncture and specific herbs. Nothing else is going to work. Additionally,

you might need to add the adrenals if that is a problem.


-- RE: Re:Zapper.

Hi ~

Many very well respected alternative doctors, including Dr. ph Mercola,

consider the Zapper and other types of the same to be quite effective:



take care,


-----Original Message-----

To promote something as useless as the zapper you have to be massively

ignorant of both human physiology and biology, as well as simple physics.

Or you have to be a con artist out to rip off sick and frequently poor and

foolish people.

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Hi Nancie ~

The Zapper may have no use in direct thyroid/adrenal care, but it may be

useful in the elimation of parasites, etc. I don't use one or have an

opinion about its efficacy, just wanted to share that others do.

take care,


-----Original Message-----

I am a medical provider, a nurse practitioner with a masters, and I go to a

Natural medicine doc who is Very well respected, Prudence Hall, MD and we

both think the zapper is a scam.

The fact is that either you treat the thyroid disease with hormones or

acupuncture and specific herbs. Nothing else is going to work. Additionally,

you might need to add the adrenals if that is a problem.

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Your post seems to be the same. To whom were you intending the message?

I've started to cut the header out of my replies because I received a

complaint on another list because apparently my software inserts a long

URL that references the original message into the header of my reply

when I leave it in. But I try to leave enough of the original message

that it will be apparent to which message I am sending a reply. I don't

see anything in your post that allows me to do that.

> " lmneedham "


> Any likelihood you can indicate who and/or what you are actually

> replying to?


> This software provision is infinite for all practical purposes.

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I stand by my post. Those who promote the zapper and such are for the

most part con artists and quacks, pure and simple. Referenced

alternative doctors are not respected by those who understand a bit of

biology, electronics and science.

> Hi ~


> Many very well respected alternative doctors, including Dr. ph

> Mercola,

> consider the Zapper and other types of the same to be quite effective:

> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/05/10/the-kanzius-ma

> <http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/05/10/the-kanzius-ma>

> chine-a-cancer-

> cure.aspx


> take care,

> ~


> -----Original Message-----


> To promote something as useless as the zapper you have to be massively

> ignorant of both human physiology and biology, as well as simple physics.

> Or you have to be a con artist out to rip off sick and frequently poor and

> foolish people.

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I don't see how electricity can eliminate parasites... There are some really

sound and trustworthy alternative medicine techniques that can work- why try

something that has no real value- especially in the treatment of a disease

that can kill you if not properly treated.

-- RE: Re:Zapper.

Hi Nancie ~

The Zapper may have no use in direct thyroid/adrenal care, but it may be

useful in the elimation of parasites, etc. I don't use one or have an

opinion about its efficacy, just wanted to share that others do.

take care,


-----Original Message-----

I am a medical provider, a nurse practitioner with a masters, and I go to a

Natural medicine doc who is Very well respected, Prudence Hall, MD and we

both think the zapper is a scam.

The fact is that either you treat the thyroid disease with hormones or

acupuncture and specific herbs. Nothing else is going to work. Additionally,

you might need to add the adrenals if that is a problem.

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The only use for the zapper that is effective is whatever its value is

as a placebo. It WILL NOT remove any parasites from your system. It's

a pure 100% scam.

As one time one of its promoters [H. ???] was diagnosing and

removing a specific intestinal parasite with the zapper. Probably still

is; although it has been established that the parasite she was removing

does not exist in North America.

> Hi Nancie ~


> The Zapper may have no use in direct thyroid/adrenal care, but it may be

> useful in the elimation of parasites, etc. I don't use one or have an

> opinion about its efficacy, just wanted to share that others do.


> take care,

> ~


> -----Original Message-----


> I am a medical provider, a nurse practitioner with a masters, and I go

> to a

> Natural medicine doc who is Very well respected, Prudence Hall, MD and we

> both think the zapper is a scam.

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Electricity would kill parasites if sufficient current is passed through

them. But you sure as h*ll aren't going to kill intestinal parasites

with the amperage that the zapper could apply. You would probably need

about a million times as much as you could possibly get to the infected

site with the zapper. And you would probably kill the patient before

you killed the parasites. At the current levels available from the

zapper applied to the abdomen a parasite won't even be able to feel it;

much less be killed by it. Anyone suggesting otherwise didn't flunk

electricity 101; they never took it.

If anyone happened to have no parasites after being treated with the

zapper they had no parasites to start with.

> I don't see how electricity can eliminate parasites... There are some

> really

> sound and trustworthy alternative medicine techniques that can work-

> why try

> something that has no real value- especially in the treatment of a disease

> that can kill you if not properly treated.


> -- RE: Re:Zapper.


> Hi Nancie ~


> The Zapper may have no use in direct thyroid/adrenal care, but it may be

> useful in the elimation of parasites, etc. I don't use one or have an

> opinion about its efficacy, just wanted to share that others do.


> take care,

> ~

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